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The Landon's House

The Landon's House


The Landon's Love the Holidays and are Very Festive around this time of Year celebrating each others welcome...<3 (More Inside)

2,905 readers have visited The Landon's House since Yūki Asuna created it.


The Landon's House


Landon House is that one house who can't wait for the Holidays and Having Fun with each other, this house is a home of a very rich and huge family that sometimes can't stop growing, the never get enough of each others company but sometimes they do get sick of each other and wanna throw someone off the roof or in a black hole! Its November,2,2014 and The Landon Family is getting Ready for Black Friday and Thanksgiving, The Kids go to q School Only the Preschool-Fifth Graders go there, The High Schoolers Go To WhiteBrickle High Only the Sixth-Twelfth Graders go here, They're are many Jobs where they live so don't be afraid and the age you need to be to get a job is 18 At Jumba Juice or McDonalds you can be 15, So Have Fun being a Landon and Enjoy your stay! <3

Character Sheet:

Name:________ Landon
Pets:(Only can have one!)
Job:(Only if your 15 or 18)
Place In The Family:(Mother,Father,Son,Daughter?)


Glade Lake Elementary


WhiteBrickle High


The Landon House


GreenLake Mall


The Landons Camping Ground

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

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Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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Kora looked down at George, rather upset- "What books should I bring...?" She whispered, hiding her face in her fluffy sweater. "Maybe I should bring a map. and my botanical encyclopedia. Or maybe some maps of the area. What do you think, George?" Kora whispered to her pet snail. "Let's go look for the essentials, alrighty?" Kora stood, waving at Sierra and the rest and shuffling away.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Korallin Lee Landon Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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Cap'n gave a wave of his hand to the lad behind him whilst moving down the hallway in the direction of the kitchen. He found the kitchen and it's bustling staff who stopped what they were doing and even dropping a tray full of pastries at the unkept man.

Baahir paid them no heed and Oot only stopped to lap up the spilled goods for a moment before following the man over to a cabinet by the refrigerator. He dugged through not only pulling out a fine bottle of privateer rum and a large metal mixing bowl which he promptly filled at the fancy pants sink with water then set on the floor which the dog promptly lapped up. The rum bottle was quickly opened to as well with a large swig being taken by the dirty fellow who still had the kitchen in shock looking at him. Oot took his fill of the water before looking up to bark at his master and friend with his tail wagging.

A pat of the dogs head and the two were off from the kitchen towards the sound of the whistle that didnt come from too far away.

"Thanks for the rum and water lads and lasses don't be throwing a panic either I happen to be related to these blokes." Baahir said in his nonchalant happy tone. His following actions were him singing a sea shanty largely out of tune and with a loud voice that carried through the large house. The dog Oot joined in with his own barking as the pair approached the living room. The shanty went as such.

"What do you do with a drunken sailor." x3
"Early in the morning"

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Korallin Lee Landon Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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0.00 INK

Cielo looked at Snow and smiled a little. "Well everyone seems to be happy." Snow let out a soft purr in agreement. "Well lets go find Lacy and see if she needs any help." Cielo said a little happily which was weird for the kind of person Cielo dressed and looked like. Cielo soon walked towards the kitchen and sighed not seeing Lacy or anyone else except the kitchen staff and his drunk pirate of a uncle. He gave him a slight glare before turning around and heading to Lacy's room knocking on her door. "Lacy me and Snow want to know if you need any help."

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Korallin Lee Landon Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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0.00 INK

"Um, Okay!" Lacy said blushing since she wasn't finish dressing luckily for her he just knocked and didn't come in. She finished putting on a white silk tank top and slipping on her shoes, she packed her bags, she got a couple of adorable outfits, some shoes, a pair of keys, a map, a swimsuit, and back some underwear and bra, also some toothpaste and toothbrush. She zipped it up and walked out of her room and down the steps.

11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Korallin Lee Landon Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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Cielo looked at Lacy as she came downstairs. "Here let me take your bag." He said as he took and held her bag heading to the car. "You know our uncle is in the kitchen drinking alcohol again. He's going to get drunk like he did last year."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon
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Cole walked all the way to the front door, then stayed there, waiting to be the last one out. Still nothing out of the ordinary here, as usual.

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#, as written by Rezulin
After a little longer more, He stands up, Small puffs and heavy whirrs of machinery coming from his back, As he tests each one seperately, and they both work perfectly, He smiles bright, And finally comes from the basement wearing the robotic arms, visor, and the energy-pack. He stretches and looks around. "Where is everyone..?" I ask myself, wandering around, trying to find someone.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon
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0.00 INK

Cole saw Alex walking around, and decided to help him out with whatever he was trying to do and why he had robot arms. "I just have one question," Cole said, approaching Alex from behind and poking his back to get his attention. "What in the mother of Saint Jimmy are you doing?" He asked him, thoroughly confused about the robot arms.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rezulin
Alex turns around, seeing cole. "Oh hey cole! Oh I'm making a power armor, Makes me stronger, jump higher, All that stuff." he says simply. "Where is everyone heading?" He asks, Confused. "I've kinda been in my basement for a few weeks." He chuckles.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon
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0.00 INK

"Right..." Cole said, still eyeing the metal armor, "And if you'd come out of your little workshop down there every now 'n then, you'd know that we're camping. In the woods. Away from all the fun stuff," Cole said as he made his way back to the doorway. "There was one more thing... Oh yeah, it was to hurry the heck up and pack." He added as he leaned against the wall near the door.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rezulin
Alex sighs, And walks back into his read, almost never used bedroom, packing up things in his conveniant little pouches on his energy source, and packs only the needed things, Toothbrush, toothpaste, a hair brush, A cellphone and solar charger, and A bag of funyuns. He stretches, and walks to the door, waiting as well, Small puffs of steam coming from his arms and back at times.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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Lacy and the family we're in vans with stuff piled in the back, She saw how the days and weeks pasted by quickly she had bought food,tents,and gift cards for prizes in games. She looked out the window as they drove touching it gently as it was icy cold luckily the had a cabin built on the land they owned so that was great to, She looked at her family and crossed her legs tugging at her search they were taking back some days since they forest had some issues to attend to which was perfectly fine with her. "Alright once we get there! unpack and meet in the living room" She said.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon
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0.00 INK

"Can't I just go back to my room?" Cole asked, holding his dead mp3 player (wrong type of batteries... idiot) and leaning against the car door. "None of your little meetings are neither important or a bringer of great joy..." He added as he shifted into a more comfortable position for sleeping, which he was currently failing at doing.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon
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0.00 INK

"Aye I agree with the lad here bout the meetings. The only one who should be holdin thee meetings is the Captain and I'm the Cap'n. Now how bout we all sing a shanty about booze and wenches to pass the time in this miserable metal ship the lass stuffed us into. I swear it be worst then my time on a 6 cannon slope with the damn Spaniards." The pirate man rambled on his dog next to him watching everything unfold with timely patience.

The Cap'n now had the bottle from two weeks ago replaced with a flask of leather. In the past two weeks he had managed to go through quite a bit of alcohol and strangely tea in his time spent in the house. Baahir had cleaned up quite a bit taking a shower and taking to grooming himself to be a proper gent as the women folk in the house called it. He didn't care too much for the bath or change of clothes really. He changed before they left back into his sleeveless open vest and a pair of pants like those a samurai or ninja would wear. He still kept his sword and pistol by his side and a few other things one of them being rum.

"Now on with the sea shanty with my friends!" He took a final gulp of the flask and wiped his mouth on his arm before beginning.

I bang on the door but she won't let me in

'Cause you're sick and tired of me reeking of gin

You lock all the doors from the front to the back

and left me a note telling me I should pack

The song not lasting too long as he quickly found he no longer remembered most of the words.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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0.00 INK

Cielo looked at Cole and sighed. "Be glad I brought the right batteries for you mp3 player." Cielo handed him some batteries before looking at his sister. "And Lacy if you don't mind can I just go walk around for a bit when we get there?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon
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0.00 INK

"No clumpnugget, I had one of those mobile charger things, it's not my Mp3 player," Cole said, still trying to sleep. "Those are still the wrong type of batteries," Cole added quickly, looking at the batteries before returning to his sleeping position.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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0.00 INK

Till most certainly did not like the idea of camping, when camping came into mind he thought of tents, and tents reminded him of the circus, something he wanted to forget about no matter how much it had scarred his mind. He simply hoped they'd be in cabins or something, his overly happy expression had drastically changed to a much more eerily serious one as Lacy had announced to trip and sent them off to pack and what not.

When the day came, he was sure to pack many different things, just in case the tents came it, he also packed a lot of things he really didn't need but just wanted. The car trip was a long and boring one. He was becoming fidgety and restless, this was bad, Tillian when he he's bored is not a good combination, could possibly drive everyone nuts. "I'm booooored! How much longer?!" He whined quite childishly, ignoring the conversations around him. His question wasn't directed at anyone in particular, anyone's answer would suffice, for a bit.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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0.00 INK

"YA KNOW WHAT I DON'T CARE!!" Lacy just wanted to give up as she hoped out the car, she had been worrying about bills,the house, and taking care of her mother and fathers bills, "Just leave me alone!!!" Lacy said yanking on her bag and storming into her room falling upon her bed after slamming the door with her foot, she just needed peace and alone time.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon
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0.00 INK

"Well, that happened," Cole said, pushing the car door open. "At least we're here," He added as he got out of the car, picked his sling-pack-thingy up, and moved towards the entrance to the house. From the entrance of the house, he could go to the one place he cared about at the moment: His little piece of heaven that was upstairs.

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#, as written by Rezulin
Alex smiles, getting out with an odd looking metallic case, and a small backpack of items, and stretches. "That trip was rediculous." he says, As me smiles softly, knowing of my little invention I stowed away with me, the top pieces of my new power armor.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon Character Portrait: Hindi Landon Character Portrait: Lacy Landon Character Portrait: Ali Landon Character Portrait: Baahir Character Portrait: Ted Landon Character Portrait: Tillian Landon Character Portrait: Alex R Landon Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
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0.00 INK

Cielo sighed as he disappeared into the woods snow fury riding on his shoulder. "You know Snow sometimes I worry what's going to happen to this family but..." Cielo sighed a little as he walked deeper in the woods Snow nodding its head as if it understood what he was saying.

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#, as written by Rezulin
Alex continues out, and walks over to a little clearing, and claims it mine, setting up a small tent there and grins, Hopping in happily.

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Hindi Landon
Character Portrait: Tillian Landon
Character Portrait: Baahir
Character Portrait: Lacy Landon
Character Portrait: Korallin Lee Landon
Character Portrait: Sierra Landon
Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon
Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon
Character Portrait: Alex R Landon
Character Portrait: Ted Landon
Character Portrait: Ali Landon


Character Portrait: Tillian Landon
Tillian Landon

"What pretty little humans we all are!"

Character Portrait: Korallin Lee Landon
Korallin Lee Landon

Korallin goes by Kora.

Character Portrait: Cole Dominick Landon
Cole Dominick Landon

"Get away from me before I hurt you, ya stuck up egotistical bastard."

Character Portrait: Ted Landon
Ted Landon

The crazy Uncle. Literally-hes a crazy uncle.

Character Portrait: Alex R Landon
Alex R Landon

"Lets build something!"

Character Portrait: Baahir

Dread Captain of the Pirate ship Atlas and Uncle of the Landon Family.

Character Portrait: Cielo Oscura Landon
Cielo Oscura Landon


Character Portrait: Hindi Landon
Hindi Landon

"It was just a prank!"


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