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Across The Stars

Across The Stars


1x1 with Sunshine and Whiskey

2,052 readers have visited Across The Stars since CutUp created it.


There is one truth that humanity is not prepared for, and that's that we're not alone out there. There are aliens more advanced than our wildest dreams. We have no idea they exist, why? Because they don't care about us. They are centuries ahead of us, and to them we are just a bunch of savages. We might as well still live in caves. They hold little interest in us, not just because the wider galactic community is many, many, many lightyears away from us. The trip to Earth is a hassle.

But beings have come to Earth. The ones that do come to Earth are what we might call poachers. Human is a rather tasty delicacy to some species, and they will pay a lot for it. So poachers abduct humans, and it's happened thousands of times across the globe for thousands of years. You are one such person. You were just a regular woman, going about your business and then bam! You were teleported onto an alien ship. You were trapped with no hope of escape.

They sedated you, and when you awoke you saw you were in chains, well not actually chains. More like laser chains. You also saw more aliens, different aliens, and something in some sort of armor. The thing in the armor was human-shaped, and could be human, but you can't be for sure. What you don't know is, is that the armored figure is indeed human, in fact he's the only other human this side of the galaxy. That man is mercenary extraordinaire Weston Carter.

Weston was at one point in your position. He was abducted over twenty years ago but managed to escape. He's traveled the galaxy as a mercenary, a hired gun, and one of the best. He's hidden the fact that he's human by always wearing a high tech armor. He's your only chance to get out alive, and maybe your only shot at getting home. The problem? Earth is so far away, and Weston has given up any hope at returning home, nor does he want to anymore. The question is, will you give up as well?


Name: Weston Carter| Age: 30| Gender: Male| Role: The Mercenary| FC: Jai Courtney| Played by CutUp

Name: Adelaide Parks| Age: 28| Gender: Female| Role: The Abductee| FC: Jessica Lowndes| Played by Sunshine and Whiskey

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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#, as written by CutUp
"Are you...sure about this Ironhide?" A short, three legged alien with two mandibles that kept rubbing against each other asked Wes as they waited in an empty hanger save for the Lone Star, and a rather large, bulky starship. "Yes. Do not question me again." Wes growled, his voice was unaturally deep, and electronic thanks to his armor. The two weren't speaking English, or any known Earth language. Indeed to someone without a universal translater it just sounded like a bunch of gibberish. Soon they were interrupted by the cieling opening up, revealing a light blue force field, and the stars outside the station they were in. A sleek, black starship started to desend into the hanger. "Here we go. Stick to the plan."

The ships owners stepped out of the craft, six Spnia to be exact. Along with their latest 'prize', a human woman bound in energy chains to a small hover disk that carried her. Wes stared at the woman, his fists clenching tightly into a fist. "You didn't say anything about a human. I don't deal in flesh, not even a human's." Wes whispered to his client. "Don't worry. Just make sure it's an actual human before we act. You'll get paid just the same." The short alien replied back.

The Spnia arrived to the two, and stared at Wes, and then back to each other. "You never meantioned anyone else." The tallest one stated in a monotone voice. "My associate here is just to ensure my safety. I assure we're the only ones here." Wes' client replied. "I need him to varify the merchendise as well." The Spina looked at Wes, and gave him a nod to inspect the woman. Wes went over to the woman, and stared into her eyes. He brought his hand to her face, and grabbed her chin rather forcibly. He moved her head from side to side.

He let go of her face, and started circling around her. He picked up a few strands of her hair, and rubbed it around in his palm before letting it fall back in place. He moved around to her back, and grabbed at her ass. Once he was done with his inspection he looked over at his client and gave him a nod. "Well it all seems to be in order. Here is the payment as promised." The small alien said as it pulled out a small, golden card. A small grin swept across the Spina's face as he reached to take the payment.

At almost lightning-like speed Wes drew his pistol, and rapidly shot the five other Spina's in the head, instantly killing them. The leader quickly turned to face Wes. But Wes shot him in the head as well before he could completely face him. "There, the ship is yours." Wes stated as more of his client's species began pouring out of the other ship, and headed towards the Spina's craft. "And as agreed." The client said as he handed the payment to Wes. "The human?" He asked as he looked over at her.

"Well, it will need a place to go. I guess I'll just have to take it." He said with a sly grin as he moved towards her. Wes pointed his pistol at his client's head before he could reach her. "I'll be taking the human." Wes stated. The client took a big gulp, and gave him a hasty agreeing nod. "Y-yes....well the slipspace technology is the true prize." The client said as he backed away. Wes moved towards the girl. He kneeled down to the hover disk she was standing on, and pressed a few buttons on it that brought it down to the ground.

"Move." Wes ordered as he shoved her towards the Lone Star, the first words of english she's probably heard all day. Before they went, Wes made sure to pick up the hover disk. As they walked towards his ship he kept his pistol trained on her. Once they were inside Wes shoved her inside a small cell in the main area inside the ship. He waved his hand up, and a force field appeared, blocking her way out of the cell. Wes had his cybernetics completely connected to the ship, the Lone Star is basically a second body for Wes.

Wes took the hover disk to a large, circular table in the center of the room. "Comet, activate take off sequence. And prep a universal translator for the human." Wes ordered. Comet was the virtual inteligence that ran the ship. While Wes could control the ship as well, it was too complicated for the human mind, even a cyborg, to control all the functions of a ship, and Wes has a limited range for his communication to the ship for him to control it. But Comet on the other hand, Wes remains connected to. "Yes Captain Ironhide." A robotic voice replied.

Wes pressed several buttons on the disk that opened it up, and revealed inside was whatever the woman had on her during her abduction. "The translator is ready for installation Captain Ironhide." Comet stated, and two small black spheres, around the size of a pea raised up from the table. Wes grabbed them, and moved back to the cell. He waved his hand again to release the force field. He walked into the cell, and grabbed her by the chin, and forced her mouth open.

He held the hand with the devices flat, and four spider-like legs popped out of one. Wes held that hand closer to her mouth, and the device moved from his hand, and into her mouth. The device then stuck itself onto one of the girl's back teeth. Wes released her chin, and grabbed her by the back of the head. He held up the other device to her ear, and this one unfolded to be a worm-like device. It slithered from his hand, and into her ear, curling up at her earlobe. The device that went into her mouth makes any word that she speaks understandable to anyone wearing a universal translator, and the device in her ear makes sure those words are made into something she understands.

"Insallation complete. Activation at your discretion Captain Ironhide." Comet stated. Wes gave a nod, and the devices were activated. She would feel a slight tingle, but overall the process was painless. Though Wes' approach could use some work. It's been awhile since he's been around another human. "I installed a universal translator. My english isn't that good. Nod if you understand me."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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Adelaide found herself waking up in some strange aircraft that seemed to be almost futuristic. Though once she made eye contact with creatures she would only assume to be aliens, she couldn't believe her eyes. She had been abducted by aliens, it wasn't a dream. The female continued to sit there in nothing more than fear for her own life. What did these aliens want with her?

Just before she was about to say something, the spacecraft's door opened, showing in an alien she could only assume that was covered in armor and a creepy looking three legged alien. She had no idea what was being said between them. She tried her best to understand at least a word they were saying but all she could honestly hear was a bunch of gibberish. The only thing she knew for sure was that they were talking about her. Adelaide only knew that because they kept glancing over towards her.

The armored one began making his way over towards her, her heartbeat began to speed up. She was terrified, no doubt about it. When he lifted her chin and moved her head from side to side, she felt her body just freeze, only moving when she was forced to. The brunette then watched as he grabbed a hold of her hair and rolled it around in his fingers, as if to feel the texture and the softness that was draped over her shoulders.

Though the main thing she made a huge reaction to, besides her immense fear was when he gripped at her ass. She jumped slightly but thought it wise not to say a word. What the hell was going on here? She questioned to herself as she watched the armored alien thing make his way back to where he was standing before, to the other aliens.

Before she was able to think anything else or make any sort of movement, the armored man swiftly pulled out a gun and began shooting everyone. Everyone except the alien he walked in with and herself. More of the living alien's species began to crowd the ship.

Though just as quickly as that all had happened, the armored one made her acquaintance once again and removed her from the disk and forced her onto a different aircraft. She did just as he wanted because she was not looking forward to dying, not this soon into her life. Adelaide stepped into the cell and stood there, looking around at everything. Still just as clueless as she was when she woke up.

After a few moments, the armored one stepped into the cell with her and forced her mouth open and a spider like object crawled into her mouth and hooked onto her back tooth and a worm like thing went into her ear and hooked onto her. All she could feel was slight pain, but it wasn't anything she couldn't deal with.

Finally when the thing before her spoke, she was able to understand what he was saying and she nodded her head just as she was told to do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
"Good." Wes stated as he moved closer to the woman. The ship then began shaking as it started to move of the hanger. Though Wes barely noticed it, he's pretty used to it. He held up his right hand, and a five inch blade made of pure, bright red energy. Wes grabbed her by the collar of her clothes to keep her still. He then slashed her shackles apart, freeing her of her restraints. He let go of her, and turned around to exit the cell. "Well? Are you going to stay in there?" Wes asked before he exited the cell.

"I assume you have questions correct? May I ask you a question first? What is your name?" Wes asked as he led the way to the table with whatever items she had on her when she was abducted. "Take off complete. Do we have a heading Captain Ironhide?" Comet asked. "No, just make sure we're far enough away from the Aractis. Can't trust those backstabbing bastards." Wes replied. "Yes Captain Ironhide." It replied. "That's Comet. He's a Virtual Intelligence." Wes explained. "He runs the more complicated functions of the ship. Oh, you're on my ship, The Lone Star, by the way."

Wes looked at the items she had on her, and slightly scuffed at them. "Primitive." He scuffed. Of course anything can appear to be primitive compared to what he's used to. "Though I suppose it's better than what was there when I was last on Earth." He stated. "So where are you from?" He asked as if this was some sort of normal occurrence, forgeting whatever strangness she was feeling. It's been way, way too long since he's ever been weirded out by anything. He learned a long time ago to just roll with the punches as they come. Simple enough.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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Adelaide found herself suddenly grow still once he stepped closer to her with the strange, futuristic weapon and reached for the collar of her fuchsia blouse. Though she was a bit relieved when he removed the restraints, it's been hours since she was able to move around freely. Though once he began making his way out the cell, she just stood there, unsure of what to do.

When he paused before exciting, he spoke, "Well? Are you going to stay in there?" she heard him say before she watched him exit.

Adelaide immediately followed behind him, knowing that she was now aloud to leave the cell. She listened to him asking questions and even speaking to a disembodied voice. Though after finding out that it had belonged to the ship itself, she immediately knew she was definitely not on Earth or this was probably just some dream that felt too real.

"Adelaide Parks," she stated, introducing herself to him before she heard his next comment.

"Primitive," she had a feeling he was talking about her clothing because of the way he looked at them and the look on his face was clearly filled with disgust about the way she was dressed. The female just shrugged it off and went to tell him where she was from, "I'm from Charleston, South Carolina," she answered. A bit unsure if he knew where that was. But if he didn't, she had a feeling he would say something about it and if not he'd just shrug it off. She still wasn't sure if she could understand this man, well, thing. She still had no idea what he actually was.

Though this Captain Ironhide did seem to intrigue her. He kind of made her want to be able to understand him. But deep down she had a huge feeling that was going to be far from an easy thing to do.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
"South Carolina? Hmm." He repeated. "Am I to assume that you back there? Friends?" He asked, he took a moment to remember the right word for family. It's not something that he uses often. He just hasn't had a need for it. "I hope your last interactions with them were pleasant. Because you will never see them again." He coldly stated. "You are lucky that you are old enough to still have memories. It's better than nothing I assure you." He was speaking from experience after all, if that wasn't already apparent. He was so young when he was taken, and barely remembers Earth at all.

"Believe me when I say that you lucked out with me." He explained. "Humans are looked down upon by nearly every species out here. They're considered savages, which is kinda true when compared to other species." He wasn't going to sugar coat it. "Humans are abducted because....well how do I say this. You're considered delicious by many species, and there's a lot of credits in the human hunting business. Since it's illegal." He continued to explain, not really thinking about how she must feel with all this. He's long since forgot how difficult this transition can be.

"Trust me on this. I know first hand." He said as he turned to face her. His helmet then began to close up, and retract into his armor, revealing his face. "Because it happened to me. My name's Weston Carter. I'm from Dallas, Texas." He stated as he scratched his bearded chin. "I was abducted too, like you. But I was just a kid. I haven't seen Earth in.....twenty....two years." He explained. "Like I said, you lucked out."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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Adelaide couldn't believe everything she was hearing. He had been abducted as well, he was human. What was he doing staying here, why wasn't he trying to go home? All of these questions filled her mind as she continued to listen to everything he was saying. All she knew was that she wanted to make it back home, to be with her friends, be with her family, go back to everything she had left behind.

The female just sighed once he finished speaking and studied his face, finding the man to be a bit attractive but kept those thoughts to herself. "This is...well...I honestly have no idea what to say," she started. "It's all too bizarre. I never thought something like this could happen to me. I believed all of this was nothing more than something you would see in a science fiction movie. Though just like many other things I believed, those beliefs were wrong as well," she stated, speaking more to herself than anything but it was loud enough for him to hear.

Finally she returned her attention back up towards the male, Weston. "Have you ever tried to go back home?" she questioned, hoping that he would have at least tried. She knew that she wasn't going to just stay here. There had to be a way to get back home and she wouldn't give up hope. Though if she ever did give up, at least she could say she tried. Though she had an idea that it was going to be far from easy to get back. Especially since she had no idea what it was like where they were. She had no idea how to handle the aliens. She had no idea what they were fully capable of.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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#, as written by CutUp
"Beliefs get you killed." Wes slightly scoffed at her stating her beliefs were wrong. "The sooner you accept this the better. It's the reality of the situation. Deal with it." He said, keeping up his rather cold, and uncaring demeanor. "I tried to go back, when I was young, and stupid. Earth is too far away for the average starship to make the trek. Only the ships of the Spina, the aliens that kidnapped you, can make it." He answered. "Only Spina can operate their ships. It has something to do with their DNA, their tech is biologicial based. I don't know much about it."

"Besides, even if I could go back, I won't. I have a life out here. A job. And I can't go back anyways." He stated. He has no interest in returning to Earth anymore. "I couldn't return to Earth even given the oppurtunity. I'm....not entirely human. Not anymore." He admitted rather uncomfortably. "There was an....accident a long time ago. I was hurt bad. Nearly dead." He began explaining. "My body was torn to pieces. The only thing that could save me was cybernetics." He then closed his eyes, and opened them back up, this time they were a glowing green color, with easily seen circuitry.

He closed his eyes again, and returned them to normal. "I'm the galaxies first, and only human cyborg." He added. "Even if I wanted to return to Earth, even if I found a way to return, I can't. Can you imagine if human's got a hold of tech this advanced? You aren't ready for this. They aren't evolved enough for this. It'd be like handing a toddler a loaded gun." He said rather adamently. "Earth is no longer my home. And human is no longer my race. I don't know what I am now."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Weston Carter Character Portrait: Adelaide Parks
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Adelaide found herself not being able to stand up after hearing everything that the man was saying. She quickly found a chair and sat down in it as she continued to listen to everything he was explaining. Oddly enough she seemed to come to an agreement and understanding. Which was something she didn't think she would ever do. Ade could see where he was coming from, but of course there was still this pit in the bottom of her stomach that told her she needed to find a way to get home. But she knew it would be stupid to say it again when he already knew what she wanted.

"Yeah, you've got a point there. If I know I would completely over react and over think this kind of technology if I learned how to use it without knowing what it is fully capable of, I know everyone else would." The woman sighed as she looked around from the spot she was sitting at. Everything was far more high tech than it was back at home. Most of the things in this ship she had no clue what they were called or what they did. As for the things she believed she recognized and knew what the use for them were, she still couldn't seem to be sure she was right about it. Everything was different and it was something she would have to get used to whether she wanted to or not.

In her case she was just glad she didn't have to go through everything Weston had to to understand that trying to go back home would be a suicide mission. But of course, knowing how stubborn Ade was, she wasn't going to give up so easily. As for right now though, she would drop that subject. There was no point in getting Weston any more agitated with her than he seemed to be. Well, that is if it were her he was agitated at. She wasn't sure if it was just the way he was or not. Better safe than sorry in her opinion.

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Character Portrait: Weston Carter


Character Portrait: Weston Carter
Weston Carter

"Wherever I am is home enough for me."


Character Portrait: Weston Carter
Weston Carter

"Wherever I am is home enough for me."

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Character Portrait: Weston Carter
Weston Carter

"Wherever I am is home enough for me."

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