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Blades and Flames: The Nethersteel Cog

Blades and Flames: The Nethersteel Cog


Utareos is a world of magic where the humans are constantly fighting against demons and other dark races for survival. Now a powerful artifact has fallen into the hands on the humans and the demons want it back.

2,846 readers have visited Blades and Flames: The Nethersteel Cog since Soul_Alchemist created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



It is said that this world was created by the evil god Utareos, for whom it was named after, to be a place of fire and darkness, home of all demon kind and the other various races that cling to the shadows. There were no plants, no sunlight, only jagged stones and mountains, the only light coming from the infernal fires. But one day the god of light, Brigar, decided that the world was too dark, and that there should be more to it so that it would become balanced. And so he crafted the sun, and life began to grow upon Utareos, and other races began to emerge. The elves from the trees, the dwarves from the stone. This displeased the evil god, and so he attacked Brigar, and just as the two gods clashed, so did their creations. This world, made of both light and dark, meant to be a place of balance, has become a world of constant struggle.

Thousands of years pass by and a kind of balance has been found. The demons and other dark creatures have their freedom in the shadows of the Underdark, a series of caverns and tunnels and caves that run below the surface of Utareos where they can build their cities and basically do as they please. On the surface all the other races have found their place as well. The elves tend to inhabit the forests, the dwarves have taken to the mountains, and all the many other races to come into existence have found a place as well.

All except the humans. In this world humans are relatively young, having only been around for about two thousand years, only about a tenth of the time that elves have walked the world. But they are numerous, which makes up for their natural weakness. They have established cities, and more importantly armies, all across the plains of Utareos. The current leader of the humans is a man named Traben Lighthawk, their king and the leader of their vast military force. Under his leadership they have set up several forts in the Great Northern Plains and he has been looking to spread his empire to the Lesser Southern Plains, where there is already a decent human population. The other races have mostly left the humans alone, thinking of them as nothing more than children really, letting them play so long as they don't go beyond the boundaries set by the other races. For instance, no human is allowed in the Emerald Grove, and very few are allowed to see the interior of the Silver Peak range.

Our story begins in the small farming village of Marhorn Glen, a place populated mostly by humans, although a few members of other races have taken up residency here as well. The people of this village spend most of their time growing crops and raising livestock, some of which they keep for themselves, but most of which is either sent down to Half Horn Plateau or through Giant's Pass and up to Crossroads. The people who live here could be rich if they wanted to, not as rich as those who call Crossroads home, but rich enough, but they don't really care about money. Family, friends, and farms are most important to them.

This may seem like an odd place to start things off, and in all honesty is would be on any other day, but as it turns out a stranger has come into Marhorn Glen, baring an odd artifact...


This story is sort of like a Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) campaign. The story will revolve around the mysterious artifact in this particular campaign, and as things progress a conflict shall arise between the humans and the demons, the outcome of which will lead to either the salvation or ruination of the world.

The places mentioned in the introduction, as well as the rest of the locations on the map above, will be talked about in more detail in the OOC. You can play as pretty much any race or class, making things up or using already established ideas. You can make up gods and heroes. As mentioned above the plot revolves around the artifact, but that doesn't mean you have to focus on that the entire time. Just have fun with it.

Character Sheet-
Name: (your character's full name)
Title: (any sort of alternate name they might go by)
Race: (whatever race they are)
Class: (warrior, wizard, rogue, etc. you can make one up)
Physical Appearance: (describe their bodies, things like hair and eye color, scars, and so on)
Clothing: (what do they normally wear?)
Basic personality: (just in general, is your character bubbly and friendly, shy and withdrawn? just a simple explanation of how people would see them act normally)
Equipment: (weapons, armor, anything else like that)
Skills/Abilities: (can they fly, breath underwater, cast spells? any of that kind of thing goes here)
Background: (tell us a little about your character, who they are and what they're doing with their life, that sort of thing)
Other: (anything else you'd like us to know about your character)

Feel free to change up the character sheet, add whatever else you like to it, make it fancy, whatever. I just want to see at least this much in it.

1. Be nice to others. You don't always have to post as soon as someone else has, give everyone time. And if there is a problem take it to OOC or PM, or talk to me about it, don't let it affect the RP.

2. You can cuss, there can be romance, all that good stuff, but all in moderation. There's no need for every other word out of your characters mouth to be foul language.

3. No godmoding. You can ask others if you can do something with their characters, and if they agree then go for it, but otherwise don't. And no one's character is all powerful. You can be powerful, but within reason. And keep in mind, the major baddies are meant to be stronger than the characters generally.

4. Let us know if you decide to drop out or won't be able to post for whatever reason. We can work something out and the rest of us will know whether to wait for a bit or move on and let you catch up later. If we end up waiting for one person to post for an extended period of time and there has been no reason given I will move things along without them.

That's about it. If you have any questions feel free to ask me, either in the OOC or through PMs or on chat if you can catch me on it. I'll get things moving when I have a handful of people, but if you want to join after we get started then don't worry, I can work your character in somehow. Also, I will be willing to add locations to the map if needed.

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Elemnaira by Soul_Alchemist

This is the main continent where the story takes place

Lesser Southern Plains

Lesser Southern Plains by Soul_Alchemist

This is the lower half of the east side of Elemnaira

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone
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Near Castle Hawklight

The woods were strangely quiet, everything about this land was strangely quiet and unsettling. Almost as if the whole of it was holding its breath.... watching.... waiting....

"Keep praying like that, and the gods just may send us company to shut you up" Selena said nodding to the amulet Dragonmiir had in his hand

"There is nothing wrong with praying sister" Dragonmiir said placing it back into his hip pouch "You should try it more"

"I would dare not brother" Selena smiled, she touched her blade "I trust in my skill at arms, not the will of an immortal being"

"We are immortals sister" Dragonmiir looked at her

Selena rolled her eyes "You know what I ment"

"I only pray for insight" Dragonmiir looked up, then back at her "Besides, I thought you enjoyed a good fight"

Selena laughed "On any given day yes. But I like the peace here, to be honest I dont think there have been men in this region for years"

Her words of course were proven false when they exited the treeline to see Castle Hawklight before them "And I stand corrected"

"Sit" Dragonmiir said sarcasticly

"Smart ass" she rolled her eyes "So how do we go about this?"

"Very, very few men or mer have seen a Dragonborn. And we may as well keep it that way" he shifted in his saddle, "We are nothing more than traveling sell swords looking for work"

"You do realize I am taller than most of the men here" Selena said "And you could pass for a giant"

"Well lets hope they dont think so" Dragonmiir nodded forward "Let us see if the stories of men and mer are true"

The two kicked their horses into a trot and made their way to the village that stood before Castle Hawklight. A common town for humans, a shamble of wicker huts to a Dragonborn. Farmers and craftsmen mulled about, tending to stalls and fields. As the two made their way into town they caught te attention of the villagers. Soon enough a tater rough looking lot stepped between the two and their destination.

"Stand aside boys" Selena said "We have no quarrel with you this day"

She rested a hand on her hilt, while Dragonmiir gently gripped one of his throwing knives.

(Wait for an NPC response)

The setting changes from Utareos to Lesser Southern Plains

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind Character Portrait: Vyndran Singsword Character Portrait: Fran V Strahl Character Portrait: Tymphalion "Tym" Venser Oureados Character Portrait: Kriss Arroway Character Portrait: Violet Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
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Violet was getting ready to unleash another round of fireballs, but then the bunny woman spoke, as well as the bard, saying that fire was useless against demons. This seemed semi natural, as demons came from hell, so the fires should do little impact, but this was lost of the Kitsune. β€œWhat?! That is cheating!” It yelled, and launched the ready fire into the night sky, mad that one of its only magic attacks was now useless.

β€œFine, guess my tails will have to pull double work,” Violet said and further lengthened its tails, so that they were around thirty feet long a piece. Each of the white tails swung around, until Violet made them each aim for an enemy. They moved quickly and grabbed them into a binding grip. Eight of these went down without a problem, but the one on the fifth tail managed to slash the tail, bringing blood. Violet yelped and threw the demons onto the ground hard, crashing them into their fellow hellspawns.

Suddenly, Violet felt something evil. She couldn’t place it until the bard spoke of Zanarok. Violet’s eyes widen as its tails moved into a defensive position, stained with red. After considering how the day turned out, Violet saw the bunny woman pull a great sword out of thin air. She had an air that screamed power, but something else caught Violet’s attention. A small pulse from behind its gems, indicating something of very old magic. Violet turned its head, and the pulse got stronger as it realized it was coming from the tavern.

Knowing that this life was probably over, Violet knew it had to get people away from here, and quickly. It turned to the bard, β€œSong man, we can’t possibly try to fight one of the demon lords, we need to escape now. I can shift into a Great Eagle and get maybe 8 of us to safety, but only if you say so. Think quickly of the plan, because we only have a couple of minutes before it gets here.” Violet said earnestly, not knowing what to do. For all of its life, Violet had parents to say what was best, or Miss Frana to say what is best. Now this elfish bard got to say what is best.

Violets tails stretched as a new magic seemed to engulf the tavern, thankfully for them. This was only temporary, and they needed a route of escape. The villagers escaping out of the tavern only had so far to run, and who ever had that source of old magic would be hunted to the ends of the planet, so indeed, options were limited.

The setting changes from Lesser Southern Plains to Utareos


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Kriss could felt almost invincible as she commanded the greenish-gray demon. β€œKill that one! She said. β€œAnd that one over there!”

He continued to what he was told, but even so the horde of demons did not thin out in the slightest. The high that she had from getting this strange new power began to wane as more and more demons were running amok.
Things got worse when the green demon stop in the middle of her command. He turned around and gave her the most evil and hate-filled look she had even seen. It began to dawn on her that this newly discovered power had just run out.
Turning to run, she tripped over the dead body of a demon, and fell to the ground. The green demon was upon her in an instant, his dead flesh smelling breath in her face. Just as she thought she was done for, a villager ran by, being chased by his own demon.

This distracted the green demon long enough for Kriss to pull out one of her daggers. Quickly positioning right, and mentally praying to any god that may or may not exist, she plunged the dagger into the demon’s neck. With a piercing cry, the ugly brute fell backwards to the ground, and lay still.

Wasting no time, Kriss pulled the dagger out of the beast’s neck, and started running in a random direction, not really looking where she was going. A swerve in the path later, the elven bard from the tavern was in her line of sight. She raced right past him at first, then stopped in her tracks when she realized he had stopped and was staring at something. Curious, she walked back to him and stared in the same direction he was. She gasped when she the sphere. Then she heard the bard say-

β€œBy the stars in the skies...that's one of the Demon Lords...Zanarok, keeper of the shadows...".

Kriss was not well educated, but she definitely knew who that was. She started again towards the outskirts of town, desperate to get away from the danger. This time, though she was smarter. She used her stealth instincts to stay in the shadows, and darted from dark corner to dark corner, effectively evading the demons.

As the edge of the village came into view, Kriss felt a great sense of relief. Maybe she’d live long enough to become a soldier after all. But just as she thought she was free, a screaming emanated from her right. Looking, she saw Mr. Kanen sticking out from underneath a pile of rubble from a partly destroyed house. Not willing to leave a friend to die, she gave freedom one last longing look, then crept over to where he was laying.

β€œDon’t bother to save me, Boy,” he said as Kriss started to move some of the rubble off of him, β€œImma goner.”

β€œNo,” she said stubbornly, still trying to free him.

β€œI’ve broken all my ribs, and I’m pretty sure I have a crushed lung,” he said, obviously struggling breath.

β€œNO!” she said, again, louder and with a crack in her voice.

Mr. Kanen looked at her as sternly as he possibly could in his current state. β€œNow don’t you go cryin’, Son. You have to be strong. That’s a man’s duty.”

Kriss was openly sobbing at this point, and was no longer bothering to move rubble.

β€œYou know, you cry like a girl. Listen closely. My wife and kids have already fled and are miles down the road by now. You have to promise me that you will live so you’ll go to the Crossroads and give them this for me.” He produced a worn red amulet and put it in Kriss’s hands.

β€œI promise,” she choked out.

Mr. Kanen smiled, then moved no more. Devastated, Kriss stood up and walked toward the village’s exit slowly, as if she were a zombie.


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Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind Character Portrait: Adion Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
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As a demon fell off of the blade that was held by Adion, something great overcame him. Then came the words 'demon lord,' which was something foreign, but frightening to the veer. He could also hear the running of the civilians, being guided by the dwarves. He would be more useful with them, ready to strike if they came under attack again.

"Svic ron xty!" Adion whispered to himself. It was rare for a veer to leave a fight, but they went where they needed when world destroying powers entered the battle field.

Moving in behind the dwarves, Adion turned around, using his ears to navigate him backwards with the group. The once dwarven marvel that was in the wolf-like beast's hand no long shined. Instead, it had a film of blood and a thousand nicks in it, which could be fixed by sharpening, a thing that veer are not the best at.

As they exited the demons playground, Adion approached the leader of the dwarves, as far as he could tell. "Could you have my blade sharpened? It is of dwarven craft, but I doubt I could get it sharp again. By the way, I am Adion." Adion said to Erbein.

The signs of tiring showed plainly on the veer, a tilt forward as he walked, even more cloudy eyes, and a slower movement of his ears and tail. He was ready for them to reach the place where they would camp, if they would ever. His fur had also returned to its natural red color. Adion wondered what could have caused this cataclysm. The town was nothing that would aid the demons.


13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samuel Ashworth Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone Character Portrait: Vyndran Singsword Character Portrait: Fran V Strahl Character Portrait: Tymphalion "Tym" Venser Oureados Character Portrait: Kit Earthly Character Portrait: Adion Character Portrait: Kriss Arroway Character Portrait: Anthea Dawnwalker Character Portrait: Violet Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar

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Near Castle Hawklight

Near the center of Elemnaira lies Castle Hawklight which, despite the name, is actually a huge city, the capital of the human empire in fact, with the castle itself situated in the very center of the city. The city is surrounded by high walls made of white stone forming a perfect circle around the city with four entrances, one for each cardinal direction. Beyond the walls of the castle city lie several small villages and farms which, despite the best efforts of the royal military, are often plagued by bandits and thieves out to steal whatever they can. Some of them do so because they enjoy it, others do it to spite the king.

Today such an event is occurring.

Seeing the strangers, dressed in their fine armor and riding noble looking steeds this group of bandits believed them to be knights, perhaps messengers from another land here to speak with the king. While some of the highwaymen in this are were quite clever it was obvious the leader of this particular group had more muscle than mind. His name was Thud, son of a giant and orc pairing. Standing nine feet tall and weighting somewhere in the neighborhood of six hundred pounds, all muscle, he wore bits of steel armor that were obviously too small for him, held together with strips of leather and chains. On his shoulder rested a club, which was really just a tree he had knocked over and whittled one end down to make a handle out of.

"You there, in your finemail!" Thud calls out as his men spread out behind him like a fan, numbering about twenty all together. "This is a toll road, and if you know what's good for you, you'll be handing over anything of value you have." The half-giant says, his voice a rumble of thunder, but slurred slightly, showing he might not be all there mentally.

Before Thud or any of his men could actually begin forcing Dragonmiir and his companions to hand anything over, there was a series of twangs and several of the bandits fell, almost as one. The rest turned around, looking for whoever had done this. "Archers!" One man calls out, pulling a bolt out of another man only to take on to the chest. Another round of bolts cuts down yet more men, leaving only a handful who abandon their leader and take off into the woods. A bolt hits Thud in the leg and he bellows in pain, but then a flash of understanding hits him and he too takes off, shaking his club at the lot of them.

"Our apologies for this interruption of your journey," A man says, wearing steel armor baring the Hawklight crest on his chest, as he steps out of a thicket with six other men following. "We've been after that brute and his men for weeks now, and while we have cut his numbers down I am sorry you had to be involved as a distraction." The man pauses for a moment, both to put away his crossbow and to look the group over. "I'm not sure who you are but...I have seen enough royalty in my day. Please, follow us into the city. I think the king should like to see you...if this will not detour you too far from your goal, of course."


Vyndran was barely aware of what was going on around him now. It seemed the dwarves had taken care of his request to begin escorting the villagers away, that was what mattered second most to him. Foremost on his mind at the moment was Fran, who had succumbed to what he called the Mist Blindness. If he couldn't calm her down and get her away she would likely parish this night.

"Do not worry about us. People like Fran and I walk this earth knowing that each step may be our last. If you must help, help the villagers because none of them are ready to take their last step just yet!" Vyndran calls out to Violet as she asks him what to do. Sheathing his sword he quickly swings his mandolin around with practiced ease and begins to strum a few cords, casting a simple spellsong of sleep, targeting Fran. As the melody catches up to the elven woman she would see a soft blue mist rising up all around her as the songspell soothed her soul, putting her at ease. Slinging the instrument onto his back once more once the spell had taken hold, Vyndran dashes over and grabs Fran in one arm and her sword in his free hand. Slipping it into her sheath he lifts her into his arms and begins to retreat.

While the spellsong of sleep was targeting Fran, many of the lesser demons within earshot of the melody fall asleep as well right where they are. While it was just a simple spell itself, the bond between Vyndran and Fran made his magic stronger, and vice versa. This would be enough to bring her out of her berserker mode so they could get away.

Zanarok only blinks a few times as the spellsong hits him, looking from one elf to the other before smirking and watching as they run from him. He had no reason to fight cowards. Anyone who ran, so long as they had no connection to the artifact he was looking for, would be allowed to live a little longer. However, there was a whiff of neathersteel on these two, and so as he watches the bard carry off the rare female elf, he raises one clawed hand and shadows begin to swirl around his fingers like snakes. Curling his fingers into a fist he creates a black ball about two inches across and, opening his hand once more, it shoots out, aimed right for Vyndran's spine.

Before the black magic can hit a bright light shines down on the village from high above them, and the sounds of beating wings as well as the cry of a creature can be heard. Anyone who looked up would see Samuel riding towards Zanarok, sword drawn and glowing brightly, dispelling his dark magic.


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Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone
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Near Castle Hawklight

"Ay, simple sell swords. Who would know the difference" Selena said smirking at Dragonmiir

Dragonmiir looked at her and muttered "So our armor is finer than man, let it go. How was I to know"

"Of course you were not, Dragonborn havent set foot in the world of man and mer in centuries" Selena mocked

"It is too late" Dragonmiir turned to the knightly man "We would be honored to meet your king sir? I apologize I have not gotten your name?" he gestured to Selena 'This is Selena, and I am Dragonmiir"

He touched the amulet at his side, and prayed to Sargon that this was the path the Creator had set for him.


Watchers Landing

In the few days that had followed the landing, Sir George had managed to build a well defended hold on the shores. His men had cleared a small piece of forestline to build the palisades and billeting areas. A small storage shed for food, an armory and blacksmith, and the shores barracks tent was all that stood in the last week and a half.

Sir George remained in his command tent reading over the ravens both from Mistveil, and from his Prince

"Commander" one of the captains walked into the tent

"Yes, Captain Elik, come in" George said setting down one of the pieces of parchment

"I apologize sir, but there is something you may want to see" he held the tent flap open "Our scouts have reported ships off the coast, closing in quickly"

Sir George walked from around his desk and out of the tent.Men moved quickly about the shore, preparing for the worse. Archers lined up behind their spearmen and swordsmen counterparts. George followed the captain towards the shore, where another ship was cutting through the fog, and it was much larger than any of the three they had but less graceful. At its bow of the lead ship, a familiar face waved a greeting "You lads look tired! Is that any way to greet a fellow Dragonborn!" More ships began to appear from behind it.

Sir George crossed his arms and smiled "Not as tired as you Lord Khazer! Took your sweet time didnt you!"

The other marines cheered the arrival of one of the Dragonborn nobles.


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The evacuation had proceeded accordingly so far but at times like these plans rarely go unchanged. Gil'dar was at the head of the mass of people that were now running through the darkness, while Erbein and the other Dwarves acted as rear guard to aid in the escape. Not many demons were pursuing at the moment so the retreat was moving quickly. Marhorn Glen was slowly disappearing in the distance but the faint red glow in the sky reminded those fleeing of their burning home. Erbein kept a wary eye on the approaching mountain path. He knew the narrow crags leading to the gates of Yai'mor were perfect for an ambush if the demons had prepared for a retreat there, and if not them then perhaps another. There are far more terrible creatures than demons that call.the darkness of the mountain their home.

Erbein's thoughts turned to the cause behind this sudden attack on a human settlement. Marhorn Glen doesn't offer enough to justify a simple raid, no they were searching for someone or something. Erbein looked at the crowd. Most of them had been residents of the Glen, but there were a few oddities among them. He then remembered the Veer asking about his sword causing him to turn and adress him. "I have not the tools to mend a blade's spirit. If you follow us to Yai'mor the smiths can repair it." After this short retort he continued his ponderings as the drew closer to the mountain.


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Character Portrait: Adion Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
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"Okay. Thank you." The veer said politely to Erbein. Adion was hoping that these dwarves would be able to fix the blade BEFORE they got to the city. Maybe it was just him being used to the tribal life, but Adion always expected to be attacked while traveling. It was something of a mentality.

Adion stayed alert as best he could. From what he could tell, very little was going on, which made the beast even more nervous. Or maybe it was the smell of a strange metal. This was odd to Adion, as only a select few metals truly had a scent to them. This one, however, was extreme to the point that he couldn't tell where it came from. Not something that veer are used to.

So, Adion walked on, following the group. He would hope that they get to the city soon. The less time moving, the more comfortable the veer would get.

The setting changes from Utareos to Lesser Southern Plains

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Character Portrait: Kriss Arroway Character Portrait: Violet
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Violet was low down when The Bard said that he and his friend were going to be alright, and that it should help with getting the villagers out. Violet thought this was unfair, as it wanted to help destroy the things that were going after the humans it grew to love somewhat. However, this was his saying, so violet nodded its head, and turned in the other direction and began to run, looking for any survivors. This trip seemed somewhat dangerous, as some demons remained, again dispatched by Violet’s tails.

The tavern seemed to be clear, so Violet went to look for Miss Frana. Her house was close to the edge of the city, with a great view of the apple trees during summer. When violet got there, the house was gone, burned down. Violet wanted to scream, but couldn’t find its voice. It quickly began to dig through the ashes, somewhat burning its paws, but not to any great degree. This proved fruitless as well, as Violet couldn’t find any sign of a body, when something shiny caught it eye. It was a plain golden chain with a small green gem in it. It was Miss Frana’s, always around her neck. Violet took the necklace, and after some fiddling got it around its neck.

Violet wanted to shift into a bird and fly away, but instead, it noticed a human walking. It appeared to be a teenage boy, slowly shuffling towards the village exit, away from the party that was escaping. Deciding this was the person it was supposed to help, Violet ran over to the human.

Its paws were a little burned, and it would heal, but walking did carry some pain. Violet now wanted to be held, if only because this reminded it of when its pack got attacked; fire, screaming, and no one. When Violet finally got to the person, Violet got in front of the teenager. A quick read of the face told Violet that this was like the way it made itself look when human, almost impossible to tell between the genders, but Violet decided on female.

β€œYou’re going the wrong way.” Violet said in a soft voice, in case any demons should attack suddenly, β€œThe others are heading in the other way, we should turn around.” Again, Violet spoke in simple terms, and after a moment, it placed one of its shrunken tails inside the human’s hand and wrapped around, like another hand holding it, except in tail form. Violet then began to walk slowly, leading the way it saw the others go in. β€œAre you alright? If not, I can carry you if you want.” It said and smiled small.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Elemnaira by Soul_Alchemist

This is the main continent where the story takes place

Lesser Southern Plains

Lesser Southern Plains by Soul_Alchemist

This is the lower half of the east side of Elemnaira

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Anthea Dawnwalker
8 sightings Anthea Dawnwalker played by Dynamite
"I know not what awaits me at journey's end... but I must make the journey regardless."

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Blades and Flames: The Nethersteel Cog. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vyndran Singsword
Character Portrait: Fran V Strahl
Character Portrait: Kriss Arroway
Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone
Character Portrait: Adion
Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind
Character Portrait: Samuel Ashworth
Character Portrait: Tymphalion "Tym" Venser Oureados
Character Portrait: Lem Diahi


Character Portrait: Lem Diahi
Lem Diahi

"Self help may be the best help, but if you're struggling, at least ask for advice."

Character Portrait: Samuel Ashworth
Samuel Ashworth

"Those who stand against me stand against Brigar himself!"

Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind
Tyrond Whisperwind

"pfft magic. Magic is for the tree worshipers."

Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
Erbein Urindar

"Choose your words carefully boy, I be neither kind nor playful."

Character Portrait: Adion

This is a lot of land.

Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone
Dragonmiir Dragonstone

Our Clan will bow to no one

Character Portrait: Fran V Strahl
Fran V Strahl

''It seems this one sought me, what does this one wish to know?''

Character Portrait: Vyndran Singsword
Vyndran Singsword

"Not all my tales are true, but each is worth their weight in gold."


Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind
Tyrond Whisperwind

"pfft magic. Magic is for the tree worshipers."

Character Portrait: Vyndran Singsword
Vyndran Singsword

"Not all my tales are true, but each is worth their weight in gold."

Character Portrait: Fran V Strahl
Fran V Strahl

''It seems this one sought me, what does this one wish to know?''

Character Portrait: Adion

This is a lot of land.

Character Portrait: Lem Diahi
Lem Diahi

"Self help may be the best help, but if you're struggling, at least ask for advice."

Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone
Dragonmiir Dragonstone

Our Clan will bow to no one

Character Portrait: Samuel Ashworth
Samuel Ashworth

"Those who stand against me stand against Brigar himself!"

Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
Erbein Urindar

"Choose your words carefully boy, I be neither kind nor playful."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Vyndran Singsword
Vyndran Singsword

"Not all my tales are true, but each is worth their weight in gold."

Character Portrait: Lem Diahi
Lem Diahi

"Self help may be the best help, but if you're struggling, at least ask for advice."

Character Portrait: Erbein Urindar
Erbein Urindar

"Choose your words carefully boy, I be neither kind nor playful."

Character Portrait: Tyrond Whisperwind
Tyrond Whisperwind

"pfft magic. Magic is for the tree worshipers."

Character Portrait: Dragonmiir Dragonstone
Dragonmiir Dragonstone

Our Clan will bow to no one

Character Portrait: Fran V Strahl
Fran V Strahl

''It seems this one sought me, what does this one wish to know?''

Character Portrait: Adion

This is a lot of land.

Character Portrait: Samuel Ashworth
Samuel Ashworth

"Those who stand against me stand against Brigar himself!"

View All » Places


Elemnaira by Soul_Alchemist

This is the main continent where the story takes place

Lesser Southern Plains

Lesser Southern Plains by Soul_Alchemist

This is the lower half of the east side of Elemnaira

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