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The Chosen Few: The Broken Order

The Chosen Few: The Broken Order


A kingdom divided by war, a future of darkness and uncertainty looming ahead, and the only hope for remaining for such a chaotic world rests in the hands of a broken order. You are a Watcher, and it is up to you to save Calaris.

2,249 readers have visited The Chosen Few: The Broken Order since RPG Junkie created it.


The Chosen Few

In 918,4E King Wilhelm Hydrada was overtaken with illness and shortly thereafter striken to death by a fever in his sleep. While the Kingdom of Calaris mourned their young king's death, a problem would become ever more apparent before his body had yet gone cold. With no children to take his crown and no heir apparent named a heated debate filled the royal courts of Calaris on just who should be named the new king. The deliberations slowly become more intense and more violent as each lord demanded that he should be named king for it was his divine right. One by one the major contenders for the crown garnered support from lesser lords hoping to earn good favor from a future king, and after three long years of empty threats civil war came to Calaris.

The first year of the war was comprised less of actual warfare and more of each lordling proding his or her rivals for weakness. For awhile it seemed that even with a war declared no real blood would be spilled, but when the dawn of the second year came that point of view drastically changed. The first real battle was fought upon the Gelden Plains between the cities of Eastwik and Riverlen and it was carried out by the forces of Grand-Duke Duncan Aliger and Lord Ulfric Ducant. The spark that finally ignited the land was when Duncan Aliger named himself Grand-Duke and Lord Regent of Calaris before taking control of the capital. Lord Ulfric, who had been one of the major contenders for the throne along with Grand-Duke Aliger, took this as a personal insult and a slight against all of Calaris and soon after marched out to meet his foe in battle. The fighting that shortly followed the meeting of these two military titans become known as the Battle of the Blooded Reeds, and would act as an invitation for all others to take up arms and fight for the crown they so craved.

Six years from the start of the war in 927,4E five major powers stood out from the other would be kings and queens of Calaris. There was Grand-Duke Aliger who had managed to position himself as the defacto of Calaris, claiming he would relinquish his title of Lord Regent when a true king had been found. There was Lord Ulfric Duncant who had managed to seize control of the entire southwest of Calaris and claim independence from the crown until he had found a worthy king. There was Lady Allissa Ty'rin who had inherited her role from her father upon his passing, and where most thought she would have failed she managed to increase her power exponentially. In the north there was Lord Hector Knudar who, despite having many followers, rarely held campaigns against his foes save for defending what was his. Finally, far to the east was Lord Lucian Baxter who had managed to gain support over most of the Easterlands. Though these five rulers were not the only ones fighting for the throne, they were surely the ones that stood out the most and as the war drug on most of the pivotal battles had been fought by their forces.

Apart from the trifles and bickering of lords were The Watchers, who had done all they could to remain neutral in this fight and aide the innocents caught within the fighting. With their discommunication from the church at the outset of the war the Order's power in Calaris had greatly declined and with multiple lords demanding their cooperation or their surrender the future for the Order of the Watchers seemed a bleak one. In a last ditch effort to save the Order and hopefully restore peace to the fevered and broken kingdom, Grandmaster Edric Trepe brokered a deal with Ulfric Duncant to aide and support his troops until the war came to an end. Under a flag of truce the entirety of the Order of the Watchers rode into Lord Ulfric's stronghold at Halwall Castle, however; instead of allies to greet them they found only deception. Believing that the Order would be too hard to control Lord Ulfric ordered their extermination and once the gates of Halwall shut behind them Ulfric's legions descended upon The Watchers.

Once the fighting stopped most of the Order was slain and those that had managed to survive the onslaught were carted off to the dungeon to await execution. It is there, in the dark cramped cells beneath Halwall, that your story begins. For you are a Knight of the Order of the Watchers, and your duty does not end until your death.....

Story Arcs

Arc 1: The Broken Order
Chapter 1- With the betrayal of Lord Ulfric carried out the Order of the Watchers has all but been wiped out. The last few surviving members of the once proud Order now lie caged beneath the stone of Halwall Castle. However; unbeknownst to Lord Ulfric or the Watchers themselves, another force marches towards the gates of Halwall. Whether they be ally or foe to the Order still remains unknown, but a new chance for survival they still may provide. (More to be added as Roleplay progresses.)


Character Skelly

Code: Select all
[b]Rank:[/b] (No ranks higher than Lieutenant-Commander for story purposes. Yes there can better multiple.)
[b]Birthdate/Age:[/b] (The starting date of the RP is 927,4E)
[b]Alignment:[/b] (Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil, ETC)






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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Merriwyn Maharien Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell Character Portrait: Robert Turya Character Portrait: Tevran Shaetue Character Portrait: Catherine Lionhart Character Portrait: Allen Ruthgard Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
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Merriwyn stood in horror as the guard opened the door, Mera was her only protection and she was just as frozen in shock as Merriwyn, but within seconds a tower of a man ran through and tackled the guard and the pair went right through another door behind him. With a sigh of relief, Merriwyn made her way into the first room, scanning the surroundings for a chest, maybe the gaolers had stored their confiscated goods in here, but Merriwyn had no such luck and when they moved into the next room, her luck was just as low.

Merriwyn lent against a wall, her body still drained from using her magic too much. She bowed her head in thanks to her saviour, but just as she was about to rest a little more, Mera ran off on her own and Merriwyn tried to chase after her, to stop her from leaving. "Mera, no!" She cried out after her, reaching out as if to grab her but she fell to the floor, letting out a cry of pain as she hit the hard stone floor. She pulled herself up from the dirt, weakly steadying herself on the frame of the door. She took in a few heavy breaths as she watched Mera get smaller as she get further away.

As Merriwyn watched, she remembered the scroll she was sworn to protect. "Oh gods no." She exclaimed to herself, she had to get the scroll back, before it fell into the hands of someone who could wield the ancient magic contained in its letters. If it was still in the hold, it may be destroyed unless the ancient wards hadn't worn off, and if it was outside the hold, no doubt it was on its way to being translated and studied. She quickly went back to check the ledgers and see if there was any mention of the scroll, the gods favoured her and it seemed the scroll was being sent to being studied, ripping the page from the book, she put it in her sleeve pocket and waited on the others.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tevran Shaetue Character Portrait: Allen Ruthgard
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0.00 INK

Tevran gave a wolfish grin as the sword was tossed to him. "Thanks my Brother, for now I can truly do the Divine's work and send these heretics to Oblivion!" He then quickly turned away to lead the released prisoners, for a mob mentality is an interesting one, and without a leader their courage can quickly fade if met with firm resistance. He quickly called out to them again, and prepped them for their mad dash to freedom. He led them through another hallway, and they came across a squad of Ulfric's men, and he charged.

A mad roar was ripped from Tevran's throat and his charge put his blade through the first soldier's throat. He tore it out, sending blood everywhere and went on to hack down another guard in a welter of blood and gore. The other three soldiers ,seeing this maddened Watcher cut down their sergeant and corporal along with a pack of escaped prisoners, decided that discretion was the better part of valor and ran away. Tevran scooped up their weapons, tossed them to two of the burliest prisoners, and picked up a shield for himself. He could hear fighting from further down the hall, and called out "Alright men! Make as much noise as you bloody can and lets send the bastards running for their Oblivion-Cursed lives! Advance at a steady pace though, and don't get in front of me! I'd hate to cut down one of ya by accident." Tevran then began to beat his sword against the shield, in a loud clanging metal on metal sound that reverberated throughout the area. The men began yelling all sorts of abuse and obscenities in a cacophany of sound.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Merriwyn Maharien Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell
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0.00 INK

One moment Alcuin was fiddling with the lock, trying to his thin and sturdy stone between its cracks, and the next thing he knew they were greeted by a nasty tremor. He grabbed onto the bars in enough time not to fall into the murk at the bottom of his cell. The back of the lock came off during that. That would be been a blessing on his part had the other Watchers not secured the keys.
Alcuin hissed through his teeth. “Can’t I ever prove my mettle?” He said as his door swung open. It was bad enough that half the members of the Watchers spoken down to him, literally. Now he was being hustled along by members of the Watchers that he swore were lower ranks than himself. Eh well, this was not the most formal of situations—people can break ranks when their lives depend on it. Unless they are running the opposite direction of the fight. That is usually looked down upon. Alcuin doubted that anyone in the Watchers would do that.

He looked around at the prisoners fleeing. Immediately he felt better about his wounds. They seemed very minimal compared to the causalities that the others had received. Then again he hadn’t put up much a fight when Ulfric’s guards had come for him. He was out of arrows and knives. There was only the sword on his back, but by that time they had their blades pointed at his neck. Yes, Alcuin could draw his sword and maybe get it a half an inch out of the sheath before he was stabbed numerous times. So instead of throwing away his life, he held his hands up. That was when the guards so fondly reacquainted him with the ground.
Alcuin was sure he needed to realign his nose, but that could wait. The Order of Watchers poured out of the dungeon with courage and bravado springing from their lungs. He followed. No enthusiasm poured from his lips. He had always been a man of stealth. Not particularly stealthy to announce your presence to an entire castle filled with your foes. Though if Alcuin was right, Ulfric’s men had more to worry about than just the escaped Watchers. There were more men outside, with siege equipment.
“That is particularly good timing, isn’t it? I wonder if they witnessed all of the massacre, or just some of it.” Humans. Filthy, honor-less swine. Whatever they could do to get the upper hand they would do it. Even if that meant using the ambush of the Divine’s men to their advantage. Alcuin stilled his tongue before he said anything too blasphemous. Aside from the elven maiden, everyone else here was human. And not the recipients of his ire.

Alcuin poured into the next room with the rest. He was on the elfish lass and Mera’s feet. Mera spouted out something about finding the man who did this and ran into the castle on her lonesome. The elfish girl called after her but took a tumble. Before Alcuin could properly help her up, she was on her feet. Right, she wasn’t some court lady. She was capable of taking care of herself. As was Mera. Still, Alcuin didn’t like her braving the ramparts just to get one man, on her own. As the other men of the Watchers took swords, Alcuin pilfered as many daggers as he could before he took off after Mera.
“I’ll retrieve Sister-Sergeant Atkinson,” he said to the elfish woman. “You let the Lieutenant Commander know.”
Honestly Alcuin wished he had the time to grab a bow. But he was assured they would be using long bows in a castle; the flight of the arrows to get over walls and breach enemy lines. There were probably some skirmish bows here and there, but Alcuin didn’t have time to try to pilfer around to locate them. He had to retrieve Mera. It didn’t help that his legs weren’t as long as hers. Though, truthfully, she wasn’t too much taller than himself. But she had a lead on him, and he was trying to be cautious and not call all of Ulfric’s men to him. Fortunately he had whatever army was outside to thin out enemy presence in the hallways.
“Mera Atkinson,” Alcuin said in a low and raspy voice. “Where did you get to, lass?”


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Merriwyn Maharien Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell Character Portrait: Robert Turya Character Portrait: Tevran Shaetue Character Portrait: Catherine Lionhart Character Portrait: Allen Ruthgard Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
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Merriwyn watched as Tevran led the battle, she with a few other prisoners who were in no way capable of fighting, remained in the small office, after Mera had run, Alcuin cam up beside her and informed her of his intentions, Merriwyn didn't want anyone to separate from the party at all but at least Mera wouldn't be alone if Alcuin went after her.
"Of course, thank you, Alcuin." Merriwyn looked to the people she was in the office with, a mixture of nobles and beggars alike. Merriwyn was confused as to why noblemen and women were locked up with the beggars, but did not ask, she merely clung to the door frame and watched as Tevran led the charge.

With the courtyard cleared, Merriwyn informed the others and they made there way out into the courtyard, she grabbed a dagger from the body of one of Ulfric's men and turned to the others. "I suggest you grab a weapon too, we cannot have the others doing all the fighting and having to worry about us." She ordered them, the beggars eagerly picked up a weapon whilst the nobles seemed hesitant, but Merriwyn had no patience. "I will not have my brothers and sisters sacrifice our freedom because you could not weild a weapon yourself." Merriwyn had little patience for nobles and their snobbery at the moment.

Merriwyn caught up to the Lieutenant-Commander. "Lord Turya! Lady Mera has went after Ulfric and Alcuin has went after her." Merriwyn informed him, with a bow of her head to show respect to the Lieutenant-Commander. "May the gods guide them."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Merriwyn Maharien Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell Character Portrait: Robert Turya Character Portrait: Tevran Shaetue Character Portrait: Catherine Lionhart Character Portrait: Allen Ruthgard Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
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The surge of men howling for vengeance swept into the courtyard, with the knight Tevran at the forefront. The guards, whose focus had been on the outside looking at the marching army only watched in shock at the prison riot. A few tried to move forward to engage the mostly weaponless prisoners, but Tevran casually swept aside their feeble attempts to fight with swift parries and brutal thrusts of his blade. Blood spattered all across the rough stones of the courtyard, and screams of agony began to fill the air to go with the grunts and wordless panting of men locked in mortal combat. And still the booming of the siege engines' constant bombardment continued, pounding against the old stones of the fortress. Tevran was locked in a brutal fight with the captain of the guard, a grizzled middle aged sergeant with close cut hair who made short economic chops with a hand axe while blocking Tevran's cuts and thrusts with a stout shield. "You should have given up and died with the rest of your treasonous comrades! It would have been quick at least!" The captain snarled out between gritted teeth.

Tevran growled out "It is not treason to rid the nation of your heresy" and then batted aside the axe and drove his blade through the captain's throat and into his skull. A look of shock struck the man's face as he fell over. Tevran flicked the blood away, and then looked around. About half of the escapees were dead, but the rest had picked up weapons and were fighting. Meanwhile, soldiers were pouring through a breach made by the siege weapons and cutting through the few guards standing.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson
Character Portrait: Robert Turya
Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell


Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell
Alcuin Grimfell

"Words are faster than my arrows, but only just."

Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
Apollo Cormac

"If it were good or evil for which I fought, I can assure you that most of my hardship would have been for naught."

Character Portrait: Robert Turya
Robert Turya

"Only is death do my vows release me."

Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson
Mera Atkinson

"Hmm. Needs more flowers."


Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell
Alcuin Grimfell

"Words are faster than my arrows, but only just."

Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson
Mera Atkinson

"Hmm. Needs more flowers."

Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
Apollo Cormac

"If it were good or evil for which I fought, I can assure you that most of my hardship would have been for naught."

Character Portrait: Robert Turya
Robert Turya

"Only is death do my vows release me."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alcuin Grimfell
Alcuin Grimfell

"Words are faster than my arrows, but only just."

Character Portrait: Robert Turya
Robert Turya

"Only is death do my vows release me."

Character Portrait: Apollo Cormac
Apollo Cormac

"If it were good or evil for which I fought, I can assure you that most of my hardship would have been for naught."

Character Portrait: Mera Atkinson
Mera Atkinson

"Hmm. Needs more flowers."

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Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

A writepad is essentially a Google Doc more oriented for talking to one another. Its hard to explain and easier to see it in action.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

This is a brand new concept to me, what is a write pad?

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

Lets give him four more days before creating a reboot. I think I'll go and create the new RP but we might have the episodic format to give everyone a chance to be a GM in the sense of being the one to create a story. Also here's the link for the Write page:

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

So what date should we set to see if RPG Junkie returns before going off on our own?

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I'm game. I generally am on the site twice a day. We're doing midterms right now, and I don't study, so I have a few hours a night for interwebbing. So just a thought, mayhaps if we set up on a new RP we could perhaps make a requirement of being on at least once every 2 days, so that some semblance of continuation can be maintained? I've been on two RPs so far with marvelous opportunity, and they both died within a month.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

A write page sounds good to me. Hopefully we hear back from the other three soon.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

If we had an episodic style of RP I think it would be better if we had a different GM for each mini arc since a weekly basis would likely cut into the 'episodes' that take longer than a week. I will resubmit Allen to a new RP if it is needed.

Overall for the continuation we've got:
MoonlightWraith, Durandal, RCJJ23 and Imperator Alpha. Thats 4/7 (Not including RPG Junkie).

Making a reboot would make it easier for new people to join and one of us could manage stuff more. Like OOC topics, accepting Chars and the like. Also anyone up for maybe making a Write page? Makes it easier if more than one of us are online at the same time. Generally any chatpad would be fine.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I bid for continuation, if not I'd be more than willing to submit Merriwyn to a reboot

~Moony x

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I'd be up for either of those options. Maybe we could have an episodic-style RP, a new GM each week or something like that to add variety

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I also vote that we should continue, and I would also have no qualms with forming a new RP out of the lore that we know and possible new lore that could be made.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

If a majority of players remain then I vote we continue, with a vote for a new GM. If less remain, then the RP died, and we could perhaps form a new one?

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

So as a precaution should we vote who we want as GM for if RPG Junkie does not come back? If only one of us wants to GM then I guess thats their role. If there are more than 1 then maybe a vote for me post?

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

If it comes to that, then I guess we will have to. He has been gone a week, so who knows. Forging our own path certainly sounds interesting. We would probably need to have someone as game master pro tem so that there is some sort of structure to the story.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I guess we should wait for a while longer to see if RPG Junkie comes back. If not I guess we might have to either abandon the RP or forge our own destiny without the guidance of the GM and Commander Turya.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

Should I type up an epic battle scene? Or should I wait on others to post?

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

Yeah my scheduleis written up by the army atm so while I can get on a read whenever Id like its normally not normal for me to be able to get on and write

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

Those are a lot posts I need to catch up on reading.

Sorry, I ended up getting the flu. Which is not surprising considering I work in a hospital. And that sort of put me down all week. Should have mentioned that, but I really was out of it. Also I thought I had mentioned it... but I guess I fever dreamed it. Also fever dreamed feeding my cat. Which never happened. Don't worry, she is fed now.

Anyway, I'll get to re-reading what happened and post. That is, if my character is not too far gone out of the plot. If he is... well... then... hm.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I'll try to dig up some old stuff and link it.

I also want to go ahead and move along this RP so if no one else posts by morning then we will continue. Im trying to give everyone an equal chance to RP but I dont want to come to a stop because of one or two people.

Re: The Chosen Few "General Discussion"

I'm sorry for my over replying :$ I'm just so excited for this RP :D
You mention previous RPs, mr Junkie? :3 I would very much like to read them, just to have a nosy and see what we're competing with xD