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The Multiverse

Wing City

115.75 INK

a part of The Multiverse, by Remæus.

You have entered Wing City, the third largest city on Terra and its premier capital. Hustling and bustling with activity, this city serves as a hub of social and political activity, as well as the prestigious solo combat capital of the quadrant.

Remæus holds sovereignty over Wing City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

24,355 readers have been here.


If Terra is a multicultural melting pot of a planet, then Wing City is its rich, bubbling core. The seat of the Terran National Government and the de-facto Capital of the world, there is very little on Terra that is not represented in some way in this bustling city. As diverse in its architecture as it is in its people, the city gives across a patchwork feel – sleek and post-modern skyscrapers stand side by side with traditional centuries-old stonework – including the massive wall which encircles much of it. Despite this, Wing City is by and large a modern and thriving city, supporting a wide variety of facilities from state of the art hospitals and expansive public libraries to its very own spaceport. The city isn’t all high-rising neatness, however, with large stretches of it beyond the walls in need of serious renovation.

The City extends around a large green gardens area at its centre, at its most pristine within the haven of natural beauty that has survived decades of conflict. A single vast street stretches from the gardens at the centre all the way to the main entrance at its southernmost point, along which many of its most famous landmarks are located – including the notorious Gambit Building, the reputed centre of martial learning that is the Master’s Dojo, and the home of the Terran National Government.

The housing of the city progresses from its most expensive residences being located nearby to the gardens - with the awe-inspiring Sol Tower proudly reaching into the sky amongst them - to the cheaper and more tightly packed housing generally being found further east; amongst amenities such as the fire department, the post office and the police station. To the north of this area lies the business district, within which the headquarters of many of the city’s most prominent corporations can be found, along with the odd building of obscenely expensive studio apartments overlooking well-maintained streets and a sea of suits. It is in this northern portion of the city where the spaceport lies, a constant stream of both personal and trade ships generally seen ascending and descending from it.

In the southwest, the social hub of the city can be found just off of Main Street. Wing City Plaza boasts all sorts of entertainment, from restaurants to nightclubs – even an Arena a short way to the north. The Plaza is also home to public facilities such as the hospital and other administrative buildings.

Aside from Main Street, the city’s entrances can be found to the eastern side of the city where a massive gate is set into the wall, the road beyond leading through the slums and off to the coast, as well as the smaller western gate leading to a nearby lake. Finally, there is a long open highway leading out of the city to the southeast.

The culture of Wing City is, as one might expect from a city so diverse, almost impossible to comprehensively describe. There are communities for all races, all religions and all species; for the magically inclined and the space-travellers. Anyone can find their niche somewhere within the city’s walls, or even create their own. With a thriving economy, nightlife and nigh-on overflowing population, it’s no surprise that the benefits of such a busy city come hand in hand with danger. Crime is a serious concern within the city, and although the WCPD are one of the finest forces on the planet – equipped to deal with all manner of threat, both natural and supernatural – there remains a level of danger in walking the streets alone. Whether it be organized crime in the form of gangs and cults, the more chaotic lashing out of individuals or the hunger of vampire or demon and the like, citizens and visitors alike are advised to watch their backs.

So whether it’s to enjoy the sights, build a home and career or just to make trouble – welcome to Wing City.

A surprise waits around every corner.

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Wing City

You have entered Wing City, the third largest city on Terra and its premier capital. Hustling and bustling with activity, this city serves as a hub of social and political activity, as well as the prestigious solo combat capital of the quadrant.


Wing City is a part of Midland.

34 Places in Wing City:

350 Characters Here

Palia McShann [179] A pretty, easygoing 20 year-old, with a fuzzy kiwi compainion and a talent for mind control.
Iante Clowes [167]
Michael Connor [126] A close-combat trainer for the WCPD and related organisations.
Telsia [124] Is now a vampire, she has been training and learning to control her thirst but has gained quite a temper.
Jason LeMat [85] "Yeah.... I know he's dead... but give me five minutes with him. I'll get the information you want."
Mason Apolo [80] "Yes i know, i look frail and weak, but i'm not!"
Belvia [72]
Noah and Milo Cole [70] brothers....
Kitt Dreyer [67] "Want me to Give you a Permanent Smile?"

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haze Drallen Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
"Come along child," Astrid's calm voice rang out down the street, it was almost singsong in nature, a call that she had practiced emulating since it had been used to convince her to leave her parent's grave. Haze wasn't far behind, and Wing City loomed in the distance before them. A proper city that had lurked here for over a century, complete with a teeming criminal underbelly; criminals Haze would never meet if her newfound guardian had anything to say about it.

"I don't really have a proper home right now, but right up ahead is the Inn that I'm staying at." She explained to young Haze, "I hope you like our temporary lodgings until we find a more permanent front!" For some reason, she was bowing to the little girl, hoping that she wouldn't find Astrid wanting as a guardian.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haze Drallen Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald
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0.00 INK

"Anywhere will be great! Thank you," replied Haze with a grin. She trailed along with lightness in her steps, feeling soothed at Astrid's tone. Her heart, which had been racing with adrenaline, fluttered into a softer and steadier beat. As they approached the inn, she danced up beside Astrid, giving her new caretaker a look of thankfulness and appreciation. She seemed a natural at alleviating Haze's worries. As they approached the inn, Haze came to wonder about Astrid, realizing that, already, she cared deeply about her, but didn't know even her age or career.

"Why are you in this town?" She asked curiously in an inquisitive voice. How had someone from the moon come to be here? If she had witnessed a similar ordeal to Haze, she certainly did not show it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haze Drallen Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Cracking a crooked smile, she awkwardly explained, "Well!" She had ended up here over a century ago, it was actually quite a funny story, but the details had already started to blur for her. "I followed someone off of Earth, and away from Luna, and after a long time we eventually ended up here. They weren't a huge fan of stronger women so things didn't work out between us, obviously." She found herself awkwardly scratching the back of her head with her left hand, talking to kids was harder than she remembered.

"Uh... This large building right here is our inn..." The Gambit Building loomed before them, a ten-story titan of a building that could see most of Wing City from the roof. She cast a cursory glance at Haze before deciding she could use a hot meal. "Let's grab something to eat! The hotel has an excellent chef on staff." Without waiting for an answer she grabbed Haze's hand and rushed inside


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haze Drallen Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald
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0.00 INK

As they entered the towering structure, a warm light enveloped them. The chatter of the patrons could be heard along with the clinking of beverage glasses. The scent of alcohol permeated the air, a familiar fragrance to Haze. Her worried expression deepened as she cast a furtive glance at the customers. At least one seemed heavily intoxicated- she had seen a drunk person's behavior enough times to identify one.

"Is this where we'll eat?" She asked anxiously. "There's a lot of... people."

Selena has arrived, coming from Southern Grazing Lands.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haze Drallen Character Portrait: Astrid Grünewald Character Portrait: Selena
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0.75 INK

#, as written by sifsand
A newcomer had just arrived from the grassy lands nearby. It was a lithe looking young woman, whom was sitting gracefully in the plaza. Perhaps her most noticeable feature, besides her shoulder length raven black hair, was the blindfold around her eyes. She was blind from birth, her gaze nonexistent as she seemed to look at nothing in particular.

Beside her, a massive raptorian animal was standing tall. It was taller than even most tall men, so compared to her this bird-like dinosaur was gigantic. On its homeworld of Xamoyos it was known as a peloronychus and was a fiercely aggressive predator, with her however it was tame and even seemed to view her as a friend. He was quite a vain beast, preening its feathery coat at every opportunity.

Linus Trucidabunt has arrived, coming from Eastern Seaboard.
Carmen Dellevon has arrived, coming from Eastern Seaboard.
Suddenly, a swirling vortex appears to the down. You can see something appear in that direction.
Suddenly, a swirling vortex appears to the in. You can see something appear in that direction.


252 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Johnson Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: Iante Clowes Character Portrait: Kyle Summers Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kaitlynn Lessard Character Portrait: Doc Smathers Character Portrait: Cpt. Kovodnik Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa Character Portrait: Ranpu Omasa Character Portrait: Lan Varynus Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon

...and 240 others.

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0.00 INK

Linus Trucidabunt hopped casually off of the train when it pulled into the far busier station just outside of Wing City' Eastern Gates.

He signalled for Carmen to stay close, ignoring the sound of the city beyond the great gate as he prepared the ultimate beeline escape.


252 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Johnson Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: Iante Clowes Character Portrait: Kyle Summers Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kaitlynn Lessard Character Portrait: Doc Smathers Character Portrait: Cpt. Kovodnik Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa Character Portrait: Ranpu Omasa Character Portrait: Lan Varynus Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon

...and 240 others.

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0.00 INK

Carmen Dellevon followed Linus, reaching for his hand when an especially large ship took to the atmosphere above from within the city. That must be the spaceport.


252 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Johnson Character Portrait: Alucard Character Portrait: Iante Clowes Character Portrait: Kyle Summers Character Portrait: SOLCOM Character Portrait: Kaitlynn Lessard Character Portrait: Doc Smathers Character Portrait: Cpt. Kovodnik Character Portrait: Sir Teddy Ursa Character Portrait: Ranpu Omasa Character Portrait: Lan Varynus Character Portrait: Biohazard Typhoon

...and 240 others.

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0.00 INK

Linus Trucidabunt surprised himself when he grabbed Carmen's hand back.

Linus Trucidabunt has left the area, heading in towards Wing City Eastern Gate.
Carmen Dellevon has left the area, heading in towards Wing City Eastern Gate.
Sol Senshi arrives from below.
Sol Senshi ascends higher.
Kailar Railech materializes from the void.
Suddenly, a swirling vortex appears to the up. You can see something in that direction.
Kailar Railech has left the area, heading up towards Midland.