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The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

The Legend of Korra: The Vigil


10 years before Korra arrives in Republic City, Avatar Aang has passed, and Republic City is in a state of chaos. A ragtag group of vigilantes have taken it upon themselves to protect the city, though they may be in over their heads.

2,457 readers have visited The Legend of Korra: The Vigil since Methodical created it.

ZombieGil are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




After a narrow avoidance of war, due to power struggles, and problems with the Fire nation colonies, Aang and Zuko resolved the impasse by regulating the balance of power by creating a fifth nation separate from the original four. This new nation would be a society open to anyone from the four nations, who would be able to reside in, and be governed by a council with representatives from each of the four nations. They named this new nation the United Republic of Nations, and established Republic City as its capital at a location in the northwestern Earth Kingdom.

Republic City, the capital of the United Republic of Nations, is a large metropolis located on the shores of Yue Bay. It is located in the northwestern Earth Kingdom near the Mo Ce Sea. A colony of the Fire Nation during the Hundred Year War, the city was founded by Fire Lord Zuko and Avatar Aang after the conflict's conclusion as a settlement housing citizens from all four nations. A modern urban center, it has significant high-rise development, notable technological advancements, and widespread use of automobiles, motorcycles, and airships.
Republic City is home to a variety of iconic landmarks. These include an island with a massive statue of Avatar Aang looking out over the bay, which was a gift from the Fire Nation to stand as a symbol of peace and goodwill, a downtown station, a large and popular city park, suspension bridges, and skyscrapers. The police force, led by Chief Lin Beifong, utilizes metalbending for civil law enforcement. The vast metropolis conducts pro-bending matches; the city's number one form of sporting activity.

As of 164 ASC, Republic City is beginning to experience demographic and political problems as a direct consequence of its nature as a large city. Organized crime has became rampant since the death of avatar Aang, and the city is also starting to face issues with wealth inequality among citizens.

Since the death of avatar Aang, the symbol of the people, the streets of republic city are ripe with crime and suffering, and the metropolis seems to be facing it's darkest hour.
Some citizens, however, refuse to bend their knees to the scum of the city, and have taken up arms to fight against the city's growing corruption. You are one such citizen.

You have heard whispers among the people of a like-minded group, a select few people that have actively taken up crime fighting, in an attempt to send a message to the criminal underbelly, that even though the Avatar is gone, the hope and will of the people of Republic City is not. For you see, there are rumors. rumors that the next Avatar, a young girl from the southern water tribe, is in training from the White Lotus, and is getting stronger by the second. It will be a while, however, until she is ready, and until then, this group have made themselves the self-proclaimed protectors of the city, and a burning symbol for the people's hope.


Vigilante 1: (Fire bender) [Tao Liang - Played by Methodical]
Vigilante 2: (Water bender) [Kaiko - Played by Varanus]
Vigilante 3: (Earth bender) [Yamamoto Tani - Played by Elite-tiger]
Vigilante 4: (Water bender - Southern Tribe) [Yun Wei - Played by Love of a Samurai]
Vigilante 5: (Earth bender) {Reserved}
Vigilante 6: (Non-bender)
Vigilante 7: (Any bending/Non-bender) {Reserved}
Vigilante 8: (Any bending/Non-bender, Newbie)
Vigilante 9: (Any bending/Non-bender)
Manager of The team/Owner of penthouse: [Played by me, unless someone else wants to.)
Rival Vigilante: [Pm me if you want this role.]
Main Villain: [In the works!]

Name: (Your given name, and your current name, if it has been changed. Please make it reflect your character's culture, and the overall style of the avatar world. Something distinctly Asian, Nothing like "Jo Smith" or "Raven Ebony Night Way")
Codename: (What you will be referred to "On the job". Please use some kind of animal.)
Age: (How many years have you been alive in this great world?)
Gender: (If you're not sure about this one, then maybe this isn't the RP for you.)
Physical Description: (What do you look like? Your facial features? Any scars or tattoos? Pictures are alright, but I'd rather have a written description, or both.)
Clothing: (What you normally wear, formal wear, and on the job wear please.)
Personality: (What are you like to talk to? What about in private? What are your mannerisms?)
Equipment:(Weapons? Smoke Bombs? A survival kit? Put em' here.)
Likes: (What makes you happy?)
Dislikes: (What makes you want to kick a small orphan boy?)
Traits: (Do you tend to lie? Do you have trouble controlling yourself around food?)
Quirks: (Anything weird/quirky about you?)
Fears:(Anything that deeply frightens you, though not necessarily a phobia.)
History: (Not optional, but you don't have to write a whole lot.)
Theme Song/Songs: (Just for fun :3)
Bending Type: (Are you an Earth, Fire, Air, or Water bender? Are you even a bender at all?)
Bending Style/Fighting Style: (How does you use your bending, and how do you fight?)

Toggle Rules

~Not knowing about TLoK is okay, but it's recommended you watch a bit of the show, or know the basic story.
~Romance is allowed, and even encouraged, but if it gets to hot and smexy, take it to PM's.
~Swearing is fucking alright, just don't over do it.
~No one-liners, but i'm not imposing a minimum word count. Also, please don't write a novel with one post.
~Please, don't be jerks to each-other! I have had MAJOR problems with this in the past, so if you have a disagreement, sort it out nicely, or talk to me about it.
~Put "I love batman real hardcore-like!" in your char sheet if you read this.
~Disregard that last rule, it's retarded.
~Please don't godmod, and don't make your character OP!
~I'm looking for a co-gm, so if you are interested, give me a PM.
~No Air benders!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun Character Portrait: Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard) Character Portrait: Tao Liang Character Portrait: Anka Jinn Character Portrait: Yun Wei Character Portrait: Yamamoto Tani
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0.00 INK

Midnight in Republic city. It was almost as beautiful as it was dangerous. Tao stood and the far side of a large room, lavishly furnished, with expensive flooring and elegant lights that seemed to set a calm mood. He stood at the large window, observing the incredible view that the penthouse apartment provided, with one hand on the glass, deep in thought.

It had been almost six months since he had decided to do something about the state of he city. Six months since he had put together a group of mismatched vagabonds in attempt to take the safety of Republic City into his own hands, and he was actually starting to see a change. The streets were now a bit more alive at night, as people were less afraid to come out, and they had taken the first swing at the city's organised crime underworld, but it still wasn't enough. Crimes were still being committed, and many innocent people were still dying, or living in fear because of it.

He took his hand off of the crystal clear glass, and made his way over to the telephone, picking the set up, and clicking a hidden button on the bottom. This would emit a frequency that would trigger the other crime fighter's pagers, and let them know, that wherever they were, he needed to speak to them at the penthouse.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun
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0.00 INK

Jingfei relished in having the night off. Sure she loved stopping crime, gave her a sense of self worth, but she liked being able to just sit around waiting for unsuspecting victims to her pranks. Tonight was a good one too, in her mind, took her weeks to come up with and organize to perfection. The plan was simple and classic, she was actually surprised that it took her so long to think of such a beloved prank, she set up a bag of coins on the ground tied to a string and when someone came along to grab it, she would pull it until they were in the right spot, then she was going to dump a bucket of sewer sludge on them. She had set up the dumping spot that was in a very busy area, right outside a put and there was a steady flow of people going in and out, so there would be witnesses.

As she waited, she spotted her unsuspecting victim. It was a woman, of high prestige; she was in the latest fashion of a small tight dress and a fur scarf around her neck. Jingfei smiled deviously, she loved nothing more than messing with rich people, making them look like fools in front of everyone. The woman had spotted the little bag of coins and was about to pick it up. It's go time, Jingfei thought. She tugged on the string a little bit, making the coin bag jump a little towards the bar, the woman looked around surprised at having seen the coin jumped, she bent down to try again, only to have the same thing happen. Jingfei stifled a laugh as the woman continued falling into her trap, for the actual definition of idiocy, this woman was a perfect example. Finally the woman was in position to be covered in sludge. That's when her pager went off, it buzzed in her pocket, breaking her fun.

"Oh, come on," Jingfei said to herself, she looked to the woman then her pager and sighed. She looked at it, "Kestrel: Come now". She sighed frustrated as her night off and perfect prank was going to be interrupted. Then a thought came to her, she took out her katana and ran from her hiding spot, surprising the woman. On her way out, Jingfei cut the rope holding the bucket, dumping it on the woman and grabbed the purse of coins. She stopped for a second to look at her handy work and laughed as the woman stood yelling at her, because a lady never cussed.

"Enjoy your night miss," Jingfei saluted to her and then she ran off to the penthouse.

Inside the penthouse she saw Tao by the window looking out over the city. One thing Jingfei never got used to was the fact that their penthouse was over lavished in its decorum, which in turn always made her feel under-dressed in her baggy and worn clothes.

She leaned against the wall, next to the door in a very casual fashion, "So boss, what is so important that you need to cut my fun short?" she asked, a slight tone of annoyance in her voice.


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#, as written by Varanus
"Haha, I can’t believe we’ve been in the restaurant long enough that they had to kick us out.” Kaiko said cheerfully as he exited Daiyu’s Delight, a popular restaurant chain within the United Republic that serves classic Omashu-styled dishes. In his suit and top hat he walked down the sidewalk with his water-filled cane in one hand and the other hand wrapped around the arms of a beautiful young woman in a long green and tan jacket and a cloche hat.

β€œTime flies when you’re having fun.” Her green eyes looked up to him with a smile.

He smiled back, β€œWell, that sure takes a load off to know that you had a good time.”

β€œI did,” she replied. β€œI’m so glad you suggested going out to eat. And to think that you were going to head to the library.”

The two stopped at an intersection waiting for the light signal to walk. Even at this time of night, Satomobiles were bustling through the brightly lit streets.

β€œFirst off, Mingxia,” Kiako said. β€œAs much as it might bruise my dignity, you pretty much asked me out for a date. And secondly, I actually was taking advantage of leaving work early. It meant I had time to continue reading up on recent research on immunity. You know doctors had established that we are all made up of these tiny cells. Well there’s a recent discovery of certain cells in our blood that may help in fighting diseases. Ever since this finding, healers all over the United Republic are figuring out possible techniques to boast these immune cells to better fight diseases.”

Mingxia raised a brow at him, β€œYou really are passionate with what you do, doctor.”

β€œNot a doctor yet, but I’m flattered.” The walk signal came on and the two started crossing the street.

β€œSo that’s why I actually caught you clocking out. You were leaving earlier than usual.” Mingxia said.

β€œThat’s right. I’m normally working with patients until 11 at night, which is why I hardly see you when you’re ending your shift.” Kaiko said. Mingxia works as a receptionist at the front desk of the hospital where Kaiko works. Kaiko continued, β€œI guess there weren’t that many people who broke bones today.”

β€œWell, I’m glad people were more careful, otherwise we wouldn't have had such a nice time.” They looked at each other’s eyes. Their paced slowed down. She leaned over to his side. Their gaze was bringing their eyes closer together.

Mingxia’s eyes suddenly widened and she pulled back when she felt a humming vibration between the two of them. Kaiko sighed. His pager, clipped on the side of his hip, was going off. He grabbed it from his belt and looked at the message.

β€œIs…that a pager?” Mingxia looked at it curiously. β€œI thought only super-wealthy businessmen owned those. They must really like you at the hospital. Is everything alright?”

β€œUh, yeah. It’s actually...from a friend.” He looked up at her. β€œHe’s the wealthy one. Anyway, I actually have to go…” he didn’t want to give any more details. But he didn’t want to lie to her. Of course…there’s no shame in ambiguity.

β€œI should actually go make sure my friend’s alright. With it being late and all. Of course, let us continue to your place.”

β€œOh, well, no problem. My apartment is actually just down this street.” Mingxia said.

The two walked quickly together. β€œI’m sorry,” Kaiko said to her. β€œOnce I check up on him, I should actually head home soon. I have actually have to get up early for waterbending. The dojo master usually expects me early because I always help him train youngsters.” The truth was he actually does get up early to participate and train at a local waterbending dojo, especially when he’s not catching sleep from nightly crime-fighting.

Mingxia sighted, β€œTo say the least, Kai, I’m impressed you do so much in 24 hours.”

Kiako chuckled, β€œOh you have no idea.”

The two arrived at the front of Mingxia’s apartment. A single window was lit up. She pointed out that it was most likely her brother and sister-in-law up waiting for Mingxia. β€œAnd no worries, I had called them from the hospital to know that I’d be out late…with a gentleman.” She noted the bit the eagerness in his smirk, so she quickly gave Kaiko a peck on his cheek.”

β€œThank you for the night out, Kaiko. I’ll see you at the hospital tomorrow evening.”

β€œHeheh, looking forward to it. Though I can’t promise that I’ll have free time.” She rolled her eyes sarcastically as she headed up the stairs and entered the building. "Good night."

Just as the door closed, Kaiko paced to the nearest intersection and waved for a taxi.


Kaiko tipped the taxi driver and exited the vehicle. In the north central part of the city the apartment buildings housed upper-middle to upper class citizens. You normally could tell when you saw buildings with a green lawn in front of their entrances. Walking to the entrance of one of these tall apartments the security guard gave Kaiko the okay to enter with a nod. The guard was plenty familiar with him. Kiako entered and elevator. He pressed the button for the highest floor – Tao’s penthouse.


Tao opened the door to the meeting room. There he saw Tao near the windows. Looking to his side he saw Jingfei as well. He walked to arm chair as he greeted his friends, β€œGood evening.” He looked at Jingfei, β€œHow are you doing, Jingfei? Are you staying out of trouble?” He knew Jinfei to be a bit of an instigator and prankster on her spare time. He then looked to Tao as he sat on the seat, still holding his cane to his side. β€œTao how are you? Any news?” He anticipated Tao to him at least a synopsis until everyone else arrived.


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Character Portrait: Yamamoto Tani
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Yamamoto's lamp like grin was the only thing seen in the alley as he eyed the product he was buying from a heavily disguised man behind a fruit market.

"You got the money?" The man asked.
"Hell yeah I got the money! 25 Yuan right?" Yami asked.
"Make it 35 and I'll give you that good shit."
"... Let me smell it."

The mysterious dealer gave Yamamoto the baggie but kept an eye out incase Yami decided to run. Yamamoto plunged his nose into the bag and inhaled the aroma from the herb in the pouch. He pulled his head up and sighed in pleasure.

"You got a deal." Yami said, his grin somehow getting bigger. He slapped a couple of bills in the Man's outstretched hand with a smack. The man nodded and walked off. Yamamoto pulled a 180 and walked in way of his apartment. "I can't wait to use you up when I get home hee hee hee, damn you smell good!" Yamamoto said to his new treasure as he took another whiff of it. He jogged up the steps to his apartment and opened the door he sat on his couch and took out his herb. He rolled it in paper and set it aside. He got a match from a drawer and sat on the couch. He lit what was needed to be lit he got everything ready to be used. He raised the 'awesomeness' as Yami calls it to his lips and... bzzzz and spilled the tea all over himself. For once Yamamoto's smile dropped. "DAMN IT!" Yamamoto yelled as he chucked the empty teacup against the wall shattering it.

He jumped out his open window and softened the earth where he landed. He took off on earth skates through the city to the penthouse building. Yami uppercut a fist in the air and eartbended an earth column to shoot him through the air. He grabbed a windowsill and opened a window to get in. He stomped over to Tao and said, "It better be attempted murder or something tonight or I'm gonna kick your ass!"


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Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun
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0.00 INK

Jingfei smiled at Kaiko as he walked in, looking spiffier than normal, "As if," she said answering his second question, "There's too much fun in getting in trouble to give it up. Go on a date?" she asked knowing that what he was wearing was fancy even for him. She guessed it was that receptionist from the hospital he worked at, remembering that last week it seemed he couldn't stop talking about her, but that was just a guess.

That's when Yamamoto burst in, in an angry rage that was off the charts. Jingfei whistled lowly, "Oh, you done it now boss," she said adding a little commentary onto the newly tense situation. She wasn't sure why Yamamoto was yelling at Tao this time, but from the looks of it, it was pretty serious. Maybe he was on a date too, she thought, Of course that would be weird....well why not, I know next to nothing about his life outside of here. I guess he could be considered quite the ladies man to those hard working girls. Why not? This thought process went on for a while before eventually she just shook it off and came back to reality.

"So why did you call us here?" she inquired to Tao, "You said we would have the night off and I was enjoying the satisfaction of dowsing a rich lady in sewer sludge. Why must you cut that kind of entertainment short?"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tao Liang
Character Portrait: Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)
Character Portrait: Yamamoto Tani
Character Portrait: Yun Wei
Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun


Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun
Jingfei Sun

"Oh come now, what's the harm of adding a little fun into your life?"

Character Portrait: Yun Wei
Yun Wei

"Come on guys lighten up"

Character Portrait: Yamamoto Tani
Yamamoto Tani

"Tao, can I kill this mofo?"

Character Portrait: Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)
Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)

His motive to be strong is his willingness to protect.

Character Portrait: Tao Liang
Tao Liang

"It's our responsibility to protect the city. No one else will."


Character Portrait: Yamamoto Tani
Yamamoto Tani

"Tao, can I kill this mofo?"

Character Portrait: Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)
Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)

His motive to be strong is his willingness to protect.

Character Portrait: Tao Liang
Tao Liang

"It's our responsibility to protect the city. No one else will."

Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun
Jingfei Sun

"Oh come now, what's the harm of adding a little fun into your life?"

Character Portrait: Yun Wei
Yun Wei

"Come on guys lighten up"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Yun Wei
Yun Wei

"Come on guys lighten up"

Character Portrait: Jingfei Sun
Jingfei Sun

"Oh come now, what's the harm of adding a little fun into your life?"

Character Portrait: Tao Liang
Tao Liang

"It's our responsibility to protect the city. No one else will."

Character Portrait: Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)
Kaiko (Codename: Polar Leopard)

His motive to be strong is his willingness to protect.

Character Portrait: Yamamoto Tani
Yamamoto Tani

"Tao, can I kill this mofo?"

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Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Sorry guys, but I'm gonna have to put this on hold for now. I've now got a summer, job, and I'll be working long hours, so I don't think I can run two roleplays. I feel really bad for neglecting this, and I really want to thank everybody for putting their time into it. Who knows, it is possible that once my schedule is more balanced, that maybe we'll be able to start it back up, but for the near future, I just don't see it happening guys. Sorry to disappoint everyone.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Ok posted, though rather short I feel. Sorry about that.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Ok 'tis been a week! Now we continue, yes?

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Ok sounds good. I can be down with that.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

I think that it would be fair to continue on if there are no more replies after a week of the initial post. But that's just me.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Do you think the other two are going to post or should we just continue without them?

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Edit: So in case none of you has checked yet, we have FINALLY started!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

I hate to be that person, but we start soon yeah?

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Okie-dok. Just give the word if you'd like any assistance for the intro or anything. And good luck on exams.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

I'm going to wait until after exams to start, so that'll probably be on Tuesday.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Uh do we have and update on what is going on with this RP.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Not a problem, Methodical

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

That's fine, good luck on your exams!! Remember to knock on wood! =D

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Sorry I've been gone you guys, it's just that I have exams soon, and I've been studying. I'm going to wait another day or two, and then we'll probably get started.

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Thanks guys!! And can I just say THAT LAST EPISODE WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_o

Re: The Legend of Korra: The Vigil

Gahhhh! I cannot wait for the nest spisode!

And yeah, Solo Wing Pixy's sources are legit ( has the best quality I've seen thus far). Here is a back up site just in case. ... -of-korra/ You can never have too many sources for AtLA or LoK. :D