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Guns & Love

Guns & Love


These brothers will do anything to gain their father's respect and walk in his footsteps. And they're willing to bring the whole damn city down to get it.

2,186 readers have visited Guns & Love since chanelindistress created it.



Brakebills University for Magical Pedagogy is the premier institution for the study of magic in North America, and even, arguably, the Northern Hemisphere. Since its establishment in 1763, Brakebills has been the standard-bearer of American magical society, and has given rise to generation after generation of illustrious Magicians.

Brakebills students learn from a faculty composed of the world's preeminent Magicians in every area, gain invaluable practical experience via our vast alumni resources, and go on to successful careers in a wide array of magical fields such as law, medicine, entertainment, and education. Our students also benefit greatly from working with one another in our close-knit community; the Brakebills student body is the cream of the crop most of the time, and Magic is strongest when cooperative.

"If Magicians on opposites sides of the world develop varietals of the same spells without ever crossing paths, imagine what we can accomplish by working with each other." ~ Melise Weigert, a poor, naive soul who forgets that these are a bunch of punks on the verge of fucking everything up because we opened their eyes to the unknown, Dean of Brakebills (1915-1928)

The Brakebills admission process is extremely selective. Prospective students do not apply, but are instead selected via a highly attuned detection process designed to identify individuals with magical potential unless they happen to be like SOME people and use their parents' alumni keys, which provide access to the campus, thus allowing them to sneak into entrance exams they weren't invited to. Following a period of observation and evaluation, those selected are invited to take the Brakebills entrance exam. Only a handful of those invited actually pass the entrance exam, but those who do join the ranks of the most elite magical institution in North America and sign on to get on our everlasting nerves.

Brakebills offers a three-year graduate program that provides its students with a comprehensive foundation in all aspects of magic, while guiding them to specialize in Disciplines best suited for their unique skills. Our students study a wide array of subjects in such courses as:
  • Alchemy
  • Astronomy
  • Botany
  • Cryptozoology
  • Illusions
  • Magical History
  • Magical Law & Ethics
  • Practical Applications of Spellcasting
  • Healing
  • Psychic Magic

Our students also take a course at our satellite campus in Antarctica, Brakebills South, a unique and vital program during which spellcasting truly becomes second nature to our Magicians. Each year, we also offer our students the invaluable resource of Alumni Mentorship, as illustrious Brakebills graduates of years past return to grace the next generation with their wisdom and bullshit. In studying with and shadowing their mentors, our students learn in greater depth about a field that particularly interests them, and explore potential career opportunities for their futures as Magicians in the working world. But of course, as with every enriching educational opportunity that is provided by a wide array of institutions, it is never the school, itself, that past students go on to talk about in depth. It is the student life; the cultures they find themselves embracing, the long-lasting relationships that they cultivate and benefit from, and all the fuckery they can get themselves in to, courtesy of our introducing them to the magical world.

Why the fuck did we even start this school in the first place?


No one better understands the concept of "work hard. play harder" than a Brakebills student. In between rigorous studies, challenging spellwork, and enriching mentorships, our students still find time to have some fun. Brakebills Magicians forge strong community bonds and rivalries within their Disciplines, often choosing to live in houses with their peers on campus.

Each discipline has a distinct culture i.e. stereotype, don't let the pretty words fool you and set of traditions all its own. Meanwhile, on a university-wide level, such time-honored traditions such as the Welters Championship, the Annual Foundation Run, and the Spring Break trip to our sister campus in Oxford are hallmarks of the Brakebills experience.

At the end of the day, as we are all aware, the hallmark of any university experience - graduate-wise or undergraduate - is the student life. As much as we, and any other institution tasked with turning some of the uncouth youth who will one day take over the mantles we currently occupy into fully-capable adults ready to brave the intricacies of the working world, would like to boast of our selective admissions process and our esteemed collection of diverse students, we are all privy to receiving a handful of...interesting individuals. Even Brakebills University, with its history steeped in magical magnanimity and greatness, is unable to avoid the inevitability of the drama, immaturity, scandal and ridiculousness that comes with young adults, even on a graduate level. Especially with the rivalries that naturally have come from the differing yet sometimes very inter-sectional Disciplines the students find themselves in. And, considering we gave them access to the magic that had lain dormant in their bodies for almost all of their lives - a loaded gun in the hands of drunk sycophants - we should honestly not be surprised at how much we have to clean up after their partying, hook-ups, fights, and adventures.


"Physical Kids. Telekinesis. Move shit, lift shit. Most can fly.
Also, magnificent partiers - do not come by our house if you have shit to do the next day." ~ Eliot to Quentin about physical magic

Physical is a magical discipline centered around the ability to manipulate the nature and properties of matter and energy. The many disciplines that branch from this group allow Magicians to manipulate heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, gravity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. Students in this Discipline stay at their cottage, which is located on the outer rim of The Sea (and campus), and the cottage can only be entered by those accompanied by a Physical student...or at least someone who's proficient enough in Physical magic to break the bolt on the door. They call themselves the greatest group on campus, but the only thing great about them are their parties. They're definitely the rowdiest group of the bunch and unsurprisingly, the most bold. However, for all everyone else's complaints about their shared arrogance, it is very rare to not see an assortment of other house members chilling in their living room, spending the night, or attending their parties. Nobody misses these parties unless they're dead, that is.

Third Year | Self-declared King of the house, though no one argues because he creates literal masterpieces when serving drinks; pretends that no one knows he's sleeping w/ [stellablu], and wants more; was probably the most excited about Brakebills, even though he throws his family's wealth in everyone's faces from time to time to disguise said excitement | FC: Chace Crawford | OPEN

Third Year | Self-declared queen of the house, but there's generally no problem because no one wants to get in a fight w/ her for fear of her mom; wants mom's approval and hates [Demi] for getting it before her, though she also never forgot the [Broderick] situation | FC: Tati Gabrielle | OPEN

Second Year | Notably lascivious and confident, is the most flirtatious of the whole house, though she has been dating [Haley] and kept Brakebills from her girlfriend for the entire year until they were both surprised with said girlfriend getting in this year, which has caused a bit of a rift | FC: Mishti Rahman | OPEN

Second Year | Honestly gets along a lot better with the Psychics than with his own house members; typically can be found on his own; is actually the step-son of the Dean and that's more-so how he got in than on his own merit, at least that's what everyone else surmises, including his own step-brother [Alfred] | FC: Samuel Larsen | OPEN

First Year | Actually the best addition to the house since the reigning queen and king; phenomenal dancer, don't let no one tell you otherwise; long-time besties w/ [Katherine], but now are not and never really understood why | FC: Justine Skye | OPEN

"You’re very grounded, poised to harness the Earth’s innate power.
Don’t be surprised if a lot of people start asking you to grow them weed." ~ Some Brakebills University, teacher probably

Natural Magic is the discipline concerning the manipulation and development of the environment through magical means. Granted, a good number of them do smoke weed, they can't deny that. But don't let the Physical and Knowledge kids twist your heads; smoking and making weed isn't all they do. In fact, don't tell the Knowledge students this, but the Natural students are just as smart - and some of them are actually smarter than the Knowledge kids, but don't tell them I said that - as the Knowledge students. Nor are they all hippies. But they're more inclined to walk barefoot in their tree house - it's more of a tree mansion, if we're being honest, but the others get jealous when you mention that tidbit - and fuck with the weather to get out of classes. To be honest though, it's not like there's much to get jealous of - especially considering the fact that they share all their weed (even the experimental ones), grow some amazing food, and are pretty generous about everything.

Third Year | Estranged older sister of [RJ]; good friends w/ [stellablu] and used to date [Sinqua]; feels as though the dean is keeping something from everyone | FC: Jude Demorest | OPEN

Third Year | Annoyingly unsure on what to do w/ his feelings for [Tati] and [Demi], much to his friend, [Ed Redmayne]'s chagrin; actually is quite known for DJing a lot of the Physical kids' parties, despite clashing with [Chace] | FC: Broderick Hunter | OPEN

Second Year | She's the one who's brother died last year under mysterious circumstances at The Lake and she's the only one in her family interested in finding out what happened, worrying [Jude] and her brother's old friend, [Willy]; comes from a line of very impressive and famous magicians | FC: Jade Thirlwall | OPEN

First Year | Was always goofily but successfully performing card tricks, but felt childish for it until she found herself taking the entrance exams to Brakebills; now that she's here, she's a touch miffed that she's spent the last year not knowing about it since her girlfriend [Mishti] kept it from her| FC: Hayley Kiyoko | OPEN

First Year | Was actually prepared to go off to law school like his family wanted, and is a constant state of fear that he'll get expelled after the first year have to contend with knowing magic is in the world and having no access to it | FC: Kim Taehyung | OPEN

"Cloaking, invisibility, and projections that will make the CIA look like amateurs.
You’re a great liar, as is everyone in your Discipline. Have fun with that." ~ Some salty ass Brakebills alum, who clearly is a jilted lover on the low

Illusion is a magical discipline regarding the creation of powerful and very vivid illusions, able to stimulate and fool the five natural senses. It is suggested that Illusionists are able to conjure Illusions powerful enough to become corporeal, though there aren't nearly enough of the current Illusionist students to prove this. And if they have, no one wants to be around that particular person because they are dangerous. They're typically the house everyone is just a little afraid of, particularly because their Castle is located above The Sea but is invisible and only detectable by Illusionists. It is tethered to the field by a bannerless spiral staircase, which is also invisible. The staircase is a common center of amusement for Illusionists as students end up tumbling off of it after a night of partying at the Castle...because their parties are hella good too, and they have all the psychedelics the Naturals and Psychics made together, plus their illusions.. They're usually the most seductive of the houses, but also the least trustworthy with a few...unsavory students and secrets.

Third Year | Interested in the mystery of Fillory, though not for the fuzzy, feel-good reasons others might; wants access to forbidden spells | FC: Machine Gun Kelly | Taken

Third Year | Comes from a long line of powerful and known Magicians, and hates it; is extremely smart and known to spend a lot of time learning with the Knowledge students, particularly in the presence of [Lulu] and [Alfred] | FC: Takuya Terada | OPEN

Second Year | Actually was a Hedge witch because Brakebills rejected her initially, but was brought in under suspicious circumstances for her own protection; used to be really good friends w/ [Gong Minji], and had feelings for her, but broke off friendship upon witch induction | FC: Hunter Schafer | OPEN

First Year | Twin sister to [Keith] and is still surprised he got in considering she was always the only one who believed in magic; has probably the worst mental wards and has yet to learn to better them, much to the chagrin of all Psychic students, including said twin | FC: Vanessa Morgan | OPEN

"Part Psychic, part Physical. [...] The short version: you are drawn, mind and body, to the discovery of magic." ~ Dean Fogg, current dean

Knowledge is a Discipline Group whose traits revolve around magical theory. Knowledge disciples are stated to be drawn, mind and body, to the discovery of magic, primarily dealing with the deepening and discovery of magical knowledge as a whole. The disciplines within this group correspond with different levels of magical comprehension, from understanding and manipulating magical theory, to manipulating the qualities of magic as they apply it. Basically, if anyone goes around calling Brakebills the real-life version of Hogwarts-but-for-adults, then this house is none other than Ravenclaw. It probably doesn't help that their house is in the attic above the library, which sounds like it would be the most uninteresting place on campus, but you might as well be stepping into the most sophisticated Ritz hotel you've ever seen...that just so happens to have its own library and the comfiest couches and chaise lounges on campus. They're as uppity and arrogant as The Physical students, but no matter what you say about them, they're still the students everyone wants to copy off of...though it's kind of hard to copy off of someone who's literally in the process of creating the next generation of spellwork, but to each their own.

Third Year | In a three-long mentorship w/ [Tati]'s mother, which sparked a rivalry; didn't help matters when she slept w/ [Broderick], who just so happens to be [Tati]'s then boyfriend | FC: Demi Lovato | OPEN

Second Year | Biological son of dean and step-brother to [Samuel], and they seem to have a tumultuous relationship; is surprisingly good friends, and possibly more, w/ [Takuya] even though both deny it| FC: Alfred Enoch | OPEN

Second Year | Family friends w/ [Takuya] and has known him her entire life, much to her house's chagrin; naturally curious and eager to learn when it comes to magic, but lacks faith in capabilities | FC: Lulu Antariksa | OPEN

First Year | Absolutely obsessed with and knows everything there is to know about Fillory, and thinks that it exists, which is the only reason why [Machine Gun Kelly] acknowledges his presence; also has horrible mental wards and can't keep his thoughts from reaching Psychics | FC: Elliot Fletcher | OPEN

"Some of medicine’s greatest advancements came from Healers like you—polio and smallpox vaccines,
erectile dysfunction medication, x­ray technology, you name it. Next up, eternal life." ~ A very firm believer that Healers are the greatest students at Brakebills, and they're kinda right

Healing is the discipline of magic devoted to improving the physical and mental condition. There are many different disciplines in this branch of magic that have a variety of effects. Magicians who specialize in this area of magic are known as Healers. The Infirmary is full of Healers, who are seen dressed as nurses, and are surrounded by various potions and crystals. Which sounds pretty boring and not at all as splendid as the other Houses' designs, but considering the fact that the infimary is a rather large space and there are two floors no one but Healers have access to (unless you happen to be with one who's nice enough to allow you into their very clean space), there's no doubt that they're equipped with the same luxury that everyone else has. To the surprise of no one, they're considered the nicest of the houses, but that's also because they're considered the least dangerous and that can't be said...for everyone. At least if one poisons you, the others can hopefully heal you.

Third Year | Is one of the most proficient healers in the school; friends w/ [stellablu] and used to date [Jude Demorest], and is still in love with her | FC: Sinqua Walls | OPEN

Second Year | Though it is a rare case, actually does not have a realized Discipline in all honesty; it just so happens that she's a rather smart woman and most spells come easy to her, so she was lumped with Healers to hone in her more mundane skills | FC: Ally Brooke | OPEN

First Year | Doesn't particularly like his Discipline, so he spends a lot of the time trying to learn more about the others, particularly the Illusionists, especially under [Katherine]; is [Imogen]'s younger estranged brother | FC: RJ King | OPEN

First Year | Didn't even get chosen to take the entrance exam, stole her mom's alumni key and was allowed to stay because she tested better than a handful of prospects; her family is legendary on the Oxford campus | FC: Bex Taylor-Klaus | OPEN

"You hear voices, and no, you're not insane (at least not for that reason). Fair warning, older Psychics sometimes
"inception" first years as a hazing prank." ~ A Psychic graduate who ain't shit for trying to scare people, which is what this house likes to do

Psychic is the Discipline of magic relating to, affecting, and influenced by the mind. Magicians of this Discipline are capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and telepathy. All of that is a fancy way of saying that these guys can get in your head and half of the time, they don't even mean to, especially not in the beginning. They're considered the closest-knit group on campus and that's because they understand best what one another experiences, how much they have to learn to control before their powers consume them. There is this rare thing, traveling, that only a few Psychics are capable of every few years, but again - it's rare. Second only to the Naturals, they're considered the most chill of all the students, if not a touch intimidating considering 90% can't stop themselves from being able to read your thoughts. Their house is probably the largest on campus, to the chagrin of the Physicals and Knowledge students, but only because they have rooms called coves that are designed for meditation, while the enclosed "Consciousness Areas" are reserved as a place to cry and process their experiences. The Amplifier is a room in which a Psychic's powers are 'dialed to 11', allowing them to experience more than normal by focusing the Psychic's abilities. They're always labeled as the 'goths' or 'alternatives' because of their style of clothing and supposed obsession with death, but how can you really dislike a group whose carpet and rugs are the softest things on campus and they give you tea and listen to your problems - sometimes, even when they really don't want to and without you having to say a word?

Third Year | One of the few natural quaeromancy, and it's led him to some dark places the dean doesn't want anyone else to know of ; was extremely close to [Jade]'s brother and is haunted by what happened to him, and worries for her curiosity; repeating his third year since the majority of his class disappeared last year | FC: Willy Cartier | OPEN

Third Year | Probably one of many telepaths who notably hates his abilities and doesn't have nearly as much control as he'd like; tends to hang out in the Physical house, even with how loud their thoughts can be; best friends w/ [Broderick] | FC: Ed Redmayne | OPEN

Second Year | The only traveler on campus since what happened last year with the majority of the then third year class; mother is a powerful Hedge witch that everyone else knows has clashed with the dean on numerous occasions; is more than likely sleeping w/ [Chace] and may or may not have feelings for him; good friends w/ [Sinqua] and [Imogen]; developing psychic dreams she can't understand | FC: stellablu | Taken

First Year | Faithfully uses his powers to fuck with everyone else, particularly [Alberto], though he won't explain his reasoning, twin brother of [Vanessa], and dislikes her disbelief of his acceptance | FC: Keith Powers | OPEN

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Re: Guns & Love

Could I take a male cop? I'll have something up soon.

Re: Guns & Love

Sure thing, I can't wait to see :)

Re: Guns & Love

May I reserve The Crime Boss' Son's Significant Other please?~ I'll have something up in a few actually.

Re: Guns & Love


* Realistic pictures please. Also, you are welcome to add different roles as long as you PM me of your intentions, but there are some characters that need to be taken before I can allow that. All characters (save for the twins) need to be between the ages of 22 - 36. The youngest I will allow for the twins is 17.*

The Family

  • The Crime Boss' Oldest Son - Taken

  • The Illegitimate Son - OPEN

  • The Crime Boss' Son's Significant Other (Relationship will be up to players) - OPEN

  • The Crime Boss' Youngest Son (The Older Twin) - OPEN

  • The Crime Boss' Youngest Daughter (The Younger Twin) - OPEN

The Work
  • The Consigliere {M/F} - OPEN

  • Capo 1 {M} - OPEN

  • Capo 2 {F} - OPEN

  • Soldier 1 {M} - OPEN

  • Soldier 2 {M] (Protects the kids)- OPEN

  • Soldier 3 {F} - OPEN

  • Soldier 4 {F} (Protects the kids)- OPEN

  • The Accountant {M/F} - OPEN

The Government

  • The Assistant District Attorney {F} - Taken

  • Police Officer 1 {M} - OPEN

  • Police Officer 1 {M} - OPEN

  • Police Officer 2 {F} - OPEN

  • Police Officer 2 {F} - OPEN


  • The Lead Weapon's Specialist {F/M} - OPEN

  • The Lead Drug's Dealer {F/M} - OPEN

  • The Club Owner {F/M} - OPEN

  • Escort (Can have three of these. PM me if you are interested in a storyline I have in mind) {F/M} - OPEN

  • Prostitute (Can have three or four of these) {F/M}

Guns & Love

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