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Star Crossed Generation

Star Crossed Generation


Humanity lost its home, only for its future to find another.

4,755 readers have visited Star Crossed Generation since ConnorTavarin created it.

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Mankind's home, Earth, has finally reached its limits. Centuries of exploiting resources and polluting the air have finally rendered Earth a husk of its former glory, and the last vestiges of mankind need a new home. Around the year 2250, humanity took to the stars in hope of finding that home. They had to make some sacrifices, like leave behind most of the old technology, including most firearms, deciding instead to go back to the way of the blade. Generations pass and it seems that humankind is doomed to float in the cold void of space for the rest of its days. However, one day, a strange anomaly drew the ship in and enveloped it in a blinding light. When the crew, the third generation of this particular vessel, awoke from cryostasis, they saw what they could not believe. A planet that was potentially inhabitable; A planet called Neryas. However, the ship's sensors detected that sentient life already exists on the surface, but there technology level was unknown. The crew used the ship's scanners to verify that the air is clean, so there were no pollutants from cars and factories, leading them to assume the world was not industrial yet. The energy readings also detected something strange never before seen by the human history and the crew could not verify what it was. Regardless, the humans sent engineers, scientists, and the defense force down to the planet in order to collect soil samples and get a close scan on the air. Even though initial scans showed the air to be clean, they went down in protective gear just to be safe until they can get a full reading of Neryas' atmosphere.

Meanwhile, Neryas' native beings, the Elves and the Naturan, witness something massive above their planet, just barely above orbit. The Elves, which were like those in ancient Earth's fantasy novels, read their tomes and researched to find out what this massive metal structure in the sky could be. They speculated it could be a vessel for the Spirits, finally arriving on the physical plane. Other's believed it could be a new form of magic that someone far off had perfected. The Naturan, a race of tribal, humanoid animals, simply looked on in curiosity. Were they gods? Were they benevolent or cruel? While the two races argued over what it was, the humans came down in small drop ships. This is where they story of humanity begins anew, alongside the two races of Neryas.

Lore (Please read)

Humans: The current humans have abandoned the use of firearms and have instead taken to the use of melee weapons, such as blades. On their ship, the human crew consists of engineers, scientists, and a defense force who resolves disputes through diplomacy or violence in extreme situations. Their leader is as old as their journey, having frozen himself in cryosleep and hooked his mind to the ship's mainframe, essentially becoming the ship. He can even communicate with the crew through communicators. Other than the captain, the rest of the humans have no idea what living on a planet is like other than what they've read in old books are watched on recordings. The humans on the ship are varied, as their ancestors hailed from different regions of Earth. Despite their situation, they still have a solid educational system for their children, teaching them language and the essentials needed to function in the future.

Elves: The elven civilization has two distinct civilizations around Neryas. One is grandeur and elegant, with towering marble statues and heavily artistic architecture. White and gold seem to be the most common colors used in architecture. Their buildings are often shaped with rounded archways for doors, a large dome at the top, or maybe even a spire, the latter especially true for cathedrals and other places to worship the spirits. Fine art and sculptures are the artistic choice of the city elves. Grand statues and finely designed paintings are the common works one will find in their cities. Their religion focuses on the worship of spirits, celestial beings that are said to watch over all of Neryas. Who the spirits are is left up to the interpretation of different cultures. Their weaponry, when they’re not using magic, consists of slim, long blades similar to rapiers, sabers, and epees. These weapons may be pretty to look at, but they’re efficient in combat. Their magic is primarily control of the elements, shielding magic, and life magic. Life magic is extremely difficult to use as it draws on the life energy of the caster. There is also no known spell to bring someone back from the dead.

The other group of elves is more akin to wood elves, living amongst nature and making sure their interference does nothing to harm it. Their buildings perfectly compliment their area, making it difficult for outsiders to even realize where the cities are. They’re nestled around or in the trees, and their people worship the nature spirits, who in turn give them a good hunt. With their lifestyle, they are more likely to get along with the Naturan than the city elves. Their artwork consists of clay and practical wares, not gaudy statues. They prefer to leave that to the city elves. These works again help strengthen the relationship between them and the Naturan due to trade. The Wood Elves also worship the spirits, but mostly those governing nature and natural order. Their weapons consist of bows and daggers, but they are capable of harnessing magic as well, but not as efficiently as the city elves.

Both cultures of elf are tall and slender and are known to being very polite and courteous. However, some have a tendency of being extremely pompous and get insulted when one points out a mistake. That is an extreme example though. City Elves usually take on an artistic career or hobby, such as painting, sculpting, or architecture. One of the most important days of the year to the elves, city elves in particular, is what is known as the Day of the First Spark. This was the historical moment when elven kind first tapped into the phenomenon known as magic, which was a major turning point in their cultural development. They spend this day to give thanks to those who discovered magic, whose names are lost to history. As such, they are called The Ideal, as they are who every elf tries to become one day. They set up events, activities, and use their magic to create spectacular shows of wonder to captivate and remind their people what magic has done for their culture. Wood Elves celebrate this day as well, but not to the same extent. They're more subdued and subtle. They gather flowers and artifacts to pray to and give thanks. This lasts only one night as apposed to about a week.


Naturan: The Naturan live in a tribal community most of the time, though there have been rumors of them creating permanent settlements lately. These supposed cities tend to be near rivers and river valleys. There are still some semi-nomadic Naturan clans that live in plains and forests. Their artwork primarily consists of carvings, trinkets and paintings, the style of which varies from realism to abstract. Their weaponry consists primarily of axes, clubs, spears, and are slightly proficient in the use of bows. However, their natural curiosity allows them to learn other skills. They can learn magic, but mostly magic pertaining to nature, such as control over plant-life and the earth.

The Naturan are physically fit and most are expert fighters as well as hunters. The Naturan celebrate grand hunts several times a year. Their best hunters go out and kill the largest prey they can find and compare it to other hunters. The winner gets a bounty of food and the honor of being celebrated for the next few days as a hero. They also participate in annual tournaments to see who's the strongest. They take pride in their strength and live by a code of honor. As such, Naturan always repay their debts and are likely to pledge their lives to those who save theirs. Arguably the most interesting aspect of their culture is their tradition known as the Dance of Scattered Blossoms. This is a Spring event where Naturan throw petals into the air and dance as the wind blows the petals away. It is common for marriages to be planned for these days, as the flying flower petals symbolize a couple's new journey together. This symbolism is thought to bring good luck to the newly weds.

When they come of age, Naturan go through what is known as The Rite of Transformation. This ceremony typically occurs when a Naturan reaches the age of 18. By connecting to the world on a spiritual level, the Naturan can learn to transform into a large, feral version of their animal. It's very exhausting to use, so it's mostly saved as a last resort. Some clans at war, however, use transformed Naturan as the vanguards in battle. It has other uses as well, such as moving items that are usually too heavy for one person to move.


Magic: Magic is a strange power found on Neryas. It allows the trained to control the elements and the very earth itself. However, without a catalyst, such as a specially made sword, a tome, gauntlets, or other items, magic has the potential to backfire on the user with varying severity. All across the planet is an unseen web of energy that allows the use of magic. One's natural talent in magic is determined at birth, depending on how much energy currently resides in the air. However, this does not mean they are prodigies if they are born at the right time. All practitioners of magic require much training to take advantage of their power.

(More Lore will be added periodically.)

Toggle Rules

1. I will not tolerate god-modding or any sort of unreasonably ability/power. I'll message you if I have any questions about your character.
2. Romance is allowed, but if you want your characters the deed...keep it to PMs, please.
3. Absolutely NO killing another character unless it's approved by the players involved.
4. Constructive criticism of another person's post is fine, but only if you can give an example on how to improve it.
5. Rules can be changed if I feel there needs to be more.
6. Have fun! :)


Profile Layout

Animal: Applies only to Naturan
Country of Origin: Applies only to humans
Weapon of Choice:
Appearance: Links are okay if for whatever reason you can't get the image to appear

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in


Vistara by ConnorTavarin

A small Naturan settlement built near a lake. Log cabins and huts are organized in a series of rows which stretch a ways down the coast of the crystal clear lake.

Grove of the Spirits

Grove of the Spirits by ConnorTavarin

Ruins of an old Elven settlement outside of Vistara

The Ambition

The Ambition by ConnorTavarin

The ship the humans arrived to Neryas on. A massive vessel holding the final known remnants of humanity.

Northern Plains of Beginnings

Northern Plains of Beginnings by ConnorTavarin

Grasslands North of Vistara. Shallow pools of water frequently dot the landscape during rainy seasons.


Ifanriel by ConnorTavarin

Wood Elf city along the river. It is several miles west from the Northern Plains.


Neryas by ConnorTavarin

A planet of varied climates and home to beings thought only to be fantasy. This is humanity's new hope.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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#, as written by Joshman
"And we should be, after all the time spent altering our own bodies." Julius said as he entered the tent. "It's human nature to try and be the best we possibly can. Sorry, am I interrupting?"
Julius was geared up and ready for an expedition. He had his PDA and field kit with him as well as his sword in case things got nasty. "What I'm interested in is these guys' nature. From what I've been able to deduce, they're not what they seem. Thanks for the update on the so-called 'magic', Niala. I have some theories about the way their bodies work but I'll need to run some more tests and perhaps observe a few demonstrations later on."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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After hearing Niala's story, Connor fully understood the reasoning for the artificial limbs. There were many old warriors who have lost the use of a limb and something like that would allow them to fully live their lives again. However...he didn't approve of replacing a perfectly working limb with a fake one. "I'm sorry to hear what happened to you, Niala...though what you have is amazing. I would never be able to imagine working body parts being made out of metal or whatever else you humans might have. I just...don't like the thought of someone choosing to sacrifice a limb if it is still working. It seems a waste." he says. He hears her mention of ships and boats "Oh, yes we have those. Naturans tend to stay close to where the tribe lives. Even nomadic tribes like to stay to the land they are comfortable with, though I have heard of some who brave to vast waters. If you want to talk about larger ships, the elves of the city will be the ones to speak to." he says. Come to think of it, this was the first time he had even mentioned elves. "I failed to mention before, but the Naturan are not the only people of Neryas. There are the elves of the wild and the elves of the city as well." he explains. He wanted to hear more about human culture and tell them more about his culture. This was fascinating to him and these were the first people in a very long time he would consider friends aside from Kyran and Fleur. He knows there are matters to attend to, however, so he decides to wait for a more opportune time to speak.

Alex, meanwhile, was speaking to Julius "Looks like you're all good and prepared. You couldn't have picked a better time either since we got two locals here who can be our guides if they want." He looks to Kyran "You there...I'm not sure what your name is, but would you be willing to show us around the immediate area? We saw those ruins yesterday...I think Connor said it was called the Grove of the Ancients or something like that. Are there any other places of note we can possibly see?" he asks, hoping that the translator caught all that. He turns back to Julius "About those tests...make sure it is purely voluntary. I don't want to catch word of you promising them some kind of compensation or tricking them, alright?" he said in a stern tone. He was less harsh to Julius than he was before, but wanted to make sure he wouldn't do anything extreme.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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#, as written by Script
Kyran raised a curious eyebrow when Niala spoke on the subject of the humans coming from another planet. "Another planet? Which one?" he queried, assuming that she meant one of the planets that could be seen at some times of the year, those within Neryas' solar system. Their point of origin could mean any number of things, in accordance with the beliefs the Naturan people held about each planet and its associations with mythology and religion. "A ship that can fly as high as the stars... the prospect is unfathomable, but having witnessed your flying metal craft, I'm finding myself easily believing things that I would have thought impossible yesterday."

As Niala's replacement limb was discussed, Kyran let his eyes run over it with a slight frown. It was unnerving, that they had replicated their own bodies in metal - and more unusual still that it was functional. An image of metallic soldiers ran briefly through his mind before he pushed it away with a suppressed grimace. "If not magic, how is it that such a limb functions?" he asked, "Is it a trait of your people to be able to meld with metal, and shape metal into these flying ships?"

Kyran turned to Alex when he was addressed, inclining his head. "Kyran." he informed him, "And aside from the Grove of the Spirits, the closest places of note are our village and the elven city of Ifanriel. There are also elven settlements within the forest, and other naturan clans, but they are deep within the forest, and many hold ill will towards those of our clan due to past conflicts with the Chief and his warriors."

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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Niala shook her head, "We are from a planet called Earth, but it is far far away from here. Here, one sec." She tapped away for a few seconds on her tablet, "Oh, nice, you can see our sun from here." She flipped the tablet and pointed out a small star that was part of their summer sky, "That star there? That's the sun our planet is orbiting, or was. Time is weird and wibbly wobbly when you get to great distances. And I could say the same for you! Your magic as of yet defies our understanding of physics." She smiled with a laugh, "We connect to them because we understand our bodies in a different way. Electricity powers everyone at a very small scale, same goes with our replacement limbs. And they work mechanically as well, it's basically like a series of levers and pulleys at the most basic scale. They're actually made just using physical force and heat to shape them." She shook her head, realizing that she was starting to ramble. "It would take a long time to explain it. Very few people are actually augmented as far as me."

Nia reached over and nudged Brullen with a foot, "You're being an ass again." She said, not looking at him, instead focussing on Julius. "Did you bring an EMF detector? It's not something I thought to put into my tablet, and would probably be useful. That would be my hypothesis, but hey, I'm just a tech." She shrugged.

Turning back to Kyran, "But from what you said your village's chief, Goliath was it? Do ya have a little guy named David too?" She laughed at the reference but shook her head when they didn't get it. "Sorry sorry, human thing. He seems to be on the outs with the rest. Will the other settlements still hold you guys in with what he did when he's no longer chief?"

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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Connor listened with interest when Niala explained where the sun was "So...all stars are actually suns that are really far away?" he found this a little difficult to think about considering it contradicts with his belief that they're supposed to represent spirits. "This is a little hard to accept but...if you're right then there's just so much about life we don't understand." he said. He would continue to believe that stars represented ancestral spirits out of respect for tradition, but would not deny fact if shown to him regardless of how hard it was to believe. He smiled when Niala spoke of the parallel between magic and technology, how both are just as confusing to the other. "You should see what some can do. Masters can make amazing things happen with a snap of their fingers. Much more than just lift a pebble." he seemed really upset about the fact that he wasn't very specialized in magic. "One thing about our magic is that it depends on when we're born. Anyone on Neryas can train, but some are born with stronger magical potential because of the time of the year. I was born on one of the best times, but I never grasped it for some reason." he explains. Hearing Niala's attempted joke about David and Goliath made him interested "You'll have to explain that one to me later. It sounds interesting."

Alex groaned as he got scolded by Niala....again. He continues his conversation with Kyran "I'm not entirely sure if going to another settlement right now would be a great idea...we've already got one situation we're dealing with involving Connor. We'll just scout around the wilderness and gather some of your flora and see some of your wildlife. It'd be nice for you to come along and let us know if anything out there will kill us if we mishandle it." he said. He figured it would be a good idea to have information on any plants that might be poisonous or any animal that could be aggressive.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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#, as written by Script
Kyran frowned, his mind boggling slightly at the prospect of each star being akin to their own sun, with planets and all. "Electricity?" he queried, "I... well, I can't say I understand. But I grasp that you are from beyond our knowledge of the world."

The young mystic shook his head, running over the information internally a few times. He wasn't going to outright reject the explanation, but it would take him a while to reconcile it with what he knew about the spirits. Talk of magic brought his attention back to the conversation at hand. "I would be happy to demonstrate some magic for you. It is my speciality, as a mystic, to commune with the spirits and utilise their strength. As for the other clans... I cannot say whether they will be receptive to a clean slate should Goliath be unseated. They have plenty of reasons to hate our clan due to his actions. Wounds like that will not heal quickly."

He glanced across to Alex then, "I can do that. Though as some plants affect us and the elves in different ways, so too may they affect you differently."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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Alex calls out to a group of researchers who will accompany them "Well if we're all ready, I suggest a ten mile search area around these fields. It gives us more than enough space to search for samples and we're less likely to intrude on any other villages." he says to the team. He gestures to Kyran "He'll show us anything he finds significant, so pay attention to your translators when he speaks." he explains as they get ready to leave.

As they leave, Connor feels a presence near the camp. He felt as if someone was watching them from afar. As they walked, Connor kept a vigilant watch for anything strange. They pass by some of the shallow pools of water that dot the plains and Connor observes as the researchers take samples of water in vials. Near one of the pools, he notices a group of blue and white flowers that seemed familiar to him. A researcher begins to pick them for future analysis, to which Connor asks "Excuse me...may I have one of those? That may be something dear to me." The researcher listens to the translator and gives Connor one of the flowers. He inspects it and sure enough it was familiar. This was the same kind of flower that his mother would wear in her hair. He simply stares at it for a while, reminiscing on the past and wondering how different things would be if his tribe was never captured.

Alex supervises the researchers to make sure they don't do anything too extreme, but that shouldn't be an issue. As they continued forward, he sees Connor with the flower "You've been staring at that flower for a while now. Is it special or something?" he asks. Connor looks up at him "Oh...not to everyone else, but it is very important to me. It's a flower that my mother used to decorate her hair with. It had me thinking of her and my old tribe, that's all. Please don't let me slow you down, I will be close." he says. Despite his current distraction, he still kept watch for the person he suspected was following them. Alex nods to Connor and allows Kyran some time to point out some noteworthy fauna before striking conversation "Your tribes are pretty tight knit aren't they? Connor mentioned an old tribe of his...whatever happened to it? Has he ever told you?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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#, as written by Script
Kyran's expressioned darkened somewhat at the mention of Connor's former clan. He shook his head, "He hasn't spoken to me of it directly, but most of us know what happened. Suffice to say they met a fate that I would not wish on anyone at the hands of a rival clan. When we heard... Goliath was enraged. We went after those responsible, but they fled faster than we could pursue."

The mystic grimaced. "What happened back then was a work of evil. I would advise that you avoid the subject with Connor. No doubt they are painful memories to recall."

He looked across at where Connor was with a sympathetic frown, "I think in part what happened back then is what has made much of our clan mistrustful of him. He serves as a reminder to them of the horrific aftermath we discovered. Not that it makes it alright, but..."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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Niala frowned but shrugged, careful not to dislodge Fleur, who was napping against her back, piggyback style, "It's likely that most'a the individuals in your clan can reason the same, but individuals are smart, collectives are stupid. Not that I'm callin' your clan stupid, it's just a saying." She smiled with an embarrassed head scratch, looking around. "Real beautiful place ya got here, just standin' here is nearly as peaceful as listening to nightcycle coding. Well, ignorin' dem eggheads. Psh, biological scientists." She shook her head taking the sting from her words. "Anyways, you noticed the little metal circles on Connor and Fleur's temples, yeah? They're transmitters to help the translator program be more accurate. I've already wired it so that the translation is two way, so all of us will be receiving the translations in our earpieces," She shifted so that one hand was free to tap the tiny piece of metal and plastic in her ear, "And our suits will translate what we say into you're language." She slipped a transmitter from her comm tablet, which was hooked onto her belt, and held it out. "It would help if you wore one too. One side's sticky so you can just press it to your temple and it'll stay."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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After hearing what Kyran had to say, Alex looked over at Connor "Damn...I can only imagine what they did to them. I'll keep quiet about it, don't worry. I heard stories of soldiers who just completely lose themselves after a horrific experience. He's lucky to be in the mental state he's in now. Most other people would have been totally broken by it." he said. Deciding to help with the gathering, Alex knelt down near a bush of berries. "Hey, are these edible?" he asks, picking one off.

Connor sees Alex pick the berry and swats it out of his hand "No, they are not edible. These berries cause a very...unpleasant reaction if eaten. I do not wish to explain further." he says. Alex is a bit taken aback when Connor swats the berry away, but then laughs at his explanation "Aah, I get ya. Alright, I'll leave these berries alone. They'd probably make for a great practical joke though. I'll need to pick some though so the scientists can run some tests. Don't worry, they'll be careful." he said, getting a few in a jar, handing it to a passing scientist, warning him not to eat them. He turns back to Connor "So about this chief you want to fight...I know he's made things hard on you and the kid, but are there any good points to him? I mean, aside from the idea of kicking his ass." he said, laughing at his attempted humor. Connor smiled a bit at Alex's choice of words "As much as I would hate to admit, Goliath is a good leader in battle and fiercely protective of those born into the clan. He would personally challenge anyone who laid their hands on one of his people. He's just too prideful in the clan he is leading. People like me and Fleur are all just tools to him since we're not truly of his clan." he explained. Connor understood that Goliath wasn't necessarily an evil man, he just disagreed with how he treated outsiders. Alex nods "Sounds like he has his issues, but doesn't sound like he's necessarily all bad. If, or should I say when, you fight him...restrain yourself. He seems like the kind of guy who just needs some sense beaten into him, but not killed." he suggests. Connor sighed, thinking about it. There was truth to Alex's words despite them being kind of hard to understand since the translation wasn't perfect yet, but he got the message. Connor simply nods to Alex.

Alex continued to supervise the little expedition before calling out "Alright people, wrap it up. We should have plenty of samples from this area to study, so let's pack up and head back." he says, organizing everyone so they could head back. Connor was thinking about what Alex said. He was surprised to get such insight, crude as it may be, from someone he barely knew. Deciding that he would think on it later, he goes over to Niala, who was still carrying Fleur "How is she? She looks like she's having a peaceful rest." he says, smiling a bit.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan Character Portrait: Fleur Brooks Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
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#, as written by Script
Kyran took the translator device, rolling it between his fingers and examining it carefully. "Very well. I see no reason to mistrust your intentions." he said, before placing the device on his forehead.

As Alex spoke to Connor on Goliath, Kyran nodded his head. "Goliath is not a dark-hearted man, but he is a stubborn one, and he copes poorly with change. And what the clan needs now is change. He is buckling under the pressure of the shift in our needs, and doesn't know how to deal with it. So he lashes out." He brought his hand up to touch the wound on his face gently to test it, before sighing.

"By no means an admirable man, but not evil."

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Vistara by ConnorTavarin

A small Naturan settlement built near a lake. Log cabins and huts are organized in a series of rows which stretch a ways down the coast of the crystal clear lake.

Grove of the Spirits

Grove of the Spirits by ConnorTavarin

Ruins of an old Elven settlement outside of Vistara

The Ambition

The Ambition by ConnorTavarin

The ship the humans arrived to Neryas on. A massive vessel holding the final known remnants of humanity.

Northern Plains of Beginnings

Northern Plains of Beginnings by ConnorTavarin

Grasslands North of Vistara. Shallow pools of water frequently dot the landscape during rainy seasons.


Ifanriel by ConnorTavarin

Wood Elf city along the river. It is several miles west from the Northern Plains.


Neryas by ConnorTavarin

A planet of varied climates and home to beings thought only to be fantasy. This is humanity's new hope.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen
Character Portrait: Connor Tavarin
Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen
Character Portrait: Eriador
Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan
Character Portrait: Illianmara Ravenswing
Character Portrait: Yelin Lothren
Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
Character Portrait: Chief Goliath


Character Portrait: Chief Goliath
Chief Goliath

Strength is everything.

Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
Kyran Ethellion

The mystic with a gentle heart, and a bite far worse than his bark.

Character Portrait: Yelin Lothren
Yelin Lothren

"I'm a bit busy..."

Character Portrait: Illianmara Ravenswing
Illianmara Ravenswing

"May the spirits of Nature be your guides and protectors."

Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan
Niala Callaghan

"Well-a-day, stars and code, that's all I need."

Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen
Julius Andriessen

Dutch geneticist with an insatiable thirst for knowledge

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen
Alexander Maximus Brullen

"Ah, solid ground for the first time...let's try not to mess this one up, alright?"


Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan
Niala Callaghan

"Well-a-day, stars and code, that's all I need."

Character Portrait: Yelin Lothren
Yelin Lothren

"I'm a bit busy..."

Character Portrait: Chief Goliath
Chief Goliath

Strength is everything.

Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen
Julius Andriessen

Dutch geneticist with an insatiable thirst for knowledge

Character Portrait: Illianmara Ravenswing
Illianmara Ravenswing

"May the spirits of Nature be your guides and protectors."

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen
Alexander Maximus Brullen

"Ah, solid ground for the first time...let's try not to mess this one up, alright?"

Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
Kyran Ethellion

The mystic with a gentle heart, and a bite far worse than his bark.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Illianmara Ravenswing
Illianmara Ravenswing

"May the spirits of Nature be your guides and protectors."

Character Portrait: Alexander Maximus Brullen
Alexander Maximus Brullen

"Ah, solid ground for the first time...let's try not to mess this one up, alright?"

Character Portrait: Chief Goliath
Chief Goliath

Strength is everything.

Character Portrait: Yelin Lothren
Yelin Lothren

"I'm a bit busy..."

Character Portrait: Julius Andriessen
Julius Andriessen

Dutch geneticist with an insatiable thirst for knowledge

Character Portrait: Niala Callaghan
Niala Callaghan

"Well-a-day, stars and code, that's all I need."

Character Portrait: Kyran Ethellion
Kyran Ethellion

The mystic with a gentle heart, and a bite far worse than his bark.

View All » Places


Vistara by ConnorTavarin

A small Naturan settlement built near a lake. Log cabins and huts are organized in a series of rows which stretch a ways down the coast of the crystal clear lake.

Grove of the Spirits

Grove of the Spirits by ConnorTavarin

Ruins of an old Elven settlement outside of Vistara

The Ambition

The Ambition by ConnorTavarin

The ship the humans arrived to Neryas on. A massive vessel holding the final known remnants of humanity.

Northern Plains of Beginnings

Northern Plains of Beginnings by ConnorTavarin

Grasslands North of Vistara. Shallow pools of water frequently dot the landscape during rainy seasons.


Ifanriel by ConnorTavarin

Wood Elf city along the river. It is several miles west from the Northern Plains.


Neryas by ConnorTavarin

A planet of varied climates and home to beings thought only to be fantasy. This is humanity's new hope.

Northern Plains of Beginnings

Grasslands North of Vistara. Shallow pools of water frequently dot the landscape during rainy seasons.


A small Naturan settlement built near a lake. Log cabins and huts are organized in a series of rows which stretch a ways down the coast of the crystal clear lake.

Grove of the Spirits

Ruins of an old Elven settlement outside of Vistara


Wood Elf city along the river. It is several miles west from the Northern Plains.


A planet of varied climates and home to beings thought only to be fantasy. This is humanity's new hope.

The Ambition

The ship the humans arrived to Neryas on. A massive vessel holding the final known remnants of humanity.

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