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The Djinni's Shahzadi

The Djinni's Shahzadi


The Shah has only a daughter..and every noble and person who is of any status is desperate for the throne, and will do anything to get it. Add an angry djinni, and how is the princess to handle it all?

3,180 readers have visited The Djinni's Shahzadi since stealthpanther created it.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

Feeling his chest against her back made it harder to close off her emotions. His words on top of the action were like a spell. He was upset that she'd asked whom she should marry. He was upset that she had even considered it despite all of her fighting for so long. Nassir was upset about something she had no control over and he was saying that she could control it. To Tavyna, the only way she could control it was if Nassir was actually in love with her and wanted to marry her. If he said it, she would agree to it in a heart beat. But he wasn't saying it. All he said was that she wouldn't be marrying either of those men in her father's palace.

Tavyna stayed against his body for a long while. Then there were those words that she might be casting a spell on him. What did he mean by that? He also said I presumed too much. He has said for me to order him almost as if he wishes I would... Oh, Allah, help me... her thoughts were still chaotic. Nassir was so hard to figure out. His words were cryptic nearly all the time. Tavyna only knew what he was thinking when he was sulking and even then sometimes it was hard to discern. Then perhaps I should ask him. Confront him about it all right here, right now. I haven't done that yet. All I've done is presume and guess at what he is thinking. It's time to stop doing that and find out the truth of his thoughts.

With that decided, Tavyna turned around in his hold and looked up at him. Her gaze was filled with the determination she was feeling and her voice left little room for uncertainty. She wasn't about to order him to tell her what he was feeling and thinking, but she did want answers and her tone expected nothing less.

"Tell me, Nassir. You say that I presume too much. You say that I will not marry those two men. You say that it isn't against your will. So then what am I to do? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? Did you kiss me because you felt pity for me, or was it something else?"

Tavyna stopped and took a breath. Her next questions were probably the hardest to get out of her mouth. Even so, Tavyna was going to ask because she was tired of waiting for the answer to come along on its own, or for Nassir to figure it out himself, whatever that was.

"Tell me, Nassir. Are you in love with me? Will you marry me?"


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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Somehow simultaneously grateful and resentful for the silence, Nassir let it persist as Tavyna let him hold her against his chest. It was times like this he wished he did have powers of the mind, the ability to see what a person was truly thinking. Maybe then he wouldn't be so damn confused and frustrated! Somehow though, he doubted it would help him enough.

Tavyna's body so close to him didn't repulse him as he wold have thought it would, the human pleasant to be around if he were being honest with himself. Her warmth was welcome, and though he'd never dare say it aloud, having her close was pleasant and oddly soothing. Tavyna was definitely stubborn, considerate, bold, amusing, and completely confusing, but he was oddly not turned off by her mannerisms. She was fun to tease, infuriating in how unpredictable she could be, and refreshingly determined in her own right. Try as he might, Nassir was never able to bear his hatred for human kind when around her.

Before he could dwell more on the human in question, Nassir was met with her eyes and her determined face. It was a pleasant look on her, actually. Voice confident, she began to question him. More questions he was afraid to answer. If he even knew how to...

Finally, Tavyna asked him a question he never thought he'd hear. He dreamed of saying it or hearing it before, but to have such a question directed at him, he was like a hare caught in the gaze of a fox. Frowning, he tried to avoid the amethyst gaze looking up at him, demanding explanations. His ears burned red, his eyes unsure where to look.

"Do I love you.....? Who the hell knows." He said with a bitter smile. "I thought I'd felt such a thing before, and that turned out just lovely. How the hell would I know what it actually feels like? I don't trust my own feelings even when I know them anymore.." he muttered dryly, hands still holding her wrists.

"Honestly, part of me thinks this is all one big dream and I'm just gonna wake back up in that damn ring again."


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

Tavyna's expression went from determined to quite confused. He didn't know? He didn't trust his own feelings? Well... She supposed she shouldn't have been too surprised. After all, the story of his first love had ended in tragedy. Nassir had been imprisoned in a ring, slave to any who picked it up. Even so, Tavyna couldn't help but feel a slight pang of hurt through her chest.

Despite her own heavy thoughts, Tavyna forced a slight smile, "You're not going to wake in that ring. I promise. I will do anything to release you from it. I won't stop until you're free. So long as I'm breathing, I'll keep going. Even if it kills me. I'll do it."

She promised him, much the same as she always had. Tavyna felt a kind of urgency though that hadn't been present before. For all this time she'd told him she'd free him, she hadn't gotten anywhere in actually doing so. Her heart felt heavy in her chest. It was no wonder he didn't trust anything. Human's words were fickle. They sounded pretty... But that's all they were. They were pretty.

And pretty was nothing but empty.

Tavyna slowly pulled her hands free, lingering with her fingers in his palms for a while before she completely let go. The simple touch was warming, but the moment her hands were free of his, she felt a sour taste at the back of her mouth, a strange tingle in her stomach and she turned away.

"I have to eat with my Father. I'm already late," she said gently and headed for the door again, "After that, I'll head into town."

She planned to visit the witch. Though she wouldn't say that aloud knowing how Nassir would react. Yet, it was the last thing she could think of. The books had been no help. Nasrin's master had been no help either seeing as he hated Tavyna's ideals. Which left the Shazadi with little to no options. So, she resorted to seeing the witch. She had to.

To free Nassir, she would go to any lengths.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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"Enough. Stop saying you'd go to your grave for me Tavyna." Nassir said firmly, following the human even as she pulled away from him, headed towards her doors. The mere act of her turning her back on him made a rare panic and disappointment churn in his gut. His heart thudded louder in his chest, feeling somehow anxious and unsettled at her calm demeanor. At her vow.

"Tell him I kept you then. We're still talking." the djinni stood in front of the shahzadi, blocking her path out of her room once more, this time with his body instead of magic. Looking down at her with an almost pained expression, the male placed his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. Eyes that he could tell were hiding more than what she said. She was keeping something from him. It angered him greatly, but he also felt strangely hurt by the thought of her keeping secrets.

"Stop hiding from me. Is it because I scare you Tavyna? Do you wish you'd never acquired my ring? Why would you say you'd die for my freedom? You ask me to say what I am thinking...but I don't even know what's on your mind!" His voice was insistant, questioning. IT didn't sound harsh or bitter, but almost lost.

Looking down at the ground even as he held her shoulders, Nassir shook, trying to keep himself composed. He didn't want to rant, to explode with frustration about his conflicted, frighteningly powerful emotions. "Dammit, I don't want you to risk your life for me!"


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

Tavyna stopped in her steps as Nassir blocked her path by stepping in front of her. She looked up at him in a bit of surprise as he kept her from leaving. With his hands on her shoulders then, she knew she couldn't get away from him. Her throat constricted as he asked her a flurry of questions.

"Nassir..." she spoke his name in a low tone, lingering on it for a moment before she took a deep breath and spoke again, "I'm not hiding from you," she replied evenly though her stomach twisted violently in protest to her white lie, "You do not scare me, either. If you scared me, I would not have kept the ring. And I do not ever regret finding your ring, Nassir. How could I regret that? I'm in love with you, I do not regret it.

"I would die for you because... I just would," her gaze dropped slightly, "Because that's what love is supposed to be like. You do anything for one another. You would make each other happy no matter what. You would die for one another. You wouldn't cage each other, or hold them imprisoned by some... awful spell! You wouldn't make each other miserable on purpose," Tavyna's voice grew slightly clipped as she spoke mostly about the ring and what had happened to Nassir for him to become trapped as he had. For some reason, Tavyna had a kind of loathing for that woman who had done the horrid deed of imprisoning him.

When she finished, she looked back up to him again, "I would do anything for you. My priority is to free you, then you can do as you wish. You can go where you want. You can be whatever you want to be."

Tavyna's lips pulled into a frown as she stood there watching him. Her mind was still in chaos over their discussion, how he didn't know how to feel and that he wouldn't know it even if he felt it. It was about then that she made her final decision bout how she felt about him. Taking a breath she moved and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body up against his so there was no space between them. With her heart pounding hard in her chest, she stretched up on the tips of her toes and got rather close to his face.

"I want you know what love feels like, Nassir. So I'm going to do everything to show you what it is. What it's supposed to be like. Because I'm deeply in love with you. No one will change that. Not even the sands of the desert can swipe it away from me," as she spoke the words softly, she tilted her head a little and when she finished she gave him a gentler kiss than the one she'd received from him moments ago.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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Nassir shook his head, eyes holding disbelief as Tavyna tried to assure him she wasn't hiding from him. He could feel as well as hear the slight hesitation, the falter. Thinking of her hiding things made his jaw tighten as he bit back a retort. Why was she lying? It brought a bitter feeling to his stomach, hearing her lie to his face. Nassir was somewhat mollified as he detected no deceit in her assurances he didn't frighten her or bring about regret. It surprised him to think she didn't regret the mess she was in, regret having him add to her trials.

His frown returned as Tavyna failed to give him a logical reason to say she'd die for him. She 'just would'? That was love? Despite his misgivings, the more she spoke, the more it brought back feelings and thoughts he didn't think he possessed anymore. He had always thought his once lover was of like mind. He had always been willing to sacrifice for the one he cared for. But instead, as Tavyna said, he was chained- chained and bound to a ring so she could have his power at her disposal, use him as she wished. And here Tavyna was speaking the same thoughts, the same feelings he had believed in so long ago. And she even sounded upset at the suggestion of imprisonment.

Nassir pursed his lips, tilting his head as the shahzadi declared him her priority, that she'd do anything for his sake. IT was almost mind-blowing to hear a human speaking with such conviction to him. Hearing her say she wanted him to be free to go and be anything he desired was unusually bittersweet. Go? Go where? She thought he'd leave? Did she want him to leave? But she claimed to love him...

Thankfully, his twisting thoughts were intercepted by the feel of Tavyna's body pressed against his, her arms snaking around his neck. The djinni tensed slightly in her hold, but he made no effort to pull away. As she spoke, he began to slowly relax in her hold, eyes unable to tear away from the human before him. Her lips were gentle against his, not fierce and demanding like his kiss had been. Tentatively reciprocating the gesture, he let out a sigh as he hugged her to his chest. IT was admittedly warm and safe in her hold, and he was loathe to release her.

"Stupid...if you die trying to free me, what would be left for me?What would I have?"


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

Tavyna's heart skipped a beat at his words as he asked her what would be left for him if she should die while trying to free him. For a while she was silent as she leaned up against him. Did that mean he felt something for her? Maybe, but he still wasn't saying it outright so Tavyna wasn't entirely sure.

There was the kiss, his strange questions, the way he acted at times... It was all very confusing for Tavyna. She couldn't quite let herself believe that he was indeed in love with her. Not until he said so himself. His actions were sometimes contradictory to his words and vice versa. It was confusing.

"I didn't say I was just going to allow myself to be killed, Nassir. I said that I would die if I had to. If it was for you, I would do it. If the witch says I must give my life to free you, I'll do it. If she says I have to take your place in order to free you, I will do it. I will do anything to see you freed. You can have your life back. You can do what you want, Nassir. And once you're free... Than... Than maybe you'll fall in love again..."

Tavyna moved a little so that her hand had dropped from around his shoulder to his chest where she traced gentle circles along his warm skin. All the while she rested her head against him, enjoying the proximity, until she realized she'd spoken of the witch. Her plan to go see the woman in order to free Nassir was revealed and she tensed slightly as she prepared herself for the oncoming anger she was very certain was to come from Nassir.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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Nassir felt a bubble of relief at Tavyna's assurance she planned to be careful not to die for him, but his calm demeanor didn't last long. The very second he heard the word 'witch', Nassir went deadly still, like a dog before choosing to bite. His every muscle was tense, and it took every ounce of self control to not shift to the Marid form. Eyes glowing like amber, Nassir let out a low and dangerous hiss, hands tightening around the shahzadi's upper arms.

Witch...A human attuned and skilled in the arts of magic. The thought elicited utter fear and loathing. No. He would never go near one again. And no way in hell should his human trust one. No matter who told her not to, the silly human didn't understand that the idea was a reckless and stupid one? "No." he growled softly, only to pull away from her gentle, soothing hands and hold her by the sides of her shoulders.

"No! You have no idea. No human should be able to wield magic of any kind! I already lost my life to one, I'm not going anywhere near another. All they serve are lies and despair. Something will always be sacrificed. No!" Nassir adamantly snapped, slamming every door, window, closet, drawer, and chest shut with a loud thud. If locking her in would keep her from going to see a witch, he'd do it.

"Don't throw yourself into a living hell so willingly. What good will it do? Who would possibly be happy with such an arrangement?! Your father? Your people? You think I would be happy with that?! You are foolish to even think such a thing!" Golden eyes burned into hers, features torn between his preferred form and his marid one.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

Tavyna, though having been prepared, was still shocked at the display of power and his words. As he held her out away from him, her heart clenched painfully at having been pulled away from touching him. Her gaze dimmed slightly as she looked away, much like a child being scolded. Her lips curled into a kind of pout as she waited for him to finish. Her body jolted at the sound of everything being slammed in the room.

"Nassir," her voice was soft, softer than usual, "I wouldn't let her ruin you a second time," she tried pleading with him in that way but she figured it wasn't going to reach him.

"I'm not throwing myself into hell either. I'm... I'm already locked up, Nassir. But you have a way out, we just have to find it!"

Tavyna's breath heaved out of her chest as she tilted her head back and took deep breathes, "Nassir. So far nothing has helped me to get any closer to freeing you. The last option I have is going to the very thing that imprisoned you. If a witch bound you to that ring, then they can undo it. And I know you dislike the idea, in fact you dislike a lot of things I do. I..." she paused and took a breath, "I want to know. What would make you happy then, since I seem to only make you angry. What should I do to make you happy, Nassir, tell me. Please," by that time she was looking at him steadily, her amethyst gaze filled with determination once again.


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Her pout would have been amusing had Nassir not been so angry and distressed. As it was, he growled softly at her words, shaking his head. "I don't care! You would end up selling your very soul. A human with the ability to manipulate and wield supernatural powers is not the answer. What reason would they have for listening to you? What could you possibly do or give to someone like that in exchange? It would not be so easy. No, you can not go!"

As Tavyna reasoned she was locked up, the djinni almost wanted to shout at her in frustration and annoyance. She was imprisoned, but not physically. She had the ability to become something, to get away. Another human could even help her, it didn't take someone with powers to accomplish it. He was bound for eternity to a piece of jewelry because of a human. No human with such powers were ever trustworthy in his eyes.

Glaring at Tavyna as she tried to reason with him, he faltered for a moment as she asked to know what would make him happy. Happy? What made him happy? Not much made him happy now.

She made him happy.

The realization was embarrassing and utterly confusing. She made him happy. Olives made him happy. His speed. Teasing Tavyna. Getting her into trouble with her maid. Meddling in affairs. Her stubborn attitude. Ears read, the male's eyes flickered between gold and violet.

"I don't dislike things you do. I dislike you thinking a magic attuned human is what I need." Nassir corrected, lips pressed into a tight line before he continued. "I'd rather die a thousand deaths than ever go to a human with beyond human powers again. Than see you go to one and try to make a deal with such a snake of a human." Nassir declared coolly, arms now on her shoulders. "I know a human can break it, but I refuse to be saved by a witch, even if she could." Eyes meeting hers and all but daring her to avoid him, Nassir leaned closer. "I'd rather you kill me here and now than go to a witch."


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#, as written by Siryn

"Nassir!" Tavyna's gasp of shock was rather loud, "No! I would never! Never would I think to raise a weapon against you! Why would you... Why?" her eyes filled with tears suddenly and she couldn't help it then.

Her heart beat painfully in her chest. Why couldn't he just answer her straight forward? He had to go around her questions. He had to avoid it. Her lips pulled into a tight line, the tears falling in trails down her face, "You... Are insufferable. You don't 'dislike' what I do, yet you are angry with me nearly all the time. You never answer my questions truthfully, Nassir. Why must you do this?!"

Anger. Sadness. Fear. It all curdled up again. Simply because he'd mentioned having her kill him rather than try to free him with something she was nearly a hundred percent sure would work. Her words were sharper than she expected and spoke far deeper of her hearts desires than she thought possible as she shouted at him.

"All I want is for you to be free! I want you to marry me! I want you take me away from this forsaken palace! Away from the men who want nothing but the power marrying me will give them! I want you and no one else! And yet you tell me you would rather die than let me free you!"

Reaching up, she took his forearms in her grip as she tried to pull away from him, "How many times must I say it! You're free! You're free!" she nearly screamed the words, her eyes closing tightly as she concentrated only on the one simple, greatest desire she wanted for him.


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If Nassir thought it would be enough to convince her to not go and maybe even get her to understand, he was far more mistaken than he realized. Instead she was crying at him again. 'Great...I made her cry again. How can she possibly like me so much?' The djinni parted his lips as if to speak, but was cut off as Tavyna continued, her words getting stronger even as she swayed between sorrow and anger.

"I'm not-" he tried again, but he never got the chance, the shahzadi's next words silencing any coherent retorts and protests in an instant. His eyes went wide as Tavyna all but shouted at him. She wanted him to be free and to marry her? Take her away? Finally he shook his head, stepping towards her as she tried to pull out of his hands.
"Of course I want to let you free me! But not if you're going to go to a witch to do it!" he shouted back, about to argue more when a searing pain laced through his wrists from the cuffs.

They grew hot to the touch, the Djinni pulling away and trying to wrestle the cuffs off as Tavyna told him he was free, she wanted him to be. The ring likewise began to burn, the magic resisting her frantic cries. No matter how strong her desire, she was not yet able to break the shackles binding Nassir to her.

Nassir tried not to scream, doubling over and desperately clawing at his cuffs even as he hissed and cried in pain.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

"Nassir!" Tavyna screamed back at him as he yelled at her about going to the witch. However, in the next moment, a lancing pain through her hand all the way up to her elbow took her attention. The burning was coming from the jewel around her finger and she immediately dropped to both knees, her other hand clenching the wrist of the one that held the ring.

A short, gasping cry echoed from her lips and in the next moment she saw Nassir double over from the corner of her eye. His fingers dug at the golden bands around his wrists, a look of pain on his handsome face. That look along curdled Tavyna's stomach, fear shooting through her entire body and numbing her to the burning of the ring. Her heart seemed to break into two, one half fleeing to the pits of her stomach while the other clogged the back of her throat.

"N-Nassir..." her voice sounded strangled.

He's hurting... Why? Why is it hurting him!? her frantic mind spiraled out of control until the answer came to her, I... Did that. It's because of me, isn't it. The ring burns too, and it hurts. What did I say, what did I do to hurt him?!

Shaking at the realization, Tavyna turned her wide gaze to the ring, "Stop..." she breathed, her heart pounding heavily in her chest, "P-please... Stop hurting him..." Curling over, her fingers pulling into a fist she held her hand with the ring next to her chest, clenching her eyes shut tightly as she begged the ring to stop whatever it was doing, "Stop!"


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Seeing Tavyna in pain, Nassir felt a rare jolt of panic, moving to approach and assist the human when his pain only increased, forcing him to his knees in agony. He fought, desperate to tear off his cuffs even as he looked hopelessly at the shahzadi.

The burning stopped as soon as she ceased saying and thinking he was free, only a light throbbing in it's place. The word clearly had an effect, but something was wrong. The will was enough, but the strength of her desire only intensified the pain of the curse without the correct spell to release it.

Looking up at Tavyna, Nassir slowly released his wrists, eyes apologetic and weary. He looked hesitant, almost afraid as he awaited more pain. IT didn't come, and feeling his own wrists aching dully, he slowly approached Tavyna, hoping and praying she didn't hate him for the pain she seemed to feel as well.

"Let me see..." Nassir breathed out weakly, holding his hand out with the palm up, signaling her to give him her hand.


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#, as written by Siryn

As the pain faded away, Tavyna rocked herself back and forth, cradling her hand against her chest as she shed tears of fear and sorrow. I can't... Free him... I can't... her panicked thoughts flooded her mind and made her body shake uncontrollably. Whatever had happened, in that moment of her willing him to be freed, something had happened and it had retaliated heavily. Tavyna cried harder as she realized that the ring was a curse that she wasn't ever going to break, not without hurting Nassir in the process.

His voice took her attention, asking for him to see. She wasn't sure what he wanted until she glanced up at him. With his hand held out, she assumed he wanted her hand, the one that shook and stung horribly. Tavyna only curled further into herself, sobbing harder than ever before and shaking her head 'no' at him. The crying was so bad she could hardly get words from her mouth.

"S-sorry... So-rry... Nassir..." she took several deep breathes, the weeping continuing though despite her best efforts, "Hurt you... I hurt you!"

With that, Tavyna doubled over, curling up into a ball on the floor. Her sobs loud and filled with anguish as she tried to speak at the same time, "Can't free you... I can't! I hurt you! I'm... Sorry...!"


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Her crying had of course subconsciously upset him in the past, but the utter anguish radiating off of Tavyna now was enough to make Nassir's blood run cold. Had it hurt her just as bad? Her shaking head and choked sobs only made his stomach coil. He felt as if he had swallowed a pound of lead, gut heavy with guilt and worry.

He ignored her, pulling the shahzadi into a tight embrace and holding her securely against his body. Not only to try and will away her tears, but to hide eyes that threatened to cry as well. "Stop. Please, it's no fault of yours that the curse reacted. I fully expected the spell to free me would be hard to didn't hurt me." he said, trying to not let his voice sound anxious or rushed. Rocking with Tavyna, the djinni let out several deep breaths in an effort to calm himself.

"Just don't hate me...that's all I ask, you're all I have, and I don't want you to hate me for the pain my curse caused you..." he finally blurted out, arms tightening around the human.


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#, as written by Siryn

It took her by surprise to feel him wrapping his arms around her. She shuddered at his heat, the blistering warmth that washed away the cold that she'd been feeling through her body. Though she wanted to wrap her arms around him as well, the fear that she could accidentally unleash that pain upon him again was too great and so she kept curled on herself. She couldn't believe it had hurt him. Her desire for him to be freed had hurt the man she was in love with. How was that even possible?!

"I did hurt you," she huffed under her breath, not believing him at all as he tried to tell her that she hadn't hurt him. Of course it had hurt him, she'd seen the pain written all on his face when it had happened.

However, it was the last part of his speech that had her blanching in response, losing all color to her face. With a sob, she shook her head violently, "Why!? Why would I hate you?!" taking in sharp, shuddering breathes, she pulled up so she could face him, wiggling her way through his arms to look up at his face, "Why? If anyone should hate anyone it should be you! You should hate me for making you go through such pain! Yet... Yet you're asking me not to hate you?"

Though her tears still streamed, Tavyna's voice was a bit stronger than before, "You... You don't make any sense. Ever," she said, a hiccup slowly working it's way into her speech.


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"Curse hurt me....not you. Difference." Nassir murmured with a shake of his head. He might have been about to calm down, had Tavyna not let out another choked sob, shaking in his hold. Those teary eyes made it hard to keep strong and composed, his only distraction her words- -her questions.

"Why? Because it's always been my curse. But more and more, you are suffering as well because of my curse. You worry, you get yourself into trouble trying to help, and just now, you were in pain from my curse. Of course I'm asking." he explained, shaking his head at her. Had it been any other time, he'd have found her comment amusing. He would have snickered at her declaring he made no sense, or scoffed at her. As it was, he shook his head.

"I make more sense than you..." he mumbled softly, glancing down at the sound of a hiccup.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn

Tavyna sniffled, a bit of a laugh on her lips as another hiccup made her jolt in his arms, "No. I make... More sense," she said as she started to settle a little. Her arms weaved around his waist, holding onto him like a life line. His words that the curse was what had hurt him didn't make it any easier to deal with, but the more he talked to her, the more it calmed her down.

"Nassir..." she whispered his name. She wasn't sure what else she wanted to say, and so she let it go for the time being. She supposed eating with her father would just have to wait until that evening. She was utterly tired and her thoughts were far too chaotic to sit properly and share a meal with the King. Resting her head against Nassir's chest, she allowed his heavy warmth to seep into her body.

"I'm sorry..." she said again as she closed her eyes, "I'm very sorry. I will do better next time."


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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"You don't." Nassir retorted softly, relaxing ever so slightly himself as she allowed herself to lean into his hold. Her arms around his waist were strangely soothing, and he welcomed the gesture. Relieved Tavyna was calming down, the djinni reached one hand up slowly so as not to startle her. Hesitating barely a second, he began to idly pet the shahzadi's head.

Her apology was almost enough to elicit more unpleasant surges of worry and a sickening sensation of helplessness. Despite her soft voice, Nassir was spared such detestable feelings as he noted that Tavyna was no longer crying. It was enough to keep him in a reasonable state of mind, the marid able to think clearly and not react purely on concern or impulse. He sighed at the apology none the less, shaking his head in reply.

"Don't be sorry. You don't have a need to be sorry." Nassir scolded gently, pausing for a moment as he struggled to enunciate his feelings and thoughts. He wasn't one for opening up easily, especially not since becoming an imprisoned djinni. "Just....don't cry anymore, ok? I don't like you crying."


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn
Tavyna smiled. The steady rise and fall of Nassir's chest was comforting. With a soft nod, she allowed herself to rest her weight on him. "Thank you. I wish I could promise not to cry anymore, but I fear that would be impossible. Instead, I'll just say I'll try not to." She sighed again, softly before speaking. "I need a little rest, before I go meet with my father."

With the thought of having dinner with her father, she was reminded of her potential suitors who still remained at the palace. A frown tipped her lips. Instead of voicing her sour thoughts on the subject, she ignored it and let Nassir's steady breathing and powerful heartbeat lull her to sleep.

The dinner table was taunt with barely suppressed aggression. Tavyna sighed softly to herself as she sipped at her wine and eyed the two men who were fighting for her hand in marriage. She ignored Lord Tevah entirely, and only glanced at Shahin Mirza a handful of times. The prince knew a lot about the djiin, and she was intrigued enough to even spend some time with him. Not to mention that his djinni had indeed helped keep her safe from the attack not too long ago. Another sigh slipped her lips, no doubt garnering the attention of her father.

This is much harder than it used to be, Tavyna thought to herself.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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Pleased she was smiling once more, Nassir allowed himself to relax while he continued to stroke the young woman's head. Half inclined to berate her for thinking he meant she had to promise not to cry, he simply let out a soft sigh as she declared her willingness to try not crying. "It's fine, I know it's not exactly voluntary. Just don't be sad over me or feel like you gotta apologize so damn much..." he murmured. Her warmth was admittedly soothing, and the djinni drifted in and out of consciousness himself. He was careful to keep a hand on Tavyna's head or shoulder at all times.

The number of guards had increased significantly, all corners of the room occupied by pairs of both senior and newer soldiers. Some seemed nervous, and some were on especially high alert, hands touching their weapons at all times. It had taken several hours, but all of the remaining hasshashin and traitors had been captured. The original infiltrator was an adviser in service to the shah for over 2 years. All those involved were sealed in the dungeons, awaiting a public execution.
The shah had decided that there would henceforth be random inspections at times of his choosing, and that all questionable behavior be reported to him or the captain of the guard; failure to comply would be considered conspiracy to commit treason.

The tense atmosphere didn't make Lord Kevah any more tolerable, and he scowled at his seat whenever he didn't have eyes on him. He still hadn't been named as Tavyna's betrothed (surely because that damn mirza had shown up!), and he was slowly losing his patience. He would win her hand and then the throne! He brooded in silence after greeting the shah and shahzadi (getting the most basic of responses from the young woman as was dictated by proper manners).

Shahin Mirza appeared calm and unconcerned, conversing off and on with the Shah. Nasrin was not to be seen, no doubt confined to her vessel during dinner. The Mirza greeted the shahzadi when she entered, but didn't bother her as she sat in silence. A part of him was curious what she was thinking, but otherwise, he was content to just go about his business. Besides, he would be leaving in four days time back to his palace.

Still reeling over the days' events, as well as the discovery of djinns being in his palace, one of which was in contact with his daughter (an unsettling prospect, despite her words of reassurance). Between handling the aftermath of the attack, discussing business with the mirza, and trying to decide what to do about his daughter, it was all he could do to keep composed.
It took a moment for him to glance over and take note of Tavyna's demeanor, her sigh reaching his ears. "Is there something troubling you Tavyna? You are free to speak." he said, suddenly wondering if her djinni was present even now. He had a feeling he was not going to sleep well tonight.

Nassir for his part, was keeping close eye on Tavyna. His violet eyes scanned the room like a hawk, wary of anything amiss. Apparently someone was after his mistress.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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#, as written by Siryn
Tavyna offered her father a smile. "I simply wish to have dinner alone with my doting father one of these nights," she stated flatly. Though her gaze never strayed to the two invading suitors, it was clear what her meaning was. Even so, Shahin could be helpful in finding a way to free Nassir... Tavyna thought and with that, she did let her gaze stray to the prince.

She shrugged as she took another sip of her wine. "Although, I suppose Shahin Mirza isn't so bad." She was careful with her words. Inviting too much would be ill in her favor, but keeping her disdain for marrying either man was bound to leave her without a precious resource of information regarding the djinns. She scoffed as she glanced over at Kevah, knowing that her words would have undoubtedly unsettled him. "Far better than my other suitors by far." She just barely hid her smirk behind her glass before turning her gaze back to her father.


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Character Portrait: Nassir Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
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The answer was not exactly one the Shah had been expecting, and he was honestly a little touched at the words (Not, of course, that he was likely to admit to such things). Dinner without guests did sound rather pleasant right about now. Shame it would be outrageously rude to dismiss them and not invite them for the duration of their stay. "I see. The time shall come soon enough my daughter. However, we are blessed to have company now, and must not shun those who have come so far to visit. We are not above being welcoming hosts to those who come to our door." he commented, though he did sometimes wish he didn't have to be amicable as the texts dictated. Allah forgive him for the thought of not wanting to be welcoming all the time.

About to return to his dinner, Tavyna's next words prompted him to look up in surprise. Had she actually shown interest in a potential suitor? A bubble of hope began to form in the back of his mind. Sure, he hadn't anticipated she'd be any more willing to meet or consider a union with the mirza, but it was certainly a promising match if it could be arranged. He nodded, putting the thought away for the time being. "Very well. If you have a preference, I will of course take it into consideration." he informed his strong willed child, though he glanced over at the suitors in question before giving her a slight frown. "Be advised, daughter, that even if you do find one more to your liking, do not forget your manners. Mind your tongue lest you offend potential allies. No one succeeds by making unnecessary enemies. All your guests are to be well received." Point made, he returned his attention to his food, trying to ignore the nagging urge to look for her supposed djinni.

The nobles in question both turned their attention towards Tavyna, faces clear contrasts to each other. Kevah's nails dug into the flesh of his palms under the table as he tried to restrain his fury, every ounce of willpower being used to maintain a polite and amicable facade. A vein twitched on his neck, though he smiled politely. "Lord Shah, you needn't fear, I could never be an enemy of the shahzadi." he said to the Shah before returning his gaze to Tavyna. He was smiling, but his eyes were hard and angry when he faced her. "I do hope you don't dismiss me as a potential husband yet, my shahzadi."

By contrast, Shahin merely gave her an appraising glance, lips twitching in a surpressed smirk. He had an inkling she simply found him the lesser of two evils. He highly doubted she had any interest in him (not that he could necessarily say the same, she was interesting to be sure). Of course, he guessed he would be the only human she could share her djinni secret with. It was equal leverage for both, this power at their side, regardless of if she chose to use it or not.

Nassir folded his arms over his chest, glaring at everyone in the room, and all but pouted as Tavyna declared the mirza 'not bad'. Stupid humans, all of them! The invisible being inched closer to Tavyna's side, violet eyes staring at Shahin in distrust. For his part, Shahin allowed his eyes to meet the djinni's once, before inclining his head slightly towards Tavyna.

"I am honored by your words, Shahzadi. You are most pleasant yourself, if I may say so." he said before sipping his drink, voice calm and respectful. He was polite and proper as he should be, but he showed no inclination of stooping to blatant flattery. He soon returned his attention to the Shah, ready to make small talk and discuss more of the business he came for.

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Character Portrait: Nassir
Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi


Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
Tavyna Chitrathi

"I'm not an item to be done with as you please... I've a will of my own!"

Character Portrait: Nassir

an irritable djinn


Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
Tavyna Chitrathi

"I'm not an item to be done with as you please... I've a will of my own!"

Character Portrait: Nassir

an irritable djinn

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Character Portrait: Tavyna Chitrathi
Tavyna Chitrathi

"I'm not an item to be done with as you please... I've a will of my own!"

Character Portrait: Nassir

an irritable djinn

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