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A magical home for children who are in need. This house provides help for said children, both gifted and not. []REBOOT[]

4,344 readers have visited The WRFWC II since °ẞ0llisīic° created it.

cybernekokaito are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:





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Imagenside of a dark forest somewhere, there is a large and colorful Victorian-styled house with a sign on the outside that brandishes the name: The Whimsical Residence for Wayward Children. Aside from its eccentric appearance, the interesting thing about this house is: you can only see it if you are a child in need. That is, unless you have a legendary Magic Book. Regardless, this house (owned by a charmingly quirky warlock and an oddly eccentric witch) opens its arms to a wide variety of children who are in need, be they homeless, mistreated, or have run away for whatever reason. The Residence turns away no child! The Residence also houses children of the above sort with special abilities. Some abilities may be magical, while others are just exceptional. Not every child has abilities like these, but they are all treated just the same—as children given a second chance.

Every child that can see the Residence is welcome here! The requirements for a child to be eligible to see the Residence are as follows. The child must be aged 18 and under (yes, we do consider you to be a teenager when you're 18, and therefore you are still eligible!) The child must also be in some form of need, be it an abusive household, the lack of a home, or perhaps they've run away and can't seem to get their life in order. We'll accept you here! Typically, children stumble here on stormy nights (perhaps running away from their horrible family?). This isn't exactly a requirement, just something the two owners has observed.

Imagehere are two types of special abilities observed here at the Whimsical Residence for Wayward Children. These abilities are classified as magical or exceptional. Not every child possesses either type of ability, but these two abilities are celebrated here.

Whimsical Abilities are abilities that are of the magical variety. This type of ability can be anything ranging from being able to control ice to summoning animals from thin air. These abilities are possessed by magical children, even if they don't have any magic users in their family—it is not genetic or hereditary. Wayward Abilities are abilities that are not of the magical variety. These abilities might be something like ultra deduction (being able to deduce any type of mystery or situation within seconds as opposed to the time a normal person would be able to accomplish the same) or understanding animals and being able to communicate with them better than anyone else. These abilities are also not hereditary.

If you are a child in need without an ability, don't worry! You don't need an ability to fit in here. We will help you all the same.



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Toggle Rules

-No godmodding. If you're not sure what this is, your character can't be an all-knowing, invincible being that basically knows everything about everyone even when that makes no sense.

-Be respectful. This should go without saying. If you have an issue with another member, message me or Cyber privately.

-Please submit well-thought out characters that are developed. Well, okay, we don't expect your character to be totally developed before the RP even starts, but we'd like you to put some thought into your characters.

You CANNOT be any NPCs. NPC roles will be filled by us. NPCs include any nameless, unimportant children that might show up, or any other characters that might show up.

-Plot events may happen. Plot events will be controlled by Cyber and I. You are not permitted to make any plot events happen yourself. But you are welcome to RP things that don't heavily impact the plot when plot events aren't happening!

-Fill out the needed character information. You may add anything extra you might want to add, but the basic information needed is: name, age, gender, personality, wayward or whimsical ability (see 'wayward abilities & whimsical abilities' portion of the overview), & appearance (may be a general description, a picture, or a combination of the two). You should also add their background & why they're eligible to be here in the first place.

-Try to post at least a paragraph per post. We'd prefer to shoot for more than that, but if that isn't attainable, at least one paragraph. A post with nothing but 'She sat down and read a book.' will not be acceptable.

-We'll only accept four new and old characters each. If you're character is really good and all spots are taken, we'll accept you.

-The co-GM and Iwill be choosing adjoining roommates. Basically, this means that since some rooms are adjoined, we'll choose which characters have adjoining rooms.

-Have fun! You knew this was coming.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enn Yashiro Character Portrait: Chocco Duchamps
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Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #487A40
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #A9A9A9

A pressure from some unknown source made contact with the shoe on Enn's foot, rousing him just slightly from the sleep he had fallen into. With his lids just barely lifted, he noticed the sunlight that had been peeking through the leaves of the tree top above him had been replaced by the dark grey of rain clouds. "When did I..? Is it late already?" he thought to himself, still half asleep. He hadn't even meant to fall asleep, only to take a short break after his run.

"Hey, you should get up before you get doused; it looks like it's going to rain soon buddy."

He suddenly perked awake, opening his eyes fully as he shot up into a sitting position from where he lay. He caught a glimpse of black for a moment before a pain in his head caused him to fall backwards into the grass again. "Too fast," he mumbled to himself, placing the palm of his hand over his aching forehead. It took him a few seconds to recover before he pushed himself up again, this time much more slowly, and begun to examine his surroundings properly. It seemed like the voice he heard before had come from a brown-haired girl clothed in a black dress with white lace trim, which Enn thought was an unusual choice of attire to go hiking through the woods in. Maybe she was actually the grim reaper and he'd died from exhaustion so she was here to take him away?

Enn smiled to himself as he recalled a memory of a familiar scenario that had happened some time ago with his old friend, though his eyes also became a little wet from the scene that played in the back of his mind. He quickly wiped his sleeve over his eyes and cleared his throat. "Sorry, Uh.." He paused for a moment as he picked himself up off the ground and brushed a few blades of grass from his dress pants. "I haven't seen you at school before. Are you from a nearby town? Or is this your property? I didn't mean to trespass." Enn had come to the conclusion that maybe he had wandered into one of the private properties owned by some of the rich families that lived on the outskirts of town. There were a few of those, and it would make sense for wealthy parents to have their kids home schooled instead of sending them to a rural towns public school. That, or a girl walking around in a nice black dress really was the grim reaper.

A single drop of water splashed against the leaf of a bush, the first drop that would be followed by a light sprinkle. A quiet and thin shower that would certainly be followed by something more.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azrael Winslow Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Seraphina Winslow Character Portrait: Chevalier Desrosiers
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Collab with AlexusRaevynn

Had they not been ordered to "watch over" the Residence, Sera most definitely would've been sitting back, with a good book in her hands. Azrael would have been painting another one of his pieces, and it would've been a quiet night. But of course Theodore had to rain on their parade. He told them to see what was going on with the WRFWC; Chevalier was currently luring some of the children toward him with his magical presence, and the twins were currently up in a tree, waiting for the right moment to conduct their plan.

They both watched closely as five children stepped outside and began walking into the woods. That was their cue. Seraphina sighed. "I much rather would've been relaxing by now, but I guess it has to be done." Azrael smirked. "Father entrusted this task to us, but yes, I would rather be relaxing now as well." They both turned back toward the children and got ready for the upcoming havoc. Azrael snapped a small branch off the tree they were perched up in and threw it at a bush below them. One of the children looked back suspiciously, but the others rubbed it off and walked ahead of him. The twins smirked, and Azzy used the shadows around him; which appeared because of the moon's light, and wrapped them around the young man. He pulled him towards a much more secluded area.

The twins jumped down from the tree as Azzy let him go. Sera controlled the blonde partially so he wouldn't be able to move an inch. "Well, well. What do we have here?" Sera pulled her hood farther over her head and smiled; not like anybody could see it anyway. "I believe we've found a lost little puppy, dear brother." She advanced towards the boy, and circled around him. "Maybe we can make use of this, hm?" The twins both chuckled at the boy's stern expression. "No need to be so stiff! Loosen up. After all, trying to plan an escape won't do you any good." Azzy smiled sadistically and stood directly in front of the boy, awfully close to his face; where his wide smile would be visible. "Shall we introduce ourselves, sister?" Sera nodded her head subtly. "Why, of course."

Azrael walked to stand beside Sera, and they both bowed in sync, their black cloaks flowing behind them. "You can simply call me Yami-" Sera continued, "-And I, Marionette. Or Mari, for something that isn't a mouthful. Now, we will begin. Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit." Both twins watched amusingly as the boy's head immediately dropped in response to Sera gaining control. Azrael suddenly gave Sera a serious look. "Be careful. Don't overdo it." Sera snapped her head towards Azzy, the boy following her movements. "Don't worry! You'll be with me so I'll be fine." "Don't worry! You'll be with me so I'll be fine." They both, and the puppet, continued out of the woods back towards the group.

Once they arrived and the twins sat in their tree once again, the other four children bombarded the boy with many questions. Either wondering what happened, or was worried about his sudden disappearance. Luckily, the twins could tell Cecil didn't really care, so they weren't worried about being found out.

"I'm fine. I just thought I saw something, so I followed it. It was just a firefly. Now, did you find whatever this energy was?"
"I'm fine. I just thought I saw something, so I followed it. It was just a firefly. Now, did you find whatever this energy was?"

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claude Monet
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0.00 INK

Speaking: Gold | Thinking: Red

In a room dappled in sunlight, a boy was painting.

Dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans that were rumpled as if he hadn't bothered changing since he got out of bed (he hadn't), the boy looked almost faded in the light, the sunlight from the windows casting a shadow across his face, adding a glow to his already yellow hair. He looked faded the way a photograph does, sepia and faded backgrounds, body picturesque as leant forward on his stool and picked up a brush, a look of absolute concentration on his face, as if he had forgotten everything around him.

Of course, the faded tones merely made the colors decorating Claude and the canvas he was painting on all the more brighter. Reds, browns, yellows, blues, greens... his clothes, face, even his legs were decorated with smears of paint, and his hands were an undefinable mix of color. As he reached up with one hand, absently pushing his hair back from his face, he left a long streak of forest green paint on the top of his forehead in the process. Ignoring it - Claude didn't even seem to notice that it existed - he turned back to the painting with a face of absolute concentration.

It was almost complete. A dash of storm cloud grey there, mix in a little more white under that dark green patch... Ah, but he had to be careful, so that the green wouldn't be too light. It had to be just right, to accentuate the painting. Hands moving elegantly like a pianist playing a sonata, Claude was the picture of concentration as the brush moved, playing the song out to its finale.

A small stroke of black... lifting the brush up towards the sky, Claude brought it down like the hand of God - and gently dabbed at the center of the painting. Satisfied, he placed the brush down and leant back with a frown, looking critically the completed painting.


The picture was a mishmash of colors and shapes. At the edges, it was bright like the glare of the sun; blinding the people who saw it and searing into their brains. It was all mismatched whirls and edges at first sight, but a closer look revealed a deep downwards spiral leading to the center of the painting. As it went downwards, people would gradually notice that the colors grew softer and less defined, sharp edges and curls blending into each other until it was hard to tell which was which. The process was like a high definition photograph that was slowly fading into black and white- blinding hues that had resembled the glare of the sun was now softening like ice cream melting in the heat, turning from harsh to the gentler shine of a multicolored lightbulb until finally, at the center of the painting, a small dark starry circle appeared.

It was an empty pitch black. It was the kind of black that you'd get if you tried to think of the darkness of an enclosed tomb, the kind of darkness that didn't know about anything that wasn't a deep, dark black. It was a darkness that generated light thanks to the sheer lack of white inside it, and that emphasized the colors that made up the painting and made it shine brighter, almost like a dark star that was generating a whirlwind rainbow of colors that grew brighter every second it spiraled outwards into its surroundings.

It would do. With a proud curve to his lips, Claude stretched his arms and spine out with a series of pops and made to stand up - only to promptly discover that sitting still on a stool for nearly half a day best numb legs. Wobbling like a newborn foal and wincing at the aching cramp in his legs, Claude waited until the pain had died down before attempting to pack up his gear.

He was done within a few minutes. Closing the paintbox with a snap, Claude looked out of the window and blinked in surprise as he noticed, for the first time, that the sun was about to set instead of being high in the sky like he had expected it to be.

What happened to the afternoon? And the sun looks nice...

His stomach growled. Claude blinked and noticed for the first time that he was ravenously hungry and actually pretty tired. It was to be expected, seeing as he only slept for four hours before waking up and had hardly eaten since breakfast (or the day before, now that he thought about it), but it still surprised him no matter how many times it happened. Reaching out a hand, Claude tentatively petted his stomach as if hoping that it would stop growling.

No such luck. His stomach continued to grumble 'FEED ME YOU FORGETFUL BASTARD WHO DO YOU THINK GIVES YOU ENERGY TO PAINT', and with a sigh Claude decided to appease it. Placing the painting in a dry corner of the room so that it wouldn't be disturbed by anyone, Claude took one last look at it before drifting out of the room, heading towards the dining room.


He drifted into the dining room like a paint covered ghost. It seemed that almost everyone had finished their meal. Seeing that there was no food to be found, Claude yawned widely and quietly made his way to the kitchen. Ghost-like effect spoiled by the herald of his rumbling stomach, Claude yawned again and drifted tiredly towards the fridge and pulled it open, grabbing the first thing he saw - cake.


It was only after he was halfway through demolishing the piece of cake that he turned and noticed the plates filled with food seated on the table for anyone who had missed dinner for one reason or another. Stuffing the rest of the cake into his mouth and smearing cream and icing on his nose and cheeks, Claude took the plate and made it to the kitchen table at top speed. Pulling up a stool to sit on, Claude grabbed a knife and fork before falling into the food with gusto, a look of neutral concentration on his face as he focused on not choking and on eating as much as he could.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Sara Character Portrait: Claude Monet
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0.00 INK

συтƒιт | X
∂ιαℓσgυє ¢σℓσυя ✧ #b452cd
тнσυgнт ¢σℓσυя ✦ #e066ff

ƒα¢є ¢ℓαιм ✦ ηαкαησ αzυѕα {к-ση!}

♫ 【REASON】Reason | ゆず ♫

Kathy clapped her hands together and smiled brightly when she found she was allowed to go. She stuffed the rest of her food into her mouth before standing up with her plate to go wash up. At the sink she found Sara washing up, and gave it to her with thanks.

Humming cheerfully, Kathy practically skipped out to wait for everyone. Already there were two boys that she vaguely recalled seeing around. She hadn't gotten to know them very well yet, but she intended to! "Hello there!" She said, "Satoru and... Cerulean, right? Are you excited for the errand? I am! I bet whatever this thing they sense is, it's going to be really cool! Oh, but I hope we won't have to come back in because of the storm! Storms are terrible, they just ruin everyone's plans, but the lightning is pretty so I guess I like that about them.". Kathy inched closer to the door, racing to get going. She wondered just what Cosmo and Odette had sensed, whether it was dangerous or normal and what they would find at the scene. 'This is so exciting!' She thought to herself with a smile.

συтƒιт | X
∂ιαℓσgυє ¢σℓσυя ✧ #EC5800
тнσυgнт ¢σℓσυя ✦ #FF9966

ƒα¢є ¢ℓαιм ✦ ѕєιуα кαηιє {αмαgι вяιℓℓιαηт ραяк}

♫ Murdered | Alice Mare OST ♫


Leon was basically already finished his food, even before the announcement of the errand, so when he found out who got to go, he just grinned to himself before getting up to go to the kitchen. Staring at the pile of dirty plates beside the sink, he shrugged and decided it wouldn't hurt to add one more. 'I pity whoever has to wash these' He mumbled to himself, 'But it's not going to be me.'. He passed Sara as he left, and felt bad for her that she was probably going to be the one to wash the plates.

As he went back into the dining room, he noticed his roommate Claude come in, looking like a piece of modern art. Leon smiled and gave him an awkward wave, but he wasn't sure that he'd been noticed, since Claude seemed far too distracted by the thought of food. He went to the hall to meet the rest of the group, where he found Kathy seemingly talking Cerulean and Satoru's ears off. He snuck in beside the boys, but outside the girl's vision range so as not to be noticed. He didn't quite want to be seen just yet.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaz Sotelo
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0.00 INK

Speaking: Olive Thinking: darkgreen

In the woods, under a tree...

A boy's sneezed echoed throughout the woods. "Achoo!"

Jaz shivered. Despite being dressed in enough layers for autumn - a simple shirt with a hole in the side underneath a dark green hoodie, followed by a thick, used blue coat he had taken from when he had escaped them. He wore simple trousers and thick boots - also from them - and overall looked more like a kid from a poor family than a child who had been back on the streets for a month, but that did nothing to hide the gaunt look around his eyes, the thinness of his cheeks or the way his clothes hung off his small bony frame, as if he were a bit too thin for them to fit.

The hungry look in his eyes and the edgy, weary feeling he was giving off certainly helped destroy any illusions that he'd lead a good life the past few months, if at all.

He'd been trudging through the forest for a couple of days now. It'd be nice to see some civilisation again, although something bad might happen again. Jaz's eyes narrowed as he recalled them and all the other incidents that he had flipped onto the wrong side of the coin for. Not for the first time, he berated himself for his ignorance. Should have known it was too good to be true...

As if it were sensing his discomfort, Stein bumped itself gently against his ankle with a squeak. Jaz sighed as he looked down at the fox-like creature, frowning a little as he met its liquid black eyes. "Yeah, yeah, I know," Jaz muttered grumpily, taking another step forward. Stein trotted beside him obediently as Jaz stomped through the forest, leaves and twigs crackling as he stepped on them. "I shouldn't be moaning about things, I should look on the bright side of the situation, like how the ground is dry to sleep in at least -"

As if on cue rain started to fall, small droplets landing onto the leaves of the trees and dripping off them, landing on Jaz and Stein like tiny kamikaze bombers of liquid.


"Yeah, I spoke too soon."

Great. Just as if being out in the open and starving wasn't bad enough, now he had to find a dry place to sleep for the night. One that preferably wasn't underneath a tree, because the way his luck was going Jaz didn't want to risk getting struck by lightning. Sighing, he pulled up the hood of his hoodie. It wasn't exactly waterproof, but it'd keep the rain out for a bit at least. Looking down at Stein, who had no protection from the rain, Jaz hesitated a bit before crouching down and offering an arm.

"You want to get on?"

Stein answered that by reaching up and pawing at Jaz's arm. For the first time, a faint smile broke out on Jaz's face. "Ok, ok, don't get your undies in a bunch - not that you have any." He lifted the animal up and bundled it under his coat with him, hugging it close to his chest. Despite being the size of a full grown terrier dog, the fox felt light in Jaz's arms, even if it felt a little damp. "There, all better now."

Stein was warm, a comfort against the increasingly cold weather. And it helped to have someone to talk to, even if it was an animal he'd picked up a month ago. Jaz didn't even have to feed him - Stein could feed on his own, and it helped to have a warm body to use as a heater that would wake him up if there was any danger. But most of all, just having someone who cared about him so obviously was comforting, even if they didn't speak the same language. Smiling a little, Jaz buried his nose into Stein's fur, enjoying how soft it felt.

It also stank of forest mold, but eh.

"Squeak?" Stein wriggled a little, as if it were confused about Jaz's actions, and Jaz grinned at Stein. "Alright, alright, lets go. Civilisation can't be that far, right?" Jaz said, straightening himself. No time for self pity! Taking a step forward with renewed determination, Jaz continued to walk forwards with Stein tucked in his arms, unknowingly heading towards a twist in the forkroad of his destiny.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enn Yashiro Character Portrait: Chocco Duchamps
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0.00 INK

#752c05 | Dialogue color
#ab653f | Thought color

"Sorry, Uh..I haven't seen you at school before. Are you from a nearby town? Or is this your property? I didn't mean to trespass." the managed to get out.

Chocco snorted a laugh, "Hardly."

She had a brief moment of remembering her family and how they had lived, thinking it utterly ridiculous that her family would have enough money to have an estate and even more so that that's what they would spend that kind of money on.

"No, I just have a 'business' stand out here. But you should probably get home," Chocco started to say, feeling scattered and slow drops beginning to fall, thunder pulsed in the background quietly, only whispering of what was to come. She looked down in the bag she was carrying. Her stand was only a few meters away and her mind calculated how long she had left before the storm hit. I wonder if anyone actually showed up for their chocolate, Chocco thought, Do I even have time to quickly leave a note?

The rain started to gather more and Chocco could feel her hair and clothes starting to be weighted down by the water.

"Listen do what you want, I have to attend to my stand before I get sick out here," Chocco said, starting to walk away, but then she stopped. "Before I go, take this; it'll help keep you warm. There's chili powder in it, I hope you're not allergic," her hand outreached, held a single piece of chocolate, small, but shaped like a sun with noticeable swirls fanning out in the sun's flames. The chili powder that was added wouldn't change physical temperature, after all that's not how her ability worked, but what it would do would create a sense of feeling loved and Chocco knew that that could be enough to warm the heart on cold days. She always made sure she had a small handful of extras in case someone needed an extra little something for their day.

She waited until the boy had taken the piece of chocolate before running back into the forest towards her stand, the grounds underneath her feet already turning to mud. The day as ending, the sun leaving the sky. Merde, I'm cutting it close, Chocco thought, picking up her speed. She could barely see her stand in the distance through the thickening darkness.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Isuel Lim
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Feeling Guilty || Outfit

♫【放課後ストライド】After-School Stride | Gumi ♫

Fᴀᴄᴇ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Eruna Ichinomiya {Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku}
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #ED9191
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #EB2828

Langley felt a wave of guilt rush over her as she watched Isuel quietly agree with her before looking down at her food. She hadn't meant to make her sad, in fact that was the farthest thing from her mind. Bursting up from her seat, Langley began to fiddle with the edge of her scarf. Looking down at her friend, you could practically hear the nervousness in Lane's voice as she practically shouted, "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad! I just don't really know what's out there, and I don't want you to get hurt!"

Langley seemed to have calmed down a bit after saying that, until another thought crossed her mind, causing her eyes to widen in horror. "Not that I think that you can't handle yourself! I'm sure that you're perfectly capable. It's just that, I- You- " A sound of frustration could be heard as Langley struggled to get out everything she was trying to say. She wasn't used to being in situations were she made people upset. Although, with her practically none existent filter, it's surprising that things like this didn't happen more often.

Suddenly deciding that she did not know how to successfully handle this situation, Langley threw herself at Isuel for a quick apologetic hug before saying, "I'll tell you about everything that happened when I get back! Wait up for me, ok? I'll make sure that this errand is quick so that you don't have to wait long!". Giving her friend a quick pat on the head, she ran out of the dinning room with a quick wave, heading to the front door where the other should be meeting. Isuel happened to be her roommate, so she wouldn't have to go searching for her when she got back. As for how she'd make the errand quick, well, she didn't know. 'But, hey, I'll find a way!'.

Finally arriving at the front door, Lane looked around at everybody who had gathered so far. Katherine was taking to Cerulean and Satoru, and Leon seemed to be standing off to the side. Langley was still feeling a bit down for making Isuel upset, so she decided that she needed a way to cheer herself up.

Suddenly getting an idea, a slight gleam took over Lane's eyes as she snuck up behind Leo as quietly as she could. Once she had gotten close enough behind him, she slowly reached up before grabbing onto the boy's shoulders and leaning her face close to his ear, letting out a loud "BOO!". Without even checking to see if he had actual gotten scared, Langley dissolved into a fit of laughter.

After laughing for a while, Langley clutched her stomach as she attempted to take deep breaths in order to help her calm down. Once her laughter had dissolved into only chuckles, Lane slung her arm around Leo's shoulders before sticking her tongue out playfully. "I totally got you, right?" It was at this time though that she happened to recall dinner, and scratching her head awkwardly, she gave the brunette an apologetic smile before saying, "Oh, yeah. And, uh, sorry for kicking you at dinner."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich
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0.00 INK

Cecil Rothgar

Cecil walks a bit ahead of the group, mulling over what Satoru had said to him over and over again. He laughs under his breath, glancing back at Satoru. The offer to converse with the boy through mental means was intriguing, but Cecil rather likes the sound of his own voice, and he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to let everyone know what it is he's thinking or what he thinks Satoru's thinking. ❝None of you really know about the 'element of surprise', do you? If there is a malevolent force out there, they'd totally have heard us by now. You're all so careless.❞

Despite his words, Cecil seems to be smiling. Going outside isn't so much something he likes to do, but being with company doesn't make it so bad. He lets his hands in his pockets and, when Cerulean returned, he could tell there was something off. That being said, it isn't as if he cares enough to get to the bottom of it—so he rolls his eyes and glances over to Langley. ❝Langley, keep close to me, please. If you still wanna talk to Leon, bring him this way, but I'd like you to stay near me. I'll give you a pink macaron if you do.❞

{ ooc: exempting cosmo from this reply, since i'm not sure what to do with him www }

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Mackenzie Schrodinger Character Portrait: Sara Character Portrait: Isuel Lim
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0.00 INK


feeling: glowing

Isuel looked up at Langley and immediately felt bad for being so mopey about not being able to go on the errand. She blushed lightly, but blushed even harder when Langley leaped on top of her for a hug. Isuel felt her face go bright pink and she pat Langley gently on the back. "No Langley, I'm sorry, I'm being mopey. I was going to draw tonight anyway, so might as well!" She gave Langley a reassuring smile as she got up from the table and left towards the others. She finished up her food and sighed, satiated greatly by the meal. Isuel was touched at Langley's worry for her, and she thought about it all the while she cleared away her plate. Langley had accepted her so warmly into the home, and though Isuel had certainly made a positive impression on everyone, there was.... something about Langley that felt different. Isuel peeked over Sara's shoulder as she baked something, but decided not to interrupt her, smiling to herself as she imagine what delicious creation she might be making.

Isuel continued and walked upstairs to grab her pencilcase and sketchpad, catching a glimpse of the errand runners outside through the window as she came down the stairs. She also caught view of a foot disappearing from the top of the window pane. She stared stupidly at the top of the window frame stupidly, before rushing over and opening the window to look upwards in an attempt to see who was climbing the side of the building, but to no avail. She shut the window and skittered down the stairs, grabbed her jacket from the coat rack and stepped out into the crisp evening air. She looked up at the roof, shielding her eyes from the light of the buzzing kitchen with her sketchpad. She thought to herself for a moment before conjuring a tall ladder. She placed it against the side of the house, and carefully climbed up, being careful not to topple backwards. She carefully slipped up onto the tile roof and looked around for the mysterious foot owner. She soon saw Mackenzie sitting in the dip between two chimneys, sitting quietly by himself.

Isuel didn't know much about Mackenzie, as he was newer than she was. He seemed to keep to himself most of the time, and she wasn't sure if she should really be up here. Despite her doubts, Isuel decided she might as well try and make friends with the boy. Here's what Isuel knew about Mackenzie. He was her age, despite looking a bit younger than 17, and seemed to like it when people played music. Also seemed to enjoy climbing buildings. She knew barely enough to even start a conversation, and yet, Isuel still approached him, on top of their roof at night, and say
"Hi, mind if I join you?"
As if it was the most casual place to meet someone in the world.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celestia Harmony
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0.00 INK

#FAAC34 || #FBCA7F

"Ooh, cute birdy..." Camera in hand, the white-haired teen trailed after the bird she had spotted a short ways off of the trail. Her curiosity over what it was, combined with the focus she usually only showed towards photography meant that she never realised she had wandered away from her group.

Celestia had been on a school trip to a nature reserve that bordered on the edge of a forest. Of course, while there was lots of interesting things to learn, there wasn't really anything that she had felt she wanted to make memories of. Not until an adorable - in her opinion - bird flew past and caught her eye.

She had of course, chased it down and so here she was. The teen was laying on the ground, not caring about the mud that was likely staining the front of her school uniform. Her camera was brought up to her face as she focused it onto the bird and with a click, Celestia managed to snap a shot of the creature before it flew off again.

Then she sat up and looked around.

Where was everyone? She was with them just a minute ago! Taking a deep, shaky breath, she looked around for any sign of the trail, or even something that might indicate where she had come from. She had no luck. Biting down on her lip, Celestia held back tears. She hated getting lost, it terrified her in fact.

Still, she dragged herself to her feet. She needed to try and find her class after all, though she couldn't help but wonder if they had even noticed her missing, she was generally a rather quiet person after all.

Just as she resolved herself to find her way back to the group, she felt rain start to fall onto her head. Hurriedly she stowed the camera away in its case before heading for the nearest tree that was large enough to take shelter under, sitting on the ground to wait out the rain.

"Today sucks..." The bird she had been chasing landed on her knee and seemed to nod in agreement to her statement.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich
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0.00 INK

συтƒιт | X
∂ιαℓσgυє ¢σℓσυя ✧ #b452cd
тнσυgнт ¢σℓσυя ✦ #e066ff

ƒα¢є ¢ℓαιм ✦ ηαкαησ αzυѕα {к-ση!}

♫ 【REASON】Reason | ゆず ♫

Kathy, who had been talking nonstop since the moment she'd arrived into the hallway, immediately quietened down when she heard a screech from the depths of hell come out of Leon's mouth, while Langley stood there cracking up, out of breath. Assuming that Lane had just scared the life out of the poor boy, Kathy started to laugh with her. "Leo, your screaming is pretty girly you know!" She joked, arms crossed. "Anyways, I didn't notice the two of you were here! I was just talking about how flat alpacas get when they're in the rain, it's the cutest thing! I mean, somehow sheep manage to stay puffy when they're wet, I don't know how they do that..." She continued on her tangent cheerfully.

As the group were walking, Kathy had latched onto Cerulean as her victim of the day -- he didn't seemed the least responsive of the lot, and she wanted to try and get something out of him. He wandered off quite quickly though, but when he came back she didn't notice anything off with him. "Just a firefly, huh. I didn't take you for the type who get distracted by animals!" Kathy smiled brightly, "But no energy here." She said with a pout, "Honestly, just how long is it going to take to find this energy!" she stamped her foot in frustration, before calming down and continuing to walk with the others.

συтƒιт | X
∂ιαℓσgυє ¢σℓσυя ✧ #EC5800
тнσυgнт ¢σℓσυя ✦ #FF9966

ƒα¢є ¢ℓαιм ✦ ѕєιуα кαηιє {αмαgι вяιℓℓιαηт ραяк}

♫ Murdered | Alice Mare OST ♫


Leon tapped his foot impatiently, glancing through the doorway and the windows now and then to check if everyone was here yet. It seemed like time couldn't go slower -- endless chatter from beside the exit, yet silence from the place where he wanted to hear noise. After a bit he started to zone out, unable to resist the sweet relaxation of occupying his brain.

Unfortunately, that seemed to have been the wrong decision to make. He heard a loud "BOO!" come from behind him, and he practically howled in terror while spinning around to face whoever dare to scare him. As he thought, it was Langley, hunched over with laughter in front of him. He felt some heat creep up onto his cheeks, as he shook his head at the girl condemningly. When she slung her arms around his shoulders and teased him a bit, he went a little more red from embarrassment than he was before. "I was clearly just, uh... Humouring you! Humouring you and your failed attempt at scaring me. Failed." He stated, glancing away to the side for a second. At her apology for kicking him at dinner, he signed in mock disappointment. "Maybe someday I'll forgive you." He teased, rubbing his poor, sore legs, "Someday far, far away. In the meantime, though... Well, you should sleep with one eye open tonight, Lane.". When he realised Kathy had noticed them and was now including the pair in her rant, he nudged Langley and muttered, "Look at what you've done. Wallow in despair at the neverending chat.".


As the group continued towards the source of the so called 'energy', Leo had all but forgotten Lane's little jumpscare. In fact, he was in a very deep (or at least that was his opinion of it) conversation with her. "So basically what I'm trying to say is, what do phytoplankton eat? They're literally at the very bottom of the ocean food chain!" He asked emphatically, despite knowing that Langley probably didn't know the answer. As he heard Cecil criticise the carelessness of the group, he shrugged, mostly to himself. At the request for Langley to join Cecil, Leo said, "Go ahead, I'll be fine on my own." before glancing back into the darkness and deciding to pick up the pace a little.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Enn Yashiro Character Portrait: Jaz Sotelo
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0.00 INK

Speaking: Olive Thinking: darkgreen

To say that Jaz was a bit grumpy was an understatement, to say the least. It was raining, he'd been out of the road a few days with no sign of shelter, and to top it all off he was starving. Food! Not tree bark or flowers or insects. They were edible, yes, but not tasty. And although Stein chomped up dandelions and beetles with great relish, right often in front of Jaz's eyes, Jaz wasn't so eager to find out what caterpillars or beetles or other such insect delicacies tasted like.

And to top it all off, Stein had wriggled out of Jaz's jacket and was now running off to who knows where. "Stein!" Jaz yelled, running after his pet the best he could. It was still raining, and the drizzle had started to grow harder, although there was still some time before it grew to fullon rain. Bounding forward, the short animal didn't pay attention to Jaz's calls, although he moved slow enough that Jaz never lost sight of him, despite always being a couple of steps ahead.

"STEIN!" Jaz yelled again, forcing his legs to pump even faster. As if in response, Stein twitched his ears and ran faster, until finally it came to a sudden stop at the edge of a hill and chirped cheerfully at Jaz.

"What're you doing, running forward like that?" Jaz called, increasing his pace to catch up with his pet. Phew, turned out he just wanted to show him... an exit? Excitement took a hold of him, and Jaz jogged towards Stein. "Wait, did you really - AAGGHH!"

Tripping on a tree root as he neared the edge, Jaz took a tumble forward right off it, Eyes wide, Jaz let out a yelp as Stein gave an alarmed shrill and darted forward, grabbing onto Jaz's arm with its teeth as he yanked upwards in an attempt to keep the boy from tumbling down a steep slope.

The action proved futile.

What happened next could have been considered comedy. Boy and animal tumbled together down a hill before flying up an incline like a surfing board before landing down onto another steep incline with a grunt, rolling down again until it fell off - directly into a small covering, still in the forest.

Jaz had just enough time to notice that there was a boy with dark hair in the way before squeezing his eyes shut and curling himself into a tighter ball around Stein, hoping against hope that it wasn't going to hurt as much as he thought it would.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azrael Winslow Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Seraphina Winslow
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0.00 INK

#01AAE8 || #9ED1FF

Honestly, he hadn't wanted so many people to go along on this errand, but as long as they didn't annoy him then he would be quite content to ignore him. However, soon after the group had left the residence in search of whatever energy it was that they were looking for, Kathy had seemed to latch onto him. "Great... And all I wanted was a nice, quiet time outside of the residence. Just my luck I get stuck with this lot."

He did his best to ignore the girl but honestly she was being rather annoying. In the end his usual serious expression was even more blank than usual, if that was possible, and the air around him seemed slightly colder than normal as his ability tried to respond to his mood.

Thankfully, a distraction soon came in the form of the sound of something in the bushes. Making his excuses, Cerulean had turned to investigate, letting the group go on ahead, when he was dragged into the shadows and he met them.

He rejoined the group a short while later, although no longer under his own power. He, or rather his puppeteer, passed off his absence as being distracted by a firefly of all things. As if such a thing would interest him. He would have scoffed at the notion had he had control over his own body. Still, Kathy seemed to buy it which perhaps said something about the girl if she believed that so quickly.

Even as he was made to continue walking with the group, Cerulean couldn't help but wonder what Yami and Marionette hoped to get out of this.

13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Azrael Winslow Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Theodore Harting Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Azura Milkovea Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Cosmo Balthazar Character Portrait: Seraphina Winslow Character Portrait: Celestia Harmony

...and 1 others.

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0.00 INK

Feeling Cheerful || Outfit

♫【放課後ストライド】After-School Stride | Gumi ♫

Fᴀᴄᴇ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Eruna Ichinomiya {Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku}
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #ED9191
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #EB2828

Langley couldn't help but let out a snort as Leo attempted to tell her that she hadn't scared him at all. That terrified scream that he'd released had been even greater then she was expecting. "Oh, yeah. Of course that measly attempt at scaring you didn't work. Guess that I'll just have to try even harder to scare you next time..." Langley said, slowly trailing off as she flashed him a mischievous grin. Letting out a slight chuckle at the warning to sleep with one eye open, she dared the boy to do his worst.

Katherine took Langley slightly by surprise as she rushed over and began a long speech about alpacas, but it didn't necessarily bother her. So when Leon nudged her and expressed his dismay, Lane decided that it would be fun to annoy him by joining Kathy in her alpaca appreciation speech. "I don't know what you're talking about. I happen to love alpacas." She then hoped on the conversation with just as much enthusiasm as the younger girl.

- - -

Langley nodded her head as if she was deeply concentrating as Leo continued to question the diets of phytoplankton. It wasn't that she wasn't interested, she definitely was, it's just that she had some pressing questions on her mind at the moment. Such as, what the heck even was a phytoplankton? 'Is it just a plankton? Is it some sort of plankton sub-species? Is this even common knowledge? Should I know this?' Although she racked her brain for an answer, she couldn't remember ever learning about such a creature.

The mention of her name is what brought the girl out of her thoughts. Slightly startled, Langley looked around for who called her until she noticed that Cecil was looking at her. At the sudden appearance of a macaroon, Langley's eyes seemed to double in size. She would have joined Cecil in the front of the group anyways, but along with the promise of something sweet to eat, it was an irresistible offer.

At Leo's statement that she could go on without him, Langley began to feel a bit guilty. But he did say that he would be fine on his own, and the promise of a sweet was very promising. Making up her mind, Lane turned to Leon in order to instill him with some great final words before she left. "Leo, I have no idea what phytoplankton eat. But I do know what I eat. And I know for a fact that I am about to go over there and ingest a delicious macaroon. So, take care of yourself while I'm gone." Patting her friend on the shoulder, she then took off in the direction that Cecil was walking.

Skidding to a halt beside the older boy, Langley snatched the dessert away from him. Smiling happily as she took her first blissful bite, she couldn't help but let out a content sigh. Suddenly curious, Lane turned towards Cecil before asking, "So, why exactly did you want me walking up here?" Looking around, another question soon entered her mind. "Also, do you even know what direction the energy came from?"


Feeling Annoyed || Outfit

♫【毒占欲 】Mono Poisoner | Dari ♫

Fᴀᴄᴇ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Akoya Gero {Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE!}
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #4AFF7A
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #FAAACE

Chevalier's annoyed huff broke the silence of the still woods around him. He'd been walking around this accursed forest for what felt like forever now. He was beginning to wonder if any of those imbeciles from the Whimsical Residence for Wayward Children would ever find him. Theodore had told the boy to lure people out of the residence with his magical energy, but he was getting sick of waiting. This was like a never-ending game of Hide-and-Seek, except for the fact that Chevalier literally had a beacon surrounding him, in the form of his energy, and the 'seekers' were just too idiotic to find him.

Cosmo and Azura must have sent a group, or at least someone, out to search for the source of the energy by now. Azrael and Seraphina would have come to tell him by now if they hadn't, since they were keeping watch over the house. 'Unless this was all just a stupid joke that they made up at my expense' Chevalier thought tersely as he shoved a branch out of his way for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Well, if they won't find me, then I'll just have to find them." He mumbled to himself as he made his way towards a now visible clearing. Maybe he'd be able to get a sense of his surroundings from there. He didn't quite enjoy the feeling of walking around aimlessly in the woods. If that stupid detective boy that Theodore would never quit talking about was really so amazing, why couldn't he have just found Chevalier already? He didn't even care if that was outside of the boy's abilities, he was just really peeved right now.

As he ventured closer to the newly discovered clearing, Chevalier happened to notice the slight sensation of rain sprinkling down. Looking up at the sky, he took note of the dark clouds littering the sky. 'Great' He thought to himself, a slight eye-roll accompanying the sarcastic comment. Running a hand through his lush hair, Chevalier could only pray that it wouldn't get frizzy.

Emerging from the line of thick forest at the edge of the clearing, Chevalier began to look around warily. It wasn't long before his stormy blue eyes landed on the figure of a girl sitting underneath a tree. He immediately spun around and began to walk away before the girl could notice, he had no interest whatsoever in getting stuck in a conversation with somebody. Yet, a sudden thought caused the boy to stop in his tracks, and slowly turn around to face the child one more time.

Chevalier had no doubt in his mind that he could convince the people at the residence that he was a good person. He was positive that their ability of detecting bad intensions was just as horrendous as their ability to detect people. But, if he was to find the group out searching for him along with a complete stranger that he, out of the kindness in his heart, decided to help find a way through the woods, wouldn't he seem like an even better person?

A sugary sweet smile suddenly overtaking the scowl that had previously adorned his face, Chevalier made his way to stand in front of the lone girl. Towering over the silver haired child, his shadow flittered over her as he extended one of his hands in order to help her up. Mustering up the kindest voice he could, Chevalier cheerfully said, "Why hello there. You appear to be sad... Are you lost?" Putting a hand to his chin thoughtfully, the boy seemed to look off into the distance, as if recalling some memory. "I seem to have lost my way as well."

Making eye-contact with the child once more, he smiled gently before stating, "My name is Chevalier. I thought that my bad luck was going to be continuing for a while, but it seems that it has turned around now that I've found you. We should try and find a way through the forest together, the buddy system really does work best in situations like this."

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Celestia Harmony Character Portrait: Chevalier Desrosiers
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0.00 INK

#, as written by chrian.



⌈ You said that this world is full of colors, but for me, all that I could see is nothing more than a shade of gray. ⌋
Next To You : Ken Arai

Dialogue : #bd203f : Thought : #b2b2d4

Face Claim : Akise Aru | Mirai Nikki 】


As Satoru was standing quietly, locking his gaze up onto the starry sky, the other children began to arrive one by one. He was slightly taken aback when he heard Katherine talking to both him and Cerulean, asking them whether they are excited for the upcoming journey outside the Residence, stating that she doesn't want the whole thing ruin just because of the storm. Satoru chuckled a little at her stating that she likes lightnings because they looked pretty.

Since Cerulean didn't even want to answer, Satoru replied politely, as always, "Well, it's good that you're looking forward to it. I'm just hoping that there's nothing too serious going on. Though it's quite something for you to take a liking into something like a lightning bolt."

And moments later, Leon and Cecil had also arrived, and they can finally set off for the trip to discover what was the source for the energy source that Cosmo and Azura had felt. Satoru hoped that it wouldn't be fading too much as of now, so that he can still feel them. Apparently Cecil had offered to take the lot of them there to investigate, so they just followed his lead. It's always been quite intriguing to see how he can figure things out in a matter of seconds. Well, it also takes him almost the same amount of time to read someone, but he doesn't see the point of boasting about it.

The journey went on peacefully as the conversation seemed to go on quite casually between them, except for Satoru and Cerulean who aren't interested in talking. Satoru walks behind the group as he quietly traces the remnant of energy scattering around the forest. His sensing skill is getting more and more acute everyday and he almost felt as if he could converse and feel any living being around him. They all exuded an aura that is very unique of their own. The world indeed is colorful, but perhaps he had lost the ability to see them, since when he didn't even remember.

As they were walking, Cerulean noticed something and decided to go and investigate it, though the guy returned a short while later. Though the guy seemed to be as normal as when he left, Satoru couldn't help feeling that something was off. He was thinking about peaking into his mind to see what did Cerulean see, but eventually decided not to, as it wasn't seemed to be necessary enough.

"I think we're almost there, right Cecil-san?" Satoru spoke up as their group continue to venture further into the forest. The fragments of energy seemed to be getting stronger. And unexpectedly, they encountered two strangers on their way - a young boy with long pink hair and a girl with flowing silver hair.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Celestia Harmony Character Portrait: Chevalier Desrosiers
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0.00 INK

#FAAC34 || #FBCA7F

Celestia wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the rain didn't seem to be letting up and somehow she doubted it would anytime soon. The weather was starting to make it a little cold and the girl shivered a little, jostling the bird from where it was sitting on her knee. The small creature gave a slightly annoyed chirp before fluttering up to nestle in her hair instead.

The white haired teen sighed a little and was debating if it was worth leaving her temporary shelter when a hand appeared in front of her face. She blinked a couple of times, gaze turning upwards until she saw the hand's owner. "Wow, they're pretty..." The figure had long pink hair and dark blue eyes and Celestia was admiring their appearance so much that she almost missed what they said.

"Why hello there. You appear to be sad... Are you lost?" She tilted her head to the side slightly, the little bird on her head seeming to so the same, and she was about to answer when the other spoke up again. "I seem to have lost my way as well."

"You got lost too?" She looked up at him for a moment more before turning her attention to his outstretched hand. With a soft sigh, she took a hold of his hand and allowed the other to help her up. "Thank you..." She bent down slightly, brushing off the small amount of dirt that clung to the skirt of her school uniform before straightening up.

The other teen made eye contact with her - Celestia absently noted the height difference between them - and he smiled gently before speaking once more. "My name is Chevalier. I thought that my bad luck was going to be continuing for a while, but it seems that it has turned around now that I've found you. We should try and find a way through the forest together, the buddy system really does work best in situations like this."

Celestia tugged on a lock of her hair before tucking it behind her ear as she mulled over what Chevalier had said. "I'm Celestia, it's nice to meet you... I got separated from my class chasing this little guy-" She gestured at the bird perched on her head. "-and I got all turned around and I can't find my way back." She gave an embarrassed shrug at this, looking down for a moment before putting on a smile and locking eyes with Chevalier again. "Trying to get through this forest together sounds good, much better than trying it alone I guess. Which way were you heading before? Maybe we could carry on that way, unless you had another plan?"

She didn't mind which way they went, as long as she got out of this forest at some point. Making her way back to her class would be easier once she knew where she was, though she couldn't help but wonder if they even cared she was gone. She had been parted from the group for a while now, surely they'd have started looking for her?

Still, she had company now, and he seemed really nice too. And he was really pretty, Celestia liked his hair most. She clutched onto the strap of the bag that held her camera. "I probably shouldn't take a photo of him, not without asking at least. Maybe later once we're out of here?"

11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Azura Milkovea Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Cosmo Balthazar Character Portrait: Morgana Wynterfell Character Portrait: Celestia Harmony Character Portrait: Chevalier Desrosiers
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  1. new layout because of the old one i used was ugly. i like this one a lot better. :')

    by cybernekokaito

0.00 INK


speech: #e9967a || thoughts: #b9770e
Yes, I know exactly where we're going. I know exactly where this 'energy' is coming from. Cecil smirks, glancing over at Satoru. His smile is haughty and particularly high-and-mighty, and he glances over to Kathy to don his smile onto her. Why? Do you doubt me, the super smart and charmingly attractive Cecil Rothgar? And what of the rest of you? Ah, how tragic! How could I ever gain the trust of the lot of you, since I've always been so wrong thus far? His sarcasm is pointed at everyone in the group, and he directs his attention back to Satoru.

He points a long finger up ahead, to where (presumably) Chevalier and Celestia are, though it's quite unbeknownst to the group. There. He says, pushing up his glasses with the other hand. How does he know this? When Cosmo and Azura had been talking about sending a group out (ah, he had been listening! quite unsurprising that Cecil should want to know all that's going on) they had been looking this way—rather, towards the respective wall of the dining room. Given that, and the way the forest is laid out, it's obvious where the energy would be coming from; it would be coming from where people would either enter the forest or enter from the front. It wouldn't make much sense for the energy to come from deeper in the forest. There's nothing to the left of the manor aside from a large lake.

If he walk deeper into the forest there, we'll find our source. I'm guessing. But you know, my guesses are never wrong. He gives Satoru a slight wink before he looks over to Langley, watching her eat the macaron he had oh so generously given her. Ah, right. I'm not too good at combat, you know. I'm really bad at it. He puts a hand over his chest, smiling sheepishly. You could probably snap both of my arms, even if you put them side by side. You, Langley, have a super useful Whimsical ability. So even if we get crossed by something horrible, we'll make a great team. I'll tell you where the best place to aim would be. Sound like a good plan?

As they venture farther, he stops in his tracks when he sees (through raindrop-stained glasses, he notes a bit too late, that it has started to rain) two people up ahead. He feels his cheeks heat slightly. What's this? Whoever that is up there looks like... such an elegant ball-jointed doll come to life.
With a mischievous smirk and a flourish of his coat, he raises a hand into the air and points forward, his other hand on his hip. That-a-way, everyone! I think that's where our magic energy's coming from, and man are they gorgeous. ❤


speech: #feae52 || thoughts: #fee16f

Cosmo sips his tea, right leg crossed over his left. At Morgana's voice, he looks over to them, an eyebrow raised. Surely, Morgana wouldn't do well to wander out there with the group, especially since they've already left and Morgana would be straggling behind. It isn't that Cosmo doesn't believe in Morgana, but rather, he worries for them. He sets his tea cup down and looks around to everyone, watching them file out of the dining room. He looks back to Morgana and gives them a smile. All very well, Morgana! Why don't you bring your cards down here, and we shall see what it is they say! While we're at it, I'll tell you my birth cards—and you can give me a fortune, yes? He claps his hands together before standing on his chair and, when he separates his hands, a megaphone that resembles a gramophone appears in his hands, amongst some falling confetti that disappears before it hits the ground.

Attention, attention! Due to certain circumstances, I urge you all to stay close as possible to the mansion. Cosmo speaks into the megaphone, and the sound sounds as though it's coming from right next to anyone inside (or even on the roof) the Residence. I assure you, it's for all of your safety! If you must leave for any reason, find either Azura or myself, and we will assist you!

He covers the mouthpiece of his megaphone and looks over to Morgana, smiling gently at them. Do hurry, Morgana dear. I'd like to know sooner rather than later if the group of my own children I sent out may be in danger. And by the way, my birth cards are The Star and Strength. I believe my little Bluebird's cards are Justice and The Hight Priestess. Is that right, Azura?"

He seems to be rambling. Now would be a good time for Morgana to slip away to get those cards.

11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki Character Portrait: Cerulean Rose Character Portrait: Azura Milkovea Character Portrait: Leon Moreau Character Portrait: Langley McAllister Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich Character Portrait: Cosmo Balthazar Character Portrait: Morgana Wynterfell Character Portrait: Celestia Harmony Character Portrait: Chevalier Desrosiers
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0.00 INK

#624C78 || #9581A9

Morgana's eyes lit up as Cosmo agreed to their suggestion to see if they could find something with their cards. A smile stretched across their face and they nodded in agreement to giving Cosmo a fortune later on. As Cosmo made his announcement about staying close to the residence, Morgana scanned the room to try and find somewhere a little quieter to read their cards. If it was too noisy they might read something wrong and that wouldn't be good at all.

"Do hurry, Morgana dear. I'd like to know sooner rather than later if the group of my own children I sent out may be in danger. And by the way, my birth cards are The Star and Strength. I believe my little Bluebird's cards are Justice and The Hight Priestess. Is that right, Azura?"

At Cosmo's words, Morgana blinked a couple of times, it seemed like he was rambling a bit and it caused the teen to giggle a little. "I don't need to go and get my cards, I always carry them with me, it feels safer that way... I'm just trying to find somewhere to read them without getting in the way of everyone." They gestured at the other kids in the room before making their way over to a small table in the corner. There were more people around than Morgana would prefer, but Cosmo was right, would be better to know now whether the others were in danger.

Reaching the table, Morgana sat themself on a chair next to it, reaching into their bag before pausing as they pondered which set of cards they should use. While thinking this over, they spoke up again. "My birth cards are The Star and Strength as well. If I'm remembering correctly then The Star represents hope, inspiration, self-esteem and generosity. Strength represents patience, control and self-belief." At this they turned to smile at Cosmo. "They seem to suit you well, I think."

Their hand brushed over one of the boxes in their bag and their fingers curled over it as they pulled it out. Their shoulders slumped a little as they turned back to see which deck they had pulled out. They hadn't used this one since... Since the day Caitlyn died. Their eyes narrowed slightly and they bit their lip in order to hold back tears. "This is fine, I can do this. Just need to not think about it."

That done, the teen sighed a little and opened the box up, carefully taking out the cards and shuffling them, turning the question they wanted to ask over and over in their mind. "Are they in danger?" As they shuffled, one card fell from the deck. Morgana paused, placing that card to the side for the moment though not looking at it as they carried on shuffling, turning the question over and over in their mind.

Once they felt they were ready, Morgana cut the deck into three piles before stacking them again and taking the top card and turning it over. The card featured a baby raven in the middle of some water and Morgana gave a soft sigh of relief upon seeing it.

"The Ace of Cups, it represents new relationships, usually friendships, though the aces in general only show the promise of such. Still it's not usually a bad card." They then turned their attention to the card which had fallen from the deck earlier and turned it over to see what it was, frowning a little in confusion. "The Tower but... One of the things it can represent is betrayal, though I'm not sure how it would relate to the Ace of Cups. It can also mean a big change, like big enough to need to completely burn what had been done in the past to start over. Not as big of a change as the Death card usually means but still, change. I suppose that could be what it's showing here."

At this they turned to face Cosmo, blinking a couple of times as they tried to discern the man's reaction. "What do you think?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Character Portrait: Isuel Lim Character Portrait: Claude Monet Character Portrait: Ken Magatsuhi
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0.00 INK


Speaking: Gold | Thinking: Red

Having eaten his fill, Claude set his knife and fork down with a small sigh of contentment. That hit the spot. For a while, he sat there staring at nothing, and the blank look on his face; eyes half lidded as if he were about to fall asleep, wouldn't have done much to deny the fact that he was thinking of nothing either.

Of course, whether Claude was thinking or not was something to guess.

Eventually, he moved. Head moving slowly like the tinman in Oz before they got rid of the rust, Claude looked down on the plate as if it contained something precious.

Nothing but a plate licked clean stared back at him. Drat.

Turning around, Claude looked hopefully at the other plates.

As if answering his not-quite-thought of prayers, a half empty plate winkled at his direction. Claude smiled to himself, pleased, quickly drawing it towards him.


Using the knife and one side of the fork, Claude began to play with his food, spreading it out onto the plate with a look of concentration on his face. The brown sauce formed the face, the crushed peas formed the eyes and the mash potato formed the mouth.... Wait, that wasn't right. Tilting his head a little to the side, Claude shot a critical look at the 'painting' he was creating. No, that didn't work. It needed a little more... Color.


Shoving the mashed potato and other leftover solids to the edge to create a circle, Claude's eyes narrowed in a look of concentration as he molded and adjusted the brown sauce inside the white fort. Grabbing a glass of leftover apple juice, Claude mixed it with a bit of white mashed potato before using the gold-tinted semi solid to form a circle. Without looking up, Claude reached for his own glass of orange juice and added it to the painting, using his spoon as a measuring place and a fork for the spreading.

Soon enough, a crude drawing of a smiley face was finished. Caught in the mood, Claude's lips tilted upwards almost imperceptibly in a smile as he continued to make smiley faces elsewhere, and many other faces too.

As he made them, the paintings gave off a faint glow before appearing in real life. The effect was similar to a 2D sticker coming off the wall into a 3D sticker - as the smiley face came off the plate with a shake, the part that made it into the air turned real, until a brown smiley face with happy orange eyes and brownish mouth that looked like a cartoon bounced around in the kitchen.

It was joined by a whole batch of smiley faces of different colors, until Claude got bored and started making different smiley faces. A sad orange face cried silently as it moved around the kitchen, and an angry monster face chased the other smiley faces. They were easy to control thanks to the simplicity of their creation, and by the time Claude had done making the eighth one, which we looked like an orange cat with brown eyes and strips, the rest of the Smileys were bouncing around the kitchen, as if curious about their surroundings.

One of them bounced happily to Sara. It was silent, but it danced around her head like a bubble. It was joined by another smiley face, and a third, but after a few seconds of smiling the one with jagged lips chased after them, playful like a pair of tussling dogs.

It'd look adorable at first, the four playing together. Then the one with jagged lips opened its mouth in a silent roar, and in that moment it looked exactly like a monstrous monster.


Speaking: #8A0707 | Thinking: #cdd81d

Ken smiled as he headed up to the roof. Staying here was fun! And he thought he'd spotted Isuel up on the roof too! Popping his head up through the window, the redhead smiled cheerily at Isuel, eyes wide and anticipatory. "Isuel!" He chirped brightly, grinning widely at her. "Can we fight today please please pleeaaassee?" He drew out the word whiningly, hoping that it'd helped with getting her to fight him.

Not that she did the last time he asked her, but that was ok! Maybe she'd agree this time! Eagerly, he waited for her response, fully prepared to continue chasing her if she refused.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Character Portrait: Claude Monet
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0.00 INK


Speech:#FF00FF Thought:#FF99FF
Sara happily worked away, humming a familiar tune. She felt something bump into her and she turned before nearly jumping out of her skin from surprise. Some odd looking creature stared at her and she stared back. When she looked around the room in awe there were plenty of them. Then she notices Claude.

"Did... did you make these?" She asked shyly. "They're.... kinda cute.... What's your name? I don't think we've met yet...." She kicked the back of one foot with the other looking down as she spoke, hands together behind her back. She lost focus of her task and forgot how much longer her treats were supposed to be in for. Within a short time, it would become burnt if she were unable to remember or be reminded.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Character Portrait: Claude Monet
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0.00 INK


Speaking: Gold | Thinking: Red

Claude looked up from where he was sitting, his bangs falling into his eyes as he tilted his head at Sara. In his lap, the plate shuddered as a cartoony pig's face unsticked itself from the plate. It floated away as he stared at Sara, a blank look on his face as he registered that there was another person in the same room. He hadn't seen the blue-haired girl before. Who was she?

He looked around the kitchen for the first time, as if hoping for someone to fill him in. He saw nothing but clean plates and floating cartoony smiley faces. One of them seemed to be trying to eat another, with mixed success.

Ah, I see. And is that smell... cookies?

Oh, right. She had asked a question. Blinking, Claude swivelled back to face her, face still expressionless despite the hesitancy he was feeling. Should he speak? No, that... probably wouldn't be wise. And it would be embarrassing, too. Claude bent his head down to see what 'paint' he had left.

Half a glass of orange juice, but that would do. Quickly, he spread it onto the plate in what roughly looked like letters. The bright orange unstuck itself from the plate and swelled in the air beside his shoulder, forming thin spidery lines that spelled out the word:


Claude added more orange juice, and the letters began to change, swirling like a drop of ink in water before settling into a sentence in the same thin spidery lines. "I'm Claude. Who are you? He tilted his head quizzically at her with a curious look on his face. "The air smells good. Are you making... cookies?" he asked, inhaling the sweet-scented air deeply. It had been faint at first, but the smell had grown stronger.

Those smelled really good...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sara Character Portrait: Claude Monet
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0.00 INK


Speech:#FF00FF Thought:#FF99FF

She watched his expressionless face. Even though there may not have been any expressions worn on it, she thought that it might hide a plethora of emotions beneath it. At first, she was nervous due to his silence. However, she took notice of the orange juice he was interacting with and watched in awe as it came to life, forming words in thin air. A gasp left her mouth as the spectacle continued, new words forming. "I'm... I'm Sara. Is all of this," she turned in place, hands out as she spun around taking in the beautiful scene,"a part of your ability? It's all so beautiful..."

When the words changed, she read them carefully. "Yes, I'm making cookies for everyone. Quite a few people left, including chocco. I felt kinda bad that she does a lot of the baking alone and thought that the others might enjoy a treat when they returned... Would you like some when they are finished?" she smelled the air and took in the tasteful smell of fresh baked cookies. Then, she realized they had almost been in too long and rushed to get a mitt on to grab the tray out of the oven with and to make sure a spot was open to place it down on. When the door opened, they cracked and sizzled in the heat, turning to a soft Humm as they cooled in the open air.

"Go ahead," she said with a smile, " you can take one. Just be careful, they're still very hot."

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Character Portrait: Chocco Duchamps
17 sightings Chocco Duchamps played by Fredalice
"What you eat influences what you feel more than anyone could ever suspect."

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View All » Add Character » 28 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Azura Milkovea
Character Portrait: Enn Yashiro
Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich
Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar
Character Portrait: Cosmo Balthazar
Character Portrait: Sara
Character Portrait: Jaz Sotelo
Character Portrait: Claudia Rúnarsdottir
Character Portrait: Langley McAllister
Character Portrait: Isuel Lim
Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki
Character Portrait: Louise Faustus
Character Portrait: Leon Moreau
Character Portrait: Seraphina Winslow
Character Portrait: Theodore Harting
Character Portrait: Gilda "Mary" Munett
Character Portrait: Chevalier Desrosiers
Character Portrait: Claude Monet


Character Portrait: Ken Magatsuhi
Ken Magatsuhi

"Hahaha, lets play~!"

Character Portrait: Claude Monet
Claude Monet

"The colors... are pretty..."

Character Portrait: Gilda "Mary" Munett
Gilda "Mary" Munett

"Ready or not, here I come~" (WIP)

Character Portrait: Theodore Harting
Theodore Harting

"You've earned a bit of suffering today." { WIP }

Character Portrait: Seraphina Winslow
Seraphina Winslow

"An eye for an eye, I say."

Character Portrait: Leon Moreau
Leon Moreau

"I may have stolen your stuff. But don't worry, I'll give it back, I swear!"

Character Portrait: Louise Faustus
Louise Faustus

"I'm sleepy. Can you keep it down a bit..?" [WIP]

Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki
Satoru Toshiaki

"In solitude I found my solace..."

Character Portrait: Isuel Lim
Isuel Lim

"Let's go in the garden..." ||WIP||


Character Portrait: Gilda "Mary" Munett
Gilda "Mary" Munett

"Ready or not, here I come~" (WIP)

Character Portrait: Leon Moreau
Leon Moreau

"I may have stolen your stuff. But don't worry, I'll give it back, I swear!"

Character Portrait: Jaz Sotelo
Jaz Sotelo

"And everyone says magic doesn't exist..."

Character Portrait: Enn Yashiro
Enn Yashiro

"I guess, if you insist..."

Character Portrait: Louise Faustus
Louise Faustus

"I'm sleepy. Can you keep it down a bit..?" [WIP]

Character Portrait: Cosmo Balthazar
Cosmo Balthazar

"Each child has a gift, even if they don't! They are to be nurtured, not hurt!"

Character Portrait: Cecil Rothgar
Cecil Rothgar

"From a single glance, I can pick you apart. Do you really wanna go up against me?"

Character Portrait: Theodore Harting
Theodore Harting

"You've earned a bit of suffering today." { WIP }

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ken Magatsuhi
Ken Magatsuhi

"Hahaha, lets play~!"

Character Portrait: Katherine Diederich
Katherine Diederich

"I can decide for myself, alright? I know what I'm doing!"

Character Portrait: Sara

Can I just hide in this corner? Okay.....

Character Portrait: Langley McAllister
Langley McAllister

"C'mon, let's go do something exciting!"

Character Portrait: Seraphina Winslow
Seraphina Winslow

"An eye for an eye, I say."

Character Portrait: Louise Faustus
Louise Faustus

"I'm sleepy. Can you keep it down a bit..?" [WIP]

Character Portrait: Enn Yashiro
Enn Yashiro

"I guess, if you insist..."

Character Portrait: Satoru Toshiaki
Satoru Toshiaki

"In solitude I found my solace..."

Character Portrait: Isuel Lim
Isuel Lim

"Let's go in the garden..." ||WIP||

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