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The Volf Chronicles 1: Cyborg Dragon

The Volf Chronicles 1: Cyborg Dragon


You read the posting board and spot this article: "Hiring help for finding the Cyborg Dragon. I have already found the entrance to his labyrinth. Contact Adion Volf, cyborg unit AG-13 for more information."

8,923 readers have visited The Volf Chronicles 1: Cyborg Dragon since unseenshadow2 created it.


The Cyborg Dragon
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As man first tread upon Zurt, from his ships in the stars, man found the bones of creatures long past. Mimicking the mythological dragons in looks, the common name for these beasts was obvious. What man found next was odd. These beasts had constructed many temples in which the walls were covered with a language made of characters that man didn't know. That was until man found an odd stone that translated the characters into Latin words.

From all this, man learned that the dragons were actually a highly advanced species with a major technological leap for man kind, artificial limbs. Not the kind that you are thinking of, but the kind that are made from multiple alloys and fibers that produce a full, artificial arm, leg, or organ. Of course, these come with severe improvements of natural parts: increased durability, strength, and speed, and decreased weight and energy usage. They can also heal at a rate that the eye can see, replacing a whole arm in little more than ten minutes. This took no time at all to spread across man's medical community.

There was another technology that man gained from the dragons, solid holograms. Through a super-light gel, a solid hologram projector is capable of creating a solid surface that is see-through and dynamic. This is used by both as the main form of interaction of user to computer. The gel is controlled by nano-mights, which are also used in artificial limbs to increase healing rate and durability.

The Augmented are those with artificial limbs. They have no form of mental enhancement or built in computer interface, making them just organics with inorganic limbs. These people are free and often have to pay for these procedures. They are not owned by any company or organization, and are often little more than an average citizen who had a limb-taking trauma.

Cyborgs are classified, in this time, as any being that has any from of computer that connects through the brain. This means mental ability enhancing computer chips (aiding in reaction time and thought ability) and direct computer connection interfaces (can use computers without need of the solid hologram). However, most cyborgs have all limbs, and occasionally a organ or 2, augmented, as a way to increase value.

Cyborgs are owned by companies or organizations, and bound by contracts. One does not pay to become a cyborg, they fill out a contract, which usually indentures a cyborg for a set amount of time or until an extreme task is completed. For this period, the cyborg is known as a Bound, but once the contract has been filled, the cyborg is then called a Freed. The contracts are often sold to companies and organizations by the companies who make cyborgs and Augmented.

While cyborgs and Augmented can look very similar, the best way to tell is that a cyborgs iris will be extremely small dragon characters. When read by an iris scanner, these characters act as a way to find what state the cyborg is in (freed or bound), the cyborg's name and unit number, what augmentations it has, and, if applicable, the cyborg's contract.

The Legend Of The Cyborg Dragon
The Legend of the Cyborg Dragon was uncovered when man had first discovered how to read dragon. According to the legend, as the dragons realized that their time was at an end, they defied nature in one last attempt to survive, the Cyborg Dragon. The Cyborg Dragon's name is Tefeer (te f ear). Tefeer was a guard to one of the dragons that were chosen to find a way for their race to survive. They solution was to find 5 female eggs and 5 male eggs, and craft a cyborg to protect them, and put all of them into a stasis until another intelligent species could deactivate the stasis. Many of the chosen dragons offered names of those they thought could do the job, but all were taken by surprise when Tefeer stepped forward and offered to become the protector. The chosen that he was protecting vouched for him, and the decision then was unanimous. Tefeer would be made into what the dragons needed while a team of the best dragon doctors gathered 5 male and 5 female eggs.

After nearly 2 years pasted before the project was ready to start. Tefeer walked into his position and took his pose as the eggs were placed around him. Then, the dragons activated the stasis. To prove that the species to revive the only chance that dragon kind has at life, the dragons made a labyrinth around Tefeer, and hid it all together. They left clues in their temples as a way to leave a map for the next ones to inherent their planet.

As a way to entice the next species, the dragons made promises in their texts. These included loading massive amounts of data on dragon kind, and their society and history onto Tefeer, leaving some prototype technologies with Tefeer, and a large stash of various metals, ranging from valueless to near unobtainable.

The time has come. A cyborg by the name of Adion Volf, unit number AG-13, owned by Vera Corporation, has found the location of the labyrinth of Tefeer. He now seeks people to help him through the labyrinth. You called him, and after some time of talking about the job, found that Adion's only job was to bring Vera Corporation the dragon eggs, everything else would be split among the hired according to what they stated that they wanted. By the way, welcome to Zurt.

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  2. I am all powerful in GM mode
  3. My word is law
  4. Obey the laws of the universe
  5. Use the provided skeleton

Code: Select all
[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Category: [/b] (human, Augmented, Freed, or Bound (If bound, who to and why))
[b]Reason: [/b] (why are you going on this quest)

[b]Physical Description: [/b]

[b]Eye Color: [/b]
[b]Height: [/b]
[b]Build: [/b]
[b]Skin Color/Race: [/b]
[b]Hair Color and Cut: [/b]

[b]Personality: [/b]

[b]Fears: [/b] (fears and loves: 2 items minimum)
[b]Loves: [/b]
[b]Dislike: [/b] (likes and dislikes: 4 items minimum)
[b]Like: [/b]

[b]History: [/b]

[b]Weapon of Choice: [/b]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Gelon grabbed ki and start brushing his hair with his robot hand "like this" he said with a grin and keeps brushing "hehe my arm is build for survival" he said and pat his head, he liked it a lot how Ki reacted just like a cat but with human traids


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

A startled squeek slipped from Ki when he was grabbed, having not expected it, only to sigh as he felt him brush his hair with his robot hand a low rumbling purr slipping from him as his ears twitched as his tail curled and flicked. "Bet that comes in handy." he stated as he blinked and flushed.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"you really are like a cat aren't you?" Gelon asked and keeps brushing "no shame in hiding it Ki I accept you as you are" he said and hug him


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Ki's cheeks flushed brightly as he pulled away from the hug after patting Gelon's back even as he shrugged. "I am half human half cat, Gelon. Father was a Ka'Tri and Mother was a human." he stated knowing that it was an odd combination but he wouldn't have it changed for anything. "Most people think the ears and tails are grafted on via surgery, but they are not." he stated as he shrugged, his cheeks still flushed embarrassed that his actions seem to show more than anything else.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Gelon nods and watch Ki "i believe you" Gelon said and smiled "i mean they look if the were grafted you could obviously see it" he said then grab Ki's hand and drag him along to the cafetaria "but let's get you some breakfast" he said curious if Ki was gonna ask, ask how he knew what an english breakfast was


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

A sigh left him as he shook his head. "To be grafted to a human body they wouldn't really move, because there is no way to sync them with the muscle and nervious system of the human body. Thats somehting that humans can't figure out no matter what they do. Ears and tails are not cybernetic apendages." he stated as he shrugged. Only to yelp as he was dragged from the room and into the hallway towards the cafetaria his ears perking as he looked around, only to frown as he looked back at Gelon. "How did you know what an english breakfast was? Is there and England here? Of what? "


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"you could say was, I'm just one of the few that know there is a multiverse and in this one well you have seen what is going on, and I like old movies and such" gelon told him as he stood still in the hallway explaining "the thing we had was a portal to a different dimension and how I know of it cause I saw one but that was more like a looking glass only able to see through it"he explained


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

He straightned up when he paused in the hallway and blinked as he looked up at him a ripple of pain flashing through his eyes as he shifted and redoubled his shielding as his head cocked to the side ears twitching as his tail curled behind him before flicking upwards to sway back and forth. "So with these Mirror Portals you were able to see other worlds, but your England is no more. Because of war and chaos? Or another reason?" he asked as he brushed his hair back over his shoulder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"you could say both, all I know for sure is that this worlds England plunged itself in to destruction a lot of years ago, so say something went wrong others da a failed experiment"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Silently he stood there as he digested what he said before shaking his head and sighed as he rubbed his face with his free hand. "Seems this place is a War Torn world." he stated softly sadness evident in his voice.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"yeah you can say that but we are rebuilding slowly but surely we have things back on the right track, hopefully" he said and then continue taking ki to the cafeteria


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

As he followed Gelon towards the cafeteria, Ki thought back to several things he has seen and watched as well as having been in the center of, both here on this world and on other worlds, his ears twitching as his tail curled behind him only to snap his head to the side when he caught the faint sounds of scuffling and arguing voices over ridding the faint sounds of skin on skin. "Is bullying allowed?" he asked ears perked as he dug in his heels pulling Gelon to a stop.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Gelon stopped and watch Ki "go ahead and show me cause it surely is not allowed" he said ready to give a spanking and a heavy conversation


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Turning his attention from the darkened corrador back to Gelon Ki's ears twitched when he heard a pained cry and a soft chocked words begging someone to stop. "And if it's more than bullying?" he asked as his face went blank though his silver blue eyes glittered with anger, as a faint bruise slowly appeared along his left cheek, before he bolted down the hallway as laughter rang out over shadowing a cry of pain a snarl ripping from him as he leaped and landed in the center of the group of five males with a smaller male curled up on the ground his hand wrapped tightly bout the neck of the one who's pants were undone and around his ankles his tail lashing above the curled up form he stood over.

The startled crys of the men echoed in the dark hallway as they stumbled back away from him, their eyes wide as they stood stunned. "Gelon!?" was the only thing Ki snarled before he drew back his arm and with a swiftness that belied the fact that he was lean and ungaingly or as some would think, he sent the male sailing down the hallway towards Gelon as he snarled at the other men that still stood staring at him, since he was now croutched over the pronged form beneath him his eyes flickering between the four remaining men, since he tossed their leader towards Gelon.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

"then they got a whole lot more" gelon said and watch ki bolt of and send him the first guy, gelon tied the guy up and catch the leader by the face "play as rough you want Ki" gelon said and press the leader against the wall "okay shit head what are you doing here? I could do things to you don't want to know"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Yelps, crys and hisses echoed from the shadowed hallway until several more males came flying out of the hallway to slam onto the floor, bruises and cuts obvious upon their bodies from the scuffle that went on. Several minutes later he steps into the light of the main hallway with the young male curled up in his arms and an enraged look upon his face, a deep cut to his left cheek. "Take them to where ever the Jail, I'm taking this kid to the Clinic." he stated as he turned and headed down the opposite hallway in search of the Clinic his tail lashing behind him as he walked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Gelon tied to leader up and stop Ki by holding his shoulder "Ki, breath in count to then then breath out, if you are this mad i can't say what you will do but i think you will lash out quickly" he said and rub his shoulder a bit in worry. Gelon carred about Ki and didn't want him to get a bad reputation


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Having not expected to be stopped by Gelon Ki's head snapped towards him, his silver blue eyes gone, replaced by slit gold as his tail lashed behind him. "The only way I'll lash out is if I stay anywhere near those shithing dunderheads, Gelon. What they have down....I hate with a passion that far exceeds most humans. What they have done...." his eyes closed as he shuddered, struggling to keep everything at bay before opening his eyes once more. "I've been there Gelon....I've come from there....." he stated lowly, pain anger and fear evidently coated his trembling voice as he shook his head. "If I had my way I'd make all of them suffer the pain and humiliation they have bestowed upon this boy for the rest of my life, but this is not my World so I must allow Your Worlds Laws to handle it. Because living the rest of your life suffering the beating rape of another repeatedly everyday isn't something most humans survive." he stated coldly, the slit gold eyes blazing with emotions, before he sighed and leaned forward pressing his forehead against Gelon's. "Fear not my actions za chi'na. It is why I have given you the dispicable humans and not the boy." he stated softly though his tail still lashed behind him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Gelon Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
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0.00 INK

Gelon was still calm and gently hold his hands "Ki go do your thing but if something happens just call for me" gelon said and drag his prisoners and carried the wounded guy with him "I will be with you soon then we can have soon stress relief" he said and went further

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
Character Portrait: Tefeer
Character Portrait: Gelon
Character Portrait: Feona (A.K.A. The Fenix)
Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Character Portrait: Wolf Van'Draygion


Character Portrait: Wolf Van'Draygion
Wolf Van'Draygion

"What belong to me, No one else may touch!!"

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Nothing is never the same. So its a pain in the ass when your on a world fighting for your life, than you find yourself on a whole new world. Why? You ask. Because of a messed up Portal that opens unexpectedly, sucks u up, than spit you out. Fun Fun!!

Character Portrait: Tefeer

I am the guard of the last of my kind. Do not test me.

Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)

Let's just get those eggs.


Character Portrait: Tefeer

I am the guard of the last of my kind. Do not test me.

Character Portrait: Wolf Van'Draygion
Wolf Van'Draygion

"What belong to me, No one else may touch!!"

Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)

Let's just get those eggs.

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Nothing is never the same. So its a pain in the ass when your on a world fighting for your life, than you find yourself on a whole new world. Why? You ask. Because of a messed up Portal that opens unexpectedly, sucks u up, than spit you out. Fun Fun!!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Wolf Van'Draygion
Wolf Van'Draygion

"What belong to me, No one else may touch!!"

Character Portrait: Shiro Ki Savage
Shiro Ki Savage

Nothing is never the same. So its a pain in the ass when your on a world fighting for your life, than you find yourself on a whole new world. Why? You ask. Because of a messed up Portal that opens unexpectedly, sucks u up, than spit you out. Fun Fun!!

Character Portrait: Tefeer

I am the guard of the last of my kind. Do not test me.

Character Portrait: Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)
Adion Volf (unit number AG-13)

Let's just get those eggs.

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Thank you and have a good day.