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And Still...Life Goes On...

And Still...Life Goes On...


[Private RP between SkyCladSaya06, Guardian Aelita and Deathscythe386]

6,255 readers have visited And Still...Life Goes On... since SkyCladSaya06 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Have you ever had that feeling? That feeling where your memories suddenly black out, erasing any recollection as to how you got into that scene that unfolded before you the moment you opened your eyes. And that feeling that try as you might, you never can seem to make the connection between what you remember and how you got to that place. It was like that feeling where you enter a room and suddenly forget what you were doing there. However, in this case, you do not just wake up in some familiar room.

You wake up in an odd town, burdened with a winter that seems to span forever.

You wake up in a whole different world that looks so wrong on so many levels. It was like the world was suddenly turned upside-down. Not in the literal sense mind you. Rather, it was as if your very own perception of the world was warped. For what purpose did you come to this town? What could you possibly be searching for? How did you end up in this place? And most importantly...





The cool air wafts eerily across the place you started at. Rising up to your feet, you find yourself in an unfamiliar town in the middle of nowhere. Recalling the last memory you could remember before ending up in that town, you forge on, in hopes that you'll eventually make sense of the situation around you.

And so you walk. Walking, walking. The town seems to be abandoned, judging from what appears to be remnants of a prior civilization littered all around the place. It was also getting unbearably cold. Too cold. It makes it hard to walk and you swear you could already make out your own breath in the air. Your stomach grumbled. You recall when you last ate or drank anything. No, now's not the time for that. Eventually, you decided against it. Gotta make sense of things for now.

The isolation is too unnerving. Forced to explore empty street after empty street, you slowly feel like you're going insane. You hurry on, desperately seeking for the warmth of having company. You try to run around, hoping that the sound of your footsteps would call somebody's attention. Someone. Anyone.

Hmm? Was that a voice? You pause for a moment. For a while, you were sure you were able to make out a faint sound of what seems to be a call for help of sorts. Or was it calling your name? You're not sure. First off, was that voice even real? Could it be that what you heard was just a combination of hunger and the general feeling of loneliness permeating your being right now?


There it goes again! Now you're sure it wasn't just a figment of your imagination. That voice was totally real. Turning around, you ran off again in the direction of the sound. You pass empty houses. You pass empty diners. You pass empty cars and bikes. You pass them all as you ran as fast as your feet could take you. Finally, you can spot a faint light in the distance and what appears to be a figure, standing just a few more meters ahead. Mustering what's left of your strength, you ran. Running, running. The figure is getting closer; the light, brighter. You ran until you arrive at a crossroad and in the middle of it, an enigmatic young lady under a lamppost.

You slow down for now. She doesn't seem to notice you. You wonder if she was the source of the voice you just heard. Taking a closer look at her, it doesn't seem like that voice would come from someone like her. Admittedly, she looked way too out of place in this desolate town. Also unnerving is that you followed a voice but did not hear any other footsteps aside your own. You get the nagging feeling something was wrong.

No! It can't be. That voice was real and she was definitely its source. There doesn't seem to be anybody around after all. Disregard every paranoid thought you had. It's a lot more comforting seeing another human being again. Your frenzy with regards to reorganizing your thoughts seems to have caught her attention as her eyes now turned to look at you. You remember the questions you want to ask but just as you were about to ask her--



Hi, hi! In case you two are a little confused on what everything is about, I'll attempt to clarify things here. This RP is basically an open world exploration type. So... you can write out scenarios to your heart's content! What I've got here is pretty much a half-filled canvas that we will fill with ideas as the characters interact. Isn't that fun? Of course, you have a linear goal which is fulfilling your "immediate purpose" and hightailing it out of that weird town. Exciting eh? But, I did mention that it was half-filled. Of course, there's no way I'm starting a story with just a blank canvas. So! Here are the things I've already set up for now!

- The place looks like a large abandoned town in the middle of nowhere. I was also not lying about the eternal winter part. Everything is white as far as the eye could see. Of course, that doesn't mean it's always snowstorms and hail. You do get clear skies every once in a while. The only thing is that the winter never ends. Oh, and did I mention that the winter never seems to end?
- Clocks don't work. Phones don't work either. Radios don't work as well. Go figure. Oh, before I forget. Laptops don't work either. Well, unless you just use it for light or something. Maybe a quick bookkeeping using Excel. But yeah, no internet connectivity at all.
- Remember the whole "town in the middle of nowhere part"? Yeah, I mean literally in the middle of nowhere. On the sides are very high mountains. The only entrance seems to be a bridge connecting the town to a highway but--well, you'll find out later on. Stay tuned!
- Sometime in the middle of all your exploring, salvaging and character development/interaction/drama, the town will enter a period called Nighttime. And this isn't just your sweet vanilla evening either. Nighttime seems to...change stuff. Does this stuff involve people? We'll find out.
- That voice wasn't just decoration and horror-stuff guys. It comes from within you. Hmm...maybe if you shoot yourselves in the head with a pistol, some freaky mythological character will come out? Want to try?
- No magic or androids or whatever. Regular humans exploring a regular abandoned town. Well, as far as regular is concerned.

Well, that's all for now. I may add more if necessary. If you have any questions, feel free to ask your adorable, little tour guide! I mean literally. You can find her in game. I mean story. I mean--whatever.


Character Sheet:



Personality: (At least 1-2 paragraphs)

Appearance: (At least one paragraph. Short description will do)

Inventory: (Things you have on hand)

Background: (What the character was like.)

Other info: (If there's anything else you want to write)

Toggle Rules

Well, this joint's about to head on its way to being a private RP anyway so I'm sure I don't need to repeat the standard rules and stuff. They all apply. The only special mentions for now is:
- No godmodding.
- No magic and sci-fi stuff.
- Regarding can add as many as you want. Hell, you can even add in ten characters if you want. However, all new characters must be sent in as an actual character. You know, make a sheet for them and submit it here for approval? That stuff. Unless you intend them to just be an NPC which you'll kill off later on. Oh, and as an extension...
- Killing off NPCs is fine. You can have them appear in one scene and die in that scene if you like. However, that cannot apply for listed characters. If you want a listed character to die, you'll have to tell me first.
- As the mod, I'm the only one who can say when Nighttime has fallen. That power belongs to me alone.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"Kouhei-san is right. You'll be back on your feet faster if you don't move around too much." Kyosuke overhears the conversation between Kaede and Kouhei and walks on over to them. Having made sure that the fire poker he brought back was sturdy enough to last, he sat down beside Kaede while they waited for the darkness to subside.

"The bead that woman gave you...kind of raises several questions doesn't it? First time I saw it, I almost thought it was a part of something. Like a puzzle piece." Kyosuke contemplated the nature of the presents. Now that he recalled it, he was given something as well though even he didn't know what purpose it'll serve. It was rather tempting to throw away the dead beetle but his gut says otherwise.

Near the windows, Kurona propped herself up, observing the aimless wanderings of the monsters outside. "Kind of ironic to live out your daily lives by existing like this." In a sense, life in the town was quite normal. It could even be said that they are the "irregularity" in this place. Sighing, she took out the massive key ring she carried and zoned in on one particular key.

"Maybe I should've accepted the offer..." Kurona thought as she frisked the cold slab of metal in her palm. "This was all their fault to begin with though..."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"Kouhei-san is right. You'll be back on your feet faster if you don't move around too much."
Kaede was startled a bit out of her thoughts when Kyosuke arrived. She offered him a small smile as Kouhei just got up and left. He felt like this was a moment meant only for these two and he needed a smoke anyway to take his mind off things. He just kept hope that Kaede would be alright. Kaede looked down at the bead as Kyosuke spoke again.
"The bead that woman gave you...kind of raises several questions doesn't it? First time I saw it, I almost thought it was a part of something. Like a puzzle piece."
Kaede blinked.
"Yes, I think you're right on that. But, a puzzle piece to what exactly? The bead doesn't have a hole from what I can tell so I don't think it's attached to anything."
She scooted over so Kyosuke can sit next to her. Sighing a bit, Kaede looked over at him.
"Kyosuke, I'm a little concerned over Prejudice. What do you think could have happened to it?"
She was pretty curious about things and wanted answers so she could get out of here quicker.

Miura smiled as she heard Daichi enter the room and greet her.
"Hi, Dai-kun!"
He then asked about the girl Isshiki was with. Miura froze again as the deja vu came running back. Shaking it off for now, she tried to focus on the question.
"Oh, Isshiki-san's girlfriend? She was getting on an elevator with Kuro-chan when we found her. Isshiki-san got pretty mad that Irie-chan got injured so he attacked the monster that was hurting her, it died when Kyo-kun finished it off and then Shirley came to give us presents for a job well done."
Miura went silent for a bit and looked over at Daichi.
"Dai-kun? I'm gonna ask you something. You don't have to answer it if you want but... recently I've been getting flashes of something related to my past. Mainly that a woman was covered in blood and her head looked beaten in. For whatever reason, I feel like I shouldn't remember it but part of me really wants to. I don't know how to stop the flashes. So, how do you distract yourself to not focus on other things, Dai-kun?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei
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"Oh, Isshiki-san's girlfriend? She was getting on an elevator with Kuro-chan when we found her. Isshiki-san got pretty mad that Irie-chan got injured so he attacked the monster that was hurting her, it died when Kyo-kun finished it off and then Shirley came to give us presents for a job well done."
"Ish? Attacking a monster? That's so in-character of him." Daichi joked- but judging from how Isshiki apparently acted, there was no denying that the pink-haired girl with him earlier really was his girlfriend.

He stifled a sigh before Miura carried on talking.
"Dai-kun? I'm gonna ask you something. You don't have to answer it if you want but... recently I've been getting flashes of something related to my past. Mainly that a woman was covered in blood and her head looked beaten in. For whatever reason, I feel like I shouldn't remember it but part of me really wants to. I don't know how to stop the flashes. So, how do you distract yourself to not focus on other things, Dai-kun?"
"Me? Well, at first I look at the sky--" He looked upwards though he really was just looking at the ceiling. He chuckled a bit. "Or-- not the sky. Just look at any pattern you can see; then try to find something that looks like an animal. That would ought to take your mind off. When it's me, I like to look for swords on the walls."

"Or, you could just sleep it off. Count sheep or something! That's what I do."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"Yes, I think you're right on that. But, a puzzle piece to what exactly? The bead doesn't have a hole from what I can tell so I don't think it's attached to anything."

"It resembles an ornament on something that was probably tacked on or held together by friction. Probably placed in something like a hot bronze cast and allowed to cool, locking it into place." Kyosuke tried to find a logical explanation to the odd bead. "As to what it's attached to, I'm just as much in the dark as you are."

Thinking about where it might connect to isn't exactly going to help out much now. The darkness outside was still rather heavy so, he reckoned the best course of action is to rest. Judging from Kurona's words, they may have quite a walk ahead of them.

"Kyosuke, I'm a little concerned over Prejudice. What do you think could have happened to it?"

"I don't know. Things have been rather weird around here from the onset." After much of the events in the underground, Kyosuke felt a little weary. Sleepy.

"We could try asking Kurona for more but, I don't think she'd rather talk about it. She's been here for years, as she said. It may not be wise to bring up more bad memories. But don't worry...I swear I'll get you all out of here--


Feeling a little exhausted, Kyosuke soon went off to Dreamland, his head leaning too much on one side that he practically fell asleep on Kaede's shoulder, the steady rhythm of his breathing slowing down as mind and body temporarily shut down.


"Dai-kun? I'm gonna ask you something. You don't have to answer it if you want but... recently I've been getting flashes of something related to my past. Mainly that a woman was covered in blood and her head looked beaten in. For whatever reason, I feel like I shouldn't remember it but part of me really wants to. I don't know how to stop the flashes. So, how do you distract yourself to not focus on other things, Dai-kun?"

Kurona dropped by just in time to see the worry on the pink-haired girl. She mentioned something about her past, and something about wanting to forget and distract herself from one of the boys. Daichi, she believed he was called.

"Or-- not the sky. Just look at any pattern you can see; then try to find something that looks like an animal. That would ought to take your mind off. When it's me, I like to look for swords on the walls."

"Or, you could just sleep it off. Count sheep or something! That's what I do."

"I would agree with him. I would also advise bringing up your traumas around this God-forsaken town. The darkness takes advantage of such lingering memories within you and uses it to torment you." Kurona walked over to Kyosuke's position and rummaged through his stuff for a while, hoping that their so-called leader brought something for a distraction. A radio and some books--

"Ah!" As soon as her hands touched the cover, Kurona immediately drew out one book--Flaura and Fauna of Prejudice: Medicinal Applications. Seeing this, she was able to muster a small smile, recalling a fond memory from far away. Taking it in her hands, she returned to Miura.

"Here. Treat it like a picture book of sorts. That should help distract you from your thoughts and help you sleep. Just stay away from the more...obnoxious entries." Kurona handed Miura the book with a small smile before heading on her way.

"A good friend of mine wrote and drew those pictures...That was a long time ago..."


Kurona had also noticed Isshiki and the strange girl she met underground had gone off on their own so she immediately set out to look for them. She didn't care if they were having a nice private moment. She soon found them, talking by themselves within a secluded area in the Ironworks.

"Hate to ruin the moment but--you guys should go to sleep now. We have a long way to go tomorrow--Hmm?" Upon arriving, Kurona immediately caught on to a rather, familiar scent.

"That woman...she was here wasn't she?" Kurona immediately scanned the room, searching for any trace of her. "What is she up to this time? Anyway, get some shut eye now. You'll need it if you want to keep up. You, most of all." Kurona pointed at Irie before heading back down to get some rest for her own.


Morning time.

"First order of business is to make our way towards the drawbridge. It's going to be quite a long walk so make sure you guys have everything you need." Kurona reminded the entourage about the route they had to take in order to get to the town of Prejudice.

"We're all set here. How long would this walk take us?" Kyosuke asked, holstering his new arsenal among his old ones.

"Around two or three days probably, depending on how often you guys need to catch your breath. We'll be seeing less and less structures on our way there so cover would be very limited."

"Would we be encountering a lot more of those things on our way there?" Kyosuke asked.

"Hmm...we should be pretty clear once we go past the graveyard. However..."


"It should've already gone back to hibernating at this point..." Kurona thought, recalling something that she's seen before. "No, never mind. Coast should be pretty clear. Let's move."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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Kaede's face burned bright red as Kyosuke rest his head against his shoulder. After saying that he would get everyone out along with her name before falling asleep, Kaede struggled to control her racing heart. Still, it felt nice to have him resting with her. The new and calm environment almost had Kaede tired as well. For now, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of someone being close to her like this, a tiny but real smile on her face. A few minutes later, Kouhei came back to see Kaede and Kyosuke asleep together. The man chuckled quietly and shook his head a bit. Even a cynical bastard like him could appreciate the blooming love between two people. He stretched a little before resting against a brick wall to rest.

Miura listened intently to Daichi's words related to forgetting when she saw Kurona appear.
"I would agree with him. I would also advise bringing up your traumas around this God-forsaken town. The darkness takes advantage of such lingering memories within you and uses it to torment you."
Miura honestly didn't think they could do that. It would probably explain why it made Isshiki go berserk in the first place. Maybe the darkness was tormenting him with visions of Irie dying or seriously hurt? In any case, it was good to know. Now she was more determined to not remember the past or at the very least, not focus on it as much. Still, she wasn't quite sure if counting patterns would be the way to distract herself. She noticed Kurona dig through her bag a bit before pulling out something with a small smile. Miura felt a surge of happiness upon seeing that smile and hoped Kurona could continue to be at least somewhat happy. Maybe when everyone escaped, she could explore the world with Kurona so Kurona could see the beauty of other places and Miura could remember things slowly and on her own terms. As she thought of that, Kurona spoke up again.
"Here. Treat it like a picture book of sorts. That should help distract you from your thoughts and help you sleep. Just stay away from the more...obnoxious entries."
Miura giggled a bit at how Kurona described the entries. Before Kurona could leave, Miura gave her a gentle and warm hug.
"Kuro-chan? Thank you very much... I'll cherish the book."
She let go and gave Kurona a happy and warm smile. She turned to Daichi as well.
"Thank you too, Dai-kun~ Hopefully I was able to help with your questions."
With that, Miura hummed and found a secluded area to sleep. Reading up a bit about the different flowers, she was able to fall asleep and dream peacefully.

(Morning Time~)
"No, never mind. Coast should be pretty clear. Let's move."
Miura was a bit concerned for Kurona. She seemed to be a bit troubled about something and Miura wanted to help out as much as she could. Miura just walked closer to Kurona and looked over at her.
"Kuro-chan? Is there something we need to be careful for aside from the regular monsters?"
Meanwhile, Kaede was just relieved to be walking again. She stuck a bit closer to Kyosuke, still glad that he was able to be close to her last night. She kept her kata on her back while glancing around the general area to look for potential clues to solve the mystery that was her bead. Kouhei just smoked a bit and sighed. He would be getting out of this hellhole but he briefly wondered if his father would still be alive to welcome him back. Shaking that aside, he just looked up at the sky as everyone walked.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"What is she up to this time? Anyway, get some shut eye now. You'll need it if you want to keep up. You, most of all."
Once Kurona was gone, Isshiki watched as Irie tugged her hood onto her shoulders again. "I don't know what to be surprised over- the fact that she can detect that odd woman by scent, or the fact that she knows you." He raised an eyebrow as Irie laughed awkwardly.

"Long story- but we really should get some sleep now, Isshiki-kun."

"First order of business is to make our way towards the drawbridge. It's going to be quite a long walk so make sure you guys have everything you need."
"A drawbridge?" Why would there be one? A form of connection to the outside world or something? And besides; in this freezing weather, and the fact that it had probably stood there for long periods of time, would it still be possible to even change its position?

Kyosuke was quick to respond and some words were thrown around before Kurona declared the coast clear. They mostly traveled in a comfortable silence.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima Character Portrait: The Proprietress
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Everyone was quiet as they followed Kurona to their destination. Although it was quite difficult to see, it was still morning making it a rather uneventful walk as there are no monsters to contend with as they made their way to the drawbridge. Kyosuke was on alert nonetheless, darting his eyes from side to side as he walked.

"So...why don't you want to go to Prejudice Kurona? Feel like shedding some light on that?" Kyosuke asked. It took Kurona a while before she can answer.

"That's--where it all started. That's all I'm going to say." Kurona curtly replied. "If you think you can find your own way out if you head there then that's fine. I'll lead you there if you want. After that, you're on your own."

"Well--I can tell she isn't much of a talker." Kyosuke thought. From there, he could see the faint figure of such a bridge looming ahead. Along with another familiar figure...

"Hey there!" The odd woman greeted them. Kurona snarled upon seeing her. "Geez, no need to be so tense. See? Did I call the dark down on you or something? I didn't did I?"

"You again? Good timing, I have something I want to ask." Kyosuke piped up.


"What's the deal with all those things you gave us? What's the point of that? Kaede's bead for one--"

"Ah, yes. Well, let's just say that we all have monsters to face of our own. That's what those items signify." The odd woman stepped a little closer to Isshiki and Irie.

"After reading those notes I sent you to find, I'm beginning to put together pieces of my memory back. The true reason why I was here. I could make out vague bits and pieces; that's why I was able to remember Kurona. But the big picture always eluded me for some reason." The odd woman explained, twirling her hair a bit. "Those pages were a big help somehow. I can't thank you enough."

"So does this mean...?"

"Heh~" The odd woman laughed a bit. Not in her usual, giggle but something a lot different. Somewhat mature. "Not sure if you've enjoyed the company but I want you to know that I enjoyed messing around with you guys. It was fun while it lasted. Especially with you Kurona~"

"You bitch--!"

"Miura--" The odd woman walked on over to Miura. "I'll be leaving for a long time. A very long time. You might likely...never see me until the day you all get out of here. So you be good 'kay? Here~" Smiling, the odd woman took off one of her hairpins and handed it to her. "I think of all the people here, you're the only one who actually enjoyed my visits~"

"I'll be holding you to your duty." The odd woman made one last remark to Kyosuke as she stepped backwards. Unlike before, her figure seemed to be vanishing slower. Slowly fading out of existence. For some reason, Kurona appeared to be angered by this.

"So you're just going to fade out on us?! After all those years of torment?! If you want to vanish then I'll gladly do the honors!" With that, Kurona drew her knife. "Let's have one last go--monster!"

"You can't kill me Kurona. And you aren't allowed to die. I don't think it's going to do much good now but believe me, what happened to the hunters wasn't my fault. There are stronger forces at work here. Stronger than you and I. I believe you've already seen it first-hand?"

"The Madam--!"

"Heh! Farewell guys. Tread lightly. And good luck." With that, the odd woman slowly vanished. A sudden gust of icy wind blew and erased any trace of her having visited the place.

"Tch! Let's go." Kurona urged the others on.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima Character Portrait: The Proprietress
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Miura, Kaede and Kouhei stopped when they saw the woman with pigtails approach the group near the bridge. Miura looked happy to see the figure while Kaede and Kouhei were a little more apprehensive.
"Kaede, do you know this bitch?"
"Don't call my friend mean names, Kouhei!"
Miura pouted as Kouhei sighed irritably. Kaede just kept staring at her, wondering whether she would attack them or if they needed to defeat her in order to pass. Her thoughts were interrupted when Kyosuke asked the woman about the bead. Kaede was curious about it so she decided to listen in.
"Ah, yes. Well, let's just say that we all have monsters to face of our own. That's what those items signify."
Hearing the phrase "we all have monsters to face of our own" made Kaede's blood run cold. Monsters... Could it possibly mean...? No. Kaede shook off her thoughts. It's impossible. There was no way her father would even be able to get to this area, especially when she took extra care to make sure she wasn't being followed. Surely, it had to be a trick on the words. Miura listened in as well and she was a bit curious. How could she face a monster of her own if she didn't remember anything...? Still, she had faith that Shirley gave her something to help protect her from her own monster. As soon as she thought of that, Shirley approached her.
"Miura-- I'll be leaving for a long time. A very long time."
What...? No, no, why was Shirley going to leave...? Miura was confused and felt sadness stab at her. Small tears began to form as Shirley continued to speak.
"You might likely...never see me until the day you all get out of here. So you be good 'kay? Here~"
Miura sniffled as Shirley handed her the white bear hairpin attached to her pigtail. She quickly fastened the hair pin in her own hair before it started falling off due to how short her hair was. Quickly, she attached it to her jacket instead, offering Shirley a watery smile.
"T-Thank you, Shirley... I-I don't know why you're leaving but hopefully we can all escape here together when you come back..."
As Miura said that, she heard Shirley say something that made her sadness even greater.
"I think of all the people here, you're the only one who actually enjoyed my visits~"
Of course Miura did. Shirley was a friend to her after all. Even if they didn't talk much, she still considered Shirley a friend. She offered the strange blonde one last hug before letting her go and smiling.
"Good luck, Shirley..."
She let go with some small sniffles and when she disappeared, Kurona just told everyone to keep moving. Kouhei didn't need to be told twice and went on ahead while Kaede put a comforting hand on Miura's shoulder.
"She'll come back. Didn't she say she would?"
"Y-You're right. Thank you, Kaede-chan. We should keep on moving~"
Kaede nodded and went back to Kyosuke, thinking of what the woman could have possibly meant by monsters of our own.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima Character Portrait: The Proprietress
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"Hey there! "Geez, no need to be so tense. See? Did I call the dark down on you or something? I didn't did I?"

By now it was obvious that Kurona had something against the odd woman- she had appeared to them, the entire group out of nowhere after all. The moment she started stepping towards him and Irie, Isshiki backed off a bit cautiously- would she try something now?
"After reading those notes I sent you to find, I'm beginning to put together pieces of my memory back. The true reason why I was here. I could make out vague bits and pieces; that's why I was able to remember Kurona. But the big picture always eluded me for some reason."
"Does that-- Do you know the writer of those journal pages?"
"Those pages were a big help somehow. I can't thank you enough."

It was obvious at this point- what the odd woman was going to do. Isshiki allowed his shoulders to relax as he straightened his posture once more.

"I'll be leaving for a long time. A very long time. You might likely...never see me until the day you all get out of here."
This was...odd. Then she really did have something to do with Prejudice, with her memories. But then where was she going? She could seemingly go anywhere in this place, aside from outside. He wanted to voice his thoughts but the odd woman was already talking to Miura, leaving her hairpin with the girl.

Kurona had a rather hostile reaction, he noted with a grimace, but the woman was already fading out of existence. She was talking about some hunters and a Madam of some sort...wait.

Someone called the Madam? Wasn't she mentioned in one of the journal pages...?

"Heh! Farewell guys. Tread lightly. And good luck."

With that, she was gone. Isshiki sighed, shaking his head. He had to get to Prejudice at all costs now; he needed to know what happened, what caused this icy hell to form in the first place.

"Irie...let's go."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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Having the odd woman leave was a bit of a mixed bag for Kyosuke. On one hand, that's one less inexplicable entity they have to deal with. On the other, that would mean losing the only connection they had with the strange going-ons with the place.

"If that's the case, then we only have Kurona to rely on then." Kyosuke thought as he waited for the others to...say goodbye. Miura in particular, was rather sad to see her leave. Thankfully, Kaede was around to help out.

The rest of the trip passed on uneventfully. Eventually, they managed to reach the drawbridge that Kurona mentioned.

"We're here. Let's take a short break while I try to get this thing sorted out." Kurona gestured for them to take a break in the meantime as she went on to check the bridge. Kyosuke wandered a little bit towards the edge where the vast expanse of the forest Kurona mentioned awaited them.

"Is there a way around this place? Just in case the bridge doesn't work out." Kyosuke asks.

"Well--" Kurona peered over the rather steep cliff staring from below. "You could try crossing through that. Walk down, walk ahead then walk back up." Kurona explained.

"Sounds difficult."

"But not impossible. I already attempted it once. But...whatever. I'm sure this thing still works somehow. Just wait a bit." Kurona fumbled around the machinery of the drawbridge. After working her way around it, the bridge started to let out a characteristic creak as it descended, paving the path towards the forest they needed to get to.

"And here we are."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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Kaede stared at the drawbridge. It seemed like they were just that much closer to freedom. But, her mind couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was going to happen to them.


Kaede blinked a little, looking over at the doctor.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... I just can't shake the feeling that something's going to happen."

"It's just a feeling. There's no proof that something could possibly happen. Come on, we're close to getting out of this hellhole."

Miura grinned widely.

"Come on, everybody~ Let's get going!"

As Miura and Kouhei started to cross the bridge, Kaede couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen to them very soon. She kept one hand on her kata just in case and proceeded with caution.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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This was it. As the drawbridge started to creak and descend, an unknown feeling welled in Isshiki. He briefly wondered whether this was a feeling of freedom- as if he were a prisoner being released from a cell.

"We should probably get going..." "Yeah. Come on, let's go!"
Daichi started to hurry on ahead. Isshiki was about to follow suit before he noticed Irie grimacing beside him.

"Irie? Something wrong?"

Noticing his discomfort, Irie seemed to pause, as if hesitating...before she sighed.

"Guess there's no use hiding it...I feel like I've seen this. I mean, this."
She waved her hand to motion to the sight of the drawbridge and the forest beyond.

"I can't tell where. It's definitely not in any book, or anything we've had back home. But...I feel like I've seen it. In a dream, maybe."

"Your point--?"

Irie sighed, shook her head, then flashed a weak smile.

"Nothing much. Let's just proceed with caution."

Wondering what Irie could have seen, Isshiki started to cross as well.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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Kurona watched as Isshiki and Irie trailed behind the others in crossing the bridge, letting out its chracteristic creak as footsteps echoed across the area. It was quite wonderful how everything still worked despite the harsh passage of time--

"No. That's not entirely correct. Time doesn't flow properly here." Kurona realized this fact one more time. Yet something about the bridge looked wrong--at least in her eyes. Sadly, her memory isn't exactly the clearest when it comes to situations like this.

"All its bells and whistles are working fine but...was it always this creaky?" Kurona wondered, trying to recall the times she crossed this bridge. "I suppose it was always like this but--Damn!"

Upon realizing it, Kurona leapt up to action and called out to the others.

"Careful where you cross guys! This thing might break any second now--WATCH OUT!!!" Just as she tried running after them, the boards forming the middle section of the bridge gave way, falling into the misty abyss below. Kyosuke managed to catch on and practically dragged everyone he could with him on the other side, leaving only the ones who trailed a little later.

"You three alright?" Kyosuke called out. Kurona was left with Isshiki and Irie on the other side of the bridge.

"Yeah. I think--" Seeing this puts them in a bit of a pinch. If one wasn't going to cross the bridge, one would normally take the lower road--the one down below. However, Kurona hasn't been there for a long time. She wasn't sure how much of it has changed. And what kind of inhabitants live there now.

On the other hand, Kyosuke had no idea where to proceed from here on out. They technically have Miura's map but without an experienced guide, they may just end up going in circles. Still, they can't hang around for long. Darkness may come soon and those creatures may start popping up again. Out here in the open, they don't stand a chance.

"Narimasa-san! I don't think we can wait for you out here for too long! Is there any way you guys can get across?!"

"We'll have to take the path underneath. Risky though."

"Isn't there any house or place we can shack up in in the meantime? I can't leave them out here like this."

"Walk on over to the graveyard. There should be a large mausoleum there. You can take shelter there while we make our way across!"

"Got it!" Kyosuke answered back before gesturing to the others. "You sure you'll be fine on your own?"

"Yeah. I've hiked out here several times. It should be fine." Kurona assures the man though what she told him was obviously, a lie. "You should move on now. Board the place up and wait for me."

"Got it."


"Alright, let's go." Having heard the directions, Kyosuke led the others along. He doesn't know this part of the city well so he trekked on carefully, keeping an eye out on the surrounding area which were partially covered by long stretches of frozen branches.

Somehow, he could feel something was off. Throughout the walk, he could feel someone watching him from somewhere. Whenever he looked at something that seemed suspicious though, that feeling would suddenly go away.

It was as if the whole forest itself was playing tricks on his mind. Kyosuke felt a pang of discomfort rise within him.

Before long, the mausoleum Kurona told him about came to full view, right across a lawn littered with weathered, stone grave markers. It gave the entire place a very old and eerie feel.

"Help me get this open." Kyosuke turned to the other guys with him, gesturing to the ancient doors that stood in fron of them.

The odd feeling of being watched seemed to have subsided as well.


"Well, no use moping about that now. We'll have to take the scenic route. Hope you two brought some good walking shoes." Kurona sighed as she proceeded to lead the two other people along the lower path which was just below some steep stone steps.

As soon as she stepped in the ground, Kurona's eyes gave the place a good look and was only met with a bad revelation. Sniffing the air didn't do much help either as it only soldified her initial assessment:

"I have no goddamn memory of this place--!"

Right now, she decided to just forge on ahead. The path only goes in one direction after all. Move forward until they hit the other side of the cliff and find their way from there. Hopefully--just in time before the darkness descends.

She took out her knife just in case yet prayed that fortune favors them a quiet trip.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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When Kyosuke asked for help when getting the ancient doors open, Kouhei grunted and stepped forward.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I still have some strength left so I'll lend a hand."

Kouhei soon started tugging on the doors. While he was doing that, Miura was panicking a little. The group was separated. More so, Kurona was with the scary Isshiki and his girlfriend. She was sure Kurona could handle herself but she still worried for the girl that lived in this environment.

"Kuro-chan... Please be okay..."

Taking a deep breath, Miura managed to calm herself down a little bit and glanced over at Kaede. She was a little surprised to see Kaede fretting about something.

"'We all have our own monsters to face'... Why can't I shake those words? It shouldn't matter. That woman seemed crazy. Yet, she seems to really know this place inside and out... Dammit, why can't I shake this feeling...?"


Kaede snapped out of her thoughts somewhat when she heard Miura call to her.

"Ah... Yes?"

"Are you okay? You've been more quiet than usual..."

"Yes, well... I'm just thinking about a few things is all..."

Miura nodded, a bit awkward around the girl and just watched the guys try to pry open the doors.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"Holy shit!"

The boards collapsed. Stuck on the other side were Isshiki, his girl and Kurona. Daichi glanced down at the looming darkness, trying to judge the distance between them and the other three.

"I- I can try to jump it--"

"What, and carry us across? That's suicide, Hatch! Just go on!"

"Shit-- you guys be safe over there alright?! Don't die!"

Daichi hesitantly proceeded along with Kyosuke and the others. Upon coming to the mausoleum, he grimaced; it looked like a scene straight from an abandoned funeral or something. Grave markers were all around the place.

"Help me get this open."

Daichi walked over, attempting to pry the ancient doors open. While struggling, he glanced over.

"You think this place has any more freaky monsters? I can't really see any places where light could shine in, like that creepy thing in the library."


And right after Irie warned them to proceed with caution, the fucking boards collapsed.

Isshiki winced, shaking his head. Had they been in their normal lives right now, Irie probably would have made a comment about being clairvoyant or something. Looking at her, she seemed to be thinking exactly that.

Still, they were now progressing through the lower path, which was honestly...not the safest-feeling road. But it wasn't like any place in this damn town was safe.

What more, the path seemed to be heading in only one direction.

"Makes me wonder if there's going to be a dead end," Isshiki muttered. "A bit odd that it's not branching off, unlike the other paths we've seen so far..."


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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By force of will, the guys eventually managed to get the door open. Awaiting them was a rather notorious sight. Years and years of never seeing the light left the whole place dilapidated. As if a single weight out of place would be enough to cause it to crumble down. Nonetheless, the whole place still looked like it would be able to hold--for now.

Being the first to step in, Kyosuke took in the surroundings well. He espied an odd cluster of debris on one end of the room, acting as a form of makeshift ladder towards the decorative arc seen from the outside. The stained glass depiction was shattered in many pieces but their thick clothing should be able to stave it off.

"You think this place has any more freaky monsters? I can't really see any places where light could shine in, like that creepy thing in the library."

"True. Nonetheless, it's still a lot safer here than staying outside. When the darkness falls, I'd rather not be in a place without four walls and a good roof." Kyosuke addresses his companion's concern. He noticed Kaede keeping oddly quiet and wondered what it is that's going on in her mind. But for now, he has his own duties to fulfill.

"Miu, you climb up there first and see if it can support us all. You're the lightest out of all of us." Kyosuke points at the decorative arc above. "Hatch, Kohei-san--barricade the doors. Just enough so that it doesn't budge easily but not too much that Isshiki and the others wouldn't be able to get in."

Having left these instructions, he now walks over Kaede, fire poker in hand. "We'll inspect this place thoroughly. It's quite a tall order since your leg is still in the middle of recovering but, you're the only one I can ask this off. Hmm..." Kyosuke looked around the place again. There were other notable looking platforms that leads to the balconies and of course...there was the crypt itself. Kyosuke felt shivers up his spine just by looking at it.

"You can take the balconies. I'll--be taking the crypt. Holler if we find something." Kyosuke taps Kaede's shoulder before leaving, reminding her to take care in her investigation.

"A bit odd that it's not branching off, unlike the other paths we've seen so far..."

"Well...stories say that people who wandered around this place and fail to leave before darkness falls never leave at all. So it's not really wise to go straying off this tried and tested path." Kurona recalls another story from memory. Still, they seemed to be making good progress.

"We're probably well past half of the bridge now. Thank goodness..."


"I spoke too soon..." The sound was rather intimidating though no figure could be seen for now. Kurona clutched her knife tighter, her eyes darting from left to right like a cautious lizard. It sounded like footsteps. Massive footsteps. Headed their way.

"Only a few more meters...Quick spring ahead...On my mark--" Kurona raises a hand to signal to the two other people in her charge while waiting for another sign.


"Now!" Kurona signals and she started sprinting with them. "Straight on! Don't look back!"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"Understood. Please, be careful, Kyosuke."

Kaede nodded to Kyosuke as she started to search through the balconies. The place felt desolate and she was left feeling incredibly uneasy the entire time she walked. Her body involuntarily shuddered as she gripped her sword. If anything happened, she'd be prepared to strike. Still, she peered out on the balcony. Aside from the falling snow, there seemed to be no outward signs of danger on the outside. The balconies themselves did feel a bit wobbly so she got away for now. Perhaps it could be used to their advantage.

Miura meanwhile smiled as she followed her task. Getting up on the mausoleum, she tested the waters by walking around in a small circle before grinning.

"Guys! It's safe when I'm standing on it! Hopefully someone else can join me up here!"

Kouhei just deeply sighed.

"I'd rather not press my luck. I'll shave even more years off my life. What about you, jersey boy?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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"Guys! It's safe when I'm standing on it! Hopefully someone else can join me up here!"

"Alright! Looks like we've made progress!" Daichi cheered, pumping his fist in the air right before Kouhei decided to ask him whether he wanted to get up or not. He scratched at the back of his neck, glancing around and shrugging.

"Hmm...I'm not sure whether I want to jump up there. I mean, though it could handle Miura's weight, I'm not sure it'll hold mine." He laughed sheepishly.


On Kurona's signal, both figures started sprinting ahead as soon as they heard the footsteps. Isshiki cursed under his breath- another beast, already so soon. He could feel the rush of adrenaline through his arteries while running, Irie just a little bit behind him. Clearly she hadn't been used to running in a while.

She definitely had to though.

The footsteps behind them grew louder still. Whatever that thing was, it was gaining on them- and fast. Despite Kurona's warnings Isshiki dared himself to look back just as he hear a loud crash of something humongous against the ground beneath them, shaking the earth a little.

Glancing over, his heart dropped to his stomach.

A giant hand.

"What the-- what the fuck?!"

Though Irie shoved at his shoulder to continue pushing him forward, he saw a glimpse of what they were up against. He saw the giant, seemingly emaciated but heavy body, but what startled him was the lack of a face on whatever creature they were up against.

But now was not the time to ponder over faceless beings- and that was the last thought he had before adrenaline took over and he dashed on.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
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By nature of her natural ability, Kurona managed to sprint ahead of the pair. It was only when she noticed the two absent from her peripheral that she stopped to look back at them. The two were barely holding on and behind them was a massive humanoid monster, stretching out to reach for them. To call it big was an understatement--the whole thing was practically as tall as the cliff! But that wasn't the worst part--at least, not for Kurona.

The moment she turned around, she managed to match the gaze of the faceless being and despite the lack of features, Kurona realized she knew what this thing was.

Who this thing was.

"Oi, kid!" Kurona immediately ran back towards the pair, drawing out the odd woman's "gift" which she "filled" with the contents of the box she took out from the Ironworks. Taking aim at the massive monster's head, she pointed "it" at his direction--

--and pulled the trigger.


Parting from his friend, Kyosuke went down to the crypt by himself, steeling himself to face whatever horrors may have waited inside the underground paths. Long-forgotten bones of dead animals littered the place like some otherworldy refugees denied a proper case or casket. Passing through some of the coffins, Kyosuke resisted the urge to open one to take a quick peek, even if one were to possibly find a clue.

"I'm not afraid. But if it's curses we're dealing with--" From the corner of his eye, he managed to make out a small logbook sitting on one of the caskets. "It's best not to do anything rash."

Skrip, skrap!

Before he could open it, the faint sounds of something scratching along the floor caught his attention. He brandished the fire poker he held in hand; his eyes systematically moving from left and right, trying to zone in on the source of the sound.

It was very a rat scurrying about.


"Kaede..." From somewhere outside the balcony, something whispers to the silver haired girl wondering around in the darkness of the cemetery.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
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Kaede's eyes widened as she stopped her movements, hand gripping tighter on her sword as she drew it out. She frowned as she walked towards the source, unsure of what exactly she would find but being on her guard just in case. As she got closer and closer to the source, an odd feeling bloomed in her chest. For whatever reason, she was terrified and wanted to back out but couldn't. If she did, who knows if the source would attack her. Still, she was prepared to strike first if necessary. Still, a giant problem itched in the back of her mind.

"How do you know that name? And how are you so certain that my name is Kaede?"

Miura pouted as she heard both Kouhei and Daichi refuse to come up.

"Alright, alright. Just let me know if you want me to find something."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
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0.00 INK



Both pairs of eyes widened when a bullet was sent flying through the air; piercing the skin of the side of the monster's head as it turned. It let out what sounded like a howl, stepping back before sweeping its other arm down on all three figures. While it did not make direct contact with any of them, it sent Isshiki stumbling back a bit.

Grunting and growling, it heaved its heavy body downwards, slamming a fist down as it reached out for one of them, grabbing blindly. Isshiki ran up close and drew out one of the spears they made and used it to jab the monster's wrist where- on a normal human hand, that is- the 'vein' should be.

It hissed at them and withdrew its hand, stepping back again. The point of the spear remained stuck in its wrist.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki Character Portrait: Kaede Harada Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
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"Oh, I know everything about you, dearie~" Another soft whisper came from the source of the sound earlier. Now that it has made its mark, "it" slowly rose up and turned to face the lost girl.





"You have something that belongs to me." The creature groaned as it lumbered towards Kaede with graceful steps, all the while keeping its mirror covering its face. "I have something that belongs to you. Care to trade?"

The level of sentience this denizen was displaying was on a whole different level. It reached out its hand towards her, referring to the bead Kyosuke had given her earlier.


"Not bad!" Kurona immediately prepares to fire another shot before avoiding a blow from the giant's hand. Sensing danger, she took Irie and Isshiki's hand and dragged them all the way to the stone steps leading away from the cliff.

"You go ahead!" Kurona gestures at Irie. "Me and your friend here will hold it off." With that said, Kurona bares her glare at the enormous creature.

"That thing's face. Aim for that!" Kurona points her gun at the creature and unloads two more shots at the spots where its eyes would've been with refined accuracy.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada
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Kaede just stared blankly at the man holding the mirror over her face. He knew everything about her, huh? In that case, Kaede prepared herself for anything this monster could throw at her. She gripped her sword and kept the bead in her pocket for now.

"You know everything about me? May I ask, how did you get that information?"

She narrowed her eyes at the mirror the man was holding, not knowing what it was capable of doing but not trusting it or the man for a solid second.

"And what would you need with my bead? It was given to me and I don't exactly trust just anyone to have it. Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself since you know everything about me?"

If need be, she would fight this person with all of her might but if she could avoid it somehow and keep her bead, it would be a win-win. She glanced every which way to see if there was an opportunity to escape without him catching on.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: The Proprietress
Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki
Character Portrait: Kaede Harada
Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara
Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei
Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa
Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa
Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima


Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
Kouhei Nakishima

"You kids were trying to steal my stuff. No way I'm letting thieves get off so easily."

Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
Irie Amagase

"We'll get out of here. Together."

Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa
Kurona Narimasa

"Surviving's as good as it gets."

Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa
Miura Arakawa

"Hm... Is this world some kind of winter wonderland? What could possibly be so dangerous?"

Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei
Daichi Hachiobei

"This place is weird..."

Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara
Kyosuke Nanbara

"Get out of here, huh...?"

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada
Kaede Harada

"I need to get out of here. I can't afford to make Father worry."

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki
Isshiki Shimazaki

"I'll do anything it takes to find her!"

Character Portrait: The Proprietress
The Proprietress

"Shall I help you remember?"


Character Portrait: Kaede Harada
Kaede Harada

"I need to get out of here. I can't afford to make Father worry."

Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara
Kyosuke Nanbara

"Get out of here, huh...?"

Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa
Miura Arakawa

"Hm... Is this world some kind of winter wonderland? What could possibly be so dangerous?"

Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa
Kurona Narimasa

"Surviving's as good as it gets."

Character Portrait: The Proprietress
The Proprietress

"Shall I help you remember?"

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki
Isshiki Shimazaki

"I'll do anything it takes to find her!"

Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
Kouhei Nakishima

"You kids were trying to steal my stuff. No way I'm letting thieves get off so easily."

Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei
Daichi Hachiobei

"This place is weird..."

Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
Irie Amagase

"We'll get out of here. Together."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Miura Arakawa
Miura Arakawa

"Hm... Is this world some kind of winter wonderland? What could possibly be so dangerous?"

Character Portrait: Daichi Hachiobei
Daichi Hachiobei

"This place is weird..."

Character Portrait: Irie Amagase
Irie Amagase

"We'll get out of here. Together."

Character Portrait: The Proprietress
The Proprietress

"Shall I help you remember?"

Character Portrait: Isshiki Shimazaki
Isshiki Shimazaki

"I'll do anything it takes to find her!"

Character Portrait: Kurona Narimasa
Kurona Narimasa

"Surviving's as good as it gets."

Character Portrait: Kaede Harada
Kaede Harada

"I need to get out of here. I can't afford to make Father worry."

Character Portrait: Kouhei Nakishima
Kouhei Nakishima

"You kids were trying to steal my stuff. No way I'm letting thieves get off so easily."

Character Portrait: Kyosuke Nanbara
Kyosuke Nanbara

"Get out of here, huh...?"

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