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Where The Bones Walk



Deep in the dark forests Maine, there is a small town by the name of Peerland. A few miles down the road, there is the small graveyard of this little town where the dead are buried and where old, old tombstones still stand from centuries ago. This graveyard is said to have ghosts walking along the paths when Halloween comes around, that when there is no wind that the leaves move as if someone had walked by them and twigs snap even though nothing has stepped on them. There is rumor of a strange grave, a grave that leads to the land of the dead and those who enter have never gotten out. and the only time you can enter this strange realm is the night before Halloween and all Halloween day, and that is the only time you can get back out.

They say in the land of the dead, that this is where the bones walk. Where the flesh drops. Where the blood spills. Where the dead walk around in their own little world, and how the king of the dead is the ruler of this large and dead walking land. He is known to be ruthless, others call him the puppet king because he tortures those who are already dead by hanging them on strings and making them dance around and move against their will. He has cast a dreadful depression on this land that was supposed to be like a heaven to those who have passed on, but now it is a wasteland with many dangers and a deadly curse.

Six teenagers decide on the night before Halloween, to go to the graveyard a few miles from town, for a fun sleepover dressed up in costumes with candy, a laptop for movies, a cooler, and some games. They think it's going to be a normal night, with some spooky stories, a few card games and a movie or two with some pop and chocolate. But they are dead wrong. As they explore the graveyard playing a game of flashlight tag, two of the teenagers find this strange grave and get sucked into the land first. The others go looking and sure enough, they get sucked in as well and are trapped in this strange realm. Now, the clock is ticking. There is one portal hidden somewhere in the land of the dead, the portal which is the way out of this dark damp realm with dangers hidden around every corner.

But they have to make it out before the stroke of midnight Halloween day, when Halloween officially ends. If they don't, they will be trapped inside the realm of the dead... until next Halloween... but only if they survive.

Will they make it out in time? Get captured by the King of the Dead? Or end up perishing while trying to escape?

This is where the bones walk.


I'd like the six teenagers to have three girls and three guys. The King of the Dead can be included in the roleplay if someone is interested in playing that part, and residents of the land of the dead could join the teenagers on their adventure, either as enemies or as friends. The Advisors would be the people chasing after the teenagers to capture them and bring them back to the king, most likely to be used as puppets or executed and made as subjects to the land of the dead.


The Six Teenagers:

1. Damien Hunt- Played by SilentShivers

2. Millie Janine Sanders- Played by UCTigerette

3. Richard Sykes- Played by Cypher

4. Anastasia Oborski- Played by Hera

5. Ryan Sullivan- Played by Thy_Soul_Forgotten

6. [Girl]-

The King of the Dead:

Residents in the Land of the Dead:

1. Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright- Played by Rincewind





The King's Advisors:





Below are the things I want included in the character profiles.

Character Sheets:

In the Description Section:

Name: [First and Last]
Age: [Between 14-17]
Gender: [Girl or Boy]
Ethnicity:[Caucasian, African America, Hispanic, ect.]
Sexuality: [Bisexual, Straight, Lesbian, Gay, ect.]
Status: [Single, In a relationship, Seeing someone, ect.]

Give a description of your character; include the height, weight, eye color, hair color, skin color, hair color and hair style. Also give at least one realistic picture of your character [Try not to have it be animated...] Make sure you use descriptive words to describe what your character looks like. If you are a member of the dead, you can list how you died or reveal it in the story.

In the Personality Section:

Give a paragraph of what your character is like, whether they are kind or quiet or mean or bitchy or easily pissed off. Make sure you include what they are like when they are scared, sad, happy, and angry.

Likes: [At least Five]
Dislikes: [At least Five]
Hobbies: [At least Five]

In the History Section:

Born: [When they were born. Day, Month, Year.]

Describe a short summary of what your character has experienced, what kind of childhood they had or any important events that make your character what it is. Include things that are important to them and what kind of family they lived in/live in.

Toggle Rules

1. No Drama allowed. Don't fight in occ, don't make cruel comments about characters or about the roleplay. If you have an issue with the roleplay or characters or something totally not related, send me a private message and I'll see what I can do.

2. No Godmodding. No decide if you are going to be taken by the king of the dead, just go with the flow.

3. If you want to reserve a spot, send me a private message requesting. I will hold that spot until midnight unless you tell me you have something to do that night, I'll hold it for 24 hours instead.

4. Sometimes I forget to check the occ threads so please don't get pissed off if I don't respond to the occ thread right away. Sending me a private message is easier.

5. Be creative. No one liner sentences, use paragraphs and detail.

6. ONLY JOIN THIS ROLEPLAY IF YOU WILL BE ABLE TO POST REGULARLY! If you join and have to go away because of an emergency or something came up, let me know please!!!

7. Have Fun!!!

Browse All » 2 Settings to roleplay in

The Peerland Graveyard

The Peerland Graveyard by SilentShivers

Small town in Maine.

The Land of The Dead

The Land of The Dead by RolePlayGateway

The realm where the bones walk, the dead walk, under the cruel and evil rule of the King of the Dead.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

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As the school bell rung, Damien sprang from his seat and slung his black and red checkered back pack over his left shoulder, his vans shoes making squeaky noises as he burst from his Calculus two class. He watched as kids flooded out of their classrooms and he ran past his locker, not needing any books and he certainly wasn't going to do any homework tonight. Tonight was the big sleep over in the Peerland Graveyard, he wasn't going to be occupied with a bunch of studying or worksheet. Oh no, he was going to have an amazing time.

Damien would run out of the school, pushing past people as he ran down the steps and across the parking lot, running down the sidewalk before any of his friends could catch him and hold him up. He was too excited to chat with anyone, he wanted to get packing and plan for tonight and then relax and watch some t.v. before he had to leave. It started at 7 pm, when sunset was usually around and even though he had a few hours until then, he was still extremely excited. He flipped some of his hair from his calm dark blue eyes and kept walking quickly before turning a block and he ran over to his house. His house was a large white one with blue shutters and a black roof top and it was medium sized, certainly something he was grateful for since his mom couldn't earn as much as she used to.

Damien opened the door, walking inside and he sighed to see his tired mother sprawled on the couch, asleep with her lunch sitting on the coffee table half eaten and a water bottle that was empty laying on the ground. He walked over, leaning over her and nudged her gently with his hand. "Mom... wake up." he said softly. Her blue eyes fluttered open, her tired face and the dark circles under her eyes telling him she was exhausted. He sighed and helped her up.

"Damien... you certainly are home early.." she said tiredly, running a hand through her messy brown hair. He sighed; He then took her right arm gently and he slowly led her upstairs and to her bedroom, laying her down as he looked at her. She looked so sleepy, so tired... so sad.

"Mom... you have a few more hours till work... try to get some rest and then eat your lunch at the hospital."

He kissed her forehead and she smiled faintly up at him and closed her eyes as he tucked the covers over her. He then walked away, closing the door lightly and making his way down the carpeted hallway and he opened the white sticker covered door to his room. His room had red walls and black ceiling and a white colored carpet with a few dirty clothes here and there but it was fairly clean. He had his own desk which was done very neat, he had a dresser and a closet filled with dark gothic clothes and band t-shirts and skinny jeans. He had a regular sized bed with black sheets and a black and red checkered cover and black and red pillows scattered across it but it was made. He had a nightstand, and he plugged in his phone to charge right next to his alarm clock and he had one window near his desk to let him look down on the streets and the other houses in the neighbor hood.

Damien quickly walked over to his closet and he pulled out a very large duffel back and set it onto his bed, after pulling out a band t-shirt with the band name "Bullet For My Valentine" on it and it had fancy designs and blood splatters, the background a grungy black. He smiled and he tossed it by his bag and then took off his shirt, his strong back and toned muscles exposed, and his strong abs that he was proud of since it took him a lot of work to gain them. He would kick off his vans shoes and then pulled out some boxers and throw them by the bag and then his pajama pants with sponge bob all over them, with a very soft fuzzy warm material he was going to wear tonight when he went to sleep. He also threw in his black bunny slippers. He walked to the bathroom, grabbing his toothbrush and his toothpaste and his night pills and walked back into the room, tossing them into the bag along with a washcloth. He would brush his teeth tonight, he had to keep his white teeth clean.

After packing his clothes and hygiene things, he made his way to the dresser and pulled out a green t-shirt with Gir on the front, eating a cupcake with large animated eyes. He grinned and put it over his strong upper body and then took off his shorts, putting on a pair of tight black skinny jeans. He put on a rainbow studded belt and then he slipped his vans shoes on again and brushed out his layered jet black hair. His silver snake bites were still in place and his tattoo on his bicep was partly visible. He then had to pack all the games and equipment.

He dumped a few books and papers from his back pack onto the bed and then put in his expensive but amazing laptop, and a few scary movies and a few comedies. He put in a book for himself to read in case he needed some quiet time to himself, he also threw in a deck of cards and a flashlight. He knew they were going to play flash light tag tonight, and he was excited. He then zipped up the backpack. He didn't know who was bringing the snacks and drinks but he might as well throw a few into his duffel bag inside a small cooler in case someone forgot. He grabbed the duffel bag and the backpack and made his way down the stairs and set them by the door, running to the fridge and pulling out a few cokes and a few Pepsi cans. He grabbed a small cooler and filled it with ice, and put the cans of pop inside and then he threw in a few bags of beef jerky. He grinned and shut the cooler, setting it next to his luggage before glancing at the clock.

It was only 4:00. Three more hours he had to wait. He would walk over to the living room, and pick up the bottle and mom's have eaten lunch and throw them into the garbage can. He grabbed a pot pie and then a can of coke that was still in the fridge and made his way to the couch, flipping the t.v. on as Supernatural was just about to start. He grinned, relaxing as he ate his pot pie and anxiously waited for 7:00 to come.

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#, as written by Hera
"And for homework - " The shrill bell cut off Mrs. Andersen's tirade, and Ana smiled, popping the mystery flavour gum in her mouth. Instead of listening to barmy Mrs. Andersen crow on and on about thymine and cytosine (or it could've been guanine, she admittedly wasn't paying much attention to the wild woman in front of the whiteboard flailing her arms) she had spent her time in science attempting to decide whether it was watermelon or just an oddly tasting coconut flavour that was her gum. She'd halfway decided on the coconut when the bell rang, and when it did she raised up marginally in her seat and forgot all about the sticky substance that was currently plastered to the roof of her mouth. As soon as school ended she had things to do - homework surely wouldn't hinder her, so whether Mrs. Andersen would find pity on her students didn't matter to Ana, because she almost never did homework, anyways.

"Well, nevermind, students," The scatterbrained teacher said instead, smiling a little, "I suppose since it's Halloween you don't much deserve homework. Expect a bucketload when you come back, though! You are dismissed!" Ana snorted and slung her dark denim messenger bag under her shoulder, only stopping in her pursuit of the door to discreetly spit her wad of gum in the trashcan. She looked up through platinum locks to see Mrs. Andersen eyeing her disapprovingly, but instead of appearing remorseful Ana shot her teacher a cheeky grin and exited the classroom. First stop? Her locker, to stuff her shit in it and never see it again for a whole weekend. Glory days.

Her heels made odd, chunky noises in the hallway as they were probably taller than most middle school aged boys were, but she ignored the mostly annoyed stares that were shot her way and immediately flung her locker open at the first opportunity. Actually using a lock was for uncool kids, in Ana's mind, and she slammed it shut after depositing her things, only taking with her a water bottle full of kool-aid and another packet of gum that she soon shoved into her tight pocket and completely forgot about.

Ana loaded herself into her mom's old Pinto (which had been generously loaned to her for the special occasion of the awesomest Halloween 'sleepover' ever) and soon jetted off, ignoring the whole seatbelt thing. It would restrict her, in Ana's opinion, and bunch up her dark, hand knitted sweater she was wearing to stave off the cold her mother had made for her last Christmas. She wasn't driving home, but to an old motel just on 'this' side of town that was cheap and she could grab a pack of chips and slip into her costume in. Perfectly fine for Ana, as she'd rather not have her mama see her leave the apartment in a grungy, short little number that was a poor imitation of Alice in Wonderland, with ripped skirts and fake blood all over the corset. The pearls were huge and fake and obviously said, 'I didn't get these from daddy.'

It wouldn't have gone down well.

She parked in the desolate parking lot, then slid out of the front seat and slammed the door shut. After that she leaned into the back from a backdoor and pulled out a lumpy garbage bag with her costume in it and a smaller little plastic baggy that held her necessities in it - hairbrush, toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo and etc, although she honestly doubted as to whether she'd wash her hair in a motel bathroom where someone was probably killed in back in the door or something of the sort.

Ana checked in relatively easily and jogged on up to her room. She didn't pay mind to the peeling yellow wallpaper (although Ana was reminded eerily of a haunting short story she'd been forced to read long ago) or the fact that the windows were boarded up with two by fours ... or, of course, that the dirty bed coverlets had odd stains on them. No, she was far, far too excited for that night to care about anything for that moment.

She grinned, slung the garbage bag into the bathroom, and closed the door with a click. When she came out, she'd be the Mad Hatter's worst nightmare.

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"Millie Janine!" Sara Sanders yelled from downstairs. Rousing from her sleep, Millie's eyes cracked just enough to see the red glow from her clock. 3:57. It was almost four in the afternoon and Millie was just beginning to realize that she'd slept the entire day away. She'd been out drinking last night and just couldn't be expected to go to school with the massive hangover she was now suffering from. Millie rolled her eyes when her mother called her a second time, but finally rose from her soft, queen-sized bed. "What do you want!?" Millie yelled back. Her mother must have been only checking to see if she was awake because she never answered. Oh well.

Slipping on her adorable cheetah slippers, Millie padded across her room towards her closet. The room was a black with splatters of neon paint thrown all around. Her parents had flipped when they first noticed, but she didn't really care. It was her room and however she wanted it was the way it was going to be. Millie slid the top drawer open and pulled out a red lace thong before sliding the drawer back into place. The next drawer contained all of her bras and she pulled out the one that matched her thong. Even if her underwear were rarely seen, Millie Sanders was not about to mismatch. Next stop was the large closet located on the other side of her room. She pulled out an Abercrombie and Fitch black and white knit sweater and then a pair of tight-fit dark denim jeans. She'd only be wearing the outfit for the next three hours, but Millie always felt more comfortable when matching.

Millie walked to her bathroom and turned the shower on. Quickly she stripped and hopped in the shower. It wasn't long before she was climbing back out. Millie never needed long showers; they wasted time and you didn't need twenty minutes to clean yourself. She slipped on the clothes she'd just picked out and then headed downstairs. There was something she was supposed to do today, but Millie couldn't remember what. It was definitely aggravating her. The thought finally popped into her mind as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Tonight was the night she and her friends would be spending in the graveyard. Excitement coursed through her body as she turned and raced back to her room. It took forever for Millie to find her Vera Bradley duffel bag, but finally she had it pulled out from under her bed, now sitting on the fluffy mattress.

What do I need? She thought to herself. As she scurried around her room, Millie kept adding things to her list of needed things. Her pulled out three of her favorite outfits just because one could never know when they'd need to change. Her cosmetic bag was a full as it could be and her duffel bag was overflowing with movies, games, and clothes. Her toothbrush and toothpaste were quickly added into the mix, as well as her hairbrush and her cheetah slippers. Once she was packed Millie carried her bags downstairs and dropped them by the door before heading off towards the living room. Her brothers, Isaac and Isaiah, were fighting over the remote, but Millie took it from the both of them. She surfed the channels until she spotted her favorite movie. No matter how many times she watched Finding Nemo, it never got old. Her friends constantly picked on her for liking a little kid's movie, but who could blame her when it was such a cute movie.

Looking at the clock, Millie realized that she had just enough time to watch the movie before she needed to head off to the cemetary. Once again, Excitement coursed through her body. Millie Janine Sanders couldn't be more ready for anything as she was for tonight.

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The Peerland Graveyard

The Peerland Graveyard by SilentShivers

Small town in Maine.

The Land of The Dead

The Land of The Dead by RolePlayGateway

The realm where the bones walk, the dead walk, under the cruel and evil rule of the King of the Dead.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Richard Sykes
Character Portrait: Millie Janine Sanders
Character Portrait: Damien Hunt
Character Portrait: Anastasia Oborski
Character Portrait: Ryan Sullivan
Character Portrait: Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright


Character Portrait: Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright
Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright

Please, just call me K, kay?

Character Portrait: Ryan Sullivan
Ryan Sullivan

Southern lover boy

Character Portrait: Anastasia Oborski
Anastasia Oborski

"You can call me Ana."

Character Portrait: Damien Hunt
Damien Hunt

"I want this heart ache to be gone."

Character Portrait: Millie Janine Sanders
Millie Janine Sanders

"I'll be your bestfriend or your worst enemy. Which I pick is up to you."

Character Portrait: Richard Sykes
Richard Sykes

A counterculture expert born fifty years too late.


Character Portrait: Anastasia Oborski
Anastasia Oborski

"You can call me Ana."

Character Portrait: Ryan Sullivan
Ryan Sullivan

Southern lover boy

Character Portrait: Damien Hunt
Damien Hunt

"I want this heart ache to be gone."

Character Portrait: Millie Janine Sanders
Millie Janine Sanders

"I'll be your bestfriend or your worst enemy. Which I pick is up to you."

Character Portrait: Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright
Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright

Please, just call me K, kay?

Character Portrait: Richard Sykes
Richard Sykes

A counterculture expert born fifty years too late.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Millie Janine Sanders
Millie Janine Sanders

"I'll be your bestfriend or your worst enemy. Which I pick is up to you."

Character Portrait: Damien Hunt
Damien Hunt

"I want this heart ache to be gone."

Character Portrait: Richard Sykes
Richard Sykes

A counterculture expert born fifty years too late.

Character Portrait: Ryan Sullivan
Ryan Sullivan

Southern lover boy

Character Portrait: Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright
Arnold Joseph K. Cartwright

Please, just call me K, kay?

Character Portrait: Anastasia Oborski
Anastasia Oborski

"You can call me Ana."

View All » Places

The Peerland Graveyard

The Peerland Graveyard by SilentShivers

Small town in Maine.

The Land of The Dead

The Land of The Dead by RolePlayGateway

The realm where the bones walk, the dead walk, under the cruel and evil rule of the King of the Dead.

The Land of The Dead

The Land of The Dead Owner: RolePlayGateway

The realm where the bones walk, the dead walk, under the cruel and evil rule of the King of the Dead.

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Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Yes, near the Dark Forest. They will land in the Dead Graveyard.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

On the ground. DOHOHOHO

... But really, my guess would be a parallel version of the Earth graveyard.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

English papers? D:

May the force be with you.

Just so this isn't seen as an unrelated post, where exactly will the teens land in the Land of the Dead when they do land?

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

I haven't posted mine yet because I'm ~tired~. And I also have ~English papers~.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

I've posted mine because I'm ~awesome~ :)

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

People can start making entrances now. I've made mine.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Well... yes, I suppose it could if you wanted it to.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Does alcohol work on the dead?

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Okay so the land of the dead is where all the dead go, unless they are pulled into heaven or hell, if you believe in that. But they were souls that were either trapped inside the realm or just ended up there. They can eat and drink but it will just go right through them, their hearts dont beat and their organs don't work anymore so it would just go right through them. Now, some dead people... how you die is how you look. You don't age, your flesh doesn't rot... if you died in a fire and you are burnt to a crisp but you end up there, that is what you look like. If you died peacefully in your sleep, you will look like normal except alot paler and you will have no heartbeat. You can die in the land of the dead, the king or his advisors can snap your "dead soul" and make you not exist from any realm, you just vanish and you don't exist anymore.

The land of the dead has cities... it has places. The Lake of souls is a black lake that sucks in souls and trap them there, dead souls. The Dark Forest is filled with strange creatures that the king created and put there. There is Walking Bones City, where most dead people go and actually do labor and have jobs that don't really matter, they just do it since the king commands it.

No, he doesn't... but, there are rewards. If a citizen of the land of the dead captures a live soul, they bring them to the king and are granted another chance at life in a new body with a new name and a new soul. But otherwise, they won't come back to life if another person kills the kids.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Can you go into detail about life in the land of the dead? Like, does everyone who dies go there? Do you age, need to drink, eat, or go to the bathroom? Can you die in the land of the dead? What happens if one of the kids dies, does he just come back to life?

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

You could do that too. That's an idea :]

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Any way I could remain ambiguous about his death? Reveal it as a defining moment in his character growth?

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Alright. Awesome.

You can include how you died on your profile if you want. Should of mentioned that in the introduction... blah.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Totally do, profile will be up in a few.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

You mean for the Land of the Dead? Those are available, if you want one.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

SO, is it too late to get a spot as a friendly denizen?

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Will do :] Spot has been reserved.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Hey SilentShivers, if you would like to reserve a spot for a boy; then I would love to join! Sounds like this RP could be spooky good!

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Cypher: Yes, I saw your message and reserved you a spot.

Hera: Sorry DX... I just got alot of ideas and I've been holding this one back for like a week now and I just got so excited. And Yes, I can reserve a female spot for you.

Re: [OOC] Where The Bones Walk

Awesome, you say? Well, at least there's one person vouching for this GM. I've never seen any of her previous projects, so I'll just take your word for it for now.