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"Least were not stuck in school..."

0 · 701 views · located in Tower Of Fate Online

a character in “TOFO”, as played by Surfergirl


"Least were not stuck in school...""


Name: Elysia Night

Username: LunaStrike

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 115llb

Eye Color: Red

Hair Color: Red/Pink

Skin Tone: Fair

Age:: 16

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Humming songs
Flicking her hair
Cracking her knuckles

Martial arts
Team Work

Being alone

Weapon Switch- Her weapon is able to take on different forms allowing her to equip herself for long range battles and short range.
Her weapons main form act as gauntlets that cover her hands and forearms.
Other forms that her weapon takes is a sword, a spear which also extends into a chain, she is also able to make a bow from it but unable to form arrows.

Thunder strike- Is able to strike the enemy with thunder within a mile radius.

Fire manipulation- Is able to manipulate fire and use it as an attack, but is only able to keep it constant from 5 minutes.

Weapon Blitz- Any weapon she is using surrounds itself in either fire of thunder increasing its attack by 20%

Fire/Thunder flash (Finishing move) - Enables her to move at an alarming speed whilst surrounding herself with either fire of thunder. It also surrounds her weapon with the chosen element. Increasing her speed by 30% as well as her attack by 20%

Image In real worldImage


Appearance: Her appearance from in the real world and in the game aren't much different from each other, she decided it would just be easier to create what she looked like, instead of creating a complete new look.
Her outfit us shown in her images, her hair comes to the back of her legs, which she quite often put up in a ponytail with a ribbon.


She wears a red cloak, animals seem to get attached to her easily. Although she doesn't look like it, she is actually a skilled fighting surviving on her own before joining the guild.

So begins...

LunaStrike's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: LunaStrike
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Elysia was in the middle of the forest, practicing some thunder magic whilst small animals surrounded her. Something felt different, it felt as if they're was static in the air. And it was not being produced by her.
Suddenly her body was disappearing. This caused her to panic slightly. Next thing she knew she was in front of the tower domain. Something about how thousands of people around her looking confused, worried her.

Elysia stood their in shock and horror as the game master explained what was going on, her brother was one of the SAO gamers, luckily her survived but many others didn't, he said that it was awful. Watching your team mates die, and then to wake up with nearly half of your closest friends dead.
She knew she shouldn't of gone on this game but something was drawing her to it. And well that's how she's here now.
But one thing her brother did say, that all though you are going to see people die and lose your closest friends you always work better in a guild. So that's one of the first things that she will do.

From what over players could tell was that she was a girl, they just couldn't see what she looked like, since her red cloak covered her face. Adjusting her gauntlets on her hands she made her way around the area. Suddenly a beeping sound caught her attention, taping the air in front of her, a message popped up. "To all players interested in join a guild. Meet me at the entrance to the maze. If you dare to risk your life and save every gamer trapped in this game."
Smirking to herself she made her way to the maze. Looks like she had just found her guild.
On her way towards the maze she noticed lots of players freaking out about whats going on, from what she could tell was that they had been in SAO.
As she got closer to the maze she noticed two figures stood at the front, from the way one of the guys stood and looked like from what she could see was that he was male, the other figure disappeared before she could even get a proper look in.
She tried to look at his the cloaked guys information but all she could see was his name, obviously he had something hiding his info, the other guy vanished before she could even look at his informtion.
Pulling the hood down from her face, she smiled slightly at the unknown character "I'm guessing you sent out the message?" She asked curiously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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0.00 INK

Lyla was beginning to farm her cooking experience exponentially, mass creating stew and leveling up to level 30 cooking all in the first few hours. She had been killing some slimes when the game transported her to the Tower Domain. "W-what's going on?" she asked daintily as a hooded figure of death appeared. It sent chills down her spine.......maybe because she was a being of light or maybe because she had a foreshadowing of what to expect. She had heard about the SAO incident. A matter of life or death......."If you all die here, you shall die in reality. I wish you all luck an i shall await for you at the top floor." .....Those words sank in.... You shall die in reality. Reality, a term that she hadn't considered to be so precious until now. She quivered in fear as the Game Master disappears into the virtual sky. She looked around as a message popped up on her interface. "To all players interested in join a guild. Meet me at the entrance to the maze. If you dare to risk your life and save every gamer trapped in this game." She began to think clearly. If she wanted to survive she would need friends..... Friends...was there such a thing in this world of life and death? She approached the entrance of the maze as a few players had already signed up with him.... "Hey, you're the guy who sent the message right? I want to join your guild, I k-know I won't be much help right now but I can cook and provide support skills which is essential to any guild." I look around at the other people who enlisted, a hooded girl and a mysterious shadow that dissipated before she could get a close look. I look back at the guild leader, eagerly awaiting his response.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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Blade Slizer just fended off another golem. "Fireball to that entrance! Stop the golems from flooding this room!" Blade shouted before slashing and joining the volley of fireballs and striking the area of the cliff above the ice cave. The ice golem behind him swung a fist at Blade, who simply turned around and blocked with his blade, receiving damage in the process.

Suddenly, the golem shimmered, and everything broken apart around him. The words TELEPORTING TO TOWER DOMAIN alarmed the player. Is that the GM? Blade thought. But there weren't any announcements about any events of him calling every player... not yet.

Then it struck him as the GM spoke. The fate Blade Slizer, no, Devan Howard had narrowly avoided just by sleeping was now upon him. A game of death, made by a sadistic psychopath no less! Devan's heart stopped in his chest a bit, or at least it felt like it, and he just stared into the sky, uttering that single, million dollar word. "No..."

Then he looked around him. Players still ran around in chaos and panic, the natural reaction of humans when something like the apocalypse has been found to be so near, and that the revelation is true. The sound of a new PM distracted him from his thoughts- a much needed yet sudden distraction.

"To all players interested in join a guild. Meet me at the entrance to the maze. If you dare to risk your life and save every gamer trapped in this game."
~ WolfBlade, 2 minutes ago

"Oh...?" Blade muttered. A guild...? Hm... Maybe it would increase my chances of surviving.... Blade thought. Should he, or should he not? That is the question. Oh Lord, help me... Finally, Blade had chosen his path. Join the guild.

Blade knew where the maze was. It's one of the most known places in the game, mainly because that is where most of the main quests take place. "I take it... that the gentleman standing in the shadows is WolfBlade, the one who wants to make the guild...?" Blade greeted.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose Character Portrait: Tadashi "Blaze" Okishii
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0.00 INK

Current level: 27

Blaze was sitting on a hill, relaxed. The first floor's fields were very peaceful. He liked it. Just like SAO, but better! Damn shame. Hopefully this was much greater for his expectations. "Ah, all that cheese has made me tired." Suddenly, his tummy grumbled. He stifled a laugh, then went back to relaxing. "Speaking of cheese, I'm starting to get a little hungry. All he had was a loaf of bread, a drop from a snake he battled. The boy was just about to take a bite of bread, but he stopped when he saw a glow in the background. "Hm? What's with my leg?" The light started to rapidly envelop his body, until he opened his eyes, and he was in the newbie town. Blaze saw a giant hooded figure: it was the game master. In an ominous voice, he spoke. "To every player still alive in TOFO, I am sure you all are aware that the log out button is gone. Don't panic, This is just a copy cat from SAO." He then gave out a chuckle as he lets what he said sink in. "Fucker! You ruined my opportunity to play a better game!" "The rules are simple for you who have not played in SAO. Your mission is to live, clear every floor's puzzle and defeat the boss. If you all die here, you shall die in reality. I wish you all luck and I shall await for you at the top floor." Blaze stopped and phased out. "D-Die? Just like SAO? No... What... I still have to..." He remembered. He was graduating next month. Next month, and it took 2 YEARS to get out of SAO. Another 2 years, wasted? How could that happen? He also remembered his family... And Amy! His girlfriend! She was playing, too! Where was she? He would help her. She would need his help! A tear slowly rolled down his cheek, while the others stared to move. He started to move, too. All he had was a basic greatsword, armor, and quite a lot of bread... He suddenly received a pm, and it was asking for some people to join a guild. Blaze had to decide... He went anyway, just to see how it would turn out. Just ask questions, chill out. That's all.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose Character Portrait: Tadashi "Blaze" Okishii
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0.00 INK

Kyle was now going to start calling him self Wolfblade. Wolfblade watched as the first person arrived as he looked at his messaged received from him. "Hmph, impossible even my eyes cannot discern your ability. Is your cloaking skill that high? Very well then. I will serve under you, Master. Whether you like it or not. My name is Thanatos and I am here not to be a ordinary foot soldier but a part of your command." Wolfblade gave a smirk as his face stayed hidden. He then nodded as before he could send a invite another player arrived and asked him "I'm guessing you sent out the message?" Once again Wolfblade nods and stays quiet thinking it should be best to wait for other players to arrive before he spoke and sent the invite to the guild. As he was thinking the others started to approach one by one. The third to approach was another girl who stated and again asked him "Hey, you're the guy who sent the message right? I want to join your guild, I k-know I won't be much help right now but I can cook and provide support skills which is essential to any guild." Then the fourth person to arrive was a man who again stated "I take it... that the gentleman standing in the shadows is WolfBlade, the one who wants to make the guild...?" As the last person approach Wolfblade then stood up straight and ready to talk. He then looks around at every one as he then brought up the guild invite screen as he first started to send the invite to all five players. He then began to speak. "To answer all your question, Yes I am the one who sent the message you all got. My Username is Wolfblade. I honor all your courage to offer the risk of your lives to save every gamer on here. I am going to jump to the main point of the guild. Where going to go head to head with the puzzle and the final boss as a guild." Just as Wolfblade told the new members of his guild what the guild was for. He pushed open the doors to the first puzzle what looked like a dungeon inside. Wolfblade looks at everyone as he takes a deep breath. "We will put our lives on the line and we will solve the puzzles and defeat every boss." Wolfblade then turns around and walks to the edge of the entrance as he gave his final words to the guild. "If you still have doubts, Stay here and head to the closest town and wait withe everyone there. If not then follow me where i will give my life to protect all of you give your lives to save all the gamers."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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0.00 INK

"We will put our lives on the line and we will solve the puzzles and defeat every boss." Wolfblade then turns around and walks to the edge of the entrance as he gave his final words to the guild. "If you still have doubts, Stay here and head to the closest town and wait withe everyone there. If not then follow me where i will give my life to protect all of you give your lives to save all the gamers." "So that is your objective Wolfblade. Very well then. This shall entertain me for a while at least." He follows you into the midst of the gaping abyss, seeming like a black hole. He walks ahead as he dissipates into a crow, running ahead clearing the vague areas of the map, exploring most of it before running back. He reshapes into a human form, a flock of crows gathering together becoming tangible and showing a human shape. "Up ahead are Level 5-10 monsters such as Slimes and Lesser Fiends. They are all short range by the way Wolfblade. What now?" He walks towards his teammates as they get ready for battle. He checks his stats one last time as he draws his obsidian katana. "We will need a light affinity user and healing backup for our lower level members." He looks around the room with his omniscient eyes and gauges everyone's approximate combat level. "Everyone is suitable for combat, Leader....even you judging on your cloaking skill......" He grasps his obsidian katana tightly and awaits the depths of the dungeon and their battle plan.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose Character Portrait: Tadashi "Blaze" Okishii
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0.00 INK

Lyla listened to the guild master's valiant speech. She smiled at him as she followed her comrades into the unknown. She spaced out thinking of her life back at home: her friends at school, the daily trip to the donut shop after school, and her dog at home. She regained focus as soon as the mysterious player known as Thanatos said "We will need a light affinity user and healing backup for our lower level members." Her face brightened as she looked at the others and said "I'm a healer! I can provide support behind the front lines....and I have enough knowledge to brew potions as well hence my cooking skill." She looks at Thanatos expecting a reaction of relief or anything for that matter but her expectation was short-lived. She rummages through her stuff as she materializes her sword. "I'm ready!" She runs up next to Wolfblade and Thanatos and faces Thanatos, trying to make him smile. "I'll try my best!", she says with a smile. Still no emotion....She looked into the beyond, ready for whatever monsters they would encounter.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose Character Portrait: Tadashi "Blaze" Okishii
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0.00 INK

"I don't think we have anything to lose." Blade Slizer said, when hearing that he has to risk his life. "We're all trapped so inevitably we all must advance through to the endgame boss."

Sighing, Blade equipped his sword, Flamma Aeterna, a rare blade that has an aura of fire always surrounding it. "My blade will slash our path to victory." Blade stated. He was in, no questions asked. He stood by WolfBlade, his sword ready in his hands and his eyes shining a deep blue-purple, the tell-take sign that his passive skill was activating. Already, at least two people had agreed on this. Now Blade is the third. "We will need a light affinity user and healing backup for our lower level members." One of them said.

"I am of the Paladin class. I should be able to help a lot against these enemies." Blade stated to the one who seemed to know what the enemies are going to come first. There was also a healer already, which was one of the two girls that joined this little party. Her name was ScarletRose. Well, this is a decent party... Blade thought.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose Character Portrait: Tadashi "Blaze" Okishii
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0.00 INK

Luna stood in silence as other members of the game began to appear, in total there were six people around the entrance of the maze. Looks like this was the guild, another girl appeared causing her to release a sigh of relief, at least she wasn't the only girl.

All ready everyone was mentioning what class they were, and how they could help, this caused her to sigh slightly. "I'm a chaos wizard... but I'm also a Warrior." She said as she brushed her bangs from her eyes.
Showing her gauntlets on her hands she smiled slightly "And this is my weapon" She said as she showed a pair of dark gauntlets that sat on her knuckles on her hands made its way down her forearm.

"So apart from were going inside there, what is the plan of attack?" She asked curiously.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose Character Portrait: Tadashi "Blaze" Okishii
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0.00 INK

Blaze smirked. First day with a group? Seems fine. Already beat up a slime... "So apart from were going inside there, what is the plan of attack?"a girl said. "Hmm, I don't really know." clicking the "join" button, Blaze's name showed up on the GUIs of everyone there. "Well, let's move out."

(Sorry for short post, will post later)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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Wolfblade stood silent as everyone was talking and asking qeustions. "Up ahead are Level 5-10 monsters such as Slimes and Lesser Fiends. They are all short range by the way Wolfblade. What now?" Wolfblade nodded as he thought of their next move. 'should I have them spread up and attack to level up more and should we fight all together?' "I'm ready!" Another states, along with her everyone else walked up stating, "So apart from were going inside there, what is the plan of attack"?"I am of the Paladin class. I should be able to help a lot against these enemies"[/b]. Has everyone was talking something caught Wolfblade ear. A whisper in the shadows. He tried to focus on what was being said. “Wolfblade, are you here!?” Wolfblade then got a idea, "I'll right everyone group up and I want you all fighting monster to level up. I want you guys using switching. This will help improve our team play also. I want you all working together don't likeable this chamber." Wolfblade then turned back and ahead the way we came to meet the new.member arriving late. He walks for about three minutes as he finds the girl. He walks up to her his face still hidden the shadows. "I am wolfblade. Thank you for your honor and courage to join my guild. Everyone else is fighting monsters to level up." Wolfblade then turns around, about to lead her back to the rest of the guild as he then got a glimpse of the orange market. He then stops as he turns his head to make it look like we was looking at her his face although, still hidden. "I problem have noright to talk, but for a new member of the guild. Don't beat your self up to bad for what you down. You're not at fault. It is the game master who killed them. Not you okay?" He then sends her the guild invite as he waves to her to follow him, as he walks back to everyone.

((O.O.C: sorry if it's bad posting this on my phone and my phone is making it hard for me. So sorry))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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0.00 INK

Luna sighed as she pressed the join button on the guild. From her guess everyone here had at least been playing the game for two hours maybe more, a level 5-10 monster would be easy for them. But WolfBlade was right, they needed to work on their team work, and that wasn't an easy thing. But it was what was going to get them through the game.

"Well I'm not just going to stand her and wait to fight, that's for sure" She said with a smirk.

Walking over to where a bunch of slimes and other low level fiends were wandering a round. A smirk formed on her face, she then began to run quite fast towards the different types of monsters, purple thunder began to surround her hands. Once she got closer to one she pulled her arm back, she then sent in forward fast. The impact causing the fiend to go flying before disappearing. into a puff of smoke. "Anyone going to switch?" She shouted over the static over the thunder traveling around her hands.

The gauntlets then began to glow a reddish purple color before they changed into a broad sword. The thunder surrounded itself around the bade. Looking around she noticed there weren't many fiends around at all. Let alone attacking anyone. "Are we going to move or what?" She asked. Flicking her red hair behind her shoulder.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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0.00 INK

"Are we going to move or what?" the hooded girl asked. "Onward, for humanity....." he said nonchalantly. The atmosphere seemed quiet as they pushed their vanguard formation forward, slowly killing slimes by slime. Thanatos started moving ahead of the vanguard burning anything coming in front of him. He sliced another slime as several experience notifications popped up around him. He scanned the dungeon for his comrades while running ahead, they seemed to be fighting at an exponentially fast rate. As he took down another slime, he went back to check on the others......To his surprise, a new girl with a orange indicator was beside Wolfblade. "A player killer........17 kills to be exact...." Thanatos flew towards Wolfblade as he began to bring down his obsidian blade on the girl. He stopped....his attack right before he almost hit her. He checked his notification window as it said a new player had joined. "You aren't a threat. Sorry about that. I'll keep an eye on you though" He relaxed his arm and dissipated into the front lines as he transfigured himself into a flock of crows pecking at the next slime. "Healer, keep an eye on those vitals." Thanatos said as he predicted the enemy's move.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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0.00 INK

"All right everyone group up and I want you all fighting monsters to level up. I want you guys using switching. This will help improve our team play also. I want you all working together...." Scarlet felt a sense of duty granted upon her. A healer. "I'll support you guys from the back. Protect me while I cast support spells." She summoned her blade which transformed into a staff within a flash. She ran to catch up to the group as she muttered ancient Latin to cast defensive auras. "Vim in me duce lumen sequuntur! (With the power within me, guide the followers of the light! in Latin) A magical golden barrier enveloped all of her comrades significantly reducing mana costs and damage taken. Sano! (Heal in Latin) The HP of all of her teammates rose back into the safe zone of light green. After a few minutes, the vice commander Thanatos, signaled the vanguard to move forward. "My mana is depleting slowly......I need to switch into Beserker class....." She looked at the player named Blade Slizer. "Blade, take over my healing position. I'm going to recharge my lost mana." She switched into the frontlines as she changed into her Beserker outfit, a outfit known as her Dark Angel Rainment. She began slicing multiple slimes as each hit absorbed some mana from them.....

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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0.00 INK

"Using the old tag-in, tag-out, huh...?" Blade smirked before running along with the others to aid them in their battles. So that's the great strategy? Well, it's not really that dangerous against starting level enemies... Even for a newbie. Levels 5-10 enemies? Easy. Blade thought as he equipped his Grand Cross and called to LunaStrike. "I'll switch with you!" Blade suddenly slashed into the air, creating a wave of light and sending it at a crowd of monsters that she faced.

Blade sent another light wave, damaging and maybe killing quite a few of the monsters, especially the dark monsters. Then, another player, orange, appeared behind him. Is that a... player killer? However his attention was diverted when ScarletRose called him. "Blade, take over my healing position. I'm going to recharge my lost mana."

"Sorry, Scarlet. I can't do healing. No spells." Blade said before using Flash Step to dodge a monster's attack and get behind it, landing a few strikes. The whole group moved forward at Thanatos's command, the seemingly right hand man of WolfBlade. However, Blade Slizer moved back a bit to WolfBlade and Thanatos to check out the newcomer. "... Who are you...?" Blade asked the newcomer, raising an eyebrow at her orange icon. He knew what it meant, but he also read her name in the new player in the guild notification.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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Soon Wolfblade walked up to the rest of the guild with Alexandra next to him. He gave a small smirk as he saw that everyone has at least leveled up two or three times now. He watched as he saw Thantos dash towards Alexandra about to slash her with his sword before he stopped and apologized. Wolfblade couldn't help but chuckle. Everyone was seeing her as a PK'er. He then looked at everyone. "I am glad to see everyone has leveled up pretty well. I want you all to welcome our new member Alexandra." He then placed a hand on her shoulder as he continued talking. "She was running a little late as you all can assume. So I'll make this clear now, I want everyone to ignore the Orange marker. If you have any problems with it or in fact if you have any problems with this guild. Bring it up to me. You all are now friends and family. We must watch out for everyone. More importantly, we should be able to have a mutual feeling of trust and respect for one another." He then looks toward Alexandra as he nods to her, letting her know she will be safe with them. He looks back at everyone. "I want everyone to continue fighting." Now he would have a chance to watch everyone's fighting styles and get a better picture of a fighting formation to handle any boss they will have to face. He watched the player's own personalities affect their fighting styles as well as their estimated stats. After 5 minutes, Wolfblade started to form a basic outline for a combat formation suitable for his guild.

"Hmm......we have a very balanced group..." he thought. "A Healer, a Paladin, a couple of melee users, and 2 Offensive Mages." He paced back and forth as he halted the guild's advance. "All right as of now, our battle formation should have Scarlet, Alexandra and Luna in the rear guard while Thanatos, Blaze, Blade and me go on the front lines. Those who have hybrid classes should switch when the frontlines are overwhelmed. Anyone with mana potions should give some to Scarlet so she can continuously heal us. Let's test how this formation will go on these monsters and I will see if I should make any changes later on."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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"All right as of now, our battle formation should have Scarlet, Alexandra and Luna in the rear guard while Thanatos, Blaze, Blade and me go on the front lines. Those who have hybrid classes should switch when the frontlines are overwhelmed. Anyone with mana potions should give some to Scarlet so she can continuously heal us. Let's test how this formation will go on these monsters and I will see if I should make any changes later on." Thanatos nodded as soon as Wolfblade had given his orders. Everyone had started scrambling into formation. He was not used to the "group system" Wolfblade had formed. He ran his dark blade into another Lesser fiend as it's soul disappeared..... Another monster dead and....yet barely any xp for his level. "Hmm my level is too high...." he muttered. He returned back into the frey where the battle had happened. He tapped Scarlet's username and hit the button "Trade" as he offered 20 Mana Potions to her. The words "Request Pending" appeared on his screen as it reminded him of his brother in SAO that had died in vain. By a monster named Kayaba Akhiko. "Come here...Akira. I thought we would make it out alive together but I guess fate has it's ways. Survive.....and become a greater person then me." At that moment his brother's body shattered as it left him a inherited ability. Bloodlust it read. Thanatos began to focus on the task at he closed his eyes, the nostalgia being too much for him. He opened them and accidentally spewed an inferno of black flames engulfing the hoarde of enemies in front of them. "Let's get moving....the next turn is up here....there's a mini-boss up ahead named Thane the Minotaur and then after the boss room is unlocked." He checked his data he had gathered from his sinful eyes. "It says here the mini-boss is level 25 and Dark affinity." He sends the NPC data to all of his teammates, looking at Wolfblade for the next move.

(Mini Boss appearance)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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Luna looked down at the blade on her sword, it was beginning to crack. 'Look's like I'm going to need a new one she thought to herself.
After a while of fighting, a player called Blade switched with her. This gave her enough time to switch her weapon. This time she changed it into a bow.
Listening to what Wolf had said about the team's formation, she just shrugged her shoulders. "I'll keep be able to fight from a ranged distance. So keeping me in a back is a good idea, if any monsters decide to attack from beside or behind." She said as she swung her bow over her shoulder.
Turning to the new girl whose name she had just missed but it read on the guild as White Empress, she noticed she had an orange marker above her. She knew what it meant her brother basically told her all about the basic stuff of RP game's. She wouldn't take any notice of it though. Sometimes things happen for a reason, but she would still be careful around her.

Removing the hood of her cloak, she revealed her face. Her red eyes gleaming slightly. Luna began to look through the data that Thantos had sent each of them. "If this is a mini bosses level, my guess would be that the actual boss would be at least ten level higher than this one." She spoke silently to herself, but just audible for others to hear her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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As they approached the other guildmembers, a black figure suddenly appeared in front of White Empress with a blade drawn just in front of her face. She didn’t even see him coming before he stood there ready to stab her. Luckily he had stopped and seemed to have lost interest in attacking her just before he did. ”… I'll keep an eye on you though." The man returned to the battlefield giving her some space to move ’Phew, close one.’

Another man with neck-long brown hair approached her “… Who are you…?” he looked at the cursor above her head. Before she could reply, Wolfblade introduced her to everyone. As he finished she just smirked towards the man in front of her and started walking toward the rear of the group. As she past him she whispered ”Better look out for me…” She took a fast look at his charactername. A smile appeared on her lips ”… Blade”. She continued until she hit a radius of 25 yards from her teammates and started snapping her fingers with her right hand. Each snap was followed by a monster, another guild member was fighting, starting to burn. She had already past the point of having to channel minor fire spells, and since Ignite was a basic dot that did decent damage it didn’t deplete her MP fast, even when using it on multiple targets. ’Just gonna stand here and help out a little. As long as the opponents are this easy there isn’t any reason to go all out.’

Whenever she could, she opened a character info window of each of the players she was fighting along, skimming through their name, class and main stats. Just to get an overview of her newly acquired comrades.

”... There's a mini-boss up ahead named Thane the Minotaur and then after the boss room is unlocked.” White looked at the information Thanatos had shared with everyone. She looked towards Wolfblade “Your call.” There was many ways she was able to help take that thing down, be it strategically or simple all out damage burst.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: WolfBlade Character Portrait: Thanatos Character Portrait: Devan Howard - Blade Slizer Character Portrait: White Empress Character Portrait: LunaStrike Character Portrait: ScarletRose
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”Better look out for me… Blade.” The White Empress told Blade Slizer before she got into position according to WolfBlade's new command. Blade glared at the White Empress, who walked passed him before going to the front lines, as per WolfBlade's formation.

Blade Slizer sighed before getting into a fighting stance. The first monster attacked, but Blade simply slashed it in order to deal physical damage, but activated Elemental Slash in order to send icicles at the next enemy. ”... There's a mini-boss up ahead named Thane the Minotaur and then after the boss room is unlocked.” Thanatos said. A minotaur? Hm... Unoriginal but it's a good place to start the game. Blade thought as he slashed another enemy, one that came from the right. He looked down onto his mana bar, and saw it was already quarter-gone. Better just save up on my spells.