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Blood & Fire

Blood & Fire


Dragons, Vampires and Mages. Oh my!

2,377 readers have visited Blood & Fire since SugarNspikeS created it.







There is a long forgotten legend from the 18th century that tells of a time when vampires had nearly overrun the planet. Humanity had tried sending their best warriors and hunters to eliminate the blood sucking menace. Unfortunately, this was to no avail. Finally the most powerful elemental mages from all over the world got together to find a solution. They pleaded to the gods, begging for a creature with skin that could not be penetrated by the vampires, claws strong enough to rip them to shreds and a means of destroying the vampires permanently. The gods, in all their twisted wisdom, heard the pleas of the mages and bestowed upon them the blessing and curse of dragons. The mages themselves were transformed into various forms of dragons, each with the elemental powers they had in their mage form.

The dragons spread through the world wiping out wave after wave of vampires. The vampires, having acquired positions of great power and influence, spread the rumors that the dragons were evil and trying to destroy the kingdoms of man. This got kings to send armies to slay the dragons, which forced many of the dragons to revert back to their mage forms for their own safety and only hunt at night.

Eventually, the vampires numbers dwindled to a manageable amount and they went into hiding, as did the dragon mages. Both Vampires and Dragons became the stuff of legends and the facts surrounding their powers got twisted with every telling of the stories. The vampires continued to take positions of power and influence but they also continued to feed the myth that vampires were fake. Meanwhile, the mages foresaw a time when the vampires would rise again and decided to take precautionary measures. The ritual for invoking the dragon spirits was recorded onto an enchanted crystal tablet and the air dragon mage was tasked with hiding it at the ends of the earth where no vampire would know about it.

Fast forward to the modern world. Everyone believes both vampires and dragons to nothing more that the stuff of fairy tales and legends. Vampires feed in secret and have special arrangements with blood banks and butcher shops. The descendents of the dragon mages have no idea of their heritage or the power that runs through their veins. One such descendent is a young man named Jayce Ericson. He's a photographer for a science themed magazine and was sent to the South pole with a group of scientists studying the effects of electromagnetic fields on subatomic particles. While they were down there they got a large amount of interference from a cave near the site. They went to investigate and found an old man suspended in what they could only describe as a chronoton field. He was holding a pink crystal slab with strange markings engraved in it. Jayce, being a purist when it came to photography, always brought a polaroid camera with him in addition to his digital cameras and took a few pictures of the old guy in the ice and even got a close up of the crystal tablet. He liked the way the old camera captured the true essence of an image and not just a digital copy of it.

Upon returning to the site, Jayce heard a news report broadcasting over all the frequencies. There was a solar discharge headed for earth that was large enough to render every electronic devise on earth useless. This would leave Jayce and the scientists stranded in the South Pole and there was nothing they could do about it. In the final hour before the discharge hit the earth Jayce decided to go out and see the beauty of the South Pole one more time before he was stranded there.

Suddenly the Sky lit up with the aurora borealis only the colorful waves came all the way down to the ground. The waves came closer and closer until one of the waves completely enveloped him. He felt a strange tingling feeling as like a foot falling asleep, but all over his body. It grew stronger until he felt like his very atoms were being ripped apart. Then he was gone.

After every computer, phone, electronic devise or anything that used electricity was rendered useless, the vampires no longer had steady sources of blood to depend on. The blood banks and butcher shops no longer could keep the blood fresh. The vampires quickly went feral and started hunting humans like wild animals.

Before long there was world wide panic and humanity was thrown back into a new dark age where only the strong can survive. There was no power, no phones, no means of travel without animal power and no modern conveniences of any kind. This is the world where Jayce now wakes up, confused and with no memory what happened and no idea that it's 82 years after the day he vanished.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris
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“Year 80?! It was 2018 the before I… well whatever happened to me. So the years got reset about 80 years ago, I’m guessing that was when the cause of all this” Jayce gestured to the city. “Happened. So I was right, I somehow traveled into the future, but how and why?”
The two of them continued walking to the what looked like an overgrown mass of blackberry bushes and shrubs. That was until the gates opened and an old looking man came to greet them at the entrance.


Lance was watching from one of the lookout points near the entrance to the colony. He had an old pair of binoculars that he used to see Phillip approaching the entrance and he had someone else in tow. The other person was wearing some strange clothes. He tried to focus a little better and he got a glimpse of the other guy’s face. He dropped the binoculars. “It can’t be…” he gasped. He went to his shack and grabbed an old looking clay cylinder from under his bed. He took the lid off and pulled out an ancient piece of papyrus and unrolled it. He looked at it and studied the picture sketched on it before he put it into his pocket. He ran down to the entrance of the colony and waited for Philip and the other person to come through the camouflaged gate.

“Well, now I see what was taking you so long. Since when do we take in strays?” Lance said trying to maintain his composure until he was certain. “So who’s the stranger in the weird clothes?”

“My name’s Jayce.” He replied before Phillip had a chance to respond. “Sorry if I’m intruding, I seem to be a little displaced and Phillip here generously offered to get me some food.”

“Yeah, about the food, where exactly is the food that you were supposed to be getting for the colony? Wildlife can’t be that hard to find these days.” Lance asked.

“That was partially my fault as well. He thought I was wildlife at first and almost killed me had it not been for his quick reflexes, and from that point I kind of distracted him with questions and that’s when he brought me here.”

“You said you were displaced, by any chance were you kicked out of your colony for being such a trouble maker?” Lance asked sarcastically.

“With all due respect, I doubt you’d believe me if I told you. Hell, I’m not even sure I believe what happened to me and the details are still a little fuzzy.” Jayce snapped back.

“Let me guess, you were thrown forward in time and have no idea what happened to the world you once knew and now you’re seriously worried about how you’re going to survive in this world?” Lance rattled off.

“What… How… How did you know?” Jayce gasped in shock.

“So it’s true you are the chosen one. The clothes, your face, it all matches perfectly.”

“What matches? What are you talking about?”

“This.” Lance replied as he pulled out the papyrus showing it to Jayce and Phillip. There on the ancient piece of paper was a sketch of Jayce, the detail was intricate and looked exactly like him right down to the parka and hair style.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris
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“Year 80?! It was 2018 the before I… well whatever happened to me. So the years got reset about 80 years ago, I’m guessing that was when the cause of all this” Jayce gestured to the city. “Happened. So I was right, I somehow traveled into the future, but how and why?”

Philip raised an eyebrow. They were practically at the gates now, and he was still formulating an answer in his head when they were met by Lance at the door. The old man had an expression on his face indicating the two of them were in trouble, so Philip braced himself for the impact.

“Well, now I see what was taking you so long. Since when do we take in strays?”

He was ready for him, ready to bite back with a remark, but Jayce was quicker. Philip's anger dissipated when Jayce spoke, and he couldn't help to look at him with fondness. A lot of people would have left him to fend for himself, but despite his confusion, Jayce seemed adamant to make sure Lance knew the full story– even defending him when Lance questioned the lack of food. Even so, Philip couldn't help but to wonder if there was something else going on, though. Lance's questions had a certain edge to them. It wasn't unusual for him to scold Philip if he failed, but it seemed as though he'd expected Jayce to reply instead. As though he was trying to get information out of the man.

"By any chance were you kicked out of your colony for being such a trouble maker?"

"Lance, come on, man–" Philip started, but Jayce was having none of it.

“With all due respect, I doubt you’d believe me if I told you. Hell, I’m not even sure I believe what happened to me and the details are still a little fuzzy.”

"He's still confused, and he's had a rough day, can we just not–" but Philip's remarks fell on deaf ears once again.

“Let me guess, you were thrown forward in time and have no idea what happened to the world you once knew and now you’re seriously worried about how you’re going to survive in this world?”

"You what?" How the hell had Lance known about Jayce's time travel theory?

“So it’s true you are the chosen one. The clothes, your face, it all matches perfectly.”

Chosen one? Philip facepalmed with a groan.

"Oh God, not this again. Lance, seriously."

He'd heard Lance speak of the prophecy before. Though Philip was never personally interested in the scrolls that the old man surrounded himself with, he still had to admit that the idea was sound enough. It kept hope among some of the people in the colony, that the world wouldn't remain the way it was for all eternity. Philip knew better than that, though. The only way to defeat the vampires was through hard work and a unification of colonies– something they couldn't expect to get done for at least another eighty years. Letting someone think they were the chosen one was just a step too far. Looking up at the scroll, though, he had to admit there was an uncanny resemblance between Jayce and the old drawing. But it was all too impossible.

Even vampires had a reasonable explanation. This? It was like believing in magic.

"Can you chill for like, fifty seconds? What, did you draw that as you saw us coming up the hill or something?"

He looked between the two. Jayce looked about ready to believe the old man, but then Jayce probably would have believed that it rained frogs on Wednesdays at this point.

"I can't believe you," he said. "Did you spot the first tired, confused stranger you've been able to get your hands on for a while and decide to confuse him even further? Unbelievable."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris
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"Can you chill for like, fifty seconds? What, did you draw that as you saw us coming up the hill or something?" Phillip accused.
“And how could I have done a sketch this detailed so quickly, and with these hands?” He asked holding his right hand out and sticking it in Phillip’s face. It was old and gnarled, posed into permanent claws by decades of arthritis.
"I can't believe you," he said. "Did you spot the first tired, confused stranger you've been able to get your hands on for a while and decide to confuse him even further? Unbelievable."
“No I assure you this is not the case.” Lance said, his tone calming as he realized that his shouting and arguing were not helping his cause. “This sketch is older than I am, it was handed down through generations of the monks from the great mage Draco Avalon. All monks were required to study it until the face was memorized. It is the face of the chosen one, your face.” He said as he turned to Jayce.
“Okay, look, I’m willing to believe that I was thrown forward in time by some sort of cataclysmic event that I don’t remember. But I highly doubt that it was foretold by someone who, judging by the paper you got there, was long dead before I was ever born.”
“Wait, you don’t remember what happened? How you got here? Any of that?”
“Nope. The last thing I remember from my time is packing my clothes to go on assignment to Antarctica, after that it all goes kind of blurry.” Jayce scoffed.
“Well perhaps I can help you to recover your memories, and maybe then you’ll see that I’m right.”
“Okay, if you think you can help, we’ll do it, but I believe I was promised a meal. Surely, this can wait until after we all eat.”
“Yes.” He replied calmly. He then turned to Phillip “I’m sorry for losing my composure, I was excited by the prospect of having the chosen one in our midst and forgot that it was going to fall to me to educate him on who he was and what kind of power he possesses. I know you don’t hold any stock in the legends of the dragon mages, and you think it’s all just a bunch of nonsense, but there was a time when humanity thought the same of vampires, now look at us. We cower in fear of them, is really so wrong to believe there is a way to destroy them? To fight back? Is it so wrong to have faith?”

Later that evening, while they were eating around the fire, Lance explained the legend of the vampires, how they almost destroyed humanity, how the first group of mages gathered from around the world to find a solution to the problem and how they became the first dragons. While Phillip seemed unimpressed by the story Jayce payed attention to every detail.
“But what happened in 2018? What caused the vampires to rise to power again? What reduced humanity to hiding in the woods like nomadic cave people?”
“Oh, you mean the flare.” Lance spoke with a hushed reverence. “A long time ago man thrived, the power of lightning was our slave and we were dependent on it, all of us, even the vampires. They had learned that it was easier to live in secrecy alongside humanity provided they were able to get their blood elsewhere. They had places set up that used the power of lightning to keep the blood fresh, and the humans were safe. But then the flare hit. A massive burst from the sun itself that engulfed the planet and destroyed all things that used this power. The vampires began to hunt again with no supply of fresh blood, and soon their blood lust kicked in and they went feral. Man reverted back to the dark ages before the power and we’ve learned to survive or be killed.”
“Sounds interesting.” Jayce replied. “Although we called it electricity, not the power of lightning.” He snickered. He caught a glance of Phillip’s expression in the light of the fire and it seemed like in that moment he might have finally believed Jayce about being from the past, but he couldn’t tell for sure.
“It’s getting late, and we must all rest.” Lance spoke followed by a yawn that looked like a lion’s roar.
“But what about helping me with my memory?” Jayce asked.
“We’ll work on that tomorrow, I must rest and prepare mentally to help you.”
Jayce looked over at Phillip by the fire as Lance walked off in the direction of his shack. He couldn’t read his expression, but he also couldn’t help but notice the guy’s face now that he had washed the paint off of it. There was a subtle innocence behind the rough expression and a glow of gentleness in his dark eyes. He walked over and sat next to him. Jayce stared into the fire, his green eyes seemed to go blank and expressionless. It was a lot to take in.
“What do you think about all this?” Jayce asked without looking up. “Is any of this real, is any of it possible? Maybe I’m just some nutcase imagining this whole thing. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and none of this will be real, just a dream, a sick, twisted, gut wrenching dream. Part of me hopes it is.” He turned looked up into Phillip’s eyes “Well, maybe not all of it. So, where am I sleeping tonight?” He asked fighting back a devilish grin. He was still unable to get a “read” on Phillip and didn’t want to scare the poor kid off.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris
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Philip frowned, slapping the old man's hand out of his face. He had to admit it seemed impossible for Lance to have drawn up the picture of Jayce on their way up, but for now it seemed the only possible explanation. He looked at Jayce, who was at the very least a little sceptical. When he heard about his memory loss though, he mostly felt like pulling the guy close and giving him a comforting hug. However, Lance was speaking again:

“I’m sorry for losing my composure, I was excited by the prospect of having the chosen one in our midst and forgot that it was going to fall to me to educate him on who he was and what kind of power he possesses. I know you don’t hold any stock in the legends of the dragon mages, and you think it’s all just a bunch of nonsense, but there was a time when humanity thought the same of vampires, now look at us. We cower in fear of them, is really so wrong to believe there is a way to destroy them? To fight back? Is it so wrong to have faith?”

He wanted to say yes, yes it was. Faith was debilitating, it let people believe they could sit back and wait for problems to fix themselves. It took the action out of those who had the ability to fight back. But the glimmer of hope in Jayce's eyes, that he might not be thrown into this world by chance, might have a purpose although his life had been turned upside down, that kept him quiet. "You know very well what I think about faith," he mumbled. "I'm having a bath."

With that, he left Jayce in Lance's hands for a while as he washed the paint off his face, and changed into a simpler costume.

Later, as evening fell, he joined the other two by the fire where Jayce was finally provided with the meal he'd been promised. Lance was explaining the history of something, but Philip hardly paid attention as he ate. Once he finished the meal, he sat working on a spear he'd started before leaving on the hunt earlier that day. He picked up on Lance talking about the flare, and the way people had subdued the power of lightning to their will some eighty years before.

“Sounds interesting. Although we called it electricity, not the power of lightning,” Jayce said. Philip looked up, meeting his eyes over the flames of the fire. Though he still couldn't see how, he supposed some of it might be true. The way Jayce acted, it had to be some sort of complicated mental illness or he was really from the past. He couldn't think of anyone who'd make up a word like 'electricity', especially not someone not in possession of all their faculties.

“We’ll work on that tomorrow, I must rest and prepare mentally to help you.”

"The old man needs his beauty sleep," Philip mumbled, then looked up and said aloud, "Goodnight, Lance."

And then Jayce was next to him, and suddenly the fire seemed a little warmer than before– particularly on his face. He cleared his throat, putting the spear aside so the two could talk.

“What do you think about all this? Is any of this real, is any of it possible? Maybe I’m just some nutcase imagining this whole thing. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and none of this will be real, just a dream, a sick, twisted, gut wrenching dream. Part of me hopes it is.”

Philip didn't. He wished very much for Jayce to be real, but he knew he couldn't even imagine how this entire ordeal must be to him. Sick, twisted and gut wrenching was a good summary, probably.

He shrugged. "Like Lance says, before the flare they didn't believe in vampires, and that didn't exactly work out for them. I don't think you're a nutcase though, if that helps," he smiled at him. "I don't know how to explain it. Lance has always been talking about that order, telling us stories about how the Chosen one is going to free us. It's great when you're a kid but at some point I think you have to grow up, you know? But then you're here, and I can't explain how."

He sighed, shaking his head. As he looked up, he found Jayce looking straight at him. He swallowed.

“Well, maybe not all of it. So, where am I sleeping tonight?”

"Uh, well, you could sleep at my place? I mean if you want. We could probably find somewhere else if you'd prefer, but I mean it's not much but my place is pretty comfortable. It's got," he tried to think of what comforts Jayce would have been used to in his time, but his mind went blank. "Furniture," he finished weakly.

He picked up the spear, fighting the blush creeping across his face again. "Maybe I should just show you."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont Character Portrait: Margrethe Vidardottir Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris Character Portrait: Violet Searcy
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"Uh, well, you could sleep at my place? I mean if you want. We could probably find somewhere else if you'd prefer, but I mean it's not much but my place is pretty comfortable. It's got," Phillip paused, his blushing visible in the dim light of the fire. "Furniture," he finished weakly.
It was now clear that Phillip at the very least liked him. It was cute the way he tried to flirt with Jayce, though it was obvious that he hadn’t had much experience with it, but in this world why would he?
“Furniture, huh? Well, how could I resist that?” Jayce flirted back.
"Maybe I should just show you." He replied, a hint of seduction in his voice.
“Lead the way.” He grinned.


The sun had already set, and while many vampires would use this opportunity to go on the hunt, Brandon and the other two ladies were exploring one of the many hospitals on an island in lake Washington. It was dark, but to a vampire that wasn’t a concern.
“If I remember right, these older hospitals used to have back-up generators. The flare would have disabled it unless in was somehow shielded from the flare. I think the best idea would be to check out the basement, if there’s one there we might have a chance of getting some power to this place for the first time in decades. I’ll go check out the basement if you two want to see if the equipment you need is up here. If not, there’s still a few more hospitals nearby.”
Brandon headed to the nearest elevator, he pried open the doors with little effort. The basement was not far down. He wrapped his hands in towels that he grabbed from a cart near the elevator, then he took hold of the cables and slid down the shaft to land on the elevator itself. He opened the hatch on the roof of the compartment and jumped down inside before prying the doors open on the bottom floor. The hospital seemed eerie with no one in it. It began to stir up memories of his brother and the vile doctors that abused him. He wandered down the halls until he found a sign that directed him to the maintenance electric room. He opened the door and went searching through the room. He found a line of identical machines lined up against the wall. These were the generators he was looking for. He began to check them out, they all seemed to be in working order with the exception of being out of fuel. He guessed that the hospital ran on back-up power as long as they could, but by the time the fuel ran out, the riots and the chaos had begun and getting more wasn’t an option.
“Well this is just great. We gotta find a gas station before we can get anything working.”
He got to the stairs and found his way back to the first floor. He could hear the ladies looking around on the other floors for the equipment they were going to need. He sat in the waiting room area waiting for them to return. The two of them came back down the stairs and to the waiting room.
“Well, I got good news and bad news. We have generators that should work and power the place up, but we have no fuel to run them.”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont Character Portrait: Margrethe Vidardottir Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris Character Portrait: Violet Searcy
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“Furniture, huh? Well, how could I resist that?”
Jayce was right in thinking Philip didn't have much experience with flirting. Growing up in a post-apocalyptic world, he was used to taking care of others, and had rarely had thought for anything else– mostly because his nature meant that people rarely saw him as a romantic interest. He appreciated Jayce's forwardness, even though it was new to him. As the guy grinned, Philip found himself grinning back, leading the way away from the fire to the small hut he called home.

It was a modest living space, but Philip hadn't been lying about the furniture. The entrance was a mixture of a living room and kitchen, though for obvious reasons it lacked any modern comforts Jayce might have recognised, and was overall a rudimentary imitation of life before the flare. Still, it had a sofa, a table, and a counter, and some chairs. Through the slightly open door to their left-hand side, Philip's bedroom was visible.

"Well," he said. "Here it is."

Margrethe walked behind Violet as she practically ran up the stairs despite her wet clothes. She still carried her wife's back, lazily opening doors while Violet seemed to follow the signs towards the room where she'd find the equipment. Many of the rooms were overrun by rot and plants, and would probably not do well for comfortable resting. There were at least two rooms that weren't too destroyed. They would require some fixing up, and Margethe refused to sleep somewhere without investigating possible protection towards attack, but she wasn't too tired to take upon herself a few hour's work. Hopefully they would find some food before that, though.

An excited squeal from down the hall signalled that Violet had found the machine she was looking for.

"How is it, love?" Margrethe called.

"Surprisingly intact," came the answer. "It will require some fixing. We can scavenge the city tomorrow for parts."

"Of course, dear."

"I'll need some tools, too."

"Whatever you say, dear."

Violet poked her head out, narrowing eyes at her. Margrethe smiled, and winked. Neither of the two were particularly submissive, so it was only natural for her to be suspicious. For all the centuries the two had been together, Violet had yet to learn that Margrethe was more than willing to put her goals over her own. Margrethe had drifted through nearly a thousand years of organised war, unable to settle or stay still. Violet gave her a focus.

Having explored the rest of the floor, they then returned to the waiting room downstairs to hear about Brandon's findings.

“Well, I got good news and bad news," he said as they entered. "We have generators that should work and power the place up, but we have no fuel to run them.”

"A problem for another day, I think," Margrethe said. "There are some rooms upstairs that we can use for rest. They need a bit of fixing up, but not so much as to exhaust us. First though, perhaps we should search the island for a food source?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont Character Portrait: Margrethe Vidardottir Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris Character Portrait: Violet Searcy
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Jayce couldn’t help grinning as Phillip lead him to his small hut-like house. He looked around at the inside of the house. It looked like the inside of the rustic cabin he had visited in the mountains as a child when his foster parents were trying to bond with him. The furniture all had solid wood frames and the fabric was all made from animal furs and skins. He glanced into the bedroom through the open door and caught a glimpse of the bed. It too was a solid wood frame, but instead of a mattress it had bales of hay covered in animal skins and furs as well. There was a dresser and nightstand as well.
"Well," Phillip said. "Here it is."
“It’s nice, very rustic.” Jayce said as he looked around. “But I suppose rustic is about all you can get anymore.”
He sat down on the sofa and took off his parka setting it on the back of the sofa. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt with the words “Game Over” written in pixelated purple letters. He patted the spot next to him in an invitation for Phillip to sit next to him.
“I bet it gets lonely living here all by yourself. I’m not sure what you did about the loneliness before, but …I’m in this time now and well …I guess I’m saying you don’t have to be alone …if you don’t want to be.” He said looking into Phillips dark eyes. “But anyway, I guess I’ll be sleeping here tonight, unless you had something else in mind.” He grinned motioning his head to the bedroom with a grin.


"A problem for another day, I think," Margrethe said. "There are some rooms upstairs that we can use for rest. They need a bit of fixing up, but not so much as to exhaust us. First though, perhaps we should search the island for a food source?"
“Agreed.” Brandon replied realizing the hunger building at the back of his throat. His mouth started watering at the thought of the bears they were robbed of earlier. He started to sniff the air. He couldn’t pick up any scent of human or other creature. “I’m not sure there’s anything nearby to eat unless you can smell something I can’t.” He said with a little bit of disappointment. “I know the humans used to keep blood in cold storage in these old hospitals, but even if they had any here it wouldn’t be edible anymore.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson Character Portrait: Philip Harris
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“It’s nice, very rustic. But I suppose rustic is about all you can get anymore.”

Philip shrugged. His home was as much of a comfort as he had ever experienced, so he couldn't really comment on the matter. On Jayce's invitation, he left the spear he'd been working on by the door and joined him on the sofa. He sat somewhat awkwardly with his hands folded in his lap, throwing a glance at Jayce's t-shirt. Game over still existed as a phrase, though the original meaning of the words were long lost– as such, it was hard for him to guess why Jayce would have it written on his clothes.

“I bet it gets lonely living here all by yourself. I’m not sure what you did about the loneliness before, but …I’m in this time now and well …I guess I’m saying you don’t have to be alone …if you don’t want to be.”

"Same," Philip said, immediately regretting the lack of clarification. "I mean, I'm guessing you're pretty upset about being so far away from home, in a sense. And you know, until you find someone you like better, I'm around." He almost said and Lance is too, but if they were talking about what he thought they were talking about, it was perhaps better not to bring up the old man.

Not for the first time that day, he shut his mouth and looked up to find Jayce looking right at him. Not for the first time that day, the look elicited something in his chest he couldn't quite define.

“But anyway, I guess I’ll be sleeping here tonight, unless you had something else in mind.”

He followed his gaze to the bedroom door, and was momentarily glad the hut was dark enough to hide the returning blush on his face. "Well," he said. "You know, the sofa's not very comfortable to sleep on. I wouldn't want to put you off this timeline on your very first night."

He smiled, getting up, and pushing the bedroom door open. In truth, the bed was probably nowhere near as comfortable as though Jayce were accustomed to, but at least it had the layer of hay that the sofa lacked. He walked over and tested the softness with his hand, for a moment worried that Jayce would be unhappy despite the 'extra comfort'. To be fair it was hard to know, given that he had no idea what the past had been like in comparison. "Maybe I can use feathers in the future," he mumbled, mostly to himself. They were harder to come by in large quantities, but would probably be softer. To Philip, it hardly mattered. He could have slept on the dirt floor and been happy with it.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont Character Portrait: Margrethe Vidardottir Character Portrait: Violet Searcy
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0.00 INK

“I’m not sure there’s anything nearby to eat unless you can smell something I can’t. I know the humans used to keep blood in cold storage in these old hospitals, but even if they had any here it wouldn’t be edible anymore.”

She paused, thinking for a moment. "Violet dear, if you would prepare the rooms," she said. "I'll see what I can find to fashion some fishing equipment. It's not optimal but it's our best choice unless we want to go hunting in town again."

Margrethe left the other two to think it over as she went in search of what she needed. If the two were opposed to the fishing idea then she would welcome the suggestion, but the truth was that the three of them were getting hungry– and the past hundred or so years had taught her that hungry vampires were not to be trifled with. Not even by other vampires.

As far as she was concerned she had two choices: fishing rod or net. The former would be easier but could take longer. The second would require more finesse, but would land more prey in less time. Fishing had never been her favourite past-time, even as a human, but it was incredibly useful to know, and know well, when you were trying to survive the cold winters of medieval Norway. Fish had a remarkable ability to thrive in the strangest, harshest environments. There was a reason the vikings had so many legends involving them.

The hardest thing to find were suitable lengths of rope, but she eventually settled for some mildly transparent shower curtains that she bound together. She made the net itself by stripping the same curtains into smaller pieces. By the water she'd find some rocks to use for weights, and then she'd have a completely serviceable cast net. Thus set, she returned to the others. A small glance towards the window told her that night was coming fast, which meant they only had a few hours before they ought to return to town in search of more equipment.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson
Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason
Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont
Character Portrait: Setsuna Starwind


Character Portrait: Setsuna Starwind
Setsuna Starwind

A vampire great at hiding his true purpose and emotions

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont
Brandon Lamont

"So many tasty treats for the taking."

Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason
Lance "Elder" Mason

"I have the answers, but you lack the right questions."

Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson
Jayce Ericson

"Wait, I'm the chosen one? Really?! Did you read that prophecy right?"


Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason
Lance "Elder" Mason

"I have the answers, but you lack the right questions."

Character Portrait: Setsuna Starwind
Setsuna Starwind

A vampire great at hiding his true purpose and emotions

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont
Brandon Lamont

"So many tasty treats for the taking."

Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson
Jayce Ericson

"Wait, I'm the chosen one? Really?! Did you read that prophecy right?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jayce Ericson
Jayce Ericson

"Wait, I'm the chosen one? Really?! Did you read that prophecy right?"

Character Portrait: Setsuna Starwind
Setsuna Starwind

A vampire great at hiding his true purpose and emotions

Character Portrait: Lance "Elder" Mason
Lance "Elder" Mason

"I have the answers, but you lack the right questions."

Character Portrait: Brandon Lamont
Brandon Lamont

"So many tasty treats for the taking."

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Re: Blood & Fire

So to anyone who was on here before and still interested, I've restarted this rp here: roleplay/blood-fire-2nd-attempt

I wouldn't mind seeing some of you guys back in this one.

Re: Blood & Fire

Hey there! I'd love to give you an overview. We are on a tiny bit of a break right now while SugarNspikeS catches up on their homework, though that'll give you time to make some characters!

I'm sure you've read the Introduction, so in the story after that:

Jayce wakes up in modern day Seattle to find the city wrecked by the subsequent apocalypse. He is immediately confronted by a vampire but luckily, the two soon part ways as the vampire, named Brandon, believes Jayce to be mentally confused and feels bad about eating him.

From there, our story parts in two.

On the human side, Jayce makes his way towards Kerry Park– encouraged to do so by disembodied voices (and as we all know, you should always do what the voices tell you). On his way, he runs into and is almost killed by Philip, an inhabitant of a human settlement at Kerry Park who is out looking for food. A lot of confusion ensues but Philip takes a shine to the young man and decides to bring him home so he can be safe. At the entrance of the human colony, they meet the colony leader named Lance, who recognises Jayce's face from some ancient scrolls and declares him to be the chosen one to save the world from the vampires.

Philip declares that Lance's declaration is balderdash, but Jayce is not so sure. Later in the evening, Lance recants the tale of how civilisation went to shit in 2018, courtesy of a solar flare and some very hungry bloodsuckers. By the end of their conversation even Philip finds it hard to deny that Jayce must be from the future, though he's still unsure about the chosen one thing. In the absence of Lance, the two engage in some awkward flirting which ends up with Philip inviting Jayce to stay at his house for the night (on account of him not having a place to sleep, get your head out of the gutter).

Meanwhile, or rather, earlier that day, Brandon left Jayce in the building but soon becomes aware of a pair of vampires who have picked up on Jayce's scent and is headed in his direction. Still opposed to the murder and devouring of a mentally challenged individual, Brandon cuts off the vampires and promises them a family of bears to re-route their attention. The vampires, a married couple by the name of Margrethe and Violet, are initially doubtful of Brandon's motives but when a fourth vampire enters the scene with definite evil intentions, the three choose to flee together towards the waterfront.

The family of bears, unfortunately, is then attacked and mostly devoured by the unknown, fourth vampire. After some discussion, the three decide to take up shelter in an abandoned hospital, where they are hoping to get the equipment working so they can further investigate the vampiric disease, and discover what is wrong with Violet, who is suffering from extreme lapses of memory. They make their way there swiftly, and find the generators working but out of fuel. They decide to leave that problem for another day, and get some rest. Margrethe makes a makeshift net in the hopes of catching some fish for dinner.

NOW, in terms of characters. If you want to play more than one, you should perhaps consider to make one for each of the two ongoing storylines so you'll be in on all the action. That said, the human storyline is probably the most important one, and it would be nice to add more people to the colony than the two already there. If you have any particular like, connections or ties or plot bunnies you wanna throw in the mix, I think we are more than open for those! And if you have any questions then ask them!

/End rant.

Re: Blood & Fire

Hello, I am interested in joining possible. What roles need filled? And if i create a character could someone give me a brief overview of what is going on currently?

Re: Blood & Fire

I might be a little late posting school is getting pretty heavy lately. I'll post as soon as I can.

Re: Blood & Fire

Cool, looking forward to it.

Re: Blood & Fire

Hello, it is Sunday and I am free! Working on a post now.

Re: Blood & Fire

Sorry again, my dissertation is due on Friday, so I'm moving very slowly with my role plays. I should have lots of free time as of Sunday!

Re: Blood & Fire

No problem, I know how it goes with moving.

Re: Blood & Fire

Hey, sorry I'm a bit slower than usual. Moved out yesterday and had to spend all day today catching up on work. Hopefully will have something up tomorrow.

Re: Blood & Fire

If anyone has any ideas on how to get more people on this RP, by all means lets try them.

Re: Blood & Fire

either way works I guess.

Re: Blood & Fire

That could work too, for the moment I was just working under the assumption that there were more people at the colony that were NPCs– I was thinking that way if more people join it would be easier for them to 'get in' in a way.

Re: Blood & Fire

so seeing as how two people does not a colony make, and we only have two humans(other than Jayce) at the moment I was thinking that Lance and Phillip could be like just two nomadic humans who are working together to survive. They probably just set up a base camp in Kerry park and use an old abandoned colony.

Re: Blood & Fire

Sounds good, hope the move goes well!

Re: Blood & Fire

Just letting everyone know that I won't have a post up until Tuesday most likely, because I'm moving . I do have some good ideas for where I plan on taking the storyline. With any luck we'll get some more characters soon. If anyone wants to make some more human characters feel free to submit them.

Re: Blood & Fire

I'm thinking since he's a hunter, he'd be out and run into Jayce in the wilderness. Since MilkHoney seems to no longer be active and Ragdoll said their posts were dependent on each other, we'll act as though the post with Axe and my subsequent post about Lance never took place. Just a reminder to everyone, I will be cutting INACTIVE characters tomorrow so post now if you wish to keep them.

Re: Blood & Fire

Done. I'm thinking he can either join Lance in going outside the colony, or since I made him a hunter he could already be outside and come across Jayce in the wilderness– what do you think?

Re: Blood & Fire

Ok, sounds good

Re: Blood & Fire

I think if that's the decision Ragdoll has made, I'm just gonna go ahead and create a human character. If we want more players there's always the Roleplayer's Wanted forum, I guess?

Re: Blood & Fire

Being that very little had been astablished with your characters, you could post for your own characters and have them interact with the ones that have already been astablished. The loss of one or two players shouldn't prevent us from playing, it just means we have to be creative.