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"Perhaps I can help with your boredom~?"

0 · 902 views · located in ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

a character in “Operation: Login”, as played by cielo-drago


|| Cielo ||

"EDEN is just a game, so shouldn't we just have fun~?"


|| Theme Songs ||
Normal||Noble Evil||


|| Full Name ||
Satoshi Irie

|| Age ||

|| Gender ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Origin ||
Japan, Though normally pretends to be from Italy.

|| Role ||
The "Angel" Game Master

|| Face Claim ||
Some red head guy.



|| Hair Color ||
White with lavender tints

|| Eye Color ||

|| Skin Tone ||

|| Height ||

|| Level:||

|| Weapon of choice: ||
Dragon's Fang

|| Secondary Weapon:||

|| Equipment:||
Head Gear: Seal of the Order (Tattoo)
Armor: Paladin's Coat
Leg Armor: Crusader's Boots

|| Battle Stats: ||

|| Sense Stats ||:
Detection: 300
Hearing: 250

|| Additional Skill: ||
Dowsing: 200
Cooking: 200
Black Smithing: 350
Sewing: 300
Alchemy: 200

|| Guild ||:
Solo Player

|| @Home ||:

|| Contact Book ||:

|| Face Claim ||
Byakuran (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)


|| Personality ||
Cielo is a charming man, easy to talk to, happy-go-lucky, very intelligent in many ways, and has a distinctive chuckle to gets to you sometimes (fufufufu~). He's very amiable to many, sarcastically funny to those who know him better, and a grave teaser to those who seem interesting. He can come off as quite the flirt at times, but in reality he doesn't seem to really care much about romance. The few he deems as interesting are the ones who usually get to see the brunt of his teasing nature, and usually his partner seems to be one of the few.

Because of his smiling facade, at times he is hard to read. The only way to really tell what he is feeling would be to ask him outright, but often times he would just either deny negative emotions, or respond back coolly, his normally cheerful voice dropping a few degrees, depending on the person. Under his scrutinizing eyes, one is always being watched, always, so one has to be careful around him. Cielo has a frightening ability to figure out what someone's weaknesses are and how to best exploit those... and if you happen to wander into his colder side, he'll have fun using said weakness against you.

While playing with other players, he usually has the tendency to seem like he's one of the players who want to stay in EDEN. His usual reasoning would be "EDEN is a game we bought voluntarily, so might as well enjoy it, right?" It just helps along with his easy-going attitude, but in a deeper sense it shows that he doesn't care what happens. He feels no sense of regret in trapping these players here for his, and his partner's amusement. Call him a cold-heart, and he'll just laugh it off like he does with most comments about himself.



|| Reason why playing ||
Satoshi has been interested in game design all his life, since both his father and mother were game designers. His father was the chairman of the best game producers in Japan. Within a few months, Satoshi easily learned from the best, and designed small games which were big hits with the children video games. While going through college, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology, which made him curious about the human psych. What would happen if they were stuck in game with no way out? How would they respond? How close are humans to madness if they were faced with a situation they could not control?

And so, Operation:Login soon took affect...and so far, it's been amusing him more than he thought.
|| Biography ||
Satoshi was born and raised in Japan, and America with his father taking him back and forth between the two nations because of his father's job. From a young age, his father often taught him, and he even helped out the company by being a video game tester, and someone who often knew what was popular. He grew up living with video games, so he developed a love for it. For him, the more complicated game the better and so it formed his desire to create even more games.

With each game that he designed was a hit, he took a break when he was 18, leaving the company for awhile to attend college. There, he majored in Video Game design and Computer science but also during these years he began to like the science of Psychology, and the human mind. This made him begin to think about human reaction, and adaption-something about it just seemed to spark an interest in him. He graduated when he was 22, intent on doing something that would sate his interest in both about the human mind and video games.

At first, he released more small games, personality games, and other things he could relate to psychology, but then one day he decided to try something new. His mind thought up of a game where the players could not log out by choice. Yes, it would create a situation that would show a lot of what he was interested in. One that would force humans to adapt quickly, and it would show quite a lot of emotions. That would require some development, but it seemed worth it.

Of course, he couldn't do it alone. That would take far too long, and he was pretty sure if he did he would simply loose interest in the project after a few years. Observing the people who worked for his father, he met with Naru, a designer who worked with the company quite often. He seemed bored, and generally apathetic to people... so that would make the perfect partner, even if they were polar opposites of each other.

After pitching the idea to the younger, he only grinned like a child as the male seemed interested as well. Thus begun the work they nicknamed as "Operation:Login." The game took almost five years to develop, but it was a major hit. The world's first most advanced MMORPG was released first in America, then in other countries, Japan being the last. Satoshi made sure the game, when played and did it's job the police would assume a company in another country. It was released under a false company, so the authorities could not ruin their fun. It worked perfectly, leaving the authorities lost, and without clues.

And now, as the game completes it's final year, Satoshi is still amused by it.


"...Just how interesting can a person be? Isn't that fun to find out?"

So begins...

Cielo's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erai Kimura Character Portrait: Venus Character Portrait: Raijin Character Portrait: Hecate Character Portrait: Crimson Character Portrait: Cielo
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It has been almost a year. Currently, it is the start of November, painting the landscape of EDEN in a nice golden-brown color in the AREAS such as the Forests, and mountains. Most player have found something to do to pre-occupy their time here, creating shops, guilds, businesses, and other types of livings.

The Knights of Hyperion is currently training for the upcoming PVP tournament, with the promise of being released from the game.

The Silver Lyre guild is currently investigating the rumor of the Game Masters being the top tag-team battle.

The Game Masters are simply enjoying the panic, but rumors say a new event will be released soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei
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0.00 INK


The setting changes from EDEN to ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei
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0.00 INK

Image ~ Bee Loop Bee Loop ~ You Got Mail ~

Itching the side of his head he peeked one eye open to see the flashing sign of a little mail icon. There was only one person who he knew would mail him this early. Closing his eye and laying back down without reading what the mail had said, he reached one arm up and started typing without looking.

"..Do you want to die....This is too early!"

He swiped his hand over the do not disturb icon and fell right back to sleep the moment his hand dropped.

(8am in the morning)
It wasn't until about 8 in the morning before he got up in a daze. Another day in Eden, he still wasn't use to the blue hair, even after a year. With a long exhale he ran his hand through his hair, swiping it over to the one side, as always. And as always he went to his clothes icon to put on his battle clothes. Or more to say his every day clothes, not many notice, or so he thinks.

Swiping through the menu he pulled up a listing of some of the Guilds that would be into the tournament, but none interested him. Today was the day he was going to go out and see for himself what they might be up against. It was better that way. And even though he looked 'too flashy' to most people, he never showed that he was strong, nor did he not show it, he always tried to keep himself average on the battlefields. Closing that he changed his menu into the average players menu, discarding the Game Master's menu and hiding into locked files.

Stretching he got off the bed and kicked the door open with a tap of his foot, while rubbing his abs with his hand and patting his mouth as he yawned. He was never a morning person, he was a night owl and always will be. The sun was one thing he never cared for, it was always the night that held his interests. Something about it was more eye taking than the light of day.

Making sure he was well stocked before taking off he opened up the flash mail. With a few quick types he sent Cielo a message.

"I'll be out for quite some time. If you want to come, I'll be in the for about an hour."

~ Swishhhh ~ Message Sent ~

MAC ANU City was huge and the Old European feeling was definitely about it. The place had too many people and the buildings had no color but tan and brown and stood way too tall. To Akuma this was considered a boring town. The creation was great, for those laid back city type of people or family kinds of people. Honestly, it was sort of made for that. But, he helped make it because he hated it, not because he enjoyed it, but could it have been hate, was it more like a jealousy? Who could remember it's been years, this was one of the first cities they had made together, him and Cielo. They were just kids back then.

His eyes narrowed at the city, just slightly, as he walked the streets, lost in thought.

"How can I not remember the reason for this place no longer?...Has it really been so long?"

You could hear the sound of crowds chit chatting about sales, food, bargains, ect. It went on. But he focused his hearing on the sounds of the chains on his boots, clashing together as he walked. While looking at his hand.

"Already a year has passed and still there has been no winners to complete all the levels. Such spoiled brats, only wanting themselves free. Such fools!"

People have always bothered Akuma, he never liked them, he was a solo Game Master, that was until Cielo came along, that was the one person he could sort of get along with. Cielo was also the one person who could put up with Akuma's cold shoulder and harsh words. Sure Akuma's bark is harsh, but his bite is far more worse. I mean look at what he and Cielo has created. They are mad enough to let millions of people go through all this. To let millions of people die or live, and even if they lived through the game, their bodies in real life could only last so long before it gives out and dies. So in a way you could say, in a way, the two Game Masters are murders. But this was something Akuma could live with, he hated them all including himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arcas Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

❇Level 159
❇Attack:295 || Defense:230 || Agility:225
❇Detection: 300 || Hearing: 250 || Hiding:200
❇Location: MAC ANU
You really think you can escape?

While walking along the docks of MAC ANU, the small ping! alerted him of a response from his flash mail. Pausing in his steady pace, he opened it up, and let allowed the corners of his mouth to grin at the other's response.

"..Do you want to die....This is too early!" It was almost too easy to get the other riled up, especially since the blue-haired man was not a morning person, which was a shame too, since Cielo did spend about a week on just the sky's scenery alone. After all, he had promised breath-taking, and realistic views hadn't he? He was pretty sure he got it, especially since there was often times where he'd catch players simply watching the sunset to have some sort of normal feeling in EDEN. The sky was probably the most comforting thing, as it ticked away and told time for everyone who saw it.

Pausing once again as a small ping was heard he blinked, scanning the message before typing out a quick response.

"If we're going to the forest AREA, I'll be happy to go~ There's an item I want there~" Before hitting the "send" button back to the other Game Master. He only wondered what type of cold response the other would send back, probably reprimanding him about taking this game too seriously... Well, they had to blend in, right? The albino would simply play along to the game, even if there was no point too.

Being a Game Master could often times be a bit boring. There was no point in training, no point in item-gathering, and no point in doing anything in the game. They could leave whenever they wanted, so the struggle the normal players had didn't apply to them. After all, Cielo or rather "Satoshi Irie" did have to appear now and again in the outside world, less people would get suspicious, right? Not to mention all the outside work of the game like programming had to be done by someone. Of course, the pair took turns, but at times he wondered whether Akuma wanted to leave or not.

Opening up his own menu, he quickly sent a party request to the blue-haired player, just to spot him in the midst of everyone the root town MAC ANU could hold. The city of MAC ANU seemed to be a big hit with the other players of EDEN, since it resembled an old, and rustic town. With the town being the most biggest, and having the most occupants here it was troublesome to locate one player unless they were in a party, so usually Akuma was his constant party member, along with a few other normal players as well. Of course, the item he wanted was from a rather strong area, so maybe Arch Rune, or Korpal would be interested in going too... That way, if his initial partner decided to be an ass, or decline his request to simply play he could have a back-up plan. Opening up the menu again, he typed out a flash mail to Korpal and Arch Rune.

"If you want to go on an adventure, just let me know~ I need people to go to the forest area~!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei
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0.00 INK

Image ~ Bee Loop Bee Loop ~ You Got Mail ~

Sighing before opening the mail he scanned through what it said. "..That didn't take long"

"If we're going to the forest AREA, I'll be happy to go~ There's an item I want there~"

"This Idiot" He thought to himself as he looked around while replying. "Fine, but if you make me do anything, I'll feed you to the foes. ..Before that, let's check out the Guilds. We need to either make one of our own or get offered to join one. We already get suspicious looks. Hurry up and get over here! I hate messaging." Sending in his reply and accepting friend request, he rubbed his fingers in through his hair, letting it swish as he softly nodded to a lady who had been staring at him.

Nervously she blushed and looked away as she nodded back at him.

Akuma never really understood emotion other than anger or being calm, it was pretty much all he did. But he also knew when to be polite, which would involve a kind(meaningless) smile or a gentle nod. Yet even though he could be one of the worlds smartest guys in gaming, and good looking, there was one thing that he never could let himself understand. And that was love or the emotions of the heart. When he was younger he threw those emotions away and locked them into a deep dark dungeon. So even if he thinks he knows it, he doesn't get it. So if you were not clear with how you felt towards him, he wouldn't understand you, he doesn't take the time to understand people or get to know them. To him, it is meaningless.

This is where the gaming gets involved, well mostly. Gaming was actually the one place where he could get away from the real world, yet actually be apart of it. The only place where he could kill those he thought to be useless and or annoying, and not have to worry about it being illegal. It was his game, his world, his gate way of freedom.

Something clicked inside him the night they thought about making an RPG game that involved risking peoples lives. And the only problem was involving those help making the game to go along with it and hide who is behind it all. They couldn't hide the Game Masters behind it, but inside the game they could. If the real world were to kill the Game Masters in real life, all those people in the game will die with them, that was the problem. The only reason why they was able to last this long. The only reason why, all those people, if not most are still alive, yet at risk.

Shoving his hands inside his pockets, he closed his eyes lifting his face towards the sun. Lost away in his own thoughts, the only thing that moved on him was the slight breeze of the people and waggons passing by him. "..What is freedom...... Even in a game.. that you could feel so free in..... When you really are not.." Mumbling to himself, he slowly inhaled and opened his eyes as he started to head towards the center of the city.

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU to ROOT TOWN: LUMINA CLOTH

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raijin Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Emma
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0.00 INK

|| Korpal ||

"Time sure does feel real here


“Yeah! I’m coming already! Just give me time to realise this isn’t a dream, and then time to get ready
 and five minutes more!” Seo cried, spread out, foot hanging off the top bunk, “Huh?” He sat up realising he was just excusing himself on auto and that no one had requested his presence, or not that he’d heard any way, he let out a deep sigh, ducking down his head. “I’m not Seo here, Korpal, remember it.” He shook himself and tore his duvet away, “I wonder what Em and the others are up to?” A quick message would sort out his query but that would cost him dearly, the attention of the guild meant work. “Maybe just Em then
” Seo reflected, pulling a long sleeve over his head. Seo had the message board open in front of him whilst tighten his belt when it flashed.

"If you want to go on an adventure, just let me know~ I need people to go to the forest area~!" It was from Ceilo.

” Quests were more of high spirited adventures bag, but Ceilo was a friend, a rare commodity within Eden. Seo hit reply.

“Place + Time. Allow 10 xtra mins. Need to change. Korpal.”

Sent. It was obvious Seo didn’t need extra time but he’d take it regardless. It’d been a fair while, a month or so since he’d Ceilo or Akuma and besides, it wasn’t the guild’s style to turn down assistance or so he kept reminding himself every time some one requested it.
In all truth Seo didn’t mind the Boy Scout stance the guild had, it was refreshing. The difference in opinion came to raising their profile, Seo couldn’t understand it, it’d only agitate guilds and draw the aggressors toward the guild, and it wasn’t as if they were in short supply of players trying to knock them off.
Seo started making his way down the cold stone stairs barefooted, it was already familiar, the guild, and taking up residence was a slice when he’d explained himself, and the pile of rubble that used to constitute his previous residency. His message board flashed and he stuck some virtual bread into his mouth; another message.

"Everyone meet in the guild @home. I have a plan for looking into the tag team I told you all about." It was from Raijin.

“Go figure, but no can do.” Seo breathed, tapping the console.

“Sorry, going on a job. Surprised right? Wish me luck + Keep me posted. Korpal.”

Sent. Seo wondered if he should have requested to be kept in the loop and shugged, “If they need me, they’ll call. Simple.”
He bent down pulling on a boot whilst chewing, the slice protruding. Seo couldn’t help feel wary that Emma was going to appear and yell at him for slacking, but Emma wasn’t, and for once he wasn’t slacking
 to an extent.
Rising Seo brushed himself down and motioned towards the door, his hands reached out for the handle and his sword respectively and he found it was yet again another perfect day in Eden. “Suppose I should await further instructions. In the pub.” Seo looked both ways, sure the guild was out to catch him out but especially Emma. “Looks clear!”[/b] Seo grinned, wandering towards the town centre. He clicked his console.

“Hey Akuma! Tell me the 3 musketeers are reforming? It wouldn’t be the same without grumpy! LOL. Drink first? Korpal.”

Sent. Seo knew the message would rile up Akuma but winding up the highly strung power player always gave him a kick. Not a great deal else Seo had planned today and it did feel like he’d received a golden ticket, getting out of guild work, though technically it was guild work. “Ha!”

Regular Posts:1/20
Battle Posts:0/10

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: LUMINA CLOTH to ROOT TOWN: DOL DONNA

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge

Comfortable darkness surrounded the room- not the pitch black of night nor the pathetic attempts at blocking the sun out with curtains, no. It was the dim light of a seemingly stormy morning that seeped through the blue-grey blinds at the windows, bathing the room in just enough natural light to be able to discern everything there, but with such an eye-pleasing darkness that allowed continued sleep. Gentle bird calls chirped in the distance, and it was so quiet in the area that the flutter of wings and the soft brushing of wind could be easily heard.

The sweet smell of nature- of freshly dewed grass and hints of watermelon, of the clean invigorating scent of the breeze as it lazily winded through Dol Donna seemed forever present no matter where you went in the town. It was why Rune loved the area so much. With a huff of air, Arch Rune scrunched his face a bit as he shifted in bed. His eyes cracked open slowly, and he blinked away the sleep that clung to his mind.

Pulling himself up into a sitting position, the sheets slipped off of his form to pool at his legs while a yawn occupied his lips. He shivered slightly, and his eyes narrowed. Had he left a window open last night? No
 when had he taken his shirt off? He glanced down at his chest and abdomen, finding his torso bare. However, he wasn’t completely without covering. His lovely hoodie was draped across his arms, and the strings tapped calmly against his skin with every twitch of his body.

Another yawn split his lips, and he lifted a loose fist to his mouth as he stretched. Pulling the large hood over his head and running his fingers against the line of his face mask- one he never took off unless eating- he let out sigh and leaned back on his arms. Unfortunately, something rather annoying split the otherwise peaceful, quiet, and dim morning.

Rune squinted as a bright light suddenly flashed in front of him followed by a gentle bell chime. ~A Letter Awaits~

Rune scowled at the intrusion of his morning, and did not even bother to open the little popup box that pulsed before him. Food came first, not messages. It didn’t matter who sent it, he wasn’t going to open it until he deigned to do so.

Socked feet thudded against the wooden floor as Arch Rune rose from his mattress with another yawn, soon shuffling past his bedroom to the kitchen. Morning light filtered through the unobstructed windows, dappling the floors with the shadows of leaves and the occasional jitter of some small creature or other. He liked that there were no annoying shouts of other players, that the smoke and exhaust that filled the other towns was nonexistent, and that no one would pass by his windows on crowded streets and decide to take a peek inside. That was the beauty of Dol Donna.

Grabbing an apple from a nearby basket, Rune set it down on the counter, grabbing a cooking knife before the sequence began. He made quick work of slicing it into very thin straps, soon putting it into a bowl and beginning his light breakfast. As he ate, he finally brought the message box back up, swiping a thumb across the newest message.

*’If you want to go on an adventure, just let me know~ I need people to go to the forest area~!’ Cielo.*

A subtle smirk pressed into his lips beneath the cloth that hid the bottom portion of his face. That was a laugh, Cielo didn’t need anyone. He was a game master after all, he could do whatever he wanted, get whatever he wanted, at the push of a button. But it was reasonable, Rune figured, because having that kind of power was beyond boring. What was the point of the game if you already had everything, if you didn’t have to work for anything?

Rune tapped in his own reply.

>”Only if you’re heading to the higher levels. Anything less is a waste of both of our time. You know I find messaging dull, tell me where to head so we can talk in person.”- Arch Rune.

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: DOL DONNA to ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

❇Level 159
❇Attack:295 || Defense:230 || Agility:225
❇Detection: 300 || Hearing: 250 || Hiding:200
❇Location: MAC ANU
You really think you can escape?

"Fine, but if you make me do anything, I'll feed you to the foes. ..Before that, let's check out the Guilds. We need to either make one of our own or get offered to join one. We already get suspicious looks. Hurry up and get over here! I hate messaging."

Cielo couldn't help but let out a short chuckle at the other's impatient response. As he received the notification of his party request, he blinked and soon opened up the map. The orange dot showed that the other game master was in the main square of MAC ANU, with other people around as well.

"Aku-chan, If you keep being angry all the time, you're gonna get white hair you know~" Tapping send, as the albino turned his direction toward the area that the other was in. As he walked, two more short pings sounded off as the other two responded back.

“Place + Time. Allow 10 xtra mins. Need to change. Korpal.”

"MAC ANU, probably the main square since that's where Akuma is~ We'll leave once you, and one of my other friends get here!" Hitting the send button, he flipped to his next message letting another hum escape as he quickly scanned it.

”Only if you’re heading to the higher levels. Anything less is a waste of both of our time. You know I find messaging dull, tell me where to head so we can talk in person.”- Arch Rune.

"Eh? So impatient~ Lighten up a bit~ It's such a nice today in MAC ANU, Archy~" Hitting the send button, before typing out another to the other player. "Though we're probably meeting in MAC ANU, per usual~ Boats are too troublesome, so you can handle it! Plus we'll be heading deep into the little forest AREA! So no problem there~"

Shutting off the messenger, within a few minutes Akuma's blue hair came into view in the crowd. Only catching the last few words of "are not," a light curious gaze followed the other. It wasn't hard to tell he was deep in thought, but of what was the real question here. Seeing as the other didn't seem to sense him yet, a friendly arm was thrown over the blue-head's shoulder, followed by a grin shot his way.

"Morning Aku-chan~ Had a nice night?" Cielo asked, keeping the same childish grin on his face. He released the other from his friendly gesture and shot him another bright grin. "I was able to get Archy and Korpal to join us today!" A proud grin sat on his face before he released another laugh. "Try and be nice today, alright? We don't need gloomy attitudes when today is a good day~" At least for now. To be honest, whenever he invited people to join a party with him and Akuma, usually Akuma would just ignore everyone, and everything. Then when he tried to get the other to be social, he usually ended up failing, with the blue-headed male actually trying to kill him. Harsh, right? But that was Akuma, so there was no helping it.

"We almost have a full party~ Something fun should happen, right?"

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU to EDEN


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from EDEN to ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei
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0.00 INK

Image The ping of the messenger had sounded off once again. It was Korpal. "Wonder what he wants.." he thought, stopping as he rubbed the back of his shoulder.

“Hey Akuma! Tell me the 3 musketeers are reforming? It wouldn’t be the same without grumpy! LOL. Drink first? Korpal.”

He scoffed and quickly replied with his respons. "You mean Four Musketeers. Besides, I don't drink"

As odd as that was, it was true, even in the game, he never once drank anything other than tea. He'd never really talk to anyone, you'd get more out of him through text than you would in person. It's like that saying. 'In order to get through to someone you have to be them.' or something like that.

Shortly after Cielo's message came through, but before he could take his time to reply to it..He had already shown up. Throwing his arm over Akuma's shoulders as if they were the best of friends. Akuma didn't reply to this right away, he was going to give Cielo a chance to change his ways, before the worst would happen. It had broke his train of thought and that wasn't a good thing, not with Akuma.

"Morning Aku-chan~ Had a nice night?" There was a grin on his stupid face that always made him look like a fool. It was amazing how he was taken to be a Game Master. It took Akuma a long time before he accepted Cielo's ways, but even still then, he doesn't fully. "I was able to get Archy and Korpal to join us today! Try and be nice today, alright? We don't need gloomy attitudes when today is a good day~" A proud grin sat on his face before he released another laugh.

Akuma just stared up at the tallest building in the city, while Cielo kept going on and on about people joining, Akuma had already guest it, from when Korpal messaged him. That was just how Cielo was, always wanting more.

"We almost have a full party~ Something fun should happen, right?"

Fun was one word that wasn't in Akuma's vocabulary. He tried to avoid things that involved fun. This was one reason why he hated Parties of people. They always got into trouble or some sort of weird thing happening. The bigger the group the more trouble it is or causes or gets caused in.

Without one word to Cielo, akuma closed his eyes with a sigh, reaching over his chest and onto Cielo's hand. Slowly he started to crush it. The effect of the slow pain even made Cielo's HP show up and start to budge. Letting go he turned sharp onto his heal with his hands now into his pockets. His face got up close to his. He had said nothing to the albino, he didn't have to, one look was enough. The look wasn't mean or deadly. It was just a stare, up close and personal.

You could hear some ladies giggling thinking that to two males were doing more than what they should. But it didn't faze Akuma. To him the only people in the world was those he spoke to and no one else. And right now it was just him and Cielo.

This character that he had created was handsome, for an albino, but the real Cielo was much more suitable. He always noticed these things, unsure as to why he would. The guy was annoying, always in his hair, a non quiet, house bothering, mouth chattering, fool. There wasn't a thing to like about him, not like Akuma could say much, not like there was anything good about Akuma himself. Yet still he wondered why it was he puts up with this guy and couldn't with others.

But he gave up and sighed pulling away and turning around away from the city. To where it was Cielo wanted to go. He had changed his mind about the guilds, for now. "Let us not keep people waiting."Was all he brought himself to say.

Regular Posts:3/20
Battle Posts:0/10

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU to ROOT TOWN: BREG EPONA

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Merc Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Emma
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0.00 INK

|| Korpal ||

"... Deflect!"


“These trips always feel like I’ve tipped money down a drain,” Seo sighed stepping off the pier and into Breg Epona. If Seo had a coin pouch he’d be cleaning out moths, as it stood his inventory displayed numerous zeros before significant digits appeared, and there weren’t many of those.
Seo’s console flashed.

"MAC ANU, probably the main square since that's where Akuma is~ We'll leave once you, and one of my other friends get here!"

It was from Ceilo, Seo had figured as much and was enroute, though who ever the game masters were deserved a slug or two for the long winded and winding ways between the four towns.
“TWO STOPS, Two stops away!” Seo hung his head, “and I have a feeling Ceilo did it on purpose
” Seo’s lip cornered upwards, “Shouldn’t expect less really...”

Passing through Breg Epona and nearing the central plaza a careless shoulder slammed against Seo; a guild barged past. “Hey! Ah forget it
” Seo slung his hand down and regained balance.The group was already a distance away, it was as if they didn't see Korpal at all. Seo shrugged it off, turning back to the plaza, it was busy, but not as he usually recalled it to be. Something, someone caught his eye, a man making his way out of a dispersing crowd. Seo had seen the man before; he’d seen the weapon the guy was holstering and Seo dropped slightly, his breathing shallow and fast. Blades anchored within his chest as snapshots of a battle long-over unveiled.
Seo gave his chest a thump, then another, peering up his body alerted, realising the man “Merc,” was gone.

Pushing forward Seo rushed towards the station, “You can’t get away.” he breathed, before his console flashed up.

“Oh, and good luck Korpal! Have fun.”

Emma’s replies always did arrive at the worst possible time and the distraction completely confounded him. Seo dashed around, his head as if on an axle. The trail was cold and masked.
“Darn!” Seo kicked at the ground, walking off towards the station.
“Last call for to MAC ANU, last call!” The attendant announced and Seo clenched his fist still sore about loosing Merc before slipping through the closing doors.

The train was packed; Seo leaned against the train doors, scratching his head. Ghost wounds echoed throughout Seo as he sunk deep into thought and battle shockwaves reverberated inside of him, “Am I
 scared?” Seo’s face furrowed, noticing a tremor. The remainder of the trip would have continued on in the same sombre reflective tone, however a message flared up, raising Seo’s head.

"You mean Four Musketeers. Besides, I don't drink" Akuma.

A short chuckle burst from Seo and his mindset had returned to default, forgetting Merc. Seo tapped at the console.

“Just grab a tea; I won’t touch it this time! Maybe get a drink-to-go, I am travelling through multiple towns here! 4 of 7 dwarves then, Grumpy. Korpal”


Sent. “A new face?” Seo pondered, come to think, he hadn’t met a friend of their Akuma or Ceilo before. He pushed his head back against the glass, staring the ceiling, wondering what today's turn of events were in store for him, awaiting arrival.

Regular Posts:2/20
Battle Posts:0/10

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: BREG EPONA to EDEN


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
*Irritated look* Ignore this. Wrong place. Was even thinking about it before I made the mistake.

The setting changes from EDEN to ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge

Regular Posts: 2/20
Battle Posts: 0/10

Rune slipped his arms out of his hoodie, soon returning to his bedroom to change for the day. While he pulled a tight-fitting black shirt with no sleeves and a high collar, another message sounded in front of him, followed by another chime soon after. Slipping a metal-work belt halfway through the loops in his pants, he opened each message, scanning over them quickly as he worked.

’Eh? So impatient~ Lighten up a bit~ It's such a nice today in MAC ANU, Archy~ Though we're probably meeting in MAC ANU, per usual~ Boats are too troublesome, so you can handle it! Plus we'll be heading deep into the little forest AREA! So no problem there~’

Boat? Blinking once, he then remembered the ferry system that ran between the island of Dol Donna and Mac Anu, one that he quite possibly missed. But it wasn’t like he wasn’t resourceful. Fastening the belt together and pulling a matching pitch-colored facemask with silver threadwork around the lower half of his face and fastening it there, he shifted through his home to the front door.

Slipping his feet into his sneakers, he soon departed with a still drowsy look to his face. Stuffing his left hand into his pocket, he opened several different windows in front of his face with his right. He wasn’t worried about peeping eyes, as he had seen only a very few souls meandering throughout town, though, that was probably because he took different paths than everyone else. Besides, the screens looked innocent enough should someone bother to look his way, and an added factor was that he looked intimidating enough to warrant a short-lived glance, even though he walked with a lazy stance.

He had been within Eden for a year, and he was friends with a game master, so of course, with his added intelligence and already equipped with the skills he held in reality, he had a few tricks up his sleeves that weren’t exactly illegal. A few of them were already available to players through signs, or at-location, but he had made it accessible from wherever he might be.

The boat to Mac Anu had indeed already made its first trip of the day, but it had made its round and should be returning in five minutes. Rune joined the small crowd that was beginning to form there, leaning against the short fence of the dock in silence. There was plenty of space, so he didn’t have to worry about people getting too close to him.

After the appropriate time had passed, Arch Rune descended from the wooden steps of the dock based in Mac Anu. The city was not unattractive, in fact many places in it resembled Venice or a more modern Wales, as well as many other cities around the world. But it was too commonplace and resembled the real cities too much. It was annoying only in the fact that while it might try to imitate the towns and real world cities, it did not offer any of the perks or familiarity.

At least it wasn’t Breg Epona, with its stifling air and obnoxiously loud streets.

Arch Rune tilted his attention back to the task at hand, which was heading over to the square where Cielo would undoubtedly be. It was hard to miss his characteristic hair and markings, and Rune came to a silent stop next to him, a content grin hidden behind his mask. His eyes scanned over the blue-haired man next to him. He had seen hints of the man once or twice before and Cielo had mentioned him, but Arch couldn’t place his name at that moment.

His gaze did not linger on the other, and his attention was soon taken with Cielo once more. When the Game Master insisted on using the nickname ‘Archy’- one Rune did not particularly prefer- he used his own teasing names. ”Cello-chan~” He cooed at the man in greeting, smirking and ruffling his hair lightly, a rare glimpse of cheerfulness hinted in his eyes. It was the uncharacteristic trait that always appeared when Rune was around anyone of his tightly knit friend cluster. Other than this out of place show of affection, the Masked Man remained rather stoic.

He soon took a step back, slipping both hands into his pockets as he gazed around. ”Ready then?” Arch Rune wasn’t really one for standing around doing nothing when other things called for his attention, and he certainly didn’t like wasting his time around the weaker players of the towns when he had a choice. Rune had assumed their party would consist of only the two of them; he had not been expecting the blue-haired addition, though it wasn’t like Rune would be complaining as long as the guy kept out of his way and didn’t pose an annoying weak link during their expedition.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

❇Level 159
❇Attack:295 || Defense:230 || Agility:225
❇Detection: 300 || Hearing: 250 || Hiding:200
❇Location: MAC ANU
You really think you can escape?

Cielo blinked, a short questioning gaze soon being set as he watched the blue haired individual take a step closer. A rather blank stare greeted the other as he felt the crushing grip of the other's small, but damaging attack. He only laughed, and tilted his head slightly in questioning before speaking. "It seems Aku's feeling a bit tense today, ne~" he hummed out, amusement easily showing in his voice.

Truthfully? Most people wouldn't try to do that to him, because the facade he had online was simply this: He didn't care much for what happened. Simply going with the flow seemed better than reacting to every small detail, or at least that's how he would like to see things. Getting distracted and overly emotional was just going to lead to people finding out who he really was if he didn't pull up this little cheerful facade.

It was bad enough Arch Rune had figured it out...though he was a hacker, so maybe they thought alike? As far as he knew, the man was the only one who had decent hacking abilities. It was a shame he couldn't find the man while Akuma and Cielo was developing the game...he would probably be able to add even more interesting twists and turns to the game.

As this thought soon left his mind he blinked in surprised as he felt his personal space violated, then his hair being ruffled by someone's hand. As lavender optics soon turned to face the masked newcomer, a playful pout played onto his lips. "Archy, I'm not an instrument you know!" Though an amused laugh escaped from the albino as he glanced back at Akuma before back at the masked Arch. Hm...Maybe he should have thought this through more. Akuma was not weak at all, but who knew what Arch thought of it? Hopefully he wouldn't need to play peacekeeper...then again, Korpal was coming along so the job could be thrown to him, since he was probably the expert.

It would be amusing to see how Korpal and Arch interacted, seeing as they were from the two guilds that had recently caught his attention. One who was intent on tracking them down, and the other being intent on killing to get out. It made him wonder more about the dynamics that may show themselves in this little adventure.

"You and Aku need patience! Isn't it supposed to be a virtue, or something?" Cielo responded back with a tuneless hum escaping. "I invited one more person, since having a full party could be fun for once!" Well, that and if he just went with Akuma, he'd probably get fed to some random monsters the other made just for this occasion. At least with the other two, there was probably a less chance at that and if that did happen, he wouldn't need to work too hard to beat whatever crawled from the depths of his partner's mind. Sending the party request to Arch Rune, he gave another childish grin before looking between the two. "Aku, this is Archy, and Archy this is Aku~" he hummed out, before shooting a grin to Arch Rune.

"Aku's a bit grumpy today! But hopefully Korpal can lighten him up~"

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU to EDEN


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

The setting changes from EDEN to ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

Image Looking at the other fellow Akuma turned his attention back to Cielo. "If he calls me anything other than Akuma. Ill be the one killing you. And not him." He smiled at the both of them, but it wasn't a kind smile nor a evil smile, just a simple smile.

But before he could say anything else, something tugged onto Akuma's jacket. At first he thought it was Cielo, but another small tug came from the bottom. Lifting his arm, a small little girl was looking up at him. She wore a purple simple orphan gown. He didn't remember making any orphans into the game, and she didn't have a player's icon above her head. Either she was a virus or a computer program. There was alot out there to counsel the gamers. Help them from going crazy into the game, especially the solo players, the ones who had no one to counsel with.

"Hm..." He placed his hand on her head and looked around, it didn't seem that anyone was looking for her. Everyone was either selling things or laughing together in groups. "How odd...I'll just delete her later, if no one claims her.." He thought as he looked back down at her.

She looked a bit like Cielo in the real world. It was weird and irritating. He rubbed his forehead with a long sigh. "Might take a while before Korpal gets here. Better for us to get stocked up." As if that was really needed.

He really didn't feel up for this. He'd rather sleep all day today instead or be alone. Wasn't a very good day of the year either. So he was a bit on edge, more than usual. Even the slightest thing done wrong and he felt like a ticking time bomb of making peoples lives miserable. And with just one pull of his strings and he'd probably drop someones HP to zero without much thought to them, whether they died or lived, didn't matter to him.

Shortly after his train of thought was broken, when the little girl let go and started to dance her way over to a crowd of people who was waving at her and calling her. "Well that saves me time...Wait"

Something about that little girl going over to him pissed him off completely. It felt as if he was the one needing counseling. And it's not like programs lie, their not programed to do that. His expression didn't change, he quickly pushed that aside and calmed himself down. It wasn't worth exposing himself over. He had now felt the itch to distruct the program. Maybe setting loose a foe into the city will make him feel better. It'll probably help spot out strong players in a faster way. "Maybe..."

Regular Posts:4/20
Battle Posts:0/10

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU to ROOT TOWN: BREG EPONA

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Korpal Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei
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0.00 INK


”Least motivated member
 Is there a medal for that?”

|| Level:|| 153
|| Battle Stats: || Attack: 25 Defense: 600 Agility: 25
|| Sense Stats: || Detection: 700 Hearing: 200 Hiding: 0


The train rattled as if programmed like a metronome, as the passengers had shuffled on and off Seo had procured a seat. He banged his head dully against the window. ”For crying out loud! These “genius’s” could have done without every annoying detail, is a smooth ride too much to ask?” The clock his console discomforted Seo, it hadn’t been long enough. The other side of the window was of even less import than the chumps Seo saw sitting around him; it was barren or grassland outside, a frequent mix of both with the occasional tournament rally flag. Seo scoffed at the GM’s tactless advertisement, but his eyes darted inside. Someone. Near., it was the unusual breathing pattern that gave the spy away, and Seo stood up turning in time to see witness a brown cloak vanish behind the compartments door, Seo jumped onto his seat and propelled himself forward, racing towards the door.
Jammed, the door clicked but wouldn’t budge. ”Mr anonymous must love privacy
 only his own obviously.”[b]
A tap came on Seo’s shoulder and he spun about, only to receive a gauntleted fist, [b]”Mussed be mii lughki day, wot yuh fink boys?”
A deep voice exclaimed as Seo slammed against the barred carriage door. Regain composure and readjusting his jaw Seo identified 3 men in staunch tourney embalmed regalia; the supposed leader had a note clench at his side.
 INTRODUCTIONS, where’s the etiquette? If you going to hit a guy, have the decency to explain to him first WHY he deserves it!”, Seo sighed, as the leader rubbed his head, looking to his rabble to confer.
”Hammertime, Rockchest and Rockhammer,” The one in front said point to himself then his companions, ”And we’re
” The large fellow paused with a perplexed look, as if straining to explain even to himself, before resigning and opening out his scrunched note. Here. Hammertime passed over the note to Seo.

It was difficult to read, the writing wasn’t neat. The biggest words written were Money, Capture and Reward with plenty of dollar signs strewn across it. There was a curious attachment on the back, it was old but Seo recognised it, it was a picture of him, Korpal, that was in circulation sometime several months ago, at a freshly ruined house. Seo grew wide eyed when he turned the photo over, there was one word on it, not written in the same hand as before: WEAK. Seo screwed up the photo and allowed the note to drop to the floor.
”See. We cashing in.” Hammertime laughed before launching another fist.

It was fast. A practised reflex. The fist got close to Seo but was intercepted, twisted and manipulated to force Hammertime sideways with such ferocity, that there was an ungodly explosion as his head impacted the glass and the glass embedded itself into him. He slunk to the floor, begining to fade to autosave. The two remaining steeled themselves for an attack, but hesitated after seeing their leader’s demise. Both men began yelling to boast to psyche themselves up for an attack.
 think the scenic route is preferable over this,” Seo hit autosave and leapt through the broken window, shards of glass escaping with him.

Ducking down, Seo rolled out into a dusty barren, circling down several times before finally flattening out, the train was long gone and Seo stretched out panting. ”So I’m not much an attacker, I can at least take a hit!”, Seo grumbled, before rubbing his sore bruising cheek. ”Ah! Tender!,he winced.

Seo sat up, ”Lets see
 it takes another twelve to fifteen until the train will arrive at Mac Anu
 I’ll load up then. He sighed again, resting back down and forcing up a dust cloud. Seo coughed in irritation.

Opening his console he typed.

"There still may be a hit out for me... you both still enjoy complications, right? Korpal."

Sent. "Both Akuma and Cielo will get that."

Seo slid his sword out, unmoved, and playfully struck out his arm cutting down a flag, that had been fluttering beside him. He smiled, stretching out, and peering at the newly splintered pole stump. "Not long now..."

Regular Posts:3/20
Battle Posts:0/10

The setting changes from ROOT TOWN: BREG EPONA to ROOT TOWN: MAC ANU

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cielo Character Portrait: Akuma_Kei Character Portrait: Arch Rune
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge

Regular Posts: 3/20
Battle Posts: 0/10

A bright look filled Arch Rune’s eyes at Cielo’s laugh, and he grinned cheekily behind his mask. He liked hearing others laugh, liked even more causing them to do so even though he seemed to be such a solitary, dark individual.

Rune blinked when Cielo spoke of patience, why should they wait when they had things they intended to do, and the ability to do them right away? His internal question was swiftly answered as the Game Master continued, "I invited one more person, since having a full party could be fun for once!" A reserved pout teased at the Masked Man’s features, and he poked Cielo in the cheek with his index finger, a very focused look on his face as he did so. He squinted his eyes ever so slightly, ”You never mentioned others accompanying us; apologies if I seem reasonably eager to go having missed such information.”

His feelings remained the same as with the blue-haired individual- as long as everyone did what they were supposed to and didn’t cause any trouble, he could care less. He looked up at said individual as Cielo introduced them, apparently using nicknames they both didn’t particularly care for. "Aku, this is Archy, and Archy this is Aku~"

”Arch Rune.” He corrected lightly, looking the man up and down in a calculating manner. Any company that Cielo kept could be another Game Master, and Rune was certainly one to always keep an eye out for such things, though not because he intended to get out that way. No, he was more than set on conquering others and completing the tournament to get out, because hey, that was probably the more entertaining and challenging option, and Arch loved challenges. It was mainly for bragging rights should he manage to find both- even though he’d probably never mention eithers’ name to a single soul unless it benefited him in one way or another- because in all honesty, that was a laugh. One of the highest fight-centered players being able to accomplish what took those centered on the hide and seek game for more than a year, trying their hardest to strive and achieve what they could not. And Rune hadn’t ever really been actively seeking either Game Master. It had sort of just happened with Cielo.

He blinked, suddenly looking back at Cielo as he mentioned the name of the other member that would be joining them. Korpal, huh? It sounded somewhat familiar
. Rune could not place the name, but he did not worry about it either, he would know once he saw the player. With another somewhat blank look, he tapped his fingers against the air, retrieving the party invitation as he realized it had been sent. He accepted, leaning back a bit as his thoughts concerned themselves with other matters.

However, Rune’s gaze shifted over to Akuma once more, as something seemed to catch his attention. It was a little red-headed girl- a disheveled little thing. Arch tilted his head to the side, regarding the child for a moment before she soon twirled off into the distance towards another group. With a shrug, he dropped his interest.

"Might take a while before Korpal gets here. Better for us to get stocked up." The usual neutral, slightly tired/bored expression returned to Rune’s face as Akuma suggested something to occupy their time with. Personally, Rune did not particularly need anything from any shop, he always carried whatever he needed with him, and he often restocked with his guild-mates rather than strangers. But Arch wanted to see what the other two usually sought out, and it wasn’t like he had any better ideas for killing time.
