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The Rend

The Rend


The observer of worlds has grown bored, and decided to try a hand and making his own "story". Unfortunately, you've been chosen as a part of this. Have fun.

7,895 readers have visited The Rend since Miss Echo created it.



He had been watching the world since it’s very birth. Since it was first thought into life, brought to see the light of day, and made into a place of life and death and simple pleasures. It was a hobby of his, to watch such novelties fold into existence before, inevitably, they withered and faded away. Some lasted more than others, their deaths postponed by the pure love of the world, through the determination and will to survive. Others...not so much, with an uncountable number being silenced as soon as they lived.

It was a steady rise and fall, something he watched time and time again. That’s all what he was, really; little more than an observer. Someone who amused himself with the cliches, the patterns, the tales woven by these β€œcharacters”, and little more.

His name was Rend; or, at the very least, that’s what he called himself. His original name was a bit of a mouthful, after all, and not to mention not exactly a name to most. Basic, something one would hardly bat an eye at. So Rend it was, and Rend it stayed for the time being. He was quite proud of the name, actually; it made him sound impressive.

Rend had remained content to merely watch the worlds progress for decades- centuries, even- though, one day, he grew...bored. He had seen it all at this point, after all. High Schools and dramas; alien worlds and superpowers; even a few oddities, which combined them all and more. Rend hungered for change, and soon created an idea.

Why didn’t he make change?

He had seen into enough universes as it was to have a grasp on what would make things interesting. He had seen enough β€œcharacters” to know what could spice things up. And, hell, Rend knew that he had enough power to do it. After all, most couldn’t travel as freely as he, so what was stopping him from doing something? Setting his mind to it, Rend pulled all the strength from his body, his core, and began to craft a world. It didn’t have to be much, really- he just needed a stage. A few platforms here, a few torn tidbits there, and, eventually, he had made his own β€œworld”.

Now, he just needed β€œcharacters” and β€œstorylines” to fill the gaps.


You find yourself in the middle of nowhere.

Literally nowhere, actually. There is nothing surrounding you but an inky blackness, no sounds, no temperature. Most likely, you remain in the darkness for some time, with only your thoughts as company. There isn’t much time for you to go insane, thankfully, before a voice suddenly blasts throughout the area- loud, masculine, and very cheerful.

”Well, hello and welcome, everyone! Goodness, there’s...a...few more than I originally planned, but, uh, I’m sure it’ll be fine. The more the merrier, and...what have you. Um. Well, I’m sorry to take you all from your very busy lives, but just, uh, think of this as a vacation! That’s right! A vacation, with lots of sun, a lot of sea and- oh, beach, too, can’t forget that- and, uh...Monsters? All fun, right? I’ll- I’ll tell you more once I actually drop you in- after you introduce yourself, of course, I’m sure everyone must be very confused- but to be short, you’re not exactly in your world anymore.

You’re in mine. The, uh...Rend. The Rend, yeah. Good stuff, right? All well and good, no problem with that. Fun times all around. But...uhm, yeah. Bye!”

With that, you were dropped into a wide arena, surrounded by many others- both humanoid and monstrous alike…



While the Arena is currently not much to look at, the land outside is much more...interesting, to say the least. Being heavily unexperienced in the formation of worlds, Rend decided to go the β€œinspired by” route- which, to him, meant cutting sections and parts from other stories and placing them into his own little pocket dimension. The basic areas exist, of course, with deserts, jungles, and seas tucked mix-matchedly about, along with other terrains- forming a patchwork quilt of sorts. However, a character might find themselves coming upon an area that is all too familiar to them- past, or present.

Good, or bad.


The characters themselves can come from any genre- Rend wasn’t exactly picky in his choices, after all. This means that cyborgs, elves, and love-stricken teenagers can all interact with one another, as well as the less favorable types. Anything and everything is possible within this realm.

Rend hadn’t exactly been thinking things through properly when he made things, really.

The characters may attempt to find Rend throughout this journey, although the being himself will most likely assign odd β€œmissions” here and there: slaying a monster, for instance. He will influence various events and anomalies as well along the way...although I’m sure you won’t need to worry about that much.

Just remember; anything and everything is possible. Imagination is truly the limit here.


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[center][img](Image URL goes here.)[/img] (An image isn't needed, but feel free to add one if you want one in. Otherwise, you can delete this bit.)

    [color=#000000][size=100][b]Full Name:[/b][/size][/color]





[color=#000000][size=100][b]Original Canon:[/b][/size][/color]

    [color=#000000][size=100][b] Description:[/b][/size][/color] (What do they look like? Even if you've got a picture, a bit of writing would be nice.)

    [color=#000000][size=100][b]Personality:[/b][/size][/color] (A brief outline of their demeanour.)

    [color=#000000][size=100][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/size][/color] (Achilles' Heels that can be exploited by enemies.)

    [color=#000000][size=100][b]Brief History:[/b][/size][/color] (Any notable events in their background that might have shaped them. If you don't want to reveal too much, that's fine.)

    [color=#000000][size=100][b]Other:[/b][/size][/color] [/center] (Anything else you think everyone needs to know about your character.)

Toggle Rules

  • No Mary-Sues, no PPing; all the juicy basics.
  • If you have an idea for where to take things, please say something instead of dragging things along. This is a very casual roleplay in what is allowed and what isn’t, but I don’t want the plot to be turned into solely your characters’ show.
  • I’d prefer it if you used your own characters, rather than trying to use characters from other sources. Example; a manga protagonist, an anime hero, etc.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 14 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Khojin Malqir
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0.00 INK

Xinder Ouquid

The printer was beginning to enter its final cycles, which Xin could tell from the fact that the shell was beginning to cool and the skeleton of a cube that was the printer itself. It was almost done. Then the motion tracker flared up as the small object, just barely big enough to register, was thrown towards him.

Not having time to quickly break his attention from the printer Xin caught the small crystal sphere without turning his head. Turning himself back to Khojin in reaction to the small object that was thrown to him, Xin examined it only for a moment before another beep came. Looking up, Xin caught the coat... with his face. Eventful.

Taking the coat from his face Xin caught only a few moments' worth of Khojin before she took to the skies. It wasn't the best jump that the soldier had ever seen, however, considering that she was in her birth body that was impressive. Then three little hops. Something is different. What the hell is different? Then hand on the ground and within another moment she practically soared into the sky. It was still a jump and, as such, she came back down.

This better not get in the body glove. Thought Xin as the dust cloud washed over him, along with the sound of coughing. Almost as soon as the dust cleared, Xin got both a full view of what the coat hid. Well, primitive clothing does have a tendency to hide things.

Khojin asked how high the jump was, catching Xin a little stuck in thought. Returning to the world outside his head he drew a line in the sand almost exactly a yard long. "Almost ten of these." With another moment's pause Xin registered the bit about tossing a rock. With a simple shrug he picked up the small stone. Light. Durable. Xin would have been more than able to chuck the rock well outside of what Khojin could reach, which he contemplated doing for a moment, before saying "You might want to get ready." When Khojin gave some signal of readiness, the soldier tossed his rock in an arc that tipped about 31 feet off the ground right over where Khojin stood.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Khojin Malqir
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0.00 INK

Khojin was in the air the same moment her eyes locked on the small stone. She caught it at its peak, right when it began its downward arc. She bounced the pebble in her palm after returning to ground. "Were you even trying?" she teased, tossing it back to him. "I'm almost insulted."

She thumbed her nose and spread her feet slightly, waiting for the next toss. For a moment she forgot she was meant to be testing herself, not playing. When it finally did register, she shrugged it off; no reason she couldn't have a bit of fun with it, right?


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rasteva Character Portrait: Madison Lovette Character Portrait: Vladimir "Verge" Moonfall Character Portrait: Skip III Character Portrait: Azai
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0.00 INK


My, there was so much happening. All around people were talking about battling each other and testing their abilities. He did not find any appeal in that. He had just marginally missed being thrown into the arena in his own world. There was no way he was willingly going to participate in this fiasco. He didn't have much physical ability and he wanted to keep what talents he did have secret from these people. Though he did come to realize that no on here was indeed going to hurt him, he didn't trust them. He straightened himself completely and made a show of dusting himself off, loosing interest in most of the others around him. They were all strange to him but he only took real interest if they themselves came over to him.

He looked between the cross dresser and the human with the shadow creature. Thus far they were the only two that took an interest in him so they would have to be watched. Why were they interested in him? There were other manner of creature here that were far more interesting than him. He crossed his arms and gave them both a fanged smile. He was momentarily distracted when one of the others came to him and offered him a pill. He accepted it and rolled it between his fingers. He didn't want to just swallow something. The man said something about being radioactive but he didn't really know what that meant. What if this pill was the real threat? He did note that others had swallowed the medication but just as many didn't. "Thanks," he offered before pocketing the pill for now. He'd decide if it was worth it later.

"I won't participate in this battle royale thing you are doing. I find it quite the bore. And that lecture sounds even more so. I'll pass thanks." Hell, maybe he'd be lucky and they'd all kill themselves. Fights like this never went well in the end. He would leave, but if there was a desert outside, staying in the arena sounded more appealing. There were walls all around and could choose a better vantage point. The desert sounded hot and annoying.

The spider turned his attention back to Madison and Verge then.

"I'll leave the dresses to you. You do look ravishing in it," he grinned. "And these aren't tattoos. They are natural markings," he explained to Verge. "Did you want to touch them?" he asked suggestively and let one of his fingers trace one of the lines on his exposed abdomen. He couldn't help it. He loved flirting with others and see how far he could get them into his tangled web before they realized their mistake or good fortune, depending on whether he was actually hungry or had a deeper desire.

Azai walked over to one of the bags on the ground and picked up the one that had fallen on him earlier. He didn't know what was in it but if it was something useful, he wanted to keep it. "I'll go to the benches," he said then to the two interacting with him and walked over to the wall. One his way, he made sure to reach a hand out to caress them both. He tossed his bag over the tall wall and easily climbed over it thanks to his sticky hairs and dropped down on a seat. He rested his feet on the row of seats in front of him and pillowed his head with his hands, effectively stretching himself out a bit.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Helena
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rasteva
Kora's skepticism at being offered her 'Gift' was not missed by Rasteva. Mortals were often wary when being presented with strange magical objects, the Daemon did not expect her to be any less wary.

But the promise of the powers they could grant often made that skepticism short lived.

The armored figure let out a deep rumble of satisfaction as the woman accepted both the Daemon's gift and apology, filled with no small amount of humor as she requested that Rasteva warn her ahead of time before attempting to cleave her in two.

The Daemon was sure they could do something as simple as that.

"Very well then. We are on even terms for the time being. Now let us attempt to get this Tourney underway. The sooner we can begin, the sooner Rasteva can beat everyone senseless."

Rasteva began to shoo the non combatants away towards the edge of the Arena, voice ringing loudly through the area. "Either gather up near the wall, or find your way to the stands. This One is sure you may find an entrance to them somewhere along the outer wall of the Arena. The Daemon paused to glance down at the woman that was just saved from drowning. "Is she well enough to stand, or will she need to be carried?" While Rasteva was more than able to help both the woman and the still weakened Eze to the stands should they need it, the armored figure was none too excited about the prospect of ferrying people in and out of the Arena.

Gazing up at the stands, the Daemon rumbled lowly. "There is much shade up there, you are sure to more comfortable there than here on the ground." The fact that it would be considerably less dangerous for everyone to be in the stands once the brawls started was left unsaid. Injured or worse still DEAD spectators tended to suck the fun dry from an event after all.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Khojin Malqir
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0.00 INK

Xinder Ouquid

She can reach up. A useful skill indeed. The soldier picked up three rocks, rumbling them around in his hands for a moment. He then placed on of the rocks on a nearby "table" as he said "Two for the test, and one to see how good my arms are. Haven't had a chance to truly put this body through its paces."

The moment his little speech ended, Xin tossed the two rocks into similar 34 foot max arcs to the first, each deviating from the middle slightly. With little pause he took the rock that he had set down and tossed it with an almost shot-put like swing. The ensuing rock barely even showed that there was gravity as it flew out of Xin's hand, breaking apart slightly as it spun and flew seemingly towards the sun.

"That's definitely an improvement over the last model." Xin said to himself as he watched the three rocks and his leaping ally. And they fixed the joint locking issue!


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Khojin Malqir
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0.00 INK

Ezenvare Queem

Eze sighed as he looked in at the arena. He had been sitting partially in the shade for some time now, but had been trying to get as much water as he could. As he had been standing around, weakened, the rest seemed to be gathering for some kind of battle royal. The last thing that Eze wanted to see right now was other people proving just how powerful and useful they were.

With a small grunt, the half-dragon shifted his weight back to his staff and began walking fully into the shade of the exit. It was time for him to see what was outside, and likely suffer the fate of a water dragon in the desert. The few minutes that it took him to move towards the desert Eze enjoyed the shade that the hallway offered. Although, it didn't help the fact that it was arid.

The half dragon emerged from the entry way with a bucket over his face as he downed the water within. As the sun shown on Eze he was certainly glad that he had gone and drank that bucket when he did. It went from unbearable head and dryness to true desert.

As he put the bucket back into his bag, the half-dragon saw the man with the four glowing eyes and the leaping... Well, she looks like a tiefling. For the most part. Eze simply took a few deep breathes, preparing for the horrors of a desert conversation.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid Character Portrait: Khojin Malqir
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0.00 INK

Khojin caught both stones easily enough. The instant she did, however, a thought struck her; she twisted in midair, transferring both rocks to her left hand and chucking them behind her in one fluid motion. Still turning, she felt energy crackling in her right hand. She reached it out in the direction the rocks were presently ascending in as she herself began to descend. The energy in her hand surged, and an instant later a bolt of dark energy fired from her open palm, striking the closer of the two stones and causing it to explode into pieces. It was quickly followed by another bolt striking its cousin.

She took a couple steps back as she landed, watching the broken stones rain down on the desert floor. It was good to know she still had some of her abilities, even if she wouldn't get an accurate test of their power until she used them on something living. She also had to admit Xin's arm was impressive; she wondered briefly if the stone he'd thrown would turn up again at some point. Given how far it had gone, she liked to imagine stumbling across its shards at strange, utterly random points in their upcoming travels. Maybe if she found them all she'd get a prize.

She shook herself from her strange, rock-based fantasy and turned to see the Hei-Senn watching from the gate. She hadn't noticed before, but he seemed to have sprouted wings at some point, which were apparently wreaking havoc with his balance judging from the way he was leaning on his staff. "Enjoying the show?" she called to him, flexing slightly.

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View All » Add Character » 31 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride
Character Portrait: Dog
Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter
Character Portrait: Cain Merrano
Character Portrait: Helena
Character Portrait: Xinder Ouquid
Character Portrait: Dawn Memoli
Character Portrait: Rasteva
Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
Character Portrait: Madison Lovette
Character Portrait: Vladimir "Verge" Moonfall
Character Portrait: Oliver Valentine
Character Portrait: Ezenvare Queem
Character Portrait: Adira Hasidare
Character Portrait: Amos
Character Portrait: Drake Coleman
Character Portrait: John gray


Character Portrait: Cain Merrano
Cain Merrano

"...He took away my powers. Well played Rend, well played."

Character Portrait: Vladimir "Verge" Moonfall
Vladimir "Verge" Moonfall

"Dammit, why couldn't you have chosen Gale?"

Character Portrait: Dog

Character Portrait: Dawn Memoli
Dawn Memoli

"It looks like anything is possible, then."

Character Portrait: Amos

Not enough.

Character Portrait: Kichiro Ren
Kichiro Ren

"In the end the weak fall and the strong survive. Power is absolute."

Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
Makorai Saika

If I can find some alcohol it's a vacation.

Character Portrait: Knight Kora Norrevinter
Knight Kora Norrevinter

"For King and Country!"


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Re: The Rend

I guess we're all waiting on Echo, then.

Re: The Rend

Azai currently has nothing to respond to so he's just chillin and I am waiting lol.

Re: The Rend

It's supposed to be :P I'm currently incapable of writing anything, sorry, but I'm not holding anyone up with Cain, and only two people with Verge. Who else are we waiting on? I plan to post soon, btw. Just need a little bit more time.

Re: The Rend

Hello, is this RP still on?

Re: The Rend

Yeah, I've just been waiting for others to post lmao.

Re: The Rend

I'd post but i don't think theres all that much for me to respond to at the moment

Re: The Rend

I think everyone is recovering from being sick or just busy. (I haven't posted cos I don't have anything to post)

Re: The Rend

XD That's a fabulous drawing!

And also anyone still around? I've been sick, which is why I haven;t been able to post recently. Hopefully, i'll be better soon though :P

Re: The Rend


If yu're all going to be posting art it would feel amiss for me not to use this as Skip III exists in this RP.

Skip riding the radioactive Reith-Dragon to become King of the Wasteland.

Re: The Rend

So... I got bored in Calculus and I ended up with this.
It is meant for another rp, but I liked it enough to share.

Re: The Rend

Hiya guys. Sorry you haven't heard from me in a few days. As some of you know I am a ridiculously busy human and am dealing with some things. I may not be able to post for a bit. So so so sorry to those of you I left hanging. If it's okay with the rest of you, Echo said it would be okay for me to simply say that Skip is, well, skipping along with everyone. He'll pretty much do what he's told if he views the teller as an authority figure, because he's helpful, helpful Skip. And there's even enough going on that he could feasibly be shut up long enough to watch the show, haha.

I'll try to read up periodically so I still know what's going on if and when I make more time.

Re: The Rend

Yeah!! I've only really gotten serious about my art for a few years now!!! You just gotta keep at it!!!!

also i too am pretentious hipster trash with a tumblr art blog

Re: The Rend

Shhh noooo do not say such things! You just have to keep drawing and you'll see crazy improvement. I've been drawing on and off for years and I still have a ways to go. Keep practicing and you'll get there!

Re: The Rend

My art is so meh compared to yours. ;w;

Re: The Rend

Sweet art man!

I have a tumblr where I post all my crap because I'm a total Hipster

Re: The Rend

I am perfectly okay with this pacing.

That aside, if anyone would like to view my arts, because there is so much, just feel free to look through my deviantART gallery:

Re: The Rend

Oh no no no! Don't worry about it at all. Post when you can. I just assumed that everyone was super busy and found it a little odd lol.

Re: The Rend

Sorry, sorry, sorry! I'm still getting over my general sickness, and still pretty busy, haha oh god I'm such a failure hahahahaha

Luckily, I have Wednesday off because of "Pope Day" here, so I can see if I can try to post then? I'm terrible, I know, but I'd rather wait until I'm confident in my posts before getting things going again from my end. ^^;

Re: The Rend

Aww. No new posts today?