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Keo Rookery

My lips are sealed. My arms are open.

0 · 597 views · located in Newton city / Wildwood

a character in “Wildborne”, as played by Inspector-Storyhead


Name: Keo Rookery

Age: 15

Race: Wildborne

Clan: Fish

Appearance: A slender young fish-Wildborne. His silver-blue scales grow in patchy patterns over pale skin. His hair color resembles his scales but a bit darker. He has green eyes and fin-like webbing over his hands and feet as well as forming protective flaps over the gills on either side of his head and abdomen. His clan has evolved to underwater life in the rivers of Wildwood, which prevents him from maneuvering on land. The fish clan does not communicate as most others do, relying on touch, physical gestures, and a language of mostly vague sounds to speak. (May add picture later)

Personality: Keo is friendly, in a sense, but he often plays pranks or teases his friends as a sort of backwards term of endearment. Unable to speak in the traditional sense, Keo prefers actions over words. He is mischievous and nature and doesn't mind bending the rules if necessary, because the ends justify the means, right?

Bio: As a child Keo discovered a narrow river running under the wall at the edge of Wildwood and in time discovered the word it lead to. Not liking what he saw, Keo developed a distaste for humankind and used the secret waterway only to spy on and occasionally scare off any humans who ventured too close. He never told anyone of his discovery. He never tried to communicate with any human. But as he grew older, he also grew bolder and more curious...

So begins...

Keo Rookery's Story

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Character Portrait: Keo Rookery
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The winding rivers that poured down the mountains and rushed through the woodlands were almost always in motion, whether because of the quick current or because of the vast amount of creatures that swim within. Even the strongest of the Wildwood's inhabitants avoided the places where the water was roughest, and even the small clan of Wildborne who were born for an aquatic lifestyle knew of many places where it wasn't safe to swim. However the one place where no Wildborne would tread, swim, fly, or slither was surprisingly calm; the current friendly to the aquatically gifted.

It was no apparent danger that kept the Wildborne away from where the forest met the Great Wall, only clan tradition and powerful superstition. Anyone with any common sense knew that approaching the wall that barred the land would bring nothing but bad luck. But Keo Rookery planned to make his own luck, thank you very much. He'd seen little of what was really hiding on the other side of that wall; once long ago, and few times since then, his secret expeditions becoming slightly more frequent as he grew older and more ambitious; but the more he saw, the more he heard and patched together with clues from old stories and legends, the harder it was for him to stay away.

The river-bound youth, having peaked above the rushing water to confirm his location, ducked his head back back down into the flow and swam onward.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio
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Nearing the end of his trip, Keo noticed the current slowing, making the travel that much easier. Swimming against a quick current felt good in his gills but it also tired him out. He slowed down a bit and bobbed to the water's surface. Much to his surprise, he found that he was not alone. A figure sat by the wall. Curled horns, thin pointed ears, definitely Ram. And then another.

This was unsettling. Keo hadn't journeyed this way in some time and while the idea that it might be discovered by some other curious soul wasn't unheard of, it irked him that someone else-- two someones-- apparently shared what he'd thought was a unique curiosity. Well so what, he thought to himself, they've seen the wall but I bet they've never gone past it, never even thought about what it really means.

Keo swam up to where river met wall, just before the spot where a body could squeeze under and come out the other side, and propped his upper body up on the grassy bank to glance inquiringly at the strangers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio
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Amor skidded to a stop as she approached her brother and fell to her knees before she started to examine him for any injuries. "Amor. I'm fine. I just don't wanna go back. They all hate me." Odio said. Amor sighed, "But brother. We have no where else to go. we can't just get up and leave." she replied. Odio was really the only one Amor talked too. He was the only one she could trust no that their mother had passed away. They had only each other. The clan leader was hardly a father. Even if they where adopted he could have tried harder to at least make sure they were alive. but no. Orphan children meant nothing to any one of the Ram Clan. The fact that they were adopted, and by the leader of the clan at that. Was an act never before done. She didn't consider themselves lucky though. Just like her brother she would rather them have been exiled then spend another minute in that hell hole.


Odio sighed and brushed himself off as he stood up, "Well then lets find a place. Even if we have to walk all day and night i just don't want to back there." he said, extending a hand out towards his sister. She took it hesitantly. He could tell be the look in her eyes that she didn't fully trust the idea. it not that she liked living there no, he knew that. It just. If they stay in the clan they'll have food, water, shelter, and with being adopted by the leader, protection. If they left they'd lose all that but Odio didn't care. Having to fend for themselves had to be way better then the consent death stares and curses against their mother. As they were about to start walking his paranoia kicked in and he felt a pair of eyes staring at them. he looked around the find a member of the fish clan looking at them from the river. "May i help you?" he asked a little while his sister simply walked up to the person and sat next to him. Like she knew him. Which was normal for Amor. She did that with everyone she met.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio
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Keo's mouth quirked into a small smirk at the guarded look of the Ram boy. Wary eyes spoke of suspicion. It wasn't surprising. The two clearly hadn't been expecting Keo any more than he had been expecting them. The girl, however, approached him with a casualness he had not anticipated. He returned the act of familiarity with the offer of a (damp) handshake. He felt no need to offer the same politeness to the more suspicious of the two.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda
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Amor accepted the handshake and placed her free hand to her chest, "My name is Amor. And him. That is my brother Odio." She said calmly. She look him over, she had never seen anyone from the fish clan before. The river was of off limits. They got their water from tiny canals that jutted out from the river. Amor's ears twitched. Someone else was there. She could hear them walking by. Her fists and her pupils dilated as she readied herself for a possible attack.


Odio sighed at the sight of his sister, "Who ever you are, i'd come out before my sister charges." He said, crossing his arms and leaning back up against to wall. One of his trinkets fall out of his pocket and breaking as it hit the ground. "Oh simply wonderful. Now i have something to occupy my time with." He said. Sitting down and picking the trinket ans he began to fiddle with it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda
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#, as written by Saika
Rin Ikeda

When she got close to them she saw the two of the Ram clan in attack position.
She felt offended and showed her sharp teeth and then growled, "Who do you think you are? I was just passing by", she said that and stopped in front of them staring at them. She was trying to understand them, if they were enemies or not.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda
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#, as written by Saika
Rin Ikeda

She saw the girl apologizing and felt more relaxed. "It's okay" she said calmly and smiled a bit.
There were two creatures from the Ram clan and one from the fish clan. Rin felt curious and wanted to know more about them, but she was still in mode alert, because they were strangers to her.
She couldn't help her mouth and asked: "Why are you here?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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Carlotta Maybridge

Lottie flew lazily along the length of the wall that the humans supposedly lived beyond. The girl sent a daring eye over the top of it to only find a view of endless woodland. She sighed furiously, disappointed at similarity of there and here. However some cloud of smoke did catch her interest. Was it simply a fire? Or maybe even a building, burning things for power? Course she didn’t know. Such things were only rumours of the past.

A group of Wildbornes lingered in the distance. A male and a female, horns spiralling from their heads, a blonde girl with pointed ears, and Lottie caught the glimpse of a figure who had just left the water. "What a odd combination..." She whispered to herself, wondering why such clans would mingle. The winged girl landed on a tree branch a mere few meters away from the group, peering through the greenery with curiosity.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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#, as written by Saika
Rin Ikeda

The other creatures were quiet.
She suddenly started sniffling and smelt a creature of the bird clan.
Her pointed ears were in mode alert and her sharp teeth started showing, and the Rin started to look around, but she couldn't see any creature. She knew that it was because if it was a creature from the bird clan it probably was hiding in a tree or something so she couldn't see it.
Rin kept quiet and then growled a bit to stop right away and calm down.
She sighed and looked to the sky, but she didn't see anything.
"Damn, I can't see the bird..." she thought and then looked to the ground.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio
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Keo Rookery

Keo watched the steadily growing crowd with amusement. So many new people, so many different clans, and most startlingly, so many new voices. Unable to speak vocally himself, as well as having spent much of his life under the surface of rivers and lakes, Keo was a bit fascinated with the experiencing of such conversation. He was much more used to communicating through touch and miscellaneous gestures.

Wanting to gain the gain the attention of these land-bound Wildborne, Keo reached out to gently tug the nearest reachable appendage, the ankle of that Ram who had approached her. Amor.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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Amor felt something tug at her ankle and turned to see the man from the fish clan. She nodded to say "yes?". the was to many people around for her to actually speak more then she needed too. So she would stay quiet until it was absolutely necessary that she speak.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio
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Keo Rookery

Were he talking to another of his clan, Keo wouldn't have any problem getting his inquiries across. But with Amor, well, he'd have to get creative. Gesturing towards the wall, he guided the girl by the hand until she could feel the gap where river met wall. He grinned impishly, having moved past the initial disgruntlement about sharing his secret, and now was curious as to what these newcomers would think of his discovery.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda
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#, as written by Saika
Rin Ikeda

Rin saw what the boy from the Fish clan showed to Amor and couldn't believe it.
She approached them and started staring at the gap.
Suddenly she looked at the boy and said :"It's a gap right? That means that we can pass for the other side if we make the gap a little bigger!"
She started smiling to the boy with a curious face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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Carlotta Maybridge

Lottie said nothing as the wolf girl spoke; her eyes became wide and sharp, predator eyes, but pleasantly calm none the less. The blonde apologised for her behaviour, which allowed herself to relax a little. She seemed to be simply rather snappy but with good manners beneath her hard shell. The birdclan girl smiled lightly, her eyes flicking from the horned boy and the wolfclan youth.

"My name is Carlotta, but I do prefer Lottie... I’m a birdclan. What are you twos names? Oh and..." The feathered girl gestured a wing towards the being in the water and the second ramclan. "Are they your friends?...What are they named?" Carlotta spoke with elegance and peace, it kind of felt like your heart was being soaked in warm bubbly water when she spoke, which was somewhat odd but nice.

Suddenly the blonde dashed off, seemingly excited of the findings of the other too. Lottie turned her attention to the male who still remained in her company. "She certainly doesn’t hang around in one place for too long does she?" She chirped quietly, a giggle leaving her lips.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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Amor's eyes went wide, "Brother, come here~" she said, beckoning for her brother to come over to her without moving her hand from the gap and the fish clan boys grasp.


Odio looked at Lottie, "My name is Odio. The girl over there with the pink hair is my sister, Amor. I don't know fish boys and miss wolfy is named Rin. And no, she doesn't stay in one spot for long." he said to her before he heard his sister calling to him. He looked over at her and instant;y his eye seemed to double inside as he sped over to the gap. His enticement shown clearly on his face as a million thoughts flashed through his mind. "We c-can go to the other side?" was all he managed to say.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda
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#, as written by Saika
Rin Ikeda

She couldn't believe in what was in front of her eyes, that little gap was like a gate to the heaven for her.

Rin looked at the other creatures and looked again to the gap and then took a deep breath and said: "If we make the gap a little bigger we can pass trough...Do you want to do that? It can be our little secret..."
She looked at them again and smiled with a defiant look.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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Carlotta Maybridge.

Lottie smiled lightly as he greeted her. It had been so long since she had properly communicated with others, and it turned out that being sociable was not all that awful. "It’s nice to meet you all..." She stated, just before Odio returned to his sister who was calling him over her way. "It seems none of you stay in the same place for a long time...” The feathered girl whispered, but giggled in amusement and slowly made her way over to the group.

They were looking at a break in the wall, and all seemed very excited at the idea of wandering into the human realm. Carlotta began to boil with fear and fury; she did not understand what was so great about the idea. "Why would you want to over there!? Don’t you know what the humans are? Why do you think we were separated in the first place? All my life I have been able to wander over this wall but I chose not to because I did have some amount of brain cells...!" She hissed in a cold tone, but suddenly lowered her head sealed her lips as she caught sight of the fishborne boy.

For some reason he made her feel so uneasy. They were both so different, it was strange. She had never seen a wanderer of the sea up close before...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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Keo Rookery

Keo grinned. All he had to do was get the attention of one and the rest followed. There was something gleefully exciting about being the center of attention, about having his little secret suddenly draw this much focus. It was only the Bird-- Lottie-- that reacted predictably, fearfully, about the discovery. He had never seen much of her clan, Birds being of the sky and trees and Fish being of the water, and her expression said that it was the same for her. Curious. Could be fun.

And then there was the Wolf girl. "Our little secret" huh? Sounded alright. He let go off Amor and took hold of Rin's hand instead as she examined the gap. Keo's pale green eyes found the defiance in her own. He gave a enthusiastic nod and in one swift, thoughtless movement, yanked Rin into the water with him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Amor; Odio Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda Character Portrait: Carlotta Maybridge
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#, as written by Saika
Rin Ikeda

Rin kept thinking about how that little gap could change the life of all of them. They didn't know each other but already have something in common: the gap, the gate to the other side of the wall.

Rin was distracted examining the gap, when suddenly felt something grabbing her hand and then she was pulled into the water "Kyaaa". When she looked too see who did that she saw the boy from the Fish clan and then she said: "You! Why did you do that? I'm all wet now..." she calmed down and sighed *Sigh*

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keo Rookery Character Portrait: Rin Ikeda
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Keo Rookery

Keo ducked under the water again, muffling a soft gurgle of laughter that had escaped him. As funny as Rin's reaction was to something so little, he did have a reason for pulling her in. From what Keo knew about the land-bound clans, it would probably take some strong lungs to dive all the way under the wall, but if maybe if he helped give Rin some extra speed they could both make it under and back to the surface before she ran out of air. Wolves were supposed to be very resilient right?

He tried to communicate his idea as best he could, but he wasn't sure how much of it she was picking up. Keo's language was one of touch after all.