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"Perhaps a new beginning is what my story needs."

0 · 447 views · located in Valhalla

a character in “Final Fantasy Valhalla”, originally authored by Seveneleven, as played by RolePlayGateway



Mysterious in appearance, he is of a 6'0 height and has long black hair with grey streaks. His attire consists of a deep, red haori with blue linning, that he uses to keep his left arm tucked in a sling-like position. His right arm is still kept in its sleeve. There is a brown shoulder-pad on his left shoulder, with intricate designs of tan, green, and blue patterns. He wears black pants and shoes with brown straps and metal plating around the shoes. He wears a black shirt with a grey collar with brown straps that covers his mouth. He tops it off by having a jug by his right hip and a wears pair of sunglasses. There is a scar over his right eye, effectively making it shut. His left eye color is brown.


Auron isn't much for talking as he keeps a silent, stoic demeanor. When he does speak, its often words of wisdom and encouragement. He has a strong sense of morality and protection. He sometimes doesn't seem to make much sense when he does speak, often giving the impression of aloofness. Otherwise, Auron is as genuine as they come and will not hesistate to risk his own safety for the sake of others.


Auron wields a very large katana and follows the fightning style of the samurai. He uses bracers to defend himself and has a distinct piercing ability to damage armored foes. He has the overdrive ability known as Bushido, using the katana to perform massive damage.


Was once part of the clegry of Yevon, he soon left after disagreeing to marrying the high priest's daughter. Instead he formed a friendship with Braska and Jecht, which soon ended after Braska's death and Jecht becoming the Final Aeon and restarting Sin's desctructive cycle. Auron would too die, but he would return as an Unsent to follow Jecht's wishes to protect his son Tidus. After accompaning Tidus out of Zanarkand, Auron woul return later and assist in Yuna's pilgrimage to defeat Sin. Once coming into contact with Sin, Auron and Tidus face Jecht and would defeat him. After Yu Yevon's defeat, Auron would dissolve into pyreflies knowing that his job is done since Sin's cycle is broken, avenging his fallen friends.

So begins...

Auron's Story


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Pyreflies gathered in a back alley, as they swarmed about the narrow corridors. Soon a being manifested into existance. "Wha-?" Auron with his good eye, surveyed the area above his sunglasses. Where am I? Why have I returned from the Farplane? I thought I made it. Auron exited the backalley and moved on to the streets. I can't be an Unsent...can I? Auron continued to gaze about Valhalla, I think its safe to assume I'm not back in Spira...then if I'm not back in Spira, then where am I? , Auron continued to ponder his predicament as the tall bulidings that surrounded him gave off an forbodding aura. I don't like the looks of this

Instead of feeling confusion as he felt earlier he had a new sensation of relief. Maybe, my return from the Farplane, has given me a new lease on life, a new story to be made. Yet, what story I wonder is to be unfolded in this dismal place? As Auron gazed around he noticed a huge building that has a beam of light shining down upon from the sky. Well, that certainly something you don't see everyday. Auron decided to walk the lonely streets, one of the first things he noticed was the lack of people. Now why is their a city with no people? I would figure by now I would have met someone. "Ugh." Auron groaned. I guess nobody will be here to tell where I am. What a way to start a story, a man alone in a big city with no people...there has to be some reason as to why I'm here. Auron placed his katana sticking it into the ground and sat upon a empty bench. I guess that reason will show itself eventually...I wonder...if Jecht or Braska was brought out of the Farplane as well? Probably not... Auron sighed as he though about his old friends, he considers that his reappearance has anything to do with Sin, That can't be, the cycle is broken, Jecht was the Final Aeon and the last... Auron resided to his thoughts as he contemplates what force could have brought him here.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Auron
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Caius wandered the empty streets of Valhalla, contemplating his schemes. It seemed as if his best course of action would be eliminating this new threat and returning to his original plan. Once he removed Lightning and her interference he would be free to return to manipulating Noel. Caius had no doubt that he could subdue Lightning, but the question was these new players. Would they all side against him? Surely not, they must be just as confused as the first time Caius had come here. Maybe Caius would finally have some comrades again? No, he had become too filled with hate for that, but he could use these mighty warriors to his advantage.

He sensed somebody's aura nearby and changed corse. As he walked he saw a man in a red coat, with his arm in a sling. The man had one of the largest katanas Caius had ever seen. The man looked lost in thought so Caius simply stood and said nothing. After a long while the man stirred and Caius hailed him, "Welcome to Valhalla. Whence came you to this hell, might warrior?" Maybe he could learn something about where these warriors were coming from, certainly none of the many times and places Caius had been. This one seemed strong enough. Caius wasn't one for honeyed words, but he had faith that the justness of his cause would shine through.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Auron
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Auron perked his head up as he placed gaze upon Caius. Already Auron could tell that this man was not one to be underestimated. Judgining by the girth of the weapon resting upon the purple-haired man's back, that he wasn't without strength. Auron sat up from his bench and turned his body towards Caius and rested his free hand upon the hilt of the katana. Auron not one for rudeness decided to answer him, in hopes he might return an answer of his' creation.
"I come from Spira." Auron answered then Auron asked, "Can you tell me what is this place?"

Auron waited for a response from the stranger, as he focused his sight on Caius through his sunglasses. Auron wasn't sure but for some reason he could tell that this man isn't exactly the kindest of sorts. No, he just might be the opposite...with that Auron could only specualte the intentions of the strange warrior as he awaited for his answer, if he would give it.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron
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Before the purple-haired man could answer, Auron heard another person arriving at the street. He turned to acknowledge the presence a black-haired man with a long scarlet cloak billowing in the air. Something about this new stranger seemed off...but his appearance does give him an aura of mysteriousness.

"Do you know where this place is?" the new stranger asked.

Auron wasn't quite sure what to make of the red cloaked man but one thing is for certain...he doesn't know where he is either. So, are other people lost here as well? Auron thought of the possibilites of other people appearing, he thought of the possibility that someone he knew may appear here. Unfortunately, Auron could not answer the man's question, for he knows not where he is either. All of the answers, Auron hopes, lies in the hands of the Purple-Haired Man. Auron's hand ever still delicately resting upon the hilt of the sword, ever-ready for anything to happen. Auron really does wish for it to not come to fighting, but he will oblige if either one of these men give him provocation to do so. Yet, even if it does come to bloodshed, he could tell that either one of these men will not go down easily.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron Character Portrait: Sephiroth Crescent
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Spira? Well that definitely confirmed that these warriors were from a different realm. Caius briefly entertained the idea that he could also pretend to be from another world, lost and confused. But no, cloak and dagger was never for him. Yeul was waiting and he had to end this game, now. Before he could answer another man walked up, stranger than the first. This one was also dressed in crimson, but he was pale and rather menacing. He had a gauntlet on one arm and a strange gun strapped to his side. He definitely wasn't from Pulse, and it didn't appear as if he was from Spira either.

Yet another man walked by, with the longest sword Caius had ever seen. Despite how unwieldy it was, this silver-haired man carried it with ease. He sensed great power from the man, and prepared for the worst. However the newcomer ignored them completely and walked right by. A slight smile came to Caius' lips, that man could be trouble. Shrugging inwardly he turned his attention back to the two crimson strangers. "Fear not for I have the answers you seek," Caius shook his head, "Yet I am afraid the answers are not pleasant. You have been summoned by the Goddess Etro to this hell." Caius swept his arms wide for effect, "This is Valhalla, and you have been caught up in the eternal conflict without end."


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron Character Portrait: Sephiroth Crescent
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"Goddess Etro?" "Valhalla?" "The eternal conflict without end?" Auron, repeated to himself as the situation grew stranger and stranger still. Auron never heard of this Goddess or of Valhalla, but apparently that is how he came here and where he is. Did this Goddess pull me from the Farplane? Auron thought as the arrival and subsequent departure of the silver-haired man with the long blade made Auron uneasy. Something about him, a lethal air about him is what one could say. This was all rather confusing as it seems more people have been dragged from their homes by this supposed Goddess this Purple-Haired Man spoke of. Then talk of an eternal conflict without end, was Auron dragged from the Farplane just to fight another battle, to be apart of another story? Yet, who is the enemy, is it the Purple-Haired Man before him? Could it have been the Silver-Haired Man that just passed us? It can't be the Red-Cloaked Man, he didn't even know where he was either. Or maybe it is someone Auron had yet encountered?

"What is this conflict you speak of?" Auron asked as it would seem this man has knowledge of this place, maybe he actually lives here. Either way if Auron is going to figure out anything it would seem the Purple-Haired Man is his best source at the moment.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron
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Caius lowered his arms as a slight frown formed on his face. His hatred for this realm was so inherent he wasn't sure he could put it into words. Caius despised the endless test of strength that was Valhalla. He was no stranger to conflict but he was a guardian, he preferred to fight for his ward or not at all. What if these strangers felt differently? Caius clenched his fist, why was he always plagued by so many doubts? Probably a product of his longevity. No matter, if these warriors wanted to embrace this world he didn't want their help. They would simply have to be removed.

"Yes you are observant to notice enmity. This realm leaves no reason to fight, but for the sake of mere fighting itself. If Etro thinks she can imprison me here and play with mortal's lives, I mean to see that she is mistaken. My name is Caius Ballad, and I have been fighting to rid myself of this Goddess and her curse for centuries beyond counting. I had almost succeeded, but now you have arrived. Warriors from mysterious times and places. If you have been summoned here to revel in meaningless battle without end, then draw your weapon and be done with you. Otherwise I mean to rid ourselves of this Goddess and return our lives back to how they should be." Caius was slightly winded, he never spoke to anyone for such an extended period of time. He had laid it all out on the line, the truth. Now all that was left was to see how they would react.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron
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Auron was surprised of the answer, it was strange. To fight for the sake of fighting itself? It seemed sort of foolish to fight without reason, as if it is an unending cycle. Auron gasps, as this Caius's words reminded him of the unending cycle of Sin. Sin, he remembers that monster so well, he remembers failing as a guardian, losing his friends to that unending nightmare. Could this Goddess Etro be as corrupted as Yevon? Auron thought of the possibility as this Etro could be just another Sin, forcing people to enter this so-called hell as Caius described it as. Perhaps, Caius is like Braska, who only wished to free Spira from Sin's destruction, just as he wishes to save Valhalla from this Etro's crazed machinations. Maybe he does live here, maybe its because of this Etro that there is a lack of people. If that is so then Auron could sympathize with Caius, as he remembers the masses destroyed by Sin on Spira. As he thought about it, it would seem unwise to fight this Caius, as he puts it doesn't seem he is the problem but this Etro...perhaps she does need to be stopped, what if Tidus or Yuna is dragged into this mess...they just broken Sin's cycle, it would be unfair for them to suffer through another endless cycle.

"Caius is it?" "There is no need for you to raise your blade against me, I have no intrest in stopping your cause, stopping your story." Auron answered so Caius can understand that he means him no ill-will.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron
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Caius nodded at the one warrior's verbal agreement, and the other warrior's silent consent. That went remarkably well. It was not like Caius was cheating them, but he had expected Etro's new champions to be as stubborn as Lightning. Instead they seemed as reasonable as they were strong. Caius had no intention of making the mistake of trusting them, but couldn't help being happy at removing an obstacle non-violently. Furthermore if these warriors chose to fight alongside him that would just be an agreeable bonus. However that was their call, Caius had no intention of stealing their free will as Etro had done to him.

"Be forewarned, Etro is powerless to protect herself and yet she has at least one mighty guardian. Indeed I fear Lightning will be gathering other warriors to help her cause. She herself is not evil, but just believes aiding Etro will garner her favor and a ticket home. Because she believes she is in the right, I have a long and unpleasant fight ahead of me." Caius turned and started to walk towards the tower, but stopped and looked back over his shoulder. "I will not presume to tell you what to do, but may I know your names in case we chance to meet again?"


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron
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Caius was pleased as Vincent and Auron fell in step with him. Caius had been so long without companions that he felt a little awkward and was at a loss for words. They had walked some distance before he settled on, "Your assistance is appreciated." It sounded a little ungrateful, but it was the best Caius could do. An eternity of torment had left him more guarded then he had realized. Not sense Noel... Caius suddenly wished the boy guardian was here. Only he could truly stop this madness, but that would have to wait.

He steeled himself and looked ahead to Etro's tower, with its huge green arches on top. He was in for a fight he knew, but he didn't really want one. He held no hatred in his heart for Lightning, she was just doing what she thought best. What he would do under the same circumstances. He knew no amount of talking would dissuade her, but the others... Maybe he could get them to stand aside. He turned to his companions, "I fear we are in for a fight regardless, but I must ask you two to stay your weapons until I am able to offer them an alternative. I am loath to fight more than we have to. Also I must warn you, there is no death in this realm, only a testing of strength. The one rule of Valhalla is the strong rule the weak. If one falls in battle the loser will be compelled to fight for the victor. Be careful, I have no knowledge of who Etro has summoned and what their goals are."


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Auron
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Auron nodded in agreement as Caius' course of action seemed the most peaceful and sensible. Auron too doesn't much wish to have a battle on his hands, he is already prepared to fight this Lightning woman who seems to be the most apparent obstacle between Caius and Etro. Yet, Auron wasn't unprepared to fight more foes but if Caius can eliminate the amount of threats by merely speaking with them then Auron had no objections. He just wondered what Lightning is like, as Caius said she is not evil but believes she is in the right. She sounds confused perhaps blinded by this Etro, deities have such away of corrupting the minds of good people, Auron almost flet sorry, but he shouldn't let pity cloud his mind, if this Lightning is as though as Caius explains then she will not hesitate to defeat him or his fellow comrades. The one thing though that bothered Auron is this rule of the strong ruling the weak, Auron wished not to turn on these two men, sure he has no knowledge of them except their names, in fact he is not wholey trustworthy of either of them, but what he does believe in is this cause, to stop Etro. He does not wish to hinder Caius' mission, so if he does not wish it then he must make sure he comes out the victor. As they approached the tower, a strange feeling apprehension came over Auron, for he was unsure of who he might meet inside of the building.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Claire 'Lightning' Farron Character Portrait: Genesis Rhapsodos Character Portrait: Yuna Character Portrait: Auron
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Caius saw a flash of movement up in the tower. "Here she comes, stay sharp. I am going on ahead, don't engage unless you have to." Two warning shots rained around them followed by Lightning's familiar challenge.
CAIUS BALLAD! You're not welcome here. Leave!
Her ultimatum was followed by four shots aimed perfectly between his eyes. Caius held out his hand and a sphere of grey burst outwards, stopping all time. Caius smiled, he was fond of using Etro's gifts to bring about her downfall. He walked casually around the bullets and jumped to the roof Lightning had just landed on. He glared at his nemesis as she was frozen. "Why can't you understand my pain?" She was helplessly frozen before him, but Caius couldn't attack without time resuming. Even if he could he would never resort to such underhanded tricks.

He walked past her and jumped up to the balcony she had just vacated. Caius scowled at the sight of Etro's throne, but quickly turned to evaluate the new arrivals. Two were female one with brown hair, and the other Caius recognized from his time traveling as Fang. She was dangerous. She had been strong enough to become Ragnarok and blast a hole in cocoon. What was more she was already a good comrade to Lightning, not a good sign. The third was yet another man dressed all in crimson, but this time it was leather. Caius thought the brown-haired woman and the crimson warrior looked unassuming, but looks can be deceiving. Caius supposed he was about to find out.

Caius let time resume its normal flow. He knew suddenly appearing on the balcony would likely garner him some hostility so he held up his arms, palms out, as a reassuring and non-threatening gesture. He hoped Lightning would take long enough figuring out what happened that he could say what he had come to say. "Ah I see some more new faces, don't worry my quarrel is not with you I mean you no harm. I simply come to beseech you to stop this mindless violence. This is not your fight, stand aside and no harm will come to you. Etro has imprisoned us here, is it so wrong for me to despise my jailer?"


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Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Claire 'Lightning' Farron Character Portrait: Auron
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Auron merely gazed at the woman whom appeared to be Lightning as Caius disappeared. He understood her reasons for trying to convince him and Vincent that Caius is the enemy, but anyone who is blinded by faith would try and protect their beliefs. Auron could see that this woman is not evil, from the look in her eyes she seemed honest and determined, admirable qualities, unfortunately she is sworn to Etro, the very person perpetuating this senseless fighting. Although he doesn't wish to fight her he can't exactly turn back either, and it seems Caius' attempts to persuade Lightning's allies failed as he noticed Caius leaving the balcony. Where Caius left to he did not know. He turned his attention back to Lightning, he isn't sure what to do with her, he was warned that a fight with Lightning was unavoidable, but until he heard from Caius about attacking, Auron is at a stand still. Auron could disregard Caius' instructions, after all he really has no ties to the man but Auron isn't one for disobedience either. This crucial moment could either cement loyalties or break them. Auron continued to say nothing to Lightning obviously trying to rationalize anything with her would probably bet met with failure, so in the mean time Auron said nothing to Lightning as he isn't entirely sure himself of who he should trust.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Claire 'Lightning' Farron Character Portrait: Auron
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Caius had done enough sneaking around. His companions were obviously steadfast, there was no reason to doubt them. I did not intend for violence during this confrontation, but that ship has flown. All of Caius' plans seemed to be going awry lately. All I can do is keep moving forward, plan or no. The moment Vincent sprung into action Caius did as well, moving to help. He grabed Ragnarok from his back and held it out in front of him. The eye on the hilt opened and Caius felt the power of Chaos flow through his body. Without waiting to see if Vincent's attack connected he walked off the building.

Falling from ten stories up Caius took the time to gather a mass of Chaos into his blade. "Now! Now is the time to bring eternity to an end," Caius shouted more to Yuel then to anyone present. Smashing into the ground Caius winced as his legs absorbed the impact, making a large crater in the road. Using the momentum of his fall, Caius slammed Ragnarok into the ground. The moment it connected the Chaos in the blade burst forth as a blast of energy, aimed straight for Lightning's heart.


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Character Portrait: Caius Ballad Character Portrait: Vincent Valentine Character Portrait: Claire 'Lightning' Farron Character Portrait: Yuna Character Portrait: Auron
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Auron immediately was surprised by Vincent's actions as he attacked Lightning. Already Auron could see that violence was about to come to pass but he never expected Vincent to launch an attack so soon, yet Auron realized that fighting definitely could not be avoided. Before he took an aggressive stance he heard the shout of a very familiar voice. Could it be? Auron quickly looked towards the direction to voice orginated from and from his surprise the owner of the voice looks like....Yuna! No! Can it be!? Yuna!? Before Auron could react Caius came crashing down from the sky and created a huge blast of energy from the crater he recently imprinted in the city's streets. Auron quickly lept away from Lightning's position as he made a good distance away from her as he saw the blast flying straight for her. Such power...just who is this Caius? Auron thought as he slid across a sidewalk. Then he turned his attention back to the woman upon the balcony, without a doubt it looked like Yuna...So I'm not the only one then...I wonder. Auron thought as he also wondered if anyone else from his world made it, perhaps Tidus did, maybe Jecht?