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Dragons Among Us

Dragons Among Us


In a land of Dragons, and a time of war, four kingdoms fight for the right to rule all.

6,903 readers have visited Dragons Among Us since SageWater created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Alduin floats above the Northern Mountains, it's whereabouts hard to come by as it moves on its own accord, profiting the elves that dwell there. The climate is always breezy spring weather, allowing mostly dense shrubbery to grow along the buildings. Indoor gardens sit in the middle of the kingdom; the trees and plants that grow within there make up almost all of the air the elves breathe in the high elevation. Elf lungs are designed more closely to a bird's than a humans, needing less air.

Elves stand around 5'2 to 5'7, their builds usually lithe. They specialize in the old ways with herbal medicines and weaponry ranging from bow and arrow to long, thin swords. They are the Dragon riders of this story. They chose one Dragon (or, the Dragon chooses them) in a ceremony befitting a marriage.

In the war the Elves have stayed impassive and unaligned, though the Humans are heatedly against them.

Dragons found within Alduin:

Mist Dragon: "A Mist Dragon is a dragon which can take a gaseous form at will and appear as mist, and can breathe out a cloud of misty vapors which blinds and drowns creatures and enemies. The Mist Dragons use Telepathy for communication."



MidGard is found in the East, a winter climate within the hillside. Humans have claimed these lands, and mourn the fact that no Dragons have been found wandering these parts. Lack of Dragons have not stunted the Humans power, for they make up for it in modern machinery they have had their allies, the Dwarves, forge for them. They find enemies within the Elves, as they are envious of their relationship with the Dragons.

There are no Dragons native to MidGard



Valsung is found in the southern mountains. The climate is always hot and humid, whether it be because of location or because of the hearths always burning within the mountains is unknown. Dwarves have occupied these mountains longer than humans have been around. The benefits they get from Human alliance is unknown. Weaponry for the Dwarves are heavy swords and axes. They use Dragons as war pets, often chaining them to the earth with heavy metal collars.

Dwarves range from 4'1 to 4'11, are very stocky and strong people. They specialize in the best weaponry and armor known to all. The things Dwarves can withstand and survive surprises many, even themselves.

Dragons found within Valsung:
Ambush Drake: "Ambush Drakes are more wolf-like than Dragon-like, and are concerned mostly with hunting and killing. They hunt in coordinated packs, closing prey into a corner and then attacking with their breath weapons. They can also use their teeth and claws, and are found to be poisonous. They will typically ignore fleeing prey, instead focusing on one they have in front of them. Ambush Drakes can speak common tongue and Draconic, but rarely do so."



Fangorn has no kingdom, but is alive with Imps and Ents. Both are humanoid, but unique in their looks, from one to another. The forests are found in the East, the climate tropical. One thing that sets these forests apart from all others are the trees - stark white bark and scarlet leaves. The inhabitants here view all Dragons as deities, leaving them as wild as they come, and they warship the skies they fly in.

Dragons found within Fangorn
Faerie Dragons: "Although small and cute, Faerie Dragons can be powerful if allowed to use their abilities, which include the power to induce confusion and euphoria in foes. Faerie Dragons have a pure heart but are playful and unlikely to respect authority." (Can be found as pets)


Dragons found within this world (If you want to be them/use them, look them up! There are Many!)

Metallic Dragons (Usually Good)
-Brass (Example)
-Bronze (Example One, Example Two)
-Copper (Example One, Example Two)
-Gold (Example)
-Silver (Example)

Chromatic Dragons (Usually Bad)
-Black (Example One, Example Two)
-Blue (Example)
-Green (Example)
-Red (Example)
-White (Example)

Shadow Dragons (Always Evil)
(Example one, Example Two)

Character sheet must include a brief history/background (really my only requirement)

You CAN Roleplay as a Dragon! Dragon characters are encouraged!

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Drograh Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton Character Portrait: Reegan Gengery Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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The sun rose in the eastern part of the northern mountains, still hanging below the highest rising cluster of the floating kingdom. Tuilinn had been awake before the sun, had quickly pulled back her hair out of her face, pulled on her clothes, and was out of the house before she remembered her bow and arrows. On this adventure she didn't need them, but always felt naked without.

Her feet were bare, allowing her better traction for the steep climb up the High Rocks to the nesting grounds of the Mist Dragons. Today some of the eggs would hatch, they had rested in an open hearth of their parent's foggy breath for nearly a full turning of a moon. Eager giddiness arose in her, as every new hatching day had done to her.

In the dark of the morning, she had climbed. Now, as she noted the sun rising, she lay on her belly on a rock separated from the nesting ground, a safe distance from the nervous parents. There was never a true way to know if the parents were about - at least one always was, but it was hard to tell when one or both dragons from each nest would erupt into mist that settled over the High Rocks. Tuilinn lay there all morning, watching for any sign of movement within the nests.


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Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Torven walked along the rocky pathways of his kingdom of Valsung. He sighed as he saw some of the "Dragon-Masters" as they call themselves dragging cages of very angry Ambush Drakes. Torven hated to see this particular sight on his early morning walks, however it couldn't be helped he supposed shaking his head as he walked around the loud raging shouts of the dragons.
Torven, hated when dragons became upset. Because unlike some people, Torven understood the ancient tongues the dragons spoke. He could hear them. He could understand them, all of them. Of course he understood the ones who spoke English or other universal dialects, but Torven could understand ancient dragon tongues. His mother had taught him from a young ge how to understand and how to speak to the dragons.

As he walked by the Drakes they shouted at him, gnashing their teeth, clawing at the cage attempting to break free and kill him for ignoring their cries for help, because they knew he could hear them.
"Foolish dwarf! You can hear me! Help us, we will be grateful for eternity! Please, they will kill us. Murder our kin, all of our children, our legacy!" The growling Drakes would yell and plead, yes Torven knew very well the Dragon-Masters killed the Drakes for sport. Yes he also felt this was unfair, and unethical, however the Drakes killed our kin just as much as we kill theirs. In Torven's mind this made us all even.

Torven walked, slowly, out of Valsung, into the wilds right beyond the barrier-walls. Praise the divines I'm away from the Drake-displays. . . Torven thought relieved. He hoped to see the Faerie dragons in the glen within the woods, he loved watching their intricate mating rituals early in the morning when the most of them were out.


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Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
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He took a sip from his drink as the sun slowly past Midgard's central spire casting a shadow behind that made the already ominous tower seem even more deadly. The damned thing always seemed to look out of place He thought to himself. Taking another sip he examined his crossbow and made sure his sword was sheathed, Just another minute now...that damned man better show up. And as if part of a play that was set in motion in ages long past, a grizzled knight came into view. In half plate and a kettle helm he looked about as out of place here as dragon in Midgard. "You the man who took the offer?" the knight asked. Braxton nodded. Plopping a bag on the table he continued"Here's 100 gold pieces to start off with, the rest comes after you're done."

"Any specific ones I should be looking for?" Braxton replied.

"Hmmm let me see. Well if you're up for the challenge, try and bag a mist dragon that's 500 more gold pieces for you. The ser is always interested in all things...elven." the Knight said spitting out the last words with disgust.

"I assume there's nothing else then?" Braxton asked. In a tone that suggested that there damn well shouldn't be.

"No there isn't." replied the knight who shook his head slowly at Braxton's rudeness as he took the 100 gold and left. As he headed toward the Black Gate of Midgard he mused to himself Won't that be nice...Sir Edward Braxton slayer of Mist Dragons. Shaking his head he quickly cleared that thought from his mind as he finally reached the gates.

"Another hunt?" Gate Guardsmen Pod inquired. Braxton merely nodded as he passed by and headed out into the wilds, a predator searching for prey.


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Character Portrait: Breena
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Breena flitted around her little home that was made below a tree. She was gathering everything her hands could touch; berries, roots, water, clothes, breads, rope, and everything she gathered was placed inside a pack. It was that time of year again, the time when the trees were no longer frozen, the time when she could go outside and like every year she was starting this season off with an adventure. The imp wasn't planning to go for a specific place, oh no, that would leave a trail for someone to follow her.

When she was ready, she poked her head out and looked around. She had timed the start of this adventure perfectly, when all her family should be asleep, though there was always a chance that someone would be out, taking a morning walk around in the low hanging mist of Fangorn. The longer Breena looked at the silent forest floor, the further out of her home she crept and it wasn't long after that she was walking well away from her family's little village.

Breena kept an eye out for Ninar, though she honestly didn't expect to see him as today was the day that the faerie dragons would be starting to mate and Breena knew how much of a ladies man Ninar was.

Her mind was absent most of the walk, so she honestly had no idea where she was going, not until she reached the edge of Fangorn, where the trees fade away enough you can see distant hills. As Breena looked at the world in front of her, at the distant hills beyond the glen, she saw the Southern Mountains where Valsung was. With a shift for her pack, Breena began to walk. It had been almost a year or so since she had last voyaged to the dwarven city, though she wasn't certain how much it changed in a year, she knew there would be something new for her there, as there always was with her adventures; and if there wasn't in Valsung, well she would just keep travelling South until something new did happen.

In the glen, Breena passed by most of the faerie dragons, and even though she wanted to try and find Ninar, she knew that it was best just to leave the sky deities alone to their business. So she just walked on, the tall grass keeping her mostly hidden, for her this was more like walking through what a thick forest would be for humans; Breena could barely see anything ahead and the blades of grass kept hitting her in the face. However, this wouldn't have been the first time she traveled through such grass, so the little imp knew what she was doing as she made her way South, through the glen.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Torven walked forward up to the faerie dragons, two of them were lying beside one another and singing in their ancient tongues a love song that transcended all English translations Torven could have put to them. Torven spoke to them in the ancient dialect of the Faerie dragons, as best as he could, human voices cannot properly do this archaic language the justice it deserves.
"I am in awe of the gorgeous love songs you two shared with me today. I apologize a thousand times over if I am intruding upon your land. Trust me on this. For I am just venturing into the land of Fangorn, to visit your people there. I have heard of it's majesties and I wish to lay my own eyes upon them for my self." The male Faerie dragon's large eyes blinked slowly in admiration as he spoke in the light fluttering beautiful tongue of the Faeries.
"A very noble quest, quite worth the trip, Illgari and I sense no ill will or violence from you. . . Unlike others of your race you, you understand us and you can communicate with us as well? Impressive indeed. We need someone like you good noble. All of us dragons do, especially us more prized ones, or hunted ones. We need more like yourself to help defend our safety within the kingdoms holds. I am Stalro, please Dwarf, enjoy your venture, thank you for complimenting our love songs, we wrote them specially for each other. . . My Illgari, she truly is a being of wonder." Stalro said in a hazy, blissful voice as he gazed upon the stunningly beautiful female beside him on the mushroom in the center of the glen.

Torven had said his formal goodbyes as he walked by them they started singing again, the most beautiful songs Torven will ever hear in his long lifetime. As he walked however his instincts told him there was something else here, in the glen. . .Heading straight for him A small presence to be sure, but a presence nonetheless.

"Hello?" Torven asked in basic. "Anything out there?" He asked in the general direction he felt the noises coming from.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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Theratriel groggily hauled himself out of bed for his shift. The knight didn't know whether it was sheer misfortune or if he'd offended a superior in order to earn the late night patrol. However, despite his yawning and rather unsightly demeanor he was still grateful to have not gotten the morning shift, he was weak in the mornings- especially after just waking up. Since it was night, even though the moon was well into its descent Thera found himself fully awake by the time he'd walked from his bed to the mannequin that held his armor. He swiftly and silently put on the light armor before grabbing his long slender sword and slinging his bow over his shoulder.

Once more without a word, Thera left his room by opting to leap from his window instead of walking downstairs and out the door. While the elf didn't live in his family's ancestral home (where his parents resided), he still lived on the estate. Specifically over the dragon roosts, which made it much easier to do his work. Granted, his parents residence had built in roosts too but Thera liked the open space of his current dwelling more. He strode towards the edge above the roost, a sheer drop straight to the lands below the floating kingdom of the elves. The dragons dwelt in an under-hang beneath his feet, without breaking his pace Thera gave a loud whistle and stepped off the ledge. As usual, his beloved dragon La'ney soared out to intercept him in free fall. Due to years of practice and a lot of trust, the two of them were able to use this method to mount faster than having Thera climb into a seat.
Thera adjusted his position immediately after his landing at the base of La'ney's neck. Given her size, most knights would have a saddle here- but Thera refused to use the saddle since he found it limited movement during flight. He'd tried opting to ride on her dead, between her horns but the pair had found that even more cumbersome.

"Yeah, this is just what I needed- nothing beats waking up to rush of flight." Thera openly stated his opinion while spreading his arms, with his legs he held himself in place while La'ney began her vertical assent to patrol altitude. Through his legs, he could feel his dragons powerful wings pumping and temporarily held himself upright to better feel the breeze.
How many times do I have to tell you to not do that when I'm vertical, you're just asking to fall off. While Thera knew his partner agreed with his opinion on flying, like usual she chided him for being reckless.

"Aw come on Ney, we both know that I won't fall on my own and even if I did you'd catch me. Besides, in combat odds are I'd have to be upright anyways." Thera gave his meager retort before ducking into his partners frame as she deliberately hard banked onto their patrol route. Thera passed the knight he was replacing on wing, and got the all clear signal...meaning nothing worth noting had been spotted. However, Thera still peeled his eyes while surveying the land and skies around himself...the elf wasn't too keen on letting something slip up on his watch. As the hours ticked by, the knights excitement grew despite nothing of importance happening on his own watch. He specifically signed up for this patrol because it took him through the nesting grounds.

Come dawn, he was looping through the outer regions of Alduin- mostly private estates and their grounds. But that was when something caught his eye and Thera instantly drew his bow before realizing he'd just spotted a girl watching the dragons herself. La'Ney had slightly altered her course when she felt him move, and began readjusting before making a spot of her own. I see something way below. Thera leaned in, signalling her to dive and the pair began a rapid descent and slowly Thera himself came to see what his partner discovered. Drawing closer, Thera finally noticed what he was looking old camp. The knight was forced to land to check things out.

"I'd say this was a fortnight ago...given this is actually a relatively obscure spot and a lousy angle from patrol height a good wind would hide the smell" The elf hopped back onto his partner and took off, total time he'd spent on the investigation had been less than a minute. However, this meant he'd need to launch a proper investigation.

"Drop me off and report to the flight tower... the knights need to know and I need answers." Thera instructed La'Ney during ascent, if that girl was still with the dragons he already knew where to find his first potential witness. Besides, La'Ney was better at giving nonwritten reports than him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Breena froze when she heard a voice calling, "Hello? Anything there?"

She didn't move, let alone reply back. When the call didn't come again, Breena peeked through the tall grasses until she saw who had called out. It was a dwarf standing a little in from the other side of the glen, though for Breena that was still pretty far away. She smiled as she crouched down. One thing she always loved doing was pranking unsuspecting travelers that she comes across. All she needed to do here was rig about five blades of grass to act as a catapult. With her experience in pranking and thus fiddling with inventions, it hadn't taken long for her to create the make-shift catapults. Breena then went around and filled each catapult basket with mud.

She peeked through the grasses again at the dwarf to see if he was still there and still in the right spot. Her eyes twinkled when she spotted that he hadn't moved so much as an inch. She then ran to each catapult and released it, only at the end did she stop and watch as the mud flew through the air. Some of them did miss, but others did actually hit their target. Breena fell down laughing, trying to keep as quiet as she could so she could stay out of sight from the dwarf.

There was a small rustle from behind Breena and she stopped laughing immediately. It was just a small rustle, far too small for it to be the dwarf, but she still didn't know what it was. That is until Ninar came through.

The imp smiled at her friend. "Ninar," she said, "What are you doing here? I thought you would be courting the women by now."

Ninar made a couple of singing noises, though Breena couldn't translate what he said word for word, they were close enough friends that she understood him none-the-less. She peeked back through the grass one more time, it would seem that her laughter hadn't been quiet enough, so she with a bit of defeat in her heart and a glance back to Ninar, Breena climbed onto a nearby rock, one in which its top was above the grass. There she stood out in the open for the dwarf to see because she knew, with her laughter having been too loud and having gotten noticed, there was no use in hiding.

"Well, well, well, looks like you caught be after all," Breena said, a tone of defiance dominating her voice.


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Character Portrait: Drograh
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#, as written by Wake
The valley had a deceptive peace and tranquility to it. An untamed beauty full of trees and brush that grew wild and freely without woodsmen to cut them back, and animals of many shapes and sizes that hid amongst it's rivers and groves. It had clear water running through it's streams and a still quiet crisp air with a sweet scent to it. This gem of natural wonder that enticed many who would appreciate such things with it's sights.

And there in lied the trap.

That silence was broken that day. There was a flapping of wings as a shadow zipped over the canopies of the woods with speed and buffeting the tips of the trees by the air displaced by the shadow's owner in his hurried passage. A moment passed. Then a much, much larger shadow followed behind it, darkening the ground bellow with it's size. The wind displaced by this shadow boomed and thunder with terrible force, snapping branches and scattering the frightened animals below to all four directions with it's violent pressure.

Alvalus bayed his mount to fly faster, to terrified to look behind him at the monolith of fire and death that hounded after them with feral determination. For his part his partner, the young bronze drake Akatos, complied to the best of his ability and dwindling stamina could allow as he raced forward with elf rider in tow. They both had heard the stories, but like the impetuous and defiant youths that they were they and their friends had been been lured by the promise of excitement that the valley forbidden to them seemed to promise. Now their friends were dead. And if this beast managed to catch them they would be joining them in a unmarked grave.

Alvalus looked desperately for some escape route. In the open sky's this thing would catch them eventually, and turning to fight it had proven to be suicide when their friends had tried it. Eyes wide and frantic he searched for anything to save them. "There!" He shouted when he spotted a rock formation with a narrow passage between it. "He's to big to fit through that!"

Akatos needed no other prompting and turned hard to aim at the only see able hope for their salvation. A loud crashing followed by a deafening roar behind them signaled that the beast had also adjusted it's trajectory and was starting to gain on them once again. Alvalus shivered, closed his eyes and started pray as he tightened his grip on the saddle. Akatos meanwhile pumped his wings faster and faster, manic fear numbing him to the screaming pain in his sore limbs. Onward and onward they pushed, reaching for the door to a momentary reprieve from this mad chase as the mass of death closed ever closer toward them from behind. When they reached the last stretch the young drake folded it's wings to its size and braced. It was a tight squeeze, one that they only just barely made it to the other side.

But made it they did. Akatos unfolded his wings again to catch himself and Alvalus let out a cry of laughter as relief forced the nervous tension out of him. For the first time in minutes the rider looked behind him to where the beast that had been hunting them had been. However the second he did so the relief died in his chest, replaced with a sudden intake of breath.

The beast had decided not to bother flying around the rock formation as they hopped and simply powered through it. With an ear splitting crash the head of the great wyrm punched through the cliff side. It's massive jaw closed down on Akatos' left wing before they could react and both dragon and rider let out a scream as blood fountained from the wound. Carried by the great wyrm they plummeted to the ground. There was much thrashing, roaring and screaming as they struggled.

After a solid half minute of this horrible noise it was over. Silence had returned to the valley and it's overlord had restored it. Drograh raised his head and sneered down at the remains of his kill. Another group of cowed wretches and their weakling masters they had submitted to. Pitiable creatures. Foolish as well, for it had been a long time since someone had dared to intrude in his domain with such lackluster means of defending themselves. Truly he had done them and the world a favor by ending their sad little lives.

His business now done and his dominance over the valley reaffirmed, the red dragon ascended once more into the sky to continue his patrol of his territory before returning to his lair.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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Torven felt small pellets of mud splatter against his clothing, some hit his bare arms, then he heard light fluttery laughter from the grass. Marching towards the small voice he loomed over a small imp, she was pretty but I mean, most faerie creatures were. Imps however were also mischievous, Torven didn't much appreciate being pranked. Although he wasn't angry, he was slightly peeved, just on principal really, she "attacked" him before even knowing him.
"Look here imp," Torven stated looking down at the smirking little faerie, her nose crinkling in devious delight at his confusion and slight anger towards her little trick. "I don't much care for being pummeled with mud. Now, would you mind terribly if we tried this again?" Torven wiped the mud from his arms and his clothing.
"My name is Torven. Just who might ye be?" He asked with slight irritation in his voice, however faeries intrigued him so very much that he decided he wanted to know more about the imps, he had never seen one in person before. As he watched the small little imp shifting and looking around, he sat cross-legged a few feet from her, as not to startle her with his size.


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Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
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Braxton was concerned, moreso than usual anyways. He attributed that fact to more activity in the woods than usual. Sure, the dragons, fairies, ents and other creatures lurked here. But something just didn't feel right today. It was as if something big was about to happen, and for a man like Braxton that's exactly what he doesn't need. It started when he noticed a flock of birds just fly high into the sky after he heard a faint "Hello" followed by some other words, a sure sign that someone was there, and that it was communicating with something else. It also didn't help that in the far distance two dragons dueled each other till one fell down presumably dying and both fortunately and unfortunately neither of them flew close enough for him to nab an easy prize or receive a harmful surprise. Despite all that however he stopped to sit down and just think for a moment. Feeling tired already he slowly debated his options. Hunt in the wild and hope that somehow, somewhere a dragon might oblige him and get killed in front of him. A plan which contained numerous flaws. Or he could head towards Valsung and be certain of bagging at least one ambush drake. A plan which also contained numerous flaws. I suppose you can't have everything though. he sighed to himself Valsung it is.
Picking himself up he gave another hefty sigh before beginning his trek toward the Dwarven city of Valsung. Keeping an eye out for dangers along the way.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"Look here imp," the dwarf stated looking down Breena. The imp puffed her chest out at being addressed so, "I don't much care for being pummeled with mud. Now, would you mind terribly if we tried this again?" the dwarf wiped the mud from his arms and his clothing, "My name is Torven. Just who might ye be?"

Breena cleared her throat and gave a grand bow as was costumed when introducing yourself for an imp, "You can call me Breena, just for the sake of never calling me imp again; and trust me Torven no one likes to get pummeled by mud," with that she gave another smirk.

"Can I ask what are you doing so close to Fangorn? Nobody other than those who live there visit...nobody who's smart that is," Breena said. She crossed her arm and squinted her black eyes at him.

She suddenly felt a nudge behind her, when she turned around she saw Ninar, his wing rippling as he floated behind her. "What is it?" Breena asked. Ninar just stared at her for a minute then stared at back at her, all the while making more urgent singing. Breena's strong and commanding stance suddenly faded into one of defeat. "Sorry...I know...I know," she rubbed under his chin the way he liked, "Thank you dear Ninar." The dragon smiled and gave a chirp before flying off to the rest of the faerie dragons.

"Now my question, what are you doing in the glen?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"I am here, making conversation with the faerie dragons along my way into Fangorn to see the creatures there. I don't much like my own kind, or my closer kin either. I figure why not venture forth and find some new family, or at least friends, or less than that, gain some interesting stories." He grinned an ornery grin, his eyes crinkling at the edges and slight dimples pronouncing around his mouth.

"Breena eh? Cute name, suits a lovely thing such as yourself . . . Answer me this. You are a sub-species of faerie and elven blood. Or at least that's what I've gathered from my books. Moreover, can you understand the dragons? All dragons or perhaps just the flittery tongue of the Faerie dragons?" Torven watched Breena closely as her dragon flew off to dance and sing with the others. Ninar, hmm. . . Perhaps I could converse with that dragon as well, he seems younger than Stalro. Perhaps he is an adolescent.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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The sun had risen just above the peaks, the warmth of it finally reaching Tuilinn. Reluctantly she stretched, her bare feet pointing and her ankles popping. She hated taking her eyes away from the eggs for even a moment, worried that she would miss a flutter of something - a crack here, a talon there, the peeking of an eye as it gazed at the outside world for the first time. During the duration of Tuilinn watching the eggs, only a handful had cracked, creating spidery seams along the curves. These wyrmlings were in no rush, and luckly, neither was Tuilinn.

Overhead a Dragon passed, it's shadow dancing across the ground she lay on. She paid it to mind - the longer she had lain here, the more comfortable the Mist Dragons had become of her presence, losing their misty shrouds and returning all of their attention to their lazy hatchlings. From where she was watching, Tuilinn could hear the soft coos, clicks, and rattles of the wyrmlings. A chip of egg shell fell off one, in a nest farthest from her impromptu bed. The membrane sat in place, a milky paper between the cool air outside and the haven within.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
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*Crack* He heard it before he saw it. As he turned around an ambush drake dashed from within the undergrowth and charged him. Dammit He thought to himself. Not even having time to bring his crossbow to bear, the drake already reached him and breathed it's foul breath at him. Missing only because of his evasive maneuvers pivoting quickly to the left. Panicking he preformed a human instinct as ancient as humanity itself and quickly took flight. Running at full pelt and constantly zig-zagging he kept just outta it's reach. The duo leaving behind a path of rustled leaves and broken branches along the way.

Losing hope he was faced with a certainty that this might be the end. But as the thought of death began to gnaw at him, he had an idea. Deftly defying the odds he quickly dropped to the ground and lain flat, thus the drake that was only moments away from striking him ran right over and past him. Confused at losing it's query the drake quickly and rather angrily turned around looking to send this human down it's belly. But for the drake that would not be so, for as it re sighted the human who was standing only naught but 15 feet behind him, the drake received 5 finely crafted steel bolts to the face, killing it instantly.

Taking a deep breath Braxton managed to collect himself, reloading his crossbow with 5 fresh bolts. Yet something still didn't feel quite right, looking around he saw another shape. Multiple shapes. All dark and seemingly running at full pelt. Oddly drake like in fact and that's when it hit him Ambush drakes hunt in packs. Uttering a few curse words he fired half a volley at one of the drakes, staggering it enough so that it hit a tree. Spinning around he quickly emptied the last 3 bolts at another drake, sending it tumbling to the ground, dead. Noticing the injured drake approaching he drew his sword. And as it leaped across the forest floor at him, breathing out deadly fumes. Anticipating this Braxton ran at it before sliding right under it's leap and avoided being killed by it's vicious breath. At the same time he stuck his sword upwards and cut through the drakes underside. Sending it collapsing on the ground as it landed. Stained with blood he quickly cleaned before breathing a sigh of relief and began setting up camp. It was then he mused to himself I wonder what he would pay if I bought him a drake corpse, and this quickly too! Chuckling to himself he started a fire and began resting next to the corpses of his fallen enemies. With the sun shining down on the forest and it's incandescent rays penetrating the canopies of the trees he realized something, sun or no sun, he needed some rest.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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Thera, I think you might be worrying too much. La'Ney's thoughts came across with a tinge of concern. Thera himself never descended to the ground, he was simply too at home up in the clouds to try adventuring down below. The dragon was taking advantage of the ascent back towards Alduin to calm down her rather high-strung partner. It was something she found annoying, whether working or playing Thera always went full force and without any kind of reservation.

How about instead you ask your questions and then we get back to patrol- you don't want to be late again. Her tone didn't allow Thera to argue, they were doing things her way this time.

"Ney, if this turns out to be a real thing you'll get the biggest 'I told you' in the history of the topic." Truthfully there was a low chance to this happening, Ney was the one with the better judgement and Thera had yet to win his promised 'I told you so' in all their years together. This kept the young knight silent until the pair leveled off with the mainland and proceeded inland again. Rather than getting too close towards where they spotted the girl from before, La'Ney had the sense to stop well in advanced to give her fellow dragons piece of mind. Thera hopped off and rolled to his feet before she could land and walked towards where they'd spotted the girl. Each step made his heart beat a bit faster and his expression and manners grew stiffer, Thera wasn't comfortable being too far away from his partner (though the presence of dragons as a whole lessened the discomfort somewhat). Due to his abnormally young age upon selection, he'd already spent more time with her than without which made him feel like walking around without an arm. The fact she deliberately cut their mental connection whenever she wanted him talking to people was even worse because it felt like a portion of his heart or brain were missing. This was one of those times, resulting in Thera as usual hiding under the mask of 'dedicated knight' to force through his unease.

The knight made his way up the nesting grounds, steps quick and efficient while his eyes were peeled for a sign of his fellow elf. As Ney had flown most of the distance, Thera only had to walk for a couple minutes before he spotted the girl in question still at her perch. 'The knight' called out to announce his presence when he was within earshot of his destination.

"I beg your pardon milady, but this knight wonder if he may borrow a moment of your time." Theratrial's body continued its smooth trek towards the girl and even adopted a gentle smile to aide in making 'the knight' more presentable.

"It's truly nothing serious, a minor question or two and I shall be off and out of your hair." Had Thera been the type to wear a helmet, 'the knight' would have taken it of and probably attempted more etiquette. However, Theratrial was not that sort which left the persona having to respond to other social cues on the fly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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0.00 INK

The new parents stiffened at the sudden noise and hovered over their eggs. Tuilinn turned to the man, squinting into the morning sun as her body began to tingle from laying in the same position for so long. "I beg your pardon milady, but this knight wonders if he may borrow a moment of your time." she heard him call, approaching ever closer. Behind her a few of the Dragons hissed their distaste before evaporating into mist, the sudden cloud settling over the nests of hatching eggs.

Tuinlinn turned around, a heaviness in her heart as she noticed the change among the Dragons. "It's truly nothing serious, a minor question or two and I shall be off and out of your hair." The remaining Dragons watched closely, appearing calm but ever at the ready. Tuilinn sat up and crossed her legs, focusing on the man. "I'll answer any questions you might have," she said pleasantly, though her heart felt heavy that she was missing part of the hatching.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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'The knight' widened his smile when the young lady voiced her compliance, and quickly blinked away Thera's interest in the dragons further away.

"My thanks," the two words were to act as a flimsy disguise for the moment.

"Moments ago during patrol, my partner spotted what turned out to be a campsite on closer inspection. I'm merely curious as to whether either you or anyone from around here happened to descend for a camping trip or had an extended stay beneath the clouds that might have caused the mess within the past three maybe four weeks or even if you noticed anything odd during that time."

He hoped this instance was something to be easily answered, after all a mere verbal reminder to clean up from a simple activity was one thing. Especially given elven memory of recent events, while shorter lived races might have one view- things would be handled entirely different should this be a more serious matter. It didn't help matters that 'the knight' kept finding his eyes goes back to the dragon in question.

"Also you might want to turn around, the first one is about to hatch soon." These words didn't belong to 'the knight' and were Thera's own. Unlike the rest, there wasn't a hint of strictness or formality to them. "The gathering of the misted formed parents near the clutch means you've got less than a minute to go. When the first real cracks start forming, they'll be have to become solid again since hatchlings require extra moisture- much like a suckling babe.However these ones are a bit on the early side, the moisture in the air isn't thick enough yet." Ever the dragon fanatic Thera couldn't help but divulge information towards his captive audience. A more drastic change that the distracted knight missed was the dragons calming slightly- unlike Thera whose natural affinity with dragons was ridiculously high, 'the knight' had a tendency to put them on edge.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"I am here, making conversation with the faerie dragons along my way into Fangorn to see the creatures there. I don't much like my own kind, or my closer kin either. I figure why not venture forth and find some new family, or at least friends, or less than that, gain some interesting stories," the dwarf said. Breena scrutinized him, dusting herself off and walking towards him. How strange, she thought, A dwarf who doesn't like dwarves.

"Breena eh? Cute name, suits a lovely thing such as yourself . . . Answer me this. You are a sub-species of faerie and elven blood. Or at least that's what I've gathered from my books. Moreover, can you understand the dragons? All dragons or perhaps just the flittery tongue of the Faerie dragons?"

"You talk a lot," Breena said, starting to circle the dwarf and poking him where she could reach, "A lost dwarf, wandering into Fangorn...I can understand the dragons, though not in the way that you might think. I understand their ways. I have watched the sky deities for years, so yes I understand them," Breena left the conversation at that.

"Now what can I do with a lost dwarf who is so willing to travel into Fangorn," Breena climbed back up onto the rock, "Do you know what happens to lost souls who travel to our land? Ever since the races began claiming territory, no one besides those who live there have been able to travel. Do you really think, just because you've come to hate your own kind that we'll accept you? Foolish, lost dwarf."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Breena Character Portrait: Torven Kalieesh
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"I do understand that you are not trusting of me, and I accept this wholeheartedly. However Breena, I also know that I am certainly not lost. I am an explorer, a seeker of truths, I wish to find solace, or even just some sense of completion in my heart. You see I have never been what you call, happy or fulfilled by the life I was offered back in Valsung. Drakes there are vile and ignorant. Dwarves are judgmental and violent." He sat down in front of the rock Breena sat upon, sighing heavily he brushed hair back out of his eyes.

"I do talk a lot, although I think I get that from my mother. She was very social, loving and such. It is because of her that I wish to venture out, expand my horizons and gain stories that my mother could never have made because she was weak, sickly ever since she was a child. But, honestly if I was you I wouldn't be too trusting of a strange dwarf like myself either."
Torven watched Breena intently as she judged him, Torven could tell at first glance she didn't much care for him at all. "I understand their ways. I have watched the sky deities for years, so yes I understand them." Torven thought for a moment scratching his head before asking.

"So, you cannot speak dragon? Yet, you know of their ways? Such as temperament? Or perhaps like a way of sign-language? I find this very interesting so please humor my ignorance in the matter." Torven said cracking a slight smile at the smaller creature.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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Tuilinn listened to the knight, tilting her head as she tried to imagine a campsite along the path she had taken. She was deep in thought and had almost missed him tell her to turn around. Smiling, she spun onto her knees and peered over at the clutch of eggs. Just as he said, the spider webs of cracks was growing ever greater.

"I've watched a few hatchings before, but I know only what I've seen. I haven't read anything or been educated as you seem to be." She remarked, watching in awe as another chip fell off one of the eggs. "My name is Tuilinn, and I'm sorry to say I haven't seen the campsite you're referring to. Actually, you're the first elf I've seen all morning." She settled into a more comfortable position to watch the eggs.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
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Braxton woke to a strange feeling on his neck. Damned twigs he thought to himself as he tried to dislodge the object. Grabbing at it he had a strange thought Sticks shouldn't be round and as he put the stick in front of him he found that it was not made of wood but of a fuzzy feeling. And it did not have leaves but instead had multiple eyes. Frozen in abject horror he stared at the spider as it stared at him, and for but a moment or two the world seemed to freeze with him. The ambient sound of the forests disappeared and the burning of the fire vanished that is until Braxton finally hit the realization that he was holding a spider and in a panic threw it straight at a nearby tree. Causing a sickening *Crack* as the spider reached terminal velocity before impacting the bark. Christ how long did I nap for? he wondered staring at the sky It's definitely past noon...better get a move on and those thoughts materialized in his head he checked his surroundings one last time before packing up camp and dragging the corpse of an ambush drake with him.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theratrial Za'Anisonna
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Thera felt himself smiling awkwardly when Tuilinn commented on his knowledge of dragons.

"I grew up on dragon back, so I guess you could say it'd be strange if I didn't know. Theratriel Za'Anisonna, though I prefer Thera...and I certainly don't like my colleagues nickname for me,but I digress." Thera felt his heart rate picking up again, he really didn't know why he was talking at this point. He quickly cleared his throat, and spoke again to announce his exit albeit in a slightly strained voice.

"Anyways miss, if something does occur or if you remember anything please report it to the nearest tower. If you give them my name, or this" Thera dropped his sword, sheath, belt and all to the ground. "They'll also know what to do." Thera had a vague feeling we was breaking some form of protocol but shrugged it off in his haste to leave. As a result Thera more jogged than walked away from the young girl, and returned to Ney. He could feel the pleasure one would feel with a good prank through their link.

"Just get us back to tower," Thera cut off any potential conversation with his griping and flew to the local tower where he filed his report on the matter. Hopefully, the knights in the area would pick up the slack. He then finished his route and flew directly to the Knight Central Tower. It was from there all the knights activities, from training to patrols and beyond took place. He again reported his findings on the patrol. Once finished he went to check on any other duties, from his commanding officer.

"HereGen! Good you're in...late might I add, you'll never advance any further as a knight at this rate." Thera grimaced at the term 'heregen' shortened from 'heretical genius' which was how one of the instructors described him during basic'd stuck ever since. It also didn't help that some of his peers were already beginning to call him 'Failed Knight' due to him being stuck roughly 3 informal ranks behind all of them at least.
"Still, I'm glad you came since we need a fast flyer to check out some disappearances of knights and riders. At the moment, you're the only flyer I have to spare." Thera frowned at the notion, even though his commanders words were pretty, it was essentially him saying Thera was expendable.

"Yes sir, I'll be off at once. How long will Ney and I be away?" The answer wasn't something he wanted to hear.

"Oh you've got clearance for two months. However since these disappearance also include dragons, she'll have to come right back. The area is rather prosperous valley so you needn't bother backing. Just turn in your saddle and you can be on your way- it'll be a long flight." Thera merely nodded and made his exit, turned his saddle over like normal and went to his partner- she'd heard the whole thing through him.

You really need to show more backbone in there. Everyone just walks all over you. Thera knew she was right, but he had no idea how his family- especially his father would handle what could be considered insubordination.

"Ney let's just get this over with, however when you get that area with the girl. Something just didn't feel right over there. Besides I'm sure an old lady like yourself would gladly like to be around hatchlings again." The knight dodged the halfhearted tail slap that came his way before getting into position for take off. He hadn't expected to fly nearly as many days as they did (no thanks to some weather) but eventually he and Ney arrived at parted ways. The wind aiding her return home, then Thera was truly alone before a giant valley and immediately felt this might take more than two months.


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Character Portrait: Drograh
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#, as written by Wake
The rush of wind and massive encroaching shadow heralded his approach. The crash and reverberating ripples on the lake heralded his landing at it's shore, and sent a flock of birds scattering into the air. No further intruders had been spotted in his domain that day. Thus the lord of the valley had decided to rest himself a while an slate his thirst.

He plunged his head into the lake waters and made small waves with his submergence. For several moments he sat there lapping up the cool crisp water, an once finished refreshing himself he arched his back, stretched the ache out of his wings, and settled down on his side for a short respite. He still had a few dozen miles of his domain to cover today.


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Character Portrait: Saphiria
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As the sun hit the midpoint high in the sky a soft growl emanated from her cave, echoing off into the distance over the steeples of the mountains. Waking from her slumber Saphiria stretched out as far as she could before rising and heading towards the entrance of her mountain cave. It had been at least a week since she had emerged from her home and she was running out of food. With a few powerful strokes of her wings Saphiria rose above the mountains and up into the clouds above them before heading off towards a nearby forest just outside of the mountains.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nyata
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As Nyata glided towards the ground of one of the mist dragon nesting grounds the white dragoness let out a loud cry in greeting a warning to the dragons below. Landing on the surface of the floating island Nyata settled into a sitting position as the ground directly around and below her iced over. After a few moments of waiting the mist around her thickened before a mist dragon materialized before her and the mist thinned immensely. Bowing her head in greeting the dragoness stayed completely still, a spray of snow and ice driving off the mist every time she breathed out.

After she had finished conversing with the mist dragon and had assured him that she was not there to threaten the hatchling he turned and disappeared into the mist. Glad that there would be no problem with her presence in Alduin Nyata took flight, deciding to get a little closer to the center of Alduin where the elves lived before changing forms. Though she knew to never say it to a human Nyata much preferred the elven form and culture, feeling that elves were much more refined than humans.

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Volundr by SageWater


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Character Portrait: Breena
9 sightings Breena played by Fredalice
An Imp who always has a question to ask.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar
Character Portrait: Drograh
Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
Character Portrait: Nyata
Character Portrait: Alatáriellë  Del'Nahtiaire
Character Portrait: Saphiria


Character Portrait: Saphiria

~Finished~ A secluded dragon hidden in the mountains alittle more southwards than Valsung.

Character Portrait: Alatáriellë  Del'Nahtiaire
Alatáriellë Del'Nahtiaire

"I will do as I please and no one will stop me."

Character Portrait: Nyata

~Finished~ A dragoness with an interest in human and elven culture.

Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
Edward Haddock Braxton

A human male who seeks only compensation for things that are done. He is an individual who acts coldy to strangers but moreso to elves.

Character Portrait: Drograh

Called The One-Horned-Flame-King by dragons, old one horn by humans. A particularly large beast of the dragon kin who is well known for his temper, pride, and violent rampages.

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar
Tuilinn tel' Anar

An Elvish girl who has a yearning for adventure in her heart


Character Portrait: Saphiria

~Finished~ A secluded dragon hidden in the mountains alittle more southwards than Valsung.

Character Portrait: Drograh

Called The One-Horned-Flame-King by dragons, old one horn by humans. A particularly large beast of the dragon kin who is well known for his temper, pride, and violent rampages.

Character Portrait: Nyata

~Finished~ A dragoness with an interest in human and elven culture.

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar
Tuilinn tel' Anar

An Elvish girl who has a yearning for adventure in her heart

Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
Edward Haddock Braxton

A human male who seeks only compensation for things that are done. He is an individual who acts coldy to strangers but moreso to elves.

Character Portrait: Alatáriellë  Del'Nahtiaire
Alatáriellë Del'Nahtiaire

"I will do as I please and no one will stop me."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alatáriellë  Del'Nahtiaire
Alatáriellë Del'Nahtiaire

"I will do as I please and no one will stop me."

Character Portrait: Edward Haddock Braxton
Edward Haddock Braxton

A human male who seeks only compensation for things that are done. He is an individual who acts coldy to strangers but moreso to elves.

Character Portrait: Tuilinn tel' Anar
Tuilinn tel' Anar

An Elvish girl who has a yearning for adventure in her heart

Character Portrait: Saphiria

~Finished~ A secluded dragon hidden in the mountains alittle more southwards than Valsung.

Character Portrait: Nyata

~Finished~ A dragoness with an interest in human and elven culture.

Character Portrait: Drograh

Called The One-Horned-Flame-King by dragons, old one horn by humans. A particularly large beast of the dragon kin who is well known for his temper, pride, and violent rampages.

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Re: Dragons Among Us

This should be recreated.

Re: Dragons Among Us

I still want to keep it open concept for everyone, so there is no absolute in the plot :)

Re: Dragons Among Us

A silver dragon sounds perfect Neko! Pm me when you make your character and we can discuss how they meet/met.

Re: Dragons Among Us

I don't mind Drograh becoming an antagonist, that is sort of what I had in mind for him from the start. But depending what your plans are and how far up the 'villain scale' you want him to be we may need to talk a bit more about about what the general idea going ahead is, because there were a few other ideas I was bouncing around on before.

Re: Dragons Among Us

Alright, I'll see what I can do here. My second batch of midterms are coming up with one set of classes and finals in another so time is not my friend.

Which character btw? My elf or his other half.

Also permission to make a Silver(?) (gotta review my colors here) for Ala's partner?

Re: Dragons Among Us

Lol sorry about that. I only get 45 minutes of computer time a day and most of it is used for homework since my personal computer is broken. The rest of my time online is on my Ipod making it 1)hard to type, 2)my posts end up strewn together and 3)I have to rush most of my stuff. I'll try my best to get my characters integrated into the rp from now on.

Re: Dragons Among Us

Alright, depending on the attendance, this is my plan. I'll need to make sure if Wake will be able to stay with us, because my ideas are pretty connected to his character. That is to say, if he cannot attend, someone can make a character to fit the role.

So, with what I have seen, Wake's Dragon is a problem - let's make him a threat. Nekohina, your character can be the first to gauge the impending issues or what have you, report back and force the elves to go into action. This leaves the story very open to ideas and imagination, leaves the world open concept, but there's a thread to work at. If the Elves feel threatened, word will travel fast through the lands and we can only imagine what they're responses will be (literally!) The adventures, Torven, Breena, and Edward, since you aren't strictly tied to a land you have a little more wiggle room for possibilities. Lost, you have the most wiggle room since you have yet to make a foot print! :)

I'll try to get into contact with Wake and Winterturtle again, finalize the answers, but until then we can either bounce around some more ideas, or you can start towards this one!

Re: Dragons Among Us

Nope nope nope! Oh, also, Sage, I sent you a message with a few questions about Midgard so if you could answer that soon I could have all three of my characters roleplay-ready and get to start actually posting.

Re: Dragons Among Us

see wont lose us that easily

Re: Dragons Among Us

I'll check back in later tomorrow. Can't promise anything until the weekend.

Re: Dragons Among Us

Once I get a hold of all of you, I'll share my ideas on where we can go with this. I've read everything, seen the writing styles and personalities, and I have war on my mind. And it's gon' be good.

Re: Dragons Among Us

FREAKING UGH. LIFE MAN. Wisdom teeth, stolen phone, NO INTERNET.


I'll been checking on everything, I'll message all of you, and gosh darn get back into this. ugh.

Re: Dragons Among Us

I'ma guess school

Re: Dragons Among Us

where the hell has sage been by the way?

Re: Dragons Among Us

no worries mate, been rather bogged down this week myself

Re: Dragons Among Us


Sorry, I'm going to be a bit slow getting a post out. I've got a lot of things I need to do this week.

Re: Dragons Among Us

I finished Nyata if you want to look her over and critic it Sage just send me a pm telling me what else I need afterwards. I'm also working on Ally and already have a backstory in mind. I know someone said they'd like to be her dragon partner so if you could pm me that'd be great. Also, I was wondering if it would be common or uncommon for humans to keep some elves as slaves if they ended up in Midgard?

Re: Dragons Among Us

That would be perfect.

Re: Dragons Among Us

What do you know Wake, I was JUST thinking about having Thera sent in to check that out after Sage finished with me. I was thinking our hostile dragon here would have something of an interesting time with this small elf that's too familiar with dragons.

Also an excuse for Sage to Commandeer Ney if she pleases since I doubt they'd what someone flying this time around. Since Thera and Ney have been freaks relationship why from the start I'm hoping the notion isn't too contrary to her vision.

Re: Dragons Among Us

I'm actually just kinda waiting around doing nothing with my character at the moment. >_>

I remember Lost sending me a pm about an idea she had for one of her characters meeting up with Drograh, but with her some what indisposed for the time being I can't really bank on that. (Though I am still interested in what you had in mind for that, Lost.)

The only other thing I could do at the moment would require me to have some confirmation on if any of you want old Dro in any of your respective scenes. I did put that bit in Drograh's intro about him chasing down the dragon rider for if anyone (mainly Tuilinn and Thera) wanted to take up looking for "Three dragons and their riders who haven't reported back".

Also I left the exact location of Drograh's valley ambiguous for anyone that was thinking of having their characters travel through.