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The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

The Crystal Seas of Atlantis


Found on a rocky beach in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, tangled in sea-weed, left unconscious by a vicious tropical storm, two mermish childred have opened new gates of possibility to the world of marine biology.

1,401 readers have visited The Crystal Seas of Atlantis since Everscale created it.



For thousands of years, they have fascinated the hearts and minds of mankind. A mysterious race, half-man, half-fish, living far beneath the sea where no human can breathe. Beings of power and magic, as wild and careless as the sea itself. They live lives of glory and romance.
At least in our minds.
But what of their own lives? How do they really exist?
We finally have the chance to learn.
Two mermish children; a teenaged girl and her baby brother, have washed up on a beach in Cape Cod, in the wake of a tropical storm. They were sent immediately to the nearest aquarium; the New England Aquarium. Marine biologists from all over the world vied for the chance to study them.
Now, the mermaid and her little brother find themselves swimming in a circular world. Blessed with the gift of understanding, they already know what the humans are saying to them, and can speak the tongue with little trouble. This is a chance for learning, on both sides; each culture must learn about the other, and hopefully, someday, humans and mermaids will meet each other face-to-face, without the glass of the towering coral reef exhibit standing between them.
Perhaps, even without the hindrance of a wet-suit. For if the biologists can gain the trust of the merfolk...
They stand the chance of becoming merfolk themselves. For a short time, anyways.

This roleplay will be based on the study of the merfolk, and the learning experiences; both scientific and social; that follow. As such, only the Mermaid (Everscale) and her little brother will be told of the anatomy and skills of the merfolk, and it will be up to the Biologist and his friend to study them and learn about them, perhaps to gain their trust.


taken ~The Mermaid~ taken
The older sister of the two who were captured, she was caught up in the sea-weed while trying to save her beloved, sweet little brother from its grasp.

taken ~The Brother~ taken
The little brother of the Mermaid. He is sweet and unassuming, a total innocent, and does not understand that the humans are different from him. He likes the human keepers very much, and the coral-reef exhibit into which the two are put. He likes the fish there, though the shark in the great tube scares him just a little bit. He clings to his older sister for support.

taken ~ The Merman~ taken
Betrothed to the Mermaid, he searches until he reaches the bay outside the New England Aquarium. He is desperately in love with her, and she with him. He agrees to be placed in the aquarium with her, just to be with her. And to protect her in her time of need. He knows her deepest secret. (And the roleplayer will be told what that secret is in Private Message.)

taken ~The Biologist~ taken
A young man, fresh out of college, who has come to work at the Aquarium. He treats the merfolk more gently than the other scientists, and works to make sure they hare happy, not to just to find out about how they work. He slowly gains the trust of the others.

taken ~The Believer~ taken
A young woman, and frequent guest at the Aquarium. One of the Biologist's oldest friends, she spent their high-school career trying to convince him that mermaids exist. Now, she is rather smug that they actually do.

Of course, there are villains in this story. I shall be playing them.
- Everscale

Character Skeleton
Role: (The Mermaid, The Biologist)
Age: (The Brother must be under the age of 7)
Appearance: (please include picture, as well as descriptions of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING from color to height to build to the texture of the hair and tail [at least for merfolk, no tails for humans]
Personality: (please go deeply into the description)
Life Goal:
Deepest Secret:

Toggle Rules

1. No power-play or god-modding.
2. Romance is encouraged, but not too explicit.
3. Don't swear too much.
4. Be nice to each other.
5. Post at least once a day.
6. At least 5 sentences per post.
7. One character to a person.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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Nerissa bristled when another human approached, flicking his tail and breaking the surface as well. He eyed the human, who possessed what Kai called a 'plastic jellyfish'. There was something about this male - this human male - that rather...annoyed Nerissa. He put a hand gently on Nerin's, turning to look steadily at the two humans. The girl was still asking questions. Rather...odd questions. But he was not as threatened by her as he was by the male talking to her from below.

Maybe it was just his instinct - his desire to prove himself worthy over and over again, as was common in mermen, that forced him to eye the human male with such a threatening glare.

When Kai swam over to him, Nerissa pulled him into a comforting hug, right by his side, wrapping his tail around Kai's. "It's alright," he murmured, humming a soothing tune. "Just don't eat it."

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Nerin eyed Adam mistrustfully. But they had to eat, and that stuff in the bag sort of resembled squid...
After it had been dead for a couple days. She wrinkled her knows at the dead scent of it. But it was something to eat. They would starve in this tank. They were totally reliant on the humans, as much as she hated to admit it.
"Come on, Kai," She called gently, "Eat..."
Despite her gentle tone, her gaze was harsh on Adam.

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#, as written by saiwalo
Ah-- glares of death, this time with double the intensity! He really was becoming popular. Still, Adam tried not to let it bother him unduly and reflected none of their harshness or hate, picking up a ladder from another tank and bringing it over to hook it over the lip of the tank the merfolk were contained in. Kai's whimpers about fake jellyfish alarmed him a little but it was soon soothed over by the other merfolk-- were they a family of sorts? Nerin looked too young to be Kai's mother, but then again, who knew how they aged?

At least Nausicaa seemed at ease with them. Though he was not aware of it, Adam's mind was apparently heading in an entirely different direction to the thoughts of the merfolk and Nausicaa: then again, it was becoming clear that they saw the world very differently. Adam agreed that the ocean was a fantastic place, beauty almost beyond compare-- but only almost. He was the kind that saw beauty in everything. The merfolk had never seen the shadows of grass-lined valleys, daisies blazing in the sun, snow on mountaintops and the closeness of the clouds! Perhaps they had no interest in it whatsoever, but Adam hoped that they did, because he felt that there was so much potential for them to share.

"Hello again," he said evenly as he reached the top of the ladder, tilting his head to one side slightly as he watched them. He glanced sidelong at Nausicaa and smiled at her more brightly than he had been previously-- the merfolk seemed to find his smiling annoying. How could he help it? "I'm sorry they're not live. I couldn't feed live squid to anything." He shrugged, a little embarrassedly but mostly just stating a fact.

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Nerin almost recoiled at the thought of eating squid somebody else had killed.
But she and all the other mermaids had done worse. You had to, to survive in the sea.
"Alright," She murmured, "Go ahead. Give us the squid. You know you're dying to see how we eat, anyways."

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Nausicaa's eyes had glazed over slightly at the words of the female mermaid. It was true - human's probably wouldn't have been kind to the merfolk. And they didn't exactly relish the idea of being kept in tanks either.

It hurt her to think about it. This was the discovery of a life time - here she was, making history! Actually having a conversation with a mermaid! But at the same time, the circumstances could have been much better.

The almost glare from the mermaid didn't help either. Nausicaa's mental defense was that, of course, she had never personally done anything to hurt a mermaid. But by simply being in this room, she had a feeling like even that was not really true anymore. She could not deny that humanity in general did these kinds of things. But... it was for science. It was for the benefit of history.

...And of course, it cost the lives of the few animals from a species that were dissected. But they were still lives none the less.

Nausicaa didn't hate the idea of learning. But... when it was something that could actually hold a conversation back, she figured that scientists would rather speak with it, than kill it and dissect it. Didn't the mermaids understand that? All human's weren't terrible; Nausicaa figured that she was a prime example of that, at least.

She was about to bring up her point with the underwater creatures, when Adam reappeared in the room, a bag of squid in hand. She hadn't heard him come through the door, and didn't actually notice he was in the room until he began climbing up a ladder he had placed next to the one she was on. Slightly startled, she gripped a bit harder onto the ladder, before visibly relaxing as she gained her wits once more. Smiling over towards the male, she eyed the squid he had picked up from the store.

They were probably a few hours old, she figured. Hopefully that was fresh enough. As Adam mentioned not being able to feed live squid to anything, Nausicaa nodded. She wasn't sure she could do that either - something about the poor creatures trying to get away from their predators turned her stomach sour.

But the voice of the mermaid caused her to snap her head in the other direction.

A smile came to her face, as she once more rested her head on her hands. She couldn't help the childish fascination that bubbled up inside her once more - sure, it was only the mermaids eating. But she and Adam would be the first to witness it.

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Kai nodded nervously as his elders promised he would be fine as long as he avoided the jelly fish, one of his best turtle friends choked on one so he couldn't believe that the human was handling the killer like it was nothing, almost as bad as humans with their nets of doom. He poked his head out from under the water and sniffed the stale air for the squid, it smelt okay, he knew when and when not to eat something by its smell. Quickly he ducked back under the water after a playful glance toward the humans, his nose hurt from the air so he circled the tank quickly a few times to get water in his lungs again.

The swim just made him more fidgety though because the space was so small for two merfolk let alone three. His tail began to glow again slightly with the swift movements he was making under the water. His patience was failing him pretty quickly because the human was holding the food nearby out of the water as if he didn't want to give up the precious squid and keep it all to himself.

Kai suddenly felt like the human was keeping the squid out of the water as a challenge or game, Nerin's request hadn't gotten them any squid yet and Kai was hungry. His spinning grew faster and with a final kick he surfaced again and snatched the bag of squid right out of Adam's hands. With a flick of his tail he fled to the bottom of the tank to avoid the human's retaliation where he happily floated on his back munching on the squid in little bits gnawing off each tentacle before squeezing out the beak and sucking the small glass beads out in the eyeballs before spiting them out. He also removed the pen or back bone of the squid carefully because he hated the plastic crunch of the cartilage. The ink pouch was where he took the most care, carefully biting around it with his sharper teeth to make sure none of the nasty liquid leaked. Overall the squid was like he'd normally eat it, not nearly as fresh but it was okay.

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Nerin was waiting for Adam to throw the squid in for them. But the poor scientist didn't have time before the restless young Kai leaped out and stole the bag straight from his hand.
She sighed quietly, turning and swimming down to the bottom of the tank. Calmly, she took one of the squid, copying Kai. She removed the beak and the eyes, and very carefully bit out the ink-sack.
But she didn't bother with the back bone. Older and more accustomed to eating creatures like squid, she swallowed the creature whole, rather than crunching on the backbone.
For a being who could devour a clam, shell and all, a squid was not such a challenge.

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Nerissa, on the other hand, was not quite as hungry as his companions. Instead, he swam near the top of the tank - keeping watch as the two other merfolk ate. He eyed the two scientists, before breaking the water. Again....his gaze focused on the male. It was in his blood, in his body to challenge the other male. But what did one challenge a human with? A human could not swim, and well, Nerissa could not help feeling that it would be rather amusing to challenge the human to a swimming race.

He flicked his tail, propelling his body half out of the water, as he treaded there, watching the two humans.

"Why?" he asked suddenly. "Why do you watch us like we are nothing but prey to be studied before being devoured?"

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Nerin made short work of her squid, and with a flick of her tail she burst back out of the water alongside Nerissa. Gently, she touched his shoulder.
"Go on," She murmured, "You need to eat, too."
She turned her brilliant gaze on the humans, waiting. Wondering if they would answer Nerissa's question.
Wondering if they even knew the answer.
What she had seen of these two, up until now, suggested that neither of them knew that merfolk had been caught by humans before now. Was it possible that Adam and Nausicaa didn't know about the failed dissections and cases of misplaced love and trust between human and mermish?

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Kai quietly finished his squid much slower than Nerin because he didn't swallow it whole. He sat lonely at the bottom of the tank gnawing on the pen that was the squid's backbone. He missed the other fish in the ocean, in this tank it was so lonely even with his sister and her mate. He sniffled to himself and his tail let off a pale blue light he wanted to go home so badly, back to the fish, the crustaceans, the seaweed, even the kelp and sharks! It was in lonely places like this he thought of his mother she would never have wanted to see them imprisoned in a tank like this but here they were, their skin and scales slowly peeling off amidst the chemical filled water.

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Nerissa looked over at Nerin, before smiling slightly at her, reaching out with his hand and brushing her cheek with his. He took the last squid, flicking his tail and joining Kai at the bottom of the tank. He ate slower than Nerin, watching Kai as the little merman let out a faint, sad blue light. "You want to go home?" he asked the child softly, as he peeled out the inedible parts, nibbling almost...delicately at the rest of the squid.

He, too, missed the ocean - the taste of the sea was so different to the taste of this tank...

Nerissa's eyes looked up at Nerin, worried once again, as he tore off one of the squid's tentacles.

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Nausicaa had been relatively quiet for the past few minutes. She had simply been watching - observing. She found it not only funny, but cute, that the younger merman had decided to take the initiative and get the squid himself. And she found it simply fascinating the way they ate their meal.

She hadn't fully realized that she was staring until the eldest merman spoke up. "Why? Why do you watch us like we are nothing but prey to be studied before being devoured?"

Nausicaa's eyes snapped towards the males face. It seemed to her to be an almost ludicrous question. Didn't they feel the same about humans? If, somehow, a human was to be studied underwater by the merpeople - no matter how crazy that sounded - wouldn't they jump at the idea? A new race meant new knowledge. Wasn't that exciting to them as well?

She shook off the last part of his statement though. And as she began to speak, Nerin appeared above the surface of the water, replacing Nerissa who had sunk below the water line to eat some squid.

Her words were then directed towards the female. "You aren't prey - that's not the way I look at you; nor do I believe that anyone else looks at you that way. We study you because you're... different. You're amazing. You're impossible." Her eyes almost seemed to sparkle at the last bit. The statement was more than true, and yet, to her it had never been. The idea of mermaids had been impossible to the rest of the non-believing world. That was... at least, until now. "You were just humanities bedtime story. You were simply a fantasy. Something that the world might have wanted to be real, and yet... we were all told that was just it. You weren't real. But here you are! You're real! I'm not some crazy girl anymore - I'm someone who knew the truth. And now the world knows too."

Her gaze shifted to Adam for a moment, and she smiled at him, before turning her smile toward the lady of the water. "And thats all there is. We won't devour you. We'd never dream of it... You're too--"

...too human. That was what she had wanted to say, but she cut herself off before she had the chance. They weren't human - and that was a fact. There was no call for her saying what she could have said; they might take it as an insult. It was best to keep that thought to herself. Her eyes glanced down at her hands, before she looked over towards Adam once again.

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Nerin huffed quietly. Her swaying tail brought her a few inches closer to them.
"We are a curiosity to you." She whispered, "You want to learn about us..." She shook her head, "I don't believe you. If you just wanted to learn, you wouldn't be keeping us here."
She wavered a few inches closer, even, eyes narrowed in suspicion.
"Or is it possible that you don't realize this water is killing us...?"

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nerin
Character Portrait: Kai
Character Portrait: Adam Walsh
Character Portrait: Nerissa
Character Portrait: Nausicaa Caen


Character Portrait: Nausicaa Caen
Nausicaa Caen

"I always thought tales of Mermaids were more than just a bedtime story. And now thats been proven true..."

Character Portrait: Nerissa

"She is my life now....."

Character Portrait: Adam Walsh
Adam Walsh

the warm-hearted biologist

Character Portrait: Kai

The child of the sea

Character Portrait: Nerin

They are my people and I will not let you near them.


Character Portrait: Nerissa

"She is my life now....."

Character Portrait: Nerin

They are my people and I will not let you near them.

Character Portrait: Kai

The child of the sea

Character Portrait: Adam Walsh
Adam Walsh

the warm-hearted biologist

Character Portrait: Nausicaa Caen
Nausicaa Caen

"I always thought tales of Mermaids were more than just a bedtime story. And now thats been proven true..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Adam Walsh
Adam Walsh

the warm-hearted biologist

Character Portrait: Nausicaa Caen
Nausicaa Caen

"I always thought tales of Mermaids were more than just a bedtime story. And now thats been proven true..."

Character Portrait: Kai

The child of the sea

Character Portrait: Nerissa

"She is my life now....."

Character Portrait: Nerin

They are my people and I will not let you near them.

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Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

heh I totally use my Marine Bio knowledge in that last post. I led quite a few squid dissections last summer and I'm aspiring to be a Marine biologist! I implied that it was loligo squid if we're being technical :P

D: I haven't posted much lately sorry bout that.

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

It's really alright. Post when you're ready.

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Hey guys. I apologize for not posting in a little while. I just had a really rough break up, and I'm not in the best of places... :/ I'll be making a post tonight though.

Thank you for understanding.

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

If anyone's waiting for Adam's turn, I'm going to leave it for another round of posts or so before bringing him back in so just go ahead. :)

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

I know your characters are all filled, but I won't lie and say that this is a pretty fun read. If I were to submit a character, is there any chance of joining?

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

It's totally up to you. If you think it'd be more effective for the RP, go for it. :)

I guess it'd give me something to read while Adam is out of the picture, squid shopping. XD Random squid drama is random.

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis


Gorie and Saiwalo...

I sent information to the roleplayers of mermaid on the culture and anatomy of mermaids, in this roleplay. It was my intent to make it so the humans didn't know about it...
If you guys want to read what I sent the others, I'll send it to you?

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

*laughs* Yeah, I was waiting for you~ Until Akai-Pyon pointed out to me that you were waiting for me, too~ >.< So then I posted.
Yeah. Nerissa and Nerin are mates. You can remember it by the fact that they'd both have the same nickname - Neri.
Which, by the way, I believe irritates them both to no end. *nod*

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Nerissa is Nerin's mate. :)
And my characters name is Nausicaa. Like, I don't know if you've read the Odyssey. Or if you've seen Nausicaa of the valley of the Wind - a Miyazaki film.
It can get a bit confusing. xD

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Ever you aren't waiting for me right? Because I don't think it's Kai's place to greet Nerin's mate first... >.> I'm trying to clarify Kai's character in my mind as well... he hasn't been nearly as open as I've wanted him to be so far. I'm blaming it on initial shock for now...

there are 5 characters.... and even then I can't remember all the names, I've got Nerin, Kai, and Adam down but the other two are practically the same, Nautica and Nerissa?

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Oh, ha, OK. Thanks. I'll change that bit now. :)

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Saiwalo: I thought I should let you know, Nausicaa has been given permission to visit the mermaids. The head scientist knows her and thinks she's most likely to make a connection.

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

And Nerissa's just like
"....YAY!!! I FOUND HER!!! :DDDD"
*doesn't care at all for the fact that he had just been tranquilized. XD*

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

He's such a dork. It's fun to write!

And haha, Nerin has full permission to call him whatever in the world she wants. It is tempting. XD

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

>.< I love Adam.

Adam: *trips, falls on someone, looks up* Nausicaa! Mermaids!
When she stops being so unfriendly, Nerin will adopt a new nickname for him. "Moron".

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Aaand everyone's linked in! :)

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

I'm just going to assume that Nerissa is going to get transported to the aquarium with Nerin and Kai.

I can wait until the interaction between Nerin and Adam is over first. X3

Just to move things along~~

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

Whee, characters are all coming together! :D Couple more posts and hopefully we can have everyone tied in.

Apologies on my part too, I think most of you are U.S.A. folks and I'm over in England so my hours might be a bit weird. I'm a bit of a night owl though so hopefully won't slow things up too much. :3

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

heh sorry that took so long I was in NYC for the afternoon and was posting from my phone XD

Re: [OOC] The Crystal Seas of Atlantis

It's perfectly fine. Yes, the public has been informed about the merfolk.

Just waiting for Kai to post before I do.