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When You Go Past the Threshold

When You Go Past the Threshold


The year 2186...the peak of the virtual network. A new threat has emerged but, with tensions between F.A.I.T.H and Stardust as high as they are, can mankind still find time to prevent it?

1,304 readers have visited When You Go Past the Threshold since SkyCladSaya06 created it.


"It's so easy for humans to get attached to technology too much."


The year 2106, the peak of mankind's reliance on technology. Nowadays, the cyber network has become so expansive that it had pretty much evolved into a world of it's own. People access it differently as well; through a separate entity called SEED, an independent consciousness that lives within the cyber environment. SEEDs are an extension of the mind and soul--a new form of existence for mankind. Within the cyberspace, it is possible to bestow certain abilities unto them which are not possible in real life--at least up to the extent that the laws allow it. SEEDs cannot kill each other though it is possible to engage each other within this space. To this extent, even law enforcers were given SEEDs of their own.

SEEDs and the extended network--thanks to this new system, it seemed as if most of the world's problems are starting to disappear. That was until "Myriad's Fall"; a situation no one saw coming. That was when the collapse began.

The year 2186, almost 80 years have passed since "Myriad's Fall", a powerful bug that corrupted the whole of the known world. When it struck, security was compromised, supplies were used up, resources weren't able to regenerate and all information channels were shut down, leaving everyone in the dark. This led to a total downfall of the ruling government, after a long period of strife and relentless uprisings in different sectors of the city. It was a long time until the system was restored to its former status.

This gave way to the formation of the current World Sphere Government, with representatives and leaders elected from among the members of the masses, in order to avoid distrust between the government and the citizenry. To avoid a repetition of the chaos that ensued during "Myriad's Fall", the government decided to establish F.A.I.T.H, a new security group that patrols the virtual space, in order to prevent a repetition of Myriad's Fall.

However, the world seems to not want to let go. Rumors soon spread like wildfire all across the cyber world. A new virus was emerging, this time, it wants to take the form of a SEED. Once it gains consciousness and self-awareness, it can proceed to inflict havoc on not only the virtual space but the real world as well. And so the hunt begins but as with any endeavor, there are certain obstacles preventing this from becoming a walk in the park.

F.A.I.T.H - Freedom and Anonymity from Internal Threats and Heresy. A group established to patrol the virtual network and find traces of the virus' trail. They are chosen based on their ability to control a SEED as well as general information gathering and combat abilities. As such, there aren't too many restrictions on who can enter this group, aside from their loyalty to the cause.

Character Skeleton:







History (Include reason for joining F.A.I.T.H):

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world):

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):


Members List:
  • Honoo Iris (Investigator) - SkyCladSaya06

Stardust - An independent group that was formed by a band of radicals who believes that this current ruling government seems to have their own agenda behind this whole situation. They are very active and come into conflict with F.A.I.T.H almost on a daily basis. Due to a lack of an organized structure, almost anyone can enter as well.

Character Skeleton:







History (Include reason for joining Stardust and reasons for not trusting the Sphere.):

Equipment/Weapons (Real world/Cyber-world):

Abilities (Real World/Cyber World):


Members List:
  • Akane Hisakawa (Runner) - DeathScythe386

Toggle Rules

General Guidelines:
- No God-Modding
- Follow usual RPG rules and conduct
- If there are any questions or clarifications, ask in the OOC or PM me
- If you have a problem with another user, sort it via PM. Or, you can PM me and we’ll try to create a compromise
- Be considerate
- Literacy. No text lingo please

Actions and Storyline:
- SEEDs cannot be killed within the cyberworld. When defeated, they only disconnect forcefully so--no killing off another person's character without their permission.
- Who the virus is will be determined by how the interactions go.
- Only F.A.I.T.H members can carry obviously large weapons and equipment (i.e, long swords, rifles etc.) in broad daylight. Stardust can wield these things but, they have to be concealed and hidden in accordance with the world's law.
- Stardust members do not have to comply with regulations as long as they aren't caught.
- Members of each faction do not necessarily have to be fighters or enforcers. For instance, F.A.I.T.H members can be politicians, scientists, detectives, etc. On the other hand, Stardust members can be leaders, rally members, common folk etc.

Misc. Rules:
- Anime pics are preferred for face claims.
- SEEDs do not necessarily have to appear human--just don't go too far.
- Imagination!
- Only two days will be given for those who’ll be reserving a character. If character sheet isn’t accomplished within two days, slot is forfeited.
- Have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Mei Nakano Character Portrait: Chyr Crike Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara Character Portrait: Honoo Iris Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
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"Last night, at 8:30 PM, some net users have complained of sighting some rogue programs at the Antioch Cafe and Video sharing center. They weren't extremely malignant but they slowed down the information transmission processes. F.A.I.T.H dispatched some operatives to take care of it but, the some of our netizens aren't too satisfied with the result. Here, we'll interview Alex Robins who witnessed the cleanup operation. So Alex, would you give us our thoughts regarding the--"


Iris shuts off the T.V as she passed by the living room of her condominium unit near the heart of the city. She had just finished taking a shower when she heard the news coming from her television set.
"You just can't trust the media to be impartial nowadays..." Iris sighed as she dries her hair off. A sudden vibration caught her attention and realized it was her phone ringing. She checked it and saw a new message.

"Iris, come to the main building ASAP. We'll need to discuss something."

"Oh, great!" Iris complains as she rushes off to her room to get dressed. When she was finished, she locked up her house and rushed downstairs, hoping to catch a cab as soon as possible.

"To F.A.I.T.H Main building please. And please hurry." Iris relayed the instructions to the driver who merely grunted and sped off. As they drove around the city, Iris glanced at the passing view in her window.

"Year 2186, 80 years have passed since "Myriad's Fall". Up until that time, no one had imagined that we would grow this reliant on technology and the cyber network. Now, most transactions are done in the virtual world, opening all sorts of gateways and slowly unifying the world under one banner. I guess that's why a system collapse is very difficult. We not only lose connection with others. We lose a whole world along with it." Such thoughts rushed through Iris' mind as they crossed the bridge, leading to the large building in the center where the World Sphere Government's headquarters was.

"Oh, turn right around this aisle." Iris reminded the driver. When she reached a separate building that is a considerable distance away from the government office, Iris alighted, heading inside F.A.I.T.H's main building.

"Nakajima, what is this about?" Iris immediately questions Nakajima Honda, the researcher who called her over.
"Ah, there you are! Listen, remember when we transferred some data from the Middle Eastern branch? It was scheduled to arrive two days ago at the Antioch Harbor but, as you can see, shipment still not around."
"That's a bit troubling. What does that data load contain?"
"Well, some new equipment for the SEEDs and, the Middle East's findings on this rumored virus."
"And it just disappeared at the virtual harbor. Think it could be Stardust?"
"I don't know. That branch should have bodyguards of their own and yet they were compromised. I need you to head there and try to see if you'll still be able to find something."

At the command, Iris headed into their building's computer room, located on the fourteenth floor. She sat in front of a terminal where a headpiece sat, anticipating some action.
"By the way, isn't my portable set fixed yet?" Iris asks the researcher.
"Huh? W-well, about that---"
"Never mind." Iris simply sighed and logged on to the virtual network.

--Welcome to Sentient Ethereal Entity Diver--
When Iris opened her eyes, she was know in her SEED's body, resuming from the virtual world's Systems Security building.
"Right, this is where I last logged out. Upon logging in, we resume from where we last logged out so, this is technically the safest place to do so." Navigating through various structures that offer entertainment and information, she traversed the road further, heading towards the so-called Harbor, or basically where ordered data gets delivered.

"It's now 10:00 in the evening. The Harbor should be closed by this time. So no bystanders should be around." When she reached the harbor, she showed the guards her clearance and they let her in. She first went to the port where the Middle East cargo was supposed to land, checking in to see the footage from two days ago.
"Nakajima was right. No cargo arrived during the last two days. If that's the case, it's probably been intercepted while it was in transit--"
"Who's there!" Iris jolted away at the sound and immediately drew her AR07. She seemed to have heard the sound coming from the empty container packages. She approached cautiously, waiting to see what she'll find.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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Anthony stood over the guy from star dust and when he heard somebody yell he cursed himself for now putting the suppressor on. He looked at the stolen information he had and pressed against the wall aiming at the corner where the person was coming from. "Just turn and leave girly. I only came for information." Anthony didn't know if there was another exit but he'd easily get out of the girl merely left. His only other real option was to knock her out in some way or another. He was too weak willed to disconnect a woman especially a pretty one.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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Keeping her sword drawn, Iris remained cautious of her surroundings. She glanced at the playing field around her, looking for any sort of leverage. The whole place was rather dark, save for the light coming from the terminal that she opened. In that field, there was only one exit from that port which is the rather wide passage people used. It was wide enough to fit a truck, she calculated.
"The area is wide, and the lighting is rather weak. I've got some sort of leverage here. However, since I am not aware of what kind of intruder is in this area, I'll have to be careful."
Normally, she can't see what's behind the containers from her current position. But she did have one item at her disposal. Two, actually.
"The glider will allow me to leap and take a peek at whoever is hiding behind those steel cargo holds. The disrupter is good for taking ten shots that are below .45 caliber. I'll have to take my chance--"
With a quick stance change, Iris leaped up, rising a good 15 meters above ground. By this, she managed to make out a silhouette of a man hidden behind the container and the wall.
"There! Is he--?"
Immediately, she dived down, kicking the overhead platform, sending a couple of crates tumbling down on the unidentified SEED's position. Content with the distraction, she stepped back again with her glider, heading out into the wider road and ducking at the nearest wall for cover.
"Nakajima! I've found our intruder! Notify F.A.I.T.H Headquarters immediately and ask them to send back-up!" She shouted out, glancing at the data terminal. Not wanting anyone to catch wind of whatever information is stored in it, she threw one of her Messers at it, destroying the primary data storage, taking care not to leave any part of her body exposed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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Anthony stayed perfectly still and quiet until he heard the girl leap. He then looked up over the crates and noticed the falling crates and dove to a different piece of cover. He heard the girl yelling and started running after her but stopped at the entrance to check the girl's information. "Actually I only took some hidden data the rest was taken by your enemies. Stardust took all the other data but I only tracked them I could sell you their location. For a price."

Anthony said then turned back the way he came and holsters his pistol. He then drew his rocket launcher and fired at the back wall then started running that way to escape through his newly made hole in the wall.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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Iris heard footsteps approaching so she maintained her guard stance even more. She reckoned that if whoever he was approaches the entrance, she can go and glide towards him and sunder him with her sword, given the wider area. But, to her surprise, the footsteps stopped just a few meters away.

"Actually I only took some hidden data the rest was taken by your enemies. Stardust took all the other data but I only tracked them I could sell you their location. For a price."

A few more moments after she heard those words, she heard a loud explosion go off at the opposite wall. Looking out, she was greeted by a large hole where the perpetrator escaped.

"Wait just a--" Iris was about to give chase but some debris collapsed, making her dodge them instead. Realizing that the perpetrator was as good as gone, she just surveyed the place to see the damage done. Broken terminal, fallen crates and a large hole in the wall.

"...So, I guess it isn't that bad...right?" Iris grew a little worried about getting reprimanded. Either way, she also escaped after salvaging what remains of the data bank and logged out safely at the System's Security building.

"You screwed up, big time." Nakajima just laughed as he and Iris goes over the information she retrieved. "Well, I suppose destroying the terminal is alright given the circumstances but--" Nakajima glances at Iris. "When word gets out that F.A.I.T.H allowed someone to escape, the media might just use it as ammunition to further Stardust's propaganda."
"Who cares? I'm just an enforcer. If I was a high-ranking officer, it would have been a different story. Besides, once I get out word that this was all Stardust's doing, the tables will turn against them instead."
"True. But, where's your evidence for it? Aside from what that guy you met said?"
The realization struck Iris hard. When disconnected, SEED's just disappear in the virtual world and are only allowed to log-in again after the elapsed time of thirty minutes has elapsed wherein, they'll reappear at the last spot they were able to log out normally.
"Ugh, you're right."
"What's more, you don't have any assurance that the guy really is a third-party. He might be working with Stardust as well."
"Well, what do you expect me to do then?"
Nakajima stood up and adjusted his glasses. "I'll need to run some of these at the lab later. For now, I guess your work is done. Enjoy the next day off--well, until we call you back in case something happens."
"It's a day off Nakajima! DAY! OFF!"

The next morning, Iris decided to take a walk around the park rather than go online for a change. She was browsing through the side-shops, thinking of getting a new portable terminal. It was then she received a message from Nakajima.

"Keep an eye out for Stardust's runners while you're out there."

"Okay...Who's looking a bit suspicious?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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Anthony was online and was trying to track the SEED he'd seen the night before and when he was sure that he'd found the right one he decided to gamble.

"Nice try but it's hard to catch an information broker like me. I'll sell you some evidence if you meet me in a place of my choosing. Alone and unarmed in five minutes. I'll give you the location in four giving you nine minutes to lay a trap."

Anthony then started looking for a online location with multiple escape routes and a good look at his chosen meeting spot. He send the address at exactly two minutes then got moving to engage his test. He had a kid set a data package with her evidence she needed and a note calling it a gift of trust. He then started lying in wait for the result in a building with two roof exits and two ground level exits plus he'd set up a type for a escape from the third floor.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

As Iris sat, mulling things over in the quiet park, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, prompting her to take a look at it.
"Must be from HQ..."

When she opened it, it was just an alert that someone had sent her something within the cyber network. It was a method of passing along stuff that replaced the old, e-mail system. Realizing that she can't exactly view it from her current location, she wondered if she should just go home or enjoy the rest of her day off outside.

"It's a nice day with nice weather plus, nobody's bugging me about something. I'll just check up on it when I get home and have an access to a terminal."

As she sank back in the bench, she noticed a bunch of kids arguing nearby. They all had portable terminals with them so, it's probably a little fight they had over at the virtual world.

"I'm jealous. My portable set is broken right now so---*sigh*" Iris sighed wondering when her set will be fixed and returned to her. Recalling that she had to keep an eye out for any runners from Stardust, she casually glanced at every person that passed by, waiting to see if anyone comes in looking fishy.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
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"Akane." "Ugh..." "Akane.." "Don't want to--" "Hisakawa. Up."
The black-haired girl rose from her position and glared at the man sitting from across her. The man simply stared at her with his blank, pale eyes while her own showed the fire of annoyance. "What is it, Victor?" She grumbled, narrowing her eyes at the man. He blinked and sighed. "I just got a of our runners was sort of...well, disconnected. You know, the man we sent to intercept the cargo being sent to F.A.I.T.H." Akane raised an eyebrow and started to stretch a bit from her position. Man her back hurt.

"And what do you want me to do?" "He managed to get a snapshot of the man who got him before he was disconnected. I want you to try and recover the stolen information by finding this man." Victor raised the picture to Akane as she took it, looking it over. She stood up. "That all?" "That's the mission basics. Although, you must show caution. You never know when F.A.I.T.H members may be lurking, and the said runner was disconnected before he could see if a F.A.I.T.H member saw it." Akane nodded, and started off. 'Good luck..."

--Later on, the girl found herself wandering around a park, sighing. She had logged off the cyber world for the moment. Chances were, that SEED who stole the info already did too, but she wasn't sure herself. Sighing again, she murmured quietly to herself. "Haha, poor me, getting hard missions..."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara Character Portrait: Honoo Iris Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
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0.00 INK

As the day slowly changed, Iris was just about to call it a day when another vibration brought her attention to her phone again.
"Again? What is it this time?"
"You've been getting quite some unusual traffic on your line. Check it out ASAP."
"Urgh, Nakajima..." Iris sighed and placed the phone back into her pocket. She was wondering who could've possibly sent her a message that was so urgent, if it wasn't HQ. She checked around and her eyes fixed on a black-haired teen on the park.
"Excuse me? Do you have a portable terminal? Mind if I borrow it for a while?" Iris asks rather directly, not minding how absurd the request sounds.

Back at F.A.I.T.H HQ though, Nakajima was hard-pressed in analyzing the data they have on the intruder at the harbor. It seemed he was the one who attacked and stole their cargo. He heard the door open, and a familiar figure walked in the room. In a way.
"Well? What have you found out?"
"A-ah! Ms. Ohara! W-well, our cargo was intercepted in transit by Stardust and well, this guy came and stole it again."
"Isn't it possible for us to trace the virus without the data from the Middle East?"
"The Middle East data contained possible patterns that determines it's behavior. Without it--"
"I understand. In that case, send somebody to deal with this uninvited third-party."
"I already asked Iris but--she's not replying yet."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

Anthony gave a grin as he sat on the roof in the virtual world then decided it was safe to confirm the intel he'd received. He started a secure chat with a man who stood in front of the emblem for a important group. "Hello Marcus. Having any fun there in the records room for F.A.I.T.H?" The man shushed Anthony and waited before giving a shake then holding up a small folder with a picture of a SEED but not the user. "Thanks Marcus i'll deliver you a Cuban later assuming you still smoke them?" Anthony finished and the man nodded slightly before severing the connection.

"Such a easy job. Now I just have to wait with these binoculars and watch." Anthony started looking through a one way curtain at the table that held the location of a Stardust base. "If only that girl hadn't been so cute I could've just disconnected her and split. Oh what a world indeed."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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(Was gone so long my phone thought I had to post twice.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara Character Portrait: Honoo Iris Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
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Seeing that the other person had no intention of replying to her, Iris looked at other places where she might be able to find some way to connect. She spotted a small net cafe near the park's vicinity and decided to head on there.
"All right, these notifications are getting annoying, so--"

--Welcome to Sentient Ethereal Entity Diver--

Iris resumes from in front of Systems Security again. She realized that a kid had sent a data pack to her location, probably due to a rough estimation of her standard practices.
"I think I'll need to scout for other places to safely log-out after this."

"Nice try but it's hard to catch an information broker like me. I'll sell you some evidence if you meet me in a place of my choosing. Alone and unarmed in five minutes. I'll give you the location in four giving you nine minutes to lay a trap."

With the way the message was worded, she could only assume that it was the same person she encountered the night before. There was some sliver of information within along with a note calling it a gift of trust but, Iris didn't want to take her chances immediately yet.

"For starters, I'll send the other files back to HQ. They'll know what to do with it--" Iris thought to herself as she sent the data and details she received from this third party. As it transmitted over her own private connection to Nakajima, she waited for further instructions.

Back at the HQ, Nakajima and Ohara received the data, a few minutes after transmission.
"What do you think, Ohara-san?"
"This could be a trap. The whole thing about sending Iris unarmed bothers me. I suggest that she finds a way to smuggle her weapons in the location before she meets with this third-party."
"And, what of the data?"
"This would be a rough job but from now on, any form of electronic data and information we gather on the virus shall be sent here in hard copies."
"Y-you mean, we'll be printing them as physical copies?"
"I've always been wary of this kind of technology and with this, and the recent hackings, my fears have only been aggravated. It is much harder to breach into this building's structurally security than its network one so our safest bet is to store data physically. I'll oversee the management myself."
"One last thing...We managed to detect an unusual access in our records bank. Seems someone was peeping in on Iris."
"Maybe it's time to consider moving our employees' personal records to Level 7 as well..."

"So, try to find a way to smuggle my weapons when I head into the location...But first, I'll need to analyze the place..." Upon receiving her instructions, Iris headed forward, grabbing the messenger kid and taking him with her. As they arrived, she inspected the place. Openings. Far too many openings to her liking. Plus, everything seemed so--mundane. As if they had been arranged to seem that way on purpose.
"Oi kid! You tell the one who sent you to answer some questions. As someone calling me out to establish some sort of trust, he sure is keen on barricading himself in that building. Tell him that I'll only disarm myself if he meets me out here in the street. I'll let you have two online games to do that." Iris orders the kid around, sending one of the games over as downpayment. She took out her main sword and stuck it on the ground as she sat cross-legged on the ground, her back leaning on the blade, not minding some onlookers throwing awkward glances at her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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"Stubborn huh? I like it." Anthony said turning and walking out of the room. He stepped into the plaza and lifted his jacket then spun to show he was already unarmed. He then sat down and looked up behind Iris where a window shimmered then went up. "You already broke part of our agreement. Like F.A.I.T.H always does with me. But I have a couple of friends inside who only help me identify the mouse who is trying to bite the cat. This time I don't know which one of us is the mouse or if we're both cats fighting for our homes and freedom." Anthony said both hands in his lap and then he sighed and set them on the table. He reached into his pocket freely and pulled out a piece of paper but then put it back. "Whoa I almost forgot that I clearly can't trust you because that street is still barricaded on one side. I could easily deal with you like this but then every low life I sell to will want this and that's bad business chéri. I actually deal with most of my customers in the real world but I won't be doing that with you just yet." Anthony threw in a french accent to throw the girl off his tracks.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

"You already broke part of our agreement. Like F.A.I.T.H always does with me. But I have a couple of friends inside who only help me identify the mouse who is trying to bite the cat. This time I don't know which one of us is the mouse or if we're both cats fighting for our homes and freedom."

"Huh? What is this guy babbling about? Cats and mice? Tsk!" Iris thought as the smug man continues with his talking. All the while, she just wanted to spin around and lop his head off, which was quite easy to do, considering that her sword was just planted behind her but, the presence of the other SEEDs ties her hands. She watched him take out some sort of paper but immediately placed it back.

"Whoa I almost forgot that I clearly can't trust you because that street is still barricaded on one side. I could easily deal with you like this but then every low life I sell to will want this and that's bad business chéri. I actually deal with most of my customers in the real world but I won't be doing that with you just yet."

"Argh!!! So all you did was waste my time?" Iris walked up to him annoyed, and glared at the man intently. "Listen up! I only get around three day offs in one year and this was supposed to be my last before the holidays kick in! But no. I had to haul my ass over here to talk with some guy with an offer that neither of us know whether I'll accept it or not, and all I got was this smug talk of cats and mice!"

After unloading her frustration on him, Iris turned around and sheathed the sword back in its scabbard. Activating her glider, she jumped on top of a small bungalow type of infrastructure. "I don't particularly care if you get off on bothering people. I doubt I'll want to see you again." Iris took her leave and headed back to Systems Security to safely disconnect.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

"I guess you don't want to know about the traitors in F.A.I.T.H which is really too bad. They'll be taking over the real world ports according to my spy." Anthony said not bothering to mention that he had a meeting to attend.

He then walked into F.A.I.T.H unarmed but had his hands up either way. "I'm here to sell some details. Torture won't work." He set a folder on the desk that was a copy of Iris' personnel file. He then went to go sit down and wait for security.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

"I guess you don't want to know about the traitors in F.A.I.T.H which is really too bad. They'll be taking over the real world ports according to my spy."

Iris managed to catch wind of the guy's statement before she left. The situation he presented wasn't particularly new to Iris' ears. She'd already dealt with a bunch of them quite a bunch of times now. "Though it is a little depressing to think that some people you've been accustomed to working with will suddenly turn their back on you. Still, like usual, I'll cross that bridge when I get there."

Back at F.A.I.T.H HQ, the receptionist noticed a suspicious looking man enter the premises. She got some gut feeling regarding this man but kept it to herself in the meantime.

"I'm here to sell some details. Torture won't work."

The receptionist told him to wait by the assigned waiting area as she rings up the higher-ups, seeing that there are around 100+ people who has business with some of F.A.I.T.H's many services. The boy placed Iris' personal profile on the table, probably taken from F.A.I.T.H's database--which was actually open for public viewing.

"Ms. Ohara? There's a man here who claims to have some information to sell. He also has a copy of Iris' profile."

"Tell him I'm unavailable right now and ask him to come back another day."

"But, what about Iris?" Nakajima asks. "Since he does have Iris' profile, he may be plotting something to her."

"That profile doesn't contain most of Iris' confidential data like her address since we do not input those kinds of things virtually. Besides, if worst comes to worst, I doubt Iris would go down that easily. In any case though, send a bunch of security to Iris' house."

The receptionist tells Anthony that nobody is unable to process his request right now and informs him to just come back another day. As Setsuna remained at the upper floors of the building, her mind concentrated on the issue at hand.

"I do not have the time for other sidetracks. We must concentrate in neutralizing this virus threat before a tragedy occurs again."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

"You don't seem to understand. This file contains some things your public file doesn't. Like her real address and her number in real life oh and a photo." Anthony said casually flipping through the pages before pulling out a box that he set on the desk containing the information on all of his F.A.I.T.H contacts.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
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0.00 INK

"You don't seem to understand. This file contains some things your public file doesn't. Like her real address and her number in real life oh and a photo."

The receptionist rung up Setsuna again to inform her of some of the detail this man was peddling. Setsuna merely sighed. There was nothing else that she needs to find out about Iris. Iris had already given them most of her information to F.A.I.T.H, with only a few being made public. Regarding the contacts, initially, she would've gave in and started to want to take it for herself, so she can fire everyone who is a traitor, they really weren't at a liberty to do so.

"Ohara-san, what do you propose to do with these "contacts" this guy is presenting?" Nakajima asks.
"We do not have that luxury right now. As much as possible, I do not want to decrease the manpower we have in finding the virus trail. We'll deal with these traitors afterwards. Plus, I do not trust this guy, seeing that he has no qualms about giving away his contacts at the drop of a hat."
"In any case, we do not have time. Ahh, that's right. Call Iris over here. There are some matters we need to discuss."
"...and that's basically what she said." Nakajima informs Iris.
"So the bastard's gotten himself inside the building. If you guys don't mind, I think I'll take that guy on myself."
"Wait, Iris!!!--"

Arriving at the F.A.I.T.H building, Iris immediately headed in, checking to see if the guy was still there. To call her out for a prank call was one thing, but to peddle her personal information to her very bosses was another. Why would he need to sell it anyway? F.A.I.T.H basically has everything about her. As she was about to charge at him, Nakajima grabs her arm and drags her to the elevator. He pushed the button, sending the cab on its way.
"What are you doing Nakajima?!"
"They didn't call you here so that you could try to lop the guy's head off! There are some matters that Ohara-san wants to discuss with you."

In the meantime, Setsuna has returned to her main quarters to take a break from everything, even if it was just for a while. The virus, Stardust, the missing data--now this man.
"Can't they give us a bit of a breather?" Setsuna sighed as she remembered that she was still expected to attend a board meeting with some members of various independent organizations. She moved her wheelchair, getting inside the elevator as she pressed the button to go lower.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa Character Portrait: Victor Gerfried
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0.00 INK

"So you couldn't find him?"
Akane shook her head at the man sitting across from her again and groaned. Victor leaned back in his seat and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck in thought. "Oi, if you're so great, why don't you go find him yourself?" Akane retorted, narrowing her eyes at the division leader. Victor wasn't very keen on coming around in the network very often- he preferred real life, to be honest. He didn't have high synchronization rates either, and- like this conversation he was having with his runner, Akane- he only usually came here to get in touch with the members of his division of Stardust. Just then, Victor's pale eyes glanced to the time and started to stand up. "Well, Akane, we can try again some other time to find that man. And maybe that little remark of yours will affect it at some point." As he spoke, he started to turn away as Akane called out. "You seem in a rush. Going somewhere?" Victor paused for a bit before speaking again. "...Just a meeting with someone."

Logging off the network, Victor's eyes came back into focus in the real world just as a servant knocked at his door.
"Gerfried-sama, it's just time for the meeting."
Victor sighed as he started to get up, nodding at the butler. "I'll be there in a bit. Just wait for me."
The man had a board meeting with some representatives of different organizations of sorts, and he heard that someone from F.A.I.T.H was going to be there. As he checked some of his items, Victor quietly thought to himself.
"I can't miss this chance..."
With that thought in mind, he leaned back in the car seat, looking out from the window.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia
Character Portrait: Chyr Crike
Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara
Character Portrait: Victor Gerfried


Character Portrait: Victor Gerfried
Victor Gerfried

"I'm not in for too much combat. I just want to know."

Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara
Setsuna Ohara

"I feel anxious...Somehow it's too quiet...And you do know what they say about silence, and deep waters."

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia

"I can sell whatever information and programs I want."

Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
Akane Hisakawa

"Everything and everyone has its secrets."

Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
Honoo Iris

"I can't stand abandonment...even if it's just an object."


Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia

"I can sell whatever information and programs I want."

Character Portrait: Victor Gerfried
Victor Gerfried

"I'm not in for too much combat. I just want to know."

Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
Akane Hisakawa

"Everything and everyone has its secrets."

Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara
Setsuna Ohara

"I feel anxious...Somehow it's too quiet...And you do know what they say about silence, and deep waters."

Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
Honoo Iris

"I can't stand abandonment...even if it's just an object."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Setsuna Ohara
Setsuna Ohara

"I feel anxious...Somehow it's too quiet...And you do know what they say about silence, and deep waters."

Character Portrait: Victor Gerfried
Victor Gerfried

"I'm not in for too much combat. I just want to know."

Character Portrait: Honoo Iris
Honoo Iris

"I can't stand abandonment...even if it's just an object."

Character Portrait: Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia

"I can sell whatever information and programs I want."

Character Portrait: Akane Hisakawa
Akane Hisakawa

"Everything and everyone has its secrets."

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Most recent OOC posts in When You Go Past the Threshold

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

.... I'm still here. As always.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

I thought everybody had already disappeared...

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

Where'd everybody go? This place is like a ghost town.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

Starting post is up! Tagged everyone to alert them. Left the starting post open-ended of sorts.

@diadem Just try to follow your character later on.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

Is this still going to happen? I hope it does.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

@Saya I noticed the leader for F.A.I.T.H, so...if you don't mind could I make some sort of leader figure of Stardust? Not exactly the leader of the whole of Stardust but a leader of a certain division?

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

@Lyx Already approved your character.

I created a leader for F.A.I.T.H of sorts; if anyone wants to make more than one character, feel free to do so.

Last, scheduled start of this RP is Friday, November 28, 2014. In my country's time zone that is.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

I'm afraid I have too many commitments in the real world and will have to drop this RP.

Good luck, I hope you all succeed!

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

Okay, heads up for those who'll be using guns in their SEEDs. And regarding equipment in general.

The guns don't need to be realistic but, please include detail. Stuff like one handed, two-handed (depends on the weight), caliber, range and magazine capacity. This will help avoid problems later on in scenarios like:

SEED A fired at SEED B. SEED B dodges, moves away around like, 500 meters yet he still gets bullets headed at him. SEED B argues that the gun isn't supposed to be able to hit that far.

I'm no gun expert myself but, basically that. I don't think a pistol can hit a target that's like, a kilometer away. Take recoil into account as well. Magazine capacity is to avoid infinite bullets (characters going on a shooting spree without reloading etc.) Also, keep track of how many bullets one has fired as well.

As for other weapons, detail as well. If a SEED is able to wield a Buster Sword with one hand, I do expect some sort of detail on why it is possible like, the blade being made from light materials and other design considerations. But, do include trade-offs and compromises done.

Distribute abilities fairly. At most, have two things that characters are really great at, like information gathering and fencing. Connecting talents are fine so long as it is reasonable. For instance: One is skilled with a sword so, it is okay to be able to wield daggers proficiently as well since, a dagger is practically a shorter version of a sword. Being able to drive a motorcycle doesn't mean one can drive a car or a plane. Being good with guns won't mean that the character is skilled in martial arts as well.

Last, even if a SEED is a extension of the consciousness, it doesn't mean that it inherits all talents and vice-versa. A SEED may be good with a sword but, it won't mean that it's user is. A user may be an excellent gunner but it won't mean that his SEED will be one. Again, balance is key. Remember that in the real world, the characters are real people who can't fly, transform, stay underwater for more than an hour or take on gunners with a sword.

That's about it (I think?). I should have placed these in the rules sooner so, my bad.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

Hello! Ah, sci-fi. I really like this genre. ^^ I'd like to reserve a stardust member, their FC would be Frey from Fisheye Placebo. It's a web-comic so there aren't really many gifs...

But there the handsome devil is!


Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

I would like to reserve a spot on the F.A.I.T.H. side, please and thank you. Don't know who the FC will be yet.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

@Mei Yeah sure it's alright.


Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

I also would like to reserve one spot if it's okay. Edit: I changed my mind, my FC would be Himea Saito.

Re: When You Go Past the Threshold

I would like to reserve a spot, not sure which side yet though. It will be female and the FC will be Shino Asada from Sword Art Online 2.


When You Go Past the Threshold

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "When You Go Past the Threshold"

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