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My comrades are my life....I need to protect them without fail!

0 · 305 views · located in oppidum vitae (town of life)

a character in “Tower Of Fate Online”, as played by kylewolfblade


Username: WolfBlade

Name: Kyle Hawthorne

Age: 16

Country: Japan

Character's City: Skyfall City
Class/Job: Swordsman

Skills: Duel Wielding, Breaker, Shadow slash, Mirage attack(finisher attack)

Image in Game:

Image in Real Life:

Likes: Taking naps, Animals, Listening to music, Playing RPG games, Swordplay, Kendo, Cooking

Dislikes: Bullying, Being looked down on, Being woken up from his naps

Other: He creates The Knights of the Phantasms as he knows being a solo player can only last a while. Rumor has it is that he has a secret that no one else knows. To comrades that ask him what it is, he refers to it as "The thing that will get us out of TOFO." or "A savior's last hope."


In the real world, Kyle is a shy kid. He doesn't have friends, To hide his loneliness Kyle listens to music, or challenge his strength in the kendo club, or chooses to enter the world of RP. If Kyle was to make friends and get to know him, they would find he would always smile and have this happy looking sparkle in his eyes. Unless Kyle picks up his blades, that look in his eyes change. It becomes cold and dark an Kyle true strength shows with his blades. He is willing to protect his comrades at all costs.


--A long buster blade that can break down into a different swords for anything he needs.

-A sword known as Excalibur. In mythology, King Arthur Pendragon of Britain used this to vanquish his foes.... Kyle uses this as a last resort.

-A black tattered cloak that can be used to store Excalibur and items.....


Kyle grew up alone, his parents are always away on business trips. Kyle is a shy kid at school and has no friends due to his shyness. So he then started to listen to music. He then found a fun job being a beta tester for SAO RPG. He also took part in the world game. After that tragedy, he didn't think it could happen again. Then he found Tower of Fate Online. He then dived into the game, But after fighting and he had killed people trying to kill him, He searched for their usernames to see if they would respond. But he then realized there names were gone. He then found out, its happening again. Kyle then decided to fight and create the guild to save the people in the game. He quickly spotted Akira, a classmate he knew to be the smartest student in Japan if it weren't for his laziness/constant naps. He automatically invited him to be Co-Captain of the guild, as he knew he would serve as a mastermind of sieging floors and a brilliant tactician. Fortunately Akira/Thanatos accepted the invite under his one condition, that Kyle would not be in his way or become an annoyance to him.

So begins...

Wolfblade's Story

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Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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As wolfblade heard The Game maker make his speech. He sighs thinking on how this can happen again. He figured its best if tarted to make a guide as fast as he can. HE was thinking. Maybe a small guide to he doesn't have to deal with a lot of people. He then walked up to a couple of steps to the tower door as he turns to the crowed as he starts to shout. "My name is WolfBlade. I am a beta tester from the SAO and plus this game. As being a player from SAO, i know what we need to do. I a looking for player to follow me with out a question! If you thinking about joining me or hesitating, don't bother! I will only lead those who have the bravery to follow me in hell!" He sighs a little thinking he was to harsh, be he had to be hard. He doesn't want people that will get in the way or die on him. He then looked up as he fire in his eyes showing he can lead any one that chooses to follow him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blade Slizer Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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Blade Slizer, the self-proclaimed greatest swordsman in the combination of wielding a sword and a sheath, was out in the field, training himself. He had just started the game, and left reality as Dain Lance to become Blade Slizer. The boss before him, a Mammoth, was knocked down. "Blade" jumped up, and attempted to stab the downed enemy when suddenly, a his body was pixelated and broken down.

Next thing he knew, Blade was back in the city of Oppidum Vitae. "What now?! I had nearly gotten a level up!" His serious side, the one shown in battle, had dissolved and made way for a more laid back persona. When the Game Master had given his short speech, Dain facepalmed. Unlike last time, he was no longer surprised. A lot of people had theorized that this was going to happen, and Dain watched the whole even unfold in front of a TV screen. "Again with this shit?!" Dain threw his sword down in anger. "What the hell?!"

Just then, a boy shouted out that he was a beta tester for SAO, and said that he would lead the players back to real life. Blade picked up his sword. He's foolish, but brave... Dain thought. You have my respect. "I'll join!" Dain shouted out, coming out of the crowd. He then stuck his sword into the ground before the player WolfBlade, and looked him in the eye. "My blade is yours. There's strength in numbers, after all." Blade Slizer said to him, smiling. His serious side had gotten back, and there was no joking that shit's gonna happen after this day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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I finished checking the map around a small cave like dungeon. I looked around as I found a humongous snake in my path to a treasure chest. "This doesn't excite me one bit.", I thought as I slashed into mincemeat. The fallen carcass had shattered into bits. I walk casually torwards the chest and open it, reaching my hand in. My body began to dematerialize and i noticed this was like SAO. "Oh great. This'll be a drag. No homework at least and a shadow can always be hired..." I said to myself. I remained silent as the Game Master appeared. Several minutes after, I looked around the domain after the Game Master's Speech. I heard Wolfblade asking for someone to go command under him. I approached Wolfblade, automatically recognizing his method of talking. No doubt it was his classmate, Kyle. "I'll keep this knowledge to myself", I thought. I opened up my menu and message him. "A shadow never fails to illuminate his masters path.", I typed. I gradually walked forward Wolfblade. "This'll kill time. I, Thanatos, shadow of TOFO, will be the vanguard!" I messaged. I smirked behind my mask, my red bloodshot eyes twinkling. "This'll definitely amuse me" I thought. I looked around to see Wolfblade and another determined "shadow", Blade set his sword in the ground determined to work with WolfBlade.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Krystal Character Portrait: Blade Slizer Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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0.00 INK

Krystal looked around for supplies, to cook something delicious. She spotted and scavenged some mushrooms. "This'll do.", she thought to herself. She gradually put them in her basket. She continued to pick them as she was suddenly teleported to the Domain. "What now? Another game event?", she asked in her thoughts. After the creator had ended his speech, she remained calm like her mother would have wanted to. She quickly assessed the situation at hand along with the many cries of protest heard in the background. "The best thing is to find a guild of some sort.",I inquired. A few minutes later, a player, named Wolfblade had decided to make a guild under his leadership. "He has a certain unique charisma floating about him. Good enough for me!" , I thought to myself. I walked up to Wolfblade and said, "I'll be happy to assist you" with a cheerful smile. I looked at the two who had also signed up. A man with a sword of some sort who looked serious in a cute way. The other player who had a mask with red bloodshot eyes was intriguing yet mysterious. She wondered if she was too underpowered to assist them...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Desmond Salazar Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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So caught up in fighting was Desmond, that when the game glitched he didn’t even notice. Thankfully he hadn’t killed anyone for real. From the moment he logged in, picked his class, and got his gear he set off. Seeking out other players and putting them in their place. With every challenger came another victory and within the first hours of the game he was already ranked seventh amongst PvPers. But that rank wasn’t to last.

“Back from more, Berserker!” Desmond mocked as his opponent approached for this third time already. Both times the man had tried didn’t tactics and still it ended with him being slaughtered. “I’ll make this quick…”

Suddenly the Berserker charged, sword raised, ready to come down. The other two times he had tried honorably engaging Desmond, this time he would try a far less honorable or predictable tactic.

Desmond just calmly waited for the Berserker, readying himself for what was to come. As the two were about to clash, their swords inches apart, they dematerialized. Teleported to Tower Domain, they stood silently next to each other in the mass of players. Silently they listened, horrified by what the Game Master was telling them. For minutes afterwards, Desmond just stood there, a blank expression on his face. Was this really happening?

Than someone’s voice called him back. It was a male character, a beta tester from SAO. He was seeking followers for a guild, their mission to end this craziness. “I’ll consider joining!” He shouted out over the crowd. “But this “without question” part, I refuse.” Coming closer to the man he stared him down. “I will gladly go to hell on my own accord, not because someone tells me I must, and not without a say.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Desmond Salazar Character Portrait: Lady Krystal Character Portrait: Blade Slizer Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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0.00 INK

Wolf blade looks at the crowed, wondering if his voice was heard, or were people panicking so much that can't hear him. Just when he was gonna repeat his self he heard. "I'll join!" Just when a man stepped in front of wolf blade. Sticking his blades into the ground. "My blade is yours. There's strength in numbers, after all." Wolfblade nods as he had a serious face on. "Your right, in this game being a solo player will get you killed. You can't do everything on your own." He then looks up towards the crowd waiting for me, just when he received a message. He opened it to read, "A shadow never fails to illuminate his masters path." He looked up in the corner of his eye to see another mask man walk up to him just when he received another message from him. "This'll kill time. I, Thanatos, shadow of TOFO, will be the vanguard!" Wolfblade under stood who message him right away as he then nodded towards the man with the mask. Just then a girl walks up to the group saying, "I'll be happy to assist you" Wolfblade looks toward the girl as he nods as he then looks at all three members, wondering is this it. Just when he heard one last man voice, “I’ll consider joining!But this “without question” part, I refuse.” Wolf blade looked toward the man walking up the group as he stated. “I will gladly go to hell on my own accord, not because someone tells me I must, and not without a say.” Wolfblade looks at the man. "Do you take what is happening here as a game. We it be stuck in one, but putting our lifes on the line in a game in't a game no more." He then turns to look at the tower. "Following me into the tower is following me into hell it elf. You don't ave a say to that." He then turns back to the group. "I a the leader of this group and my command must be followed, If any one you goes against me, an your choice costed of something big. Be ready to take action for what you decide. I am not treating this guide as a game."

Wolf blade then opens up his menu screen.

((((O.O.C" this will be how it looks, to let you all get a idea))))


He then sends out a friend request and to join his party. "If you will agree to my terms then accept, If you have something to argue against. look for another guide." HE looks at ever one serous letting them he isn't messing around. He then looks back at the tower clearing his mind thinking of what to say, if they still consider to join him.

He then starts to talk more, "If your new to the game, the game is basic to understand. There's 100 floors. Each floor as a puzzle to solve and a boss after it. The puzzle as many traps that will surely want to kill us. If we work together an fight as one, we can beat the bosses and clear the puzzle's without a problem." HE then turns to the group as he pulls over his huge blade on his back, As he sticks it to the ground. "I will lay down my blade to help all of you! If i must i will even lay my life to make sure you have a chance to live yours. If you shall follow me, place your hand on the hilt of my blade." He looks at his group to see there reactions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Krystal Character Portrait: Blade Slizer Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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Krystal listened intently as Wolf's speech. She smiled, "I'm in. I hope I don't get in your guys' way! I managed to pull off a smile as I touched Wolf's blade. Krystal tapped "Accept" knowing what she got herself into. "Hey guys, I'm a chef, so I'll cook when we're at camp." She tapped the basket of vegetables, materializing it in front of Wolf,Thanatos, and Blade. "Let's cook this before it spoils rotten. I may look weak but my cooking stat is nearly mastered." She looked hesitantly around, waiting for everyone's response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lady Krystal Character Portrait: Blade Slizer Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Wolfblade
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0.00 INK

Thanatos understood Kyle knew who he was. No use keeping his identity a secret to Kyle. "It's been a while, Kyle. I will serve you as vice commander of this guild and a servant who hides in the shadows...." I messaged. I quickly accepted my master's friend request but denied the party request, touching the hilt of blade to show a sign of good faith. I message Wolf, "I'll be back, Master. Let me take care of scouting the best possible area to farm experience. I have incredible speed. As for the party invite, invite me later." I look at the girl, Krystal holding a basket of vegetables. She seemed to want to be accepted by this guild. I hug her turned around revealing my face so only she can see,"It's okay. I won't let anything happen to you." I whisper smiling as I slide my mask back on. I turn back to Wolf and Blade. "I don't need food although thank you for the offer." I say out loud for everyone to hear. I message Wolf, "I'll be back. I'm already a high level for starting. I'll find a few spots to make camp and to use the best of our resources." I form a ninjutsu handsign as I teleport letting black leaves fall to the ground. I appear near a grassy area, unpopulated by players, filled with Siberian Tigers (Level 7). "Perfect..." I say as I smirk...