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Avia L'arie

Sing like a songbird, strike like a hawk.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Moonscar


Registered citizen of the Terran National Government


The image is not mine. It will be taken down if asked.

Age/Date of Birth: 26, December 18th

Gender: Female

Race/Ethnicity: Avrelle/Pakechan

Appearance: Avia is a tall woman with a very ample figure and a tiny waist. Her curves are radical, and she is prone to wearing clothing that only exaggerates the fact. Her hair is now long enough to touch her knees, though she normally wears it up in an extravagant bun held by red chopsticks, or she has it loose around her shoulders. She has an abundance of scars that she hides with a skillful amount of carefully applied makeup. Her favorite color seems to be red, as that is the most popular color seen in anything she wears and owns.

One other thing about Avia. Her bones are hollow and slim, and there are many other little factors that go into her weight, which, surprisingly, only adds up to a stunning seventy pounds. Impossible?


-PinKnives: Exactly as they sound, they are hair pins. Shiny, silvery things. Very pointy. They are also throwable knives.

-The Quellazaire: An odd weapon? Perhaps, but for Avia, it comes in handy, especially with a pack of "special" cigarettes, made only for assassination purposes. Poison smoke works wonders.

-Avrillian Longsword


Avia, young as she is, has lived many lives.

Not literally, but the experiences she has lived through may as well make the statement true. Once an assassin, raised by none other than her parents in the art of murder, she was put into a group of children raised the same as herself. The sons and daughters of a forbidden art, used to raise money to clear the debt of their guardians. Their leader was Ateles, a young man who had come from a town far away, unlike the rest of them, who had grown up together. Upon first meeting them, Avia's family hated him. She hated him, too.

However, as time went on, and events passed, she found a fondness in him that she found in no other man.

This was probably the worst choice she could have ever made in her life, for when the assassination group was found out, they scattered, and Ateles disappeared. While they all regrouped, he did not come back. Caitus, Lycaon, Vipera, they all said he was dead. He would have come back by now if he was not dead. He would have found them, but no. He never came back. He had died.

In the following years, what was left of the group kept in contact, but went their separate ways. Avia had always been a dancer and an entertainer, tricking men into her favor before she poisoned their drinks and fled. Because of this, she joined a traveling circus to make money and get away from the law enforcement back in her homeland. She traveled worlds. She stayed in the circus for seven years, and in those seven years, her boss, a short, greasy, fat Frenchman, became more fond of her. She grew into a strong woman, and he admired that...however, she did not admire him. She tried to escape once she had paid off her dept, but with the help of various bodyguards, detained her and bound her to himself using magic. A tattoo of a gnarled magnolia tree, made up of the words of her contact, was printed on her skin, from her temple to her knee.

Somehow...she escaped. She fell into the lake and was saved by a brawler mage, Paul, and his dragon, Ichiro.

Months after, she found herself drinking in Gambit's bar with Drakus Flavaar. He offered her a job, which she desperately needed. A job as a dragon keeper. It payed well. Of course, she accepted, though she was rightly drunk at the time.

Another few months passed, and so did tragedies and joys at the Flavaar residence. She found out what a cheat and a lie Drakus was, first deceiving Liz, one of his researchers, when they were younger, then mourning for his wife while courting another woman. She met a man made of diamond, and his name was Daniel. She hated him at first, but, just like Ateles, events passed and time went on, she became very fond of him. There was controversy in this. Daniel was a Sith, and his master was a cruel, horrible woman called Darth Widower. The witch attempted to kill Avia, and in doing so, killed a good friend of hers, Jorin. It was around this time that she met Lumierre, an elfen princess that was friends with Drakus. Later, Avia figured out they were more than friends. She created a strong bond with the elf. They went through many trials and tears and laughter together, and they continue to do so.

After the ordeal with Widower, a dragon was born, given to Avia to take care of. Lumierre had been there, and so had Liz and Drakus. She named the dragon Ese.

Eventually, Avia rid herself of the large tattoo, but four letters from the contract would not disappear. She found, as well, that the poison and the magic that bound her to the Frenchman had not left her. Only Alrion, Drakus' brother, knows this, and he has promised never to tell a soul. They did not need to know.

Now, there is a problem with Ezrael, who is Drakus' son. Through the events that deal with him, she has met Jasenga, a curse laid onto Kenji, and also Alrion's girlfriend, Eve, and then Sie, a drow woman, and countless other people.

However, as the months and horrible events passed, the time came when the Flavaar manor burned down on Ezrael's command. Everything Avia owned was burned with it, save for a few weapons. As she rode with the companions that Drakus and Alrion had gathered, she was given the chance to take Ezrael's second form into a diamond. Sie had the first shot, but it was thrown away. She and Alrion gave Avia the chance, and she took it.

What they did not know was that the truly evil Ezrael was the original one after all. He summoned a meteor down from space to hit Terra. She and Daniel boarded his spaceship in an attempt to destroy it before it landed. The weapons did not work, but Daniel had one thing left. He had a bomb. Knowing that his chances of living were higher than Avia's if the bomb went off, he shoved her inside of an escape pod, sent her on her way with a last teary goodbye, and sacrificed himself to stop the meteor. It worked. Daniel became a dead hero.

And he left Avia to wallow and drink away a life without him.

-ah. really did not work out that. Things don't tend to be that simple in Avia's life. She was not left to wallow in her apartment and mope. Ezrael haunted her dreams from the dead, scarcely allowing her rest. And, one day in a drunken stupor, he visited her waking life from the world of the living. He had somehow attained a new body. One year after his, and Daniels, death, Drakus felt the need to revive one of the Ezrael's. The one she had before imprisoned.

After that, Ezrael had come to Avia, and only trouble followed.

So begins...

Avia L'arie's Story


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Avia L'arie walks smoothly into the bar, the part in her kimono showing off one of her long, pale legs. The dress also sloped around one shoulder, showing she was too lazy to tie it on correctly. Her dark brown hair fell across her shoulders in a sloppy updo, and her eyes were half-closed. She strode over to the bar, back straight and kimono dragging onto the floor.


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Avia L'arie enters the bar with a confident strut, her head raised high, but her clothing, her red kimono, was sloped around her naked shoulders lazily. Her skin was evident beneath the part in her dress, which revealed a long, pale leg. Her eyes, slanted and sharp, darted around the bar. Her black hair, pinned in a rather messy updo, loped around her shoulders.


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Avia L'arie walked to the bar counter, her red kimono trailing behind her, seeming to walk so easily, so effortlessly, yet at the same time will all the effort in the world; the consequence of laziness. She sat at one of the stools, her leg becoming more and more revealed as her dress twisted this way and that. Her half-closed eyes darted for a bartender. She put her head in her hand, her brown hair now swirling around her shoulders.


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Avia L'arie suavely walked into the bar, her tall form seeming to glide gracefully across the bar floor. Her kimono was loose over her pale shoulders, and her black hair loped around her neck in a sloppy bun. She had a small smile curved around her face as she sat at the counter.


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Avia L'arie crossed her pale legs, one of which was revealed for the part in her kimono, sloppily tied. She wore a short corset top behind it, covering only what was needed. She had a piece of some kind of twig or grain in her mouth, hanging out as she chewed on it, as if she were a cowboy or something.


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Avia L'arie walks suavely into the bar, her tall figure seeming to glide across the wooden boards. Her kimono sloped lazily around her pale shoulders, tied lazily, and her long black hair was in a sloppy bun that clung to her neck, and her slanted eyes spun to look around the bar. She had a feint smile about her face, and between her lips was broom sedge, like what the cowboys chewed on in movies.

The setting changes from Gambit's Bar to Twisted Path


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Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Avia L'arie says,
 walks suavely across the forest floor, her tall figure seeming to glide across the dirt and grass. Her kimono sloped around her pale shoulders, tied lazily, and her long black hair was in a sloppy bun that clung to her neck, and her slanted eyes spun to look around the trees above her. She had a feint smile about her face, and between her lips was broom sedge, like what the cowboys chewed on in movies. She made a big sigh as she looked up, hearing a loud whirring sound off in the distance.
"...Now what could that be...?" She said to herself, quietly, her curiosity stirring.


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Avia L'arie walked slowly toward the whirring sound, looking around, her bun becoming more loose with each step. She took her time, but stopped as she saw the trees bellowing. She made a humming sound, drawling out a long "Hmmmmmmm." in thought. She chewed on her grass stalk and continued walking.


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Avia L'arie walked out of the bushes, hearing the whirring sound die down. She guided her eyes upward, seeing a giant metal...
"House?" She said to herself, raising a black eyebrow. She had no idea what this thing was, or that it was advanced technology. "It's not a it?"


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Avia L'arie looked at the strange people coming from the giant metal...thing. She shrugged it off, for seeing things so strange was, oddly, common in her experience. She looked to the fair haired woman that walked down and greeted her. She nodded in response.
"Hello, there." She greeted back. She walked toward them cautiously. "And who are you all? What is this?"


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Avia L'arie smiled and was about to reply to the woman with her own name, along with a string of questions, but the ship began to roar and whir once again, and Avia ran after the woman, in case of any danger. She was nearly blown away by her light weight, but also made it just in time.
"What....happened?" She had a calm, yet perplexed look about her face.


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Avia L'arie takes Samus' hand and lifts herself up, her kimono sliding down to reveal her tight corset top. She decided it was too warm to wear the kimono fully anyway, and took her arms out of the sleeves, letting it hand on her hips. She smiled at Samus and thanked her.
"Now...this is quite odd. What is a spaceship?"


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Avia L'arie was flown to the side quite suddenly by the ship swinging and staggering. Because of hollow bones, it was not hard for her to be swung around. She regained balance by placing her palm roughly onto the ground.
"Other planets?" She gasped, laughing. "There are such things?"


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Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Avia L'arie says,
 nodded to Samus and grabbed onto said bars, steadying herself once more. She stuck her hand out. "Sorry, I was not able to introduce myself. I'm Avia, and it is nice to meet you." She looked out a window, seeing the stars stretch out in an endless void.
"My word..." Said the whisper that escaped her lips. She almost dropped her grass stalk for her gape.


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Avia L'arie is thrown from the nosedive, clenching strong fingers onto the bars. They began to slide, and Avia could feel her stomach heave for the vertigo. Her hair fell into her face and her eyes widened, but only in excitement. Nothing so wonderful had happened in an age!


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Avia L'arie slopes to the ground, legs beneath her, trying to regain control over her whirling stomach. She shook her head, her long black hair sprawling out on all sides around her pale shoulders. The contrast between hair and skin was evident.
"My, my, what an adventure."


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Avia L'arie follows Joker out, just a little wobbly, and one pale leg showing beneath a part in her badly tied kimono. She was tall and slender, no doubt, well endowed, but she had not the ditsiness of any woman that looked about the same as herself. She strutted out onto dirt.
"Is this a different planet?" She asked.


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Avia L'arie looked around and sighed. Her kimono bellowed in a quick gust of wind, then died down. She flicked her head from side to side, her composure now regained.
"So we are back...I don't know weather to be disappointed or relieved..."


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Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Avia L'arie says,
 walked out well far toward the trees. There was always something weird about this forest. It was always rather ominous, to say the least. She turned back to the large amount of guests that had collected.
"What a ruckus..." She said to herself. "Interesting, nonetheless.


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Character Portrait: Avia L'arie Avia L'arie says,