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The Historian

The Narrator of this Tale

0 · 430 views · located in Cedar City

a character in “Caged Bird”, as played by Artsydaze

So begins...

The Historian's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Morning

The Prince tower was a desolate place, impregnated with the despair of the various brother of the king as they were unjustly imprisoned on ground of being a threat to their much older brother's throne. The cells containing the prince were well furnished in earthly pleasures and golden surface but were inadequate to dampen the sweet call of freedom. That freedom laid beyond the window of each cell, calling the occupants with it's sweet call every day and whispering promise of grandeur every night. It was on the dawn of such a day that everything changed for those poor princes.

The first ray of dawn peeked through the sole narrow window in Roland's golden cell when he was awakened by guards. Those guard approached the barred door and unlocked it, swiftly entering only to bow deeply to the young man.

β€œFirst Prince Roland, we are honoured to announce your royal self that you are free of this cell. Your brother the King is dead by the end of the filthy Goulashians, leaving the throne empty. We beseech you to fill it once more with your glorious self but urge you to be careful of your brothers as they hold similar ambitions for the throne. The path will be arduous until your crowning, as we need one hundred days to prepare for this glorious day. Please accept this circlet as a proof of your royal lineage.”

As the first guard said this last sentence, another presented the prince with an elegant circlet carved by the Windsor's Family Crest. It was truly a masterful piece of jewelry. As the young man examined his new circlet, the first guard continued his speech.

β€œPlease also accept this hooded cloak until you are properly announced in two days. You have access to the entirety of the castle but we urge you to stay withing it's borders until then, unless you wear that cloak. I also suggest that you visit the library to aquaint yourself with the going on of the world.”

As the prince was presented with an heavy cloak, the guard intoned something the prince have always dreamed of hearing.

β€œWhat do you want to do this morning, your Highness?”

The setting changes from Prince's Tower to Royal Library


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Midday

At the prince's words, all the guards currently at his cell door saluted, their back straight and gauntlet-clad right hands saluting their prince. Taking formation around the prince, they led him through various corridor and even more numerous stairs to finally arrive before two heavily carved oak door plated with gold leafs.

β€œWe are here, your Highness. The Royal Library, the most extensive collection of tomes in the kingdom.” Said the same guard who spoke earlier, bowing as four other guards opened the heavy door leading inside.

The room was truly majestic, with seven floors worth of shelves all in a circle following the Library's tower's inner walls. Each floor was accessed by ladders and navigated through walkways giving to the area bellow, the later filled with imposing desks and comfortable looking chairs. There must have been thousands of tomes in here!

A few librarians were busy classifying and providing tomes to and fro the bookshelves and the various official using the great hall of knowledge, not putting much mind to what happened around them in their flurry of tasks. Hailing one of the librarians, the guard swiftly explained his charge identity and the reason why he was here. Roland was swiftly sat in the most impressive desk of the great room and provided by various tomes relevant to his interests.

During his sojourn in the library, the prince learned that the Goulash Kingdom was situated to the norther border of the Alder Kingdom and was specializing in both agriculture and weapon manufacturing, possible by the extremely fertile soils under it's foundations. The kingdom also boasted a strong infantry and cavalry, a problem to the naval oriented Alder Kingdom. The current king was the old King Wilhelm V, a ruthlessly brilliant tactician in time of war and a strict monarch in time of peace. The king had 13 children, including ten potential heirs to his throne. One of the king's daughter was unmarried and about 15 years of age.

Alder Kingdom, for it's part, boasted a thriving naval trade as well as a fearsome fleet. The country's aristocracy was divided in three. The first faction was the Merchants, who boasted an incredible wealth born from trading and a strong knowledge of the land. They were in charge of trade and the financial well being of the Alder Kingdom.

The second faction were the Aristocrats, who, also quite wealthy, were less so than the Merchants though they were usually the ones that changed the world around them with their rhetoric and visions for the future. They were in charge of politics in and out of the kingdom.

The last faction were the Warriors, whose wealth was gained by pillaging their enemies' home and by various rewards given by the king in recognition of their martial prowess in time of peace. They were extremely skilled combatants that were in charge of the security of the kingdom.

That knowledge was what Roland managed to retain as he felt fatigued.

His Knowledge increased by 2.

The setting changes from Royal Library to Prince's Tower


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Morning.

Dawn was peeking through Aleph's barred window as guard quite suddenly intruded upon his quiet world. Bowing, they greeted him with a slight reverence born for the deeds of his late grandfather.

β€œYour Highness!” They said in unison, straightening from their bows to salute. After a moment, the guard who seemed to be the leader of the group took it upon himself to explain what in hell was going on.

β€œPrince Aleph, your brother King Ferdinand have passed away in the war against the filthy Goulashians, leaving the throne empty for the taking and letting you free. We came here as soon as we could to warn you against your brother, as they will surely try to assassinate you to secure their claim to the throne. Be careful, and take this circlet as a proof of your royal status!” Said the man, gesturing to another guard holding a velvet cushion holding a magnificent circled holding the royal crest on it's bejewelled centre.

As Aleph accepted the circlet and tried to come to term to the various life changing facts being thrown his way, he was also presented with a hooded cloak. 'To leave your identity a mystery if you so wish' said the guard that handed him the garment.

β€œWhat do you wish do do this morning, Your Highness?” Said the first guard with admiration and worry in his dark eyes.

The setting changes from Prince's Tower to Royal Library


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Midday

The guards smiled as they saluted their lord. β€œYes, your Highness!” Their enthusiastic resonated on the golden walls well after they started leading their prince to the Royal Library. As the party walked through the halls, various courtier sneered at the prince's shabby clothing, no doubt thinking that he was merely a mistress' son and therefore not worthy of respect.

Finally they reached richly decorated door that took the guards great effort to open. Inside was a grand library with thousands of tomes shelved in a grand circle encompassing the entirety of the tower's inner walls, with great windows providing light to the imposing library. Various librarians were busy at work, fawning over a young dark haired man with a similar circlet as the one around Aleph's throat on his brows. That must have been one of Aleph's brothers.

Catching the gaze of a few librarian, the older prince was soon seated on another desk than the one his younger half-brother occupied, himself also fawned over by the library's staff. As he was seated, various tomes were put under his nose, telling the history of the kingdom.

The kingdom was founded five hundred years ago by Gallant the First, a skilled naval general and even more skilled merchant that took over the peninsula and protected it from the various hostile tribes of the north. Amassing amazing wealth and power, he was crowned king after taking control of all the tribes present in the peninsula, a feat that earned him the adoration of his subject as he managed it without much bloodshed. The kingdom lived in peace for throw hundred years until the reign of Bernard II, a bloodthirsty warlord with a taste for conquest that earned himself quite a few enemies for a mere few acres of gained land.

The war carried on to the present day, no doubt getting even worse after King Fedinant IV's recent death by the Goulashians.

Trade routes were now few as the Kingdom of Goulash was the primary antagonist to the kingdom, forcing the Alders to trade exclusively by naval routes. The army seemed to be in need of new recruits as well.

All that cramming of information about his home left Aleph fatigued.

His foray into the library earned him 2 Knowledge points.

The setting changes from Royal Library to The continent of Severn

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Evening

After an excellent meal in his new quarters, Roland passed a leisurely afternoon of poetry and naps, words flowing elegantly on the expensive vellum he was provided with along with an elegant eagle quill. That pretty poetry would not impress an hardened matron, but would sway the earth of any doe-eyed maiden of the kingdom.

With the time he allowed for this hobby, Roland thought about his future some more, alone once more but now free, he could permit himself such luxury of thought. As he fell asleep once more, hours passed.

Being awakened gently by a personal attendant was a new experience for the prince who was not used for company of any kind after passing his life until then imprisoned. The prince was presented with another meal in his luxurious bed and was led to the changing room to change from his sleeping clothes and into his everyday clothes

β€œYour Highness, What would you like to do this evening?” Roland's new servant said as she finished adjusting the last of his garments.

Roland was no longer Fatigued.

Roland was feeling Suave.

The setting changes from The continent of Severn to Cedar City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Evening.

The following afternoon was a blur of engaging conversation with hardened veterans, a drunken brawl or two and finally oblivion. Aleph abused of the mead a little too much, as he woke up in the evening with no recollection of the past few hours.

The good new was that he somehow landed himself a beautiful maiden. The bad new was that her screech when he announced that no, he had no interest in marrying her gave his already hangover self a killing headache.

A stumbling escape was a matter of course.

Making his way through the busy streets, the prince couldn't help but think that he forgot something important....

Bah, at least he was wiser to not do that again... hopefully...

The young man now found himself in the market square, being hailed by what seemed the entirety of the merchant population, all wanting him to buy their wares. Luckily, the circlet around his throat would make sure that he did not have to pay for anything and was able to take what he wanted.

The sun was slowly making it's way down in a beautiful show of red as it slowly dissapeared behind the castle in the distance.

The evening was his.

Aleph was no longer Fatigued.

Aleph lost 1 Knowledge.

Aleph gained 1 Wisdom.

Aleph is now Hungover.

The setting changes from Cedar City to Alder Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Night

Roland's attendant had a sly smirk on his face as he listened to the prince request, no doubt seeing right through the prince's motives. The man was old enough to be a grandfather, after all, and surely had seen more than his fair share of maiden in his time.

β€œWell, My Lord, I would have to say that the most wealthy young maiden in the land is young Lady Meredith Grey, second daughter to the Duke of Ash. She is a lovely young lady of seventeen years of age that have many suitors for her hand. You, of course, are at an entirely different level than those lads and should not have any difficulty in currying her favour. Should I arrange a chaperoned meeting?” The greying man asked deferentially to his prince. It was custom to always be polite to royalty, after all.

After arranging a meeting in two days, the men bid themselves goodbye and Roland once more practised his poetry. After a quick trip to the library that had him see the portrait of the lady in question, Roland practised and practised, calling her hair like rivers of gold and her eyes like peridot, the young man was on a roll.

Roland's Suaveness lengthened to three additional units of time.

The setting changes from Alder Castle to The continent of Severn

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 2, Morning

All that thinking did some good for Roland, as it structured his mind a little more and game him the wisdom to not do anything recklessly. That night he slept the slumber of the Just, dreaming of smiling maiden and of what his kingdom will one day look like if he should successfully gain the throne. Those dreams were colourful and full of joy, letting him with a sense of peace when he woke, the dream but a distant memory in the world of the awakened.

He was once more awakened slowly by his attendant and dressed, the same maid as the day before smiling at him as she brought him his breakfast on the small table in his room. The day was sunny and bright, as befitting a day of late July. A good day for some outdoor training. As Roland ate leisurely, his attendant approached him once more.

"Your schedule is free today, Your Highness, though I must warn you that in two days an announcement will be made to present you and your brother's to the kingdom. A tailor will be taking your measurement tonight. What would you like to do today?" The old man asked as the prince took one last bite of his decadent breakfast.

Roland's Wisdom increased by 1

Roland feels Peaceful today.

The setting changes from The continent of Severn to Barracks


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day Two, Midday

"As you wish, Your Highness, your training will be prepared at once. Warn the barracks!" Said Roland's attendant, the last part of that speech destined to a servant hovering nearby. Turning back to the young prince, the man said: "We will also procure you with a guard of four guards as well as two servants, to make your training more comfortable."

The prince's wish was granted easily enough and soon he was led by two servants to the castle's barracks, where a training yard was erected. The yard was imposing and seemed to be able to fit a hundred man easily enough with it's rectangular shape and it's training dummies on it's perimeter. A few guards were also sparring each other nearby. As they approached an empty spot, the party was met by a knight of the prince's late brother, the man kneeling before Roland and swearing that no ham would be made to the prince under his watch. Thus the training stated. The sun was shining harshly on the two men as they sparred, Sir Ernest was also a hard taskmaster that was unforgiving of mistakes and who did not tolerate laziness.

"Come now, Your Highness, parry like this to unbalance your attacker. You should be able to defend yourself at least..." Sir Ernest shouted, looking barely out of breath even though Roland was ready to drop.

After many hours under the rapidly rising sun, the training ended, the two men bowing to each other before they parted. Roland felt like a horde of wolves had attacked him and wanted nothing more than go to sleep at this point, but then again he did want to learn to dance...

Roland was now Fatigued.

Roland's Strength raised by 1.

Roland's Speed raised by 1.

Roland's Toughness raised by 1.

Roland was now a novice of the Martial arts.

The setting changes from Barracks to Alder Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day Two, Evening.

After painfully making his way to the nearest mess hall, Roland was given food and questioned by the guards and trainee of off duties as they wondered who he was after seeing the circlet on his brow. After a painfully polite exchange of a few words, the prince finished his meal and made his way to his room to change and freshen up. In his room, he splashed some water on his face and changed into another set of his everyday garments, as identical as the ones preceding them. That tailor's appointment would be vital as his clothes started to be worn out, of all things! That would be disastrous to his princely reputation. Once presentable, he made his way to the ballroom where a severe looking woman awaited him.

She ended up being even more ruthless than Sir Ernest.

"I am Lady Edith and will be teaching you to not shame the noble Windsor clan with your pitiful attempt at dancing, Your Highness. If we could start..." The woman intoned with a piercing stare.

In her care he relearned various waltz and other more exotic ballroom dances as she demolished his confidence in his skills as she moved like she was born to dance, his now exhausted feet not able to keep up. The prince learned four dances to his teacher's satisfaction before collapsing, his feet bleeding in his inadequate shoes as he was carried back to his room. There, the tailor waited for him.

He was prodded, measured, flipped over, twirled around and tsked at before he was finally released to his worried servants who put him into his sleeping gown, bandaged his feet and finally put his nearly catatonic self under the silken sheet of his bed.

Roland was now Exhausted.

Roland was now Wounded.

Roland's Stamina increased by 1.

The setting changes from Alder Castle to Barracks


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 1, Night

Aleph's first night was spent pitifully chugging jugs upon jugs of water provided by those sympathizing but unyielding servants. Between gulp the man learned that all of his brothers were wither sleeping or our into town at this time of night and were therefore unavailable. After successfully escaping at his fourth try the water torture as he took to call it, the prince found his way to the barrack by sheer luck.

Then came the sparing from hell.

The guard were more than ready to help him with his swordsmanship and taught him quite a bit, the problem was the sound. That sound that made a puddle of agony out of his brain. That was not the wisest thing to do, no doubt about it.

The sparring did go on for the rest of the night, however, and toughened the man up some. Fist came attacking, then blocking, parrying and finally riposting, all in a symphony of grunts and wacks of the wooden practice swords. Roland was ready to sleep now as the sun peeked over the horizon. His bed sounded like a siren call to Aleph.

Aleph was now Fatigued.

Aleph lost 1 point of Wisdom.

Aleph gained 1 point of Strength.

Aleph gained 1 point of Speed.

Aleph gained 1 point of Toughness.

The setting changes from Barracks to Alder Castle


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 2, Morning

Aleph dreamt of bloody battle fought in a great war again the kingdom's enemy, followed by a great victory. He say himself lighting a gauntlet-clad fist in victory before a jubilant army, the setting sun reflecting on his plate mail and his glinting sword, both drenched in crimson blood. He saw himself crowned as king for his achievements, his brothers powerless and at his feet as he made them his subjects. Then came peace and prosperity, with great festivities and even greater battles as he took over the whole continent, growing old and strong to give his legacy to his loving son. That dream left him with hope and a jubilant joy coursing through his whole body.

Awakened gently by a maid, Aleph felt great as the sun drifted through his open window, the fragrant scent of the sea reaching his nostrils. Leisurely stretching, he was set up for his breakfast at a neaby table and informed that a tailor would take his measurements in the evening today and that he would be announced to the whole kingdom tomorrow.

"What would you like to do today?" His new attendant said as he entered the prince room, bowing respectfully to the younger man.

Aleph was no longer Fatigued.

Aleph was feeling Hopeful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 2, Midday

Mumbling something unintelligible, Aleph's attendant left, presumably to go seek some servants to bring the specified breakfast to his lord. The servant did arrive, but without the older man as they laid out porridge, bread, meats and fresh milk on the table, bowing respectfully as they set out the meal on the table before they, too, walked out of the room.

Giggling in pleasure at the prince's chivalry, the maid started chattering about the latest topics, from the king's death to what would happen in the next Harvest Festival.

"We of course gossip about you and your brothers, as you were an unknown until recently, locked away in your tower as you were!" The girl explained quickly as the prince finished his meal.

The gossip was entertaining to say the least, and a few rumours were intriguing, like the one that said that the Goulashians were planning an attack tomorrow during the presentation of the throne's heirs. That particular gossip worried the prince, as it could have disastrous consequence should it be true.

Finishing the conversation as the sun reached sea level the maid excused herself and left to fetch the prince's guest. It was time for the tailor's visit.

Aleph's Knowledge have increased by 1.

Aleph is no longer Hangover.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 2, Evening

As the maid left to do as ordered, the tailors and his assistants entered the prince's chamber. Dressed at the height of fashion, those three cut an impressive figure. As the tailor looked upon his new client's attire, he tsked and clucked in displeasure, clearly not approving of the prince's choice of attire. Gesturing to his assistant to start the measurements, the man finally spoke.

"I am Eugene Sasburg, Your Highness, and I will not let you out of this room before you are clothed like a king!" The man said with a nearly manic glint in his eyes. "Bring the fabrics and equipment!" He ordered to a servant, adjusting his eyeglasses as he did so.

The following hours were surprisingly exhausting, with the prince having to stay still in increasingly uncomfortable positions while he was turned into a human shaped cloth hanger. Numerous exotic fabric were used, and even more numerous type of cuts were discussed and the Prince's wardrobe slowly increased to satisfy the tailor. The whole process took the entirety of the evening, but the prince though in the end that it was worth it.

He looked magnificent in his new clothes, after all!

Aleph was now Confident.

Aleph was now Fatigued


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 2, Night

The feast was magnificent as always, and the bed as decadent as Aleph remembered as he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. Then came the strange dreams, dreams of piracy and endless sea of various alcohol of all thing. He dreams he was the captain of a ship that was bound to a gigantic barrel of something he felt was precious but could not tell why he though such a thought. The dream was as strange as it was colourful and left the young man puzzled.
Dawn finally came after what seemed an eternity of alcohol, sea, crime and wenches that seemed to pop up all over the place.

As soon as the prince awoke, he was attacked by various type of clothings, a team of servants dressed him, combed his hair and washed his face and hair in an effort to make him look like a king-to-be. Then came the jewellery and his circlet that now throned on his brow like a crown, all polished and glinting in the faint morning light. After what seemed hours but were mere minutes, the man was presented with a particularly splendid breakfast of baked goods, hot chocolate and even a small roast of sucking pig. Wolfing down his meal with relish, the prince was once again cleaned up and pushed to the castle's main balcony, where his brothers and the kingdom's chamberlain awaited.

A whole garrison of guard was protecting them and keeping an eye on any trouble, as asked by the prince, all shining in polished heavy armour or spotless leather jerkins. Soon, the courtyard below was filled by citizen and the Presentation started.

The Chamberlain cleared his throat and started speaking.

A small squad of Goulashians attacked from their previous hiding place under the balcony.

Aleph is no longer Fatigued.

Aleph is no longer Hopeful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 2, Night

The physician worked quickly and competently, washing the prince's feet in a warm water basin brought by servant and applying a strange salve to his feet. Soon enough the Prince's feet were bandaged and Roland fast asleep, his sleep too exhausted for dreams of any kind.

The morning dawned like it was a mere second later, the Prince still feeling fatigued but far better than when he fell into bed the night prior. Breakfast was brought and eaten swiftly. Then came the time for the Presentation as Roland was washed, perfumed and clothed into his new princely apparels to be shown to the whole kingdom.

Led to the castle's balcony, the prince moment of glory was interrupted by a small squad of Goulashians attacking from below...

Roland is no longer Peaceful

Roland is now Fatigued

Roland is no longer Wounded

The setting changes from Alder Castle to The continent of Severn

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 3, Morning

Most of the Princes made their ways back in the castle securely, others joining the fight like Aleph and Roland, taking the weapon of the fallen and joining the fray to protect their lives and their homes. With the guards in position and more coming after they were alerted by the other Prince, the battle was fortunately in their favour as merely a dozen of Goulashians soldiers had attacked, the act an halfhearted attempt at a coup by the small band of men.

Aleph fought bravely, managing to best two Goulashian soldiers by bravery and innate skills alone, his confidence helping greatly his cause. With a war cry, the young man charged his enemies with a desperation born of fear and anger, making short work of his opponents at the cost of a deep gash to his offhand arm, that he used as a makeshift guard, managing to prevent a far more deadly blow. However, another soldier sneaked out behind him, ready to end his life in the most cowardly of ways only to be stopped.

Indeed, Roland watched his older brother's back and managed to block the blow in time, the attacked being finished off by a guard that proceeded to stay by the Princes' sides from here on out. The rest of the guards had arrived.

Now far outnumbering the greatly diminished invaders, the guards could now concentrate in protecting the princes as the Goulashians' apparent leader was brought to heel before the still present brothers, the battle finished by one last blow at the leader remaining comrade.

β€œWhat should we do with this one, Your Highness?” The captain of the guard asked the bloodstained princes.

β€œWe should kill him in the capital's square!” Said one.

β€œWe should send his head back to those filthy Goulashians on a silver platter!” Said another.

β€œWe should enrol him in our army!” Said a third.

β€œMake him our slave!” Said a forth.

Soon, the balcony was filled with a cacophony of orders from the nearly all the princes present. Roland and Aleph were drowned in sound...

Aleph is now Wounded.

Aleph is now Fatigued.

Aleph's Strength increased by 2.

Aleph's Toughness increased by 2.

Aleph is now Triumphant

Roland is now Exhausted.

Roland is no longer Suave.

Roland's Speed increased by 1.

Roland is now Triumphant.

The setting changes from The continent of Severn to Cedar City


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roland Windsor Character Portrait: Aleph Banton Character Portrait: The Historian
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0.00 INK

Day 3, Midday

β€œYes, Your Highness!” Saluted the remaining guard as they dragged the surviving Goulashian to the dungeon to be led to the torture chamber followed by the two exhausted princes who insisted that they be present to interrogate the prisoner. Two hours passed until the soldier confessed how his squad infiltrated the kingdom and more importantly the castle.

β€œI can't believe it, our own mines were worked against us?!” Say one of the Torturer's assistants in disbelief after the fact were laid out for all to so by the now badly bleeding captain. This information was a shock to all.

β€œWe must execute him at once before his comrades come to seek him out, let's get this over with, gentlemen!” Said the Torturer to the men present.

The preparations were swift and the event grand as the Kingdom knights patrolled the street in case more Goulashians arrived and merchants installed stalls around the town's plaza, a festival already in place to celebrate the kingdom's victory over the small group of Goulashians that day.

The execution was conducted flawlessly as it was drawn out until the sunset, the populace cheering as Goulashian blood was shed on the town's square by the muscular Executioner of the kingdom. The people's blood-lust was sated for now, though the festival seemed to be ready to go on for quite some days.

As the last drop of blood dripped from the cooling corpse, the captain of the guard approached the princes present.

β€œWhat are your orders, Your Highness?”

Aleph is no longer Confident.

Aleph is now feeling Festive.

Roland is now feeling Festive.