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A Knight's Duty, A Witch's Innocence

A Knight's Duty, A Witch's Innocence


A knight seeking redemption is tasked with capturing a witch that killed a nobleman. But the witch was framed. She curses the knight, and now he must help clear her name, and find the true murderer. 1X1 with Daleeria

1,877 readers have visited A Knight's Duty, A Witch's Innocence since CutUp created it.


Magic, it has existed since man first crawled from the muck. Though most calim that magic is unholy, demonic, but it is not. Magic can be considered the life blood of the universe. It gives life to the forces of nature, and only a select few individuals known as mages are able to manipulate it. As we all know how well man handles things we don't understand, the mages became feared, and subjugated. They were casted out from normal society, except for the extraordinarily powerful few, they were forced to serve the rulers of whatever land they hail from.

In the kingdom of Tionchar this is no different. The bulk of the mage population resides in the bog village Veneficas Den. The Den is a safe haven for all who are outcasted from their people, and wrongfully persecuted. Though this has often brought the attention of many unsavory types, the community is relatively peaceful. So long as none of the Den's inhabitants stay away from the major cities, the King of Tionchar let's them be. Most citizens don't dare enter their swamp unless absolutely necessary out of fear of the mages.

The current king of Tionchar is King Cahir Atretis. He rules through complete dominance by military might. His greatest weapon however is his elite troops, the Silver Guard. They are the greatest warriors of unparalleled skill. They are stronger, and faster than any known army. The Guard are completely, and unquestionably loyal to the crown, and act as if emotionless machines to carry out the orders of their king. In fact, in their long history only one has ever disobeyed a direct order, one Rylen Wintergreen. The exact circumstances of this is unknown, and is a closely guarded secret. In fact only the King, and the highest ranking Guards know of this.

Now word has been spreading of a powerful young Mage. She has been sought after by the King to serve the crown, but has yet to be found. But then it happened. The Mage murdered Duke Leto Pasquel, a very popular nobleman who has been calling for change in the crown's dealings in magic, change for the better of mages. Fearing that this could be the sign of a Mage uprising, Rylen has been dispatched to hunt down the witch, and capture her if possible, or kill her if necessary. The problem? The Mage is innocent.

She has had nothing to do with the murder of Leto, nor did she have any reason. Leto was trying to improve the lives of mages. But since no one will believe a witches word, she must find the killer herself. And without the help of the Mage community, since they also believe she did it, and since Leto was a friend to their plight they wish to see justice served. But things are more complicated than they appear, and Rylen may hold the key to the Witch's innocence.

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Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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Aura felt bad for taking her grief out at Rylen. She knew it was unfair to blame him for trying. He left her trying to prevent his people from getting too far in and hurting the monks. He tried.

His last words to her before they set off stung something deep inside her like an echo. "I did what I needed to."

Aura set off after him, staring at the ground with misery in her eyes, memories teasing her; just out of reach yet echoing words and screams within her ears. A few times she even clamped her hands over her ears to get them to stop... they wouldn't though, it was in her head.

As they approached the watchtower that he spoke of, Aura began to feel exhausted... It had been a long day of using her magic, traveling, and loss. She found a safe spot by some large debris, within sight of the campfire but not within its warmth. She didn't want warmth now. She needed the cool air the night was providing them with.

8 Years Ago

"AURA!" A man's voice shook her to the core as he lifted her up and patted her back hard, causing a spew of water out of her lungs. "Dammit Aura, open your eyes!"

The small child gasped for air as she looked up into the familiar eyes of a man she couldn't quite recall. As a matter of fact she couldn't tell if she was this 'Aura' he was talking about or not.

"Aura, oh my god," the bulky man hugged her so tightly to his chest for a moment she couldn't breathe. Yes. Yes she was Aura. Aura Alessana. This man was her father.

"D-daddy?" the ten-year-old whispered softly, looking up at him when he finally relaxed his stranglehold on her. All around her were books and shelves partially ruined by fire. And water, so much water. She was in a puddle of it. Had she been drowning?

"How... what did you do?!" he looked down at her with awe and fear in his eyes before picking her up off the ground like the most precious fragile object he had. "There was fire, so much fire but then dragons of water... and the fire was gone and the rebels were flooded out. Was that you?"

Aura closed her small eyes and breathed deeply for a moment, trying to collect herself. What had she done? The bad people had set the library on fire, as if punishing the books would punish the Royal Family... and that wasn't right. "I did what I had to," she whispered, opening her eyes again as he carried her out of the watery mess and into the night. All was quiet. "I had to save the books."

A deep boom of a laugh jolted her for a moment and her father smiled down at her with kind eyes. "I don't know where you learned how to do that but... I think it's time I take you to meet a friend of mine. We need to teach you how to harness that power of yours, my little parakeet," he kissed her brow, holding her as he headed off in a direction that the caravan was not.

"Daddy? Where are we going?"

"It's time you met a monk that I think will find you quite endearing. Get some rest darling, you've saved a lot of history today from burning."


Aura opened her eyes. She hadn't be out long ; there was still a small glimmer of sun in the sky and a soft smile on her face despite tears that were running down them. She looked at Rylen's back before sitting up fully. She didn't know what to say to him, yet at the same time she knew what she needed to say. Whether he wanted to hear it or not was his prerogative. "I was ten when I met him," she said quietly, carefully standing up and dusting off her dirty robes. Suddenly she found herself kneeling beside the stone he was resting on. "It was the first major magic I used. Father knew he couldn't keep traveling with me until I learned how to use my magic right. While he can use magic too, it's mostly just parlor tricks and illusions that he's good at. Ataras found me fascinating. In order to use magic you have to form contracts with the elements, and usually it takes years of training and then negotiating with the elements to even do that... I formed a contract with Water within moments in a panic to save a burning library. I almost drown myself in the process, but the books were safe."

There was a small chuckle in her voice. "Ataras is the only friend I've ever known," she said, her voice growing small with grief again. "I know he chose his fate. He could have moved on and left you behind. He also knew if you died I would too... he knew that if you were captured I wouldn't have been able to escape too far either and would have had to follow. When I cursed you I cursed myself, Rylen... Ataras knew the only way I'd get out safe and alive was if you got out with me. It's not your fault. I know you were trying to reason with them."

She reached a hand up to touch his cheek where just hours ago she had smacked him. While there was no real mark to show for it, her fingers found their exact spot of impact and she closed her eyes, murmuring words of healing. "Magic isn't a bad thing, Rylen... but when the hands of bad people control it..." there was a fire in her eyes. "We need to stop her. What she's done to your comrades... what she's done to you..." her hand gently touched the spot on his chest where the mark was. "Is unforgivable. What I've done to you is unforgivable too... But I have not- and will never- killed a person. Especially not the Duke. He was... he was a friend as well, and Ataras had set us up to meet. The Duke thought I could be an asset in showing the good of magic. Because I'm young and not intimidating, and because my magic is strong but full of goodness. I heal, I create, I provide. I don't harm. I have no reason to harm. Even when protecting myself I simply set up barriers and try to prevent from using chaotic magic on people... You're the first person I've ever hurt, and I'm sorry for that. I'm so, so sorry..."

There were tears in her eyes again, but this time not for Ataras, but for the man that stood before her. "I won't let the Midnight Lady cause more damage to this world though. I won't. And when she'd done, you can jail me as you wish, or kill me for what I have done... but I won't go for a crime I didn't commit. Not when the real threat is still out there..."

She looked down at the scroll she kept in her pocket and recalled a line that had confused her. "And you have Rylen. I know the circumstances are grim, however he needs you, and you need him more than either of you realize. What did he mean by that? She wasn't sure, but Ataras had always known exactly what she needed, even when she didn't want it from advice to medicine to training to even an alarm clock. She would trust him on this, like she had failed to trust him on many things in life... it was all she had left.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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#, as written by CutUp
Rylen was surprised when Aura began talking to him once again. He remained silent, and kept his eyes on the horizon as she explained how she came to know Ataras. He only glanced over at her with a curious look when she brushed his cheek. He looked down on her when she placed her hand on his chest, and once more began crying. His eyes darted around her face as he tried to think of something to say. Anything at this point would be good. He gently cupped her hand on his chest, and closed his eyes, and let out a big sigh.

"No, you were right before. It was my fault." He admitted. "I've never been what you'd call a team player. I've always done things my way. Because I've always felt that I've known best, and that I'm the only one who can get things done. This is partly why I'm a Vanguard." He began explaining. "Being a vanguard isn't about skill, though it does play a big factor. No, Vanguard's are picked because we are the outcasts, the ones who can't work with others. We have to do things our way because when we work with others they tend to get killed."

Rylen let out another deep sigh as he let go of her hand, and got up from his resting place. "I told you a little about how I was inducted into the order correct? The Wyvern hunt? I didn't tell you how my comrades died. It was my fault. We agreed amongst ourselves that I'd lead the mission. I had the highest scores in training of our group, it only seemed natural." He explained with a heavy heart. "I had a plan, we set a trap, but when it came down to it....I failed them. The Wyvern was stronger than I thought, and easily got through our traps. People began dying, my friends. They trusted their lives to me, and I failed them. I refused to flee. I thought we could handle it. I was wrong. My stubborness got my closest friends killed, and almost killed my best friend. I ended up having to finish the beast off myself. They'd still be alive if I called for a retreat, and regrouped to replan."

"And I don't know how, or why, but me and this Midnight Lady are connected. I feel her voice scratching at the back of my mind. I feel...responsible for her. I feel, no, I know I have to do something about it. That it's my duty." He explained as he rubbed his chest. "I've been...seeing things. More visions. Of her. I don't know if they're real, or what they mean. They're...confusing. They seem real, feel real, but then....things don't make sense. My mind feels like I'm in a fog."

"Get some rest. We'll leave at dawn's first light." He stated as he turned to face Aura. "We have a long road ahead of us."


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Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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Aura's heart ached for him. It ached for his loss, and his seeming detachment from the issue. Granted, this was more emotion than she had actively witnessed in him since meeting him, but still... she wanted to cry for him. Just losing Ataras was hard, but losing anyone else she cared about... she couldn't imagine it. Especially if it was her fault.

As he stood up and walked away, finishing his story, she also stood, turning to watch him with softness in her eyes. "You're not a bad person, Rylen... You've made mistakes. We all have. It's part of being human," she said softly, walking over to him and looking up into his eyes. "We will end her. I don't know how you're connected either, but I know she HAS to be stopped no matter what. If she can control people like that en mass... It scared me to think of what else she's capable of... Maybe destroying her is the key to fixing what's wrong with you? It seems to be tied... she said something about me being a harlot and a homewrecker?"

She didn't know what else to tell him, how to help him or what to say... or even if he was the one that needed help. "I don't think I'm going to be sleeping tonight. Too many whispers in my head... I'm going to train for a bit..." With that she turned around, grabbed the only possession she still had. "You look exhausted. I can play lookout for a bit if you want."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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#, as written by CutUp
Rylen looked upon Aura with a slightly confused look. He hasn't dealt with such......comfort in a long time. It was a little uncomfortable for him to say the least. As a Silver Guard he is more used to burying his feelings deep down, and using them to fuel his drive. Not talking about them like this. He wasn't quite sure what to say at this point. "I....don't know if killing her will free me of these visons. But I'm going to do it anyways. She must die, her existence is a stain on this land, and I must cleanse it."

"Are you sure you don't want to rest? We might not have the chance for awhile." He asked her in a slightly worried tone. He let out a sigh, and figured she could deal with whatever it is she's feeling on her own. "I suppose I could use some rest. I'll awake in an hour to relieve you." He stated as he sat down on the other side of the fire. He sat up, and crossed his legs in a pose not too dissimilar to someone meditating. He took in several deep, and calming breaths, and then closed his eyes.

"Oh how the mighty have fallen." Rylen's eyes shot open as he heard the screech of the Midnight Lady's voice. She stood before him, walking closer towards Rylen. The fire shot up intense as she walked through the flames. Rylen's eyes darted around in search of Aura, she was nowhere to be found. "Where's Tessa you vile hag!" He growled as he leaped up from the ground, and stood in a fighting position. "Please, I'm not here to throw you around. I'd prefer a little foreplay first. But we'll have all the time for that later." She cooed at him with a sinister grin.

Rylen glared at her with the intensity of a hundred suns. He was ready to rip her head off with his bare hands. He then relaxed his stance as he realized what was going on. "This isn't real is it? It's some sort of dream isn't it? You're not really here are you?" He asked as he watched her every move. "Well, look at the brain on you! Yes, this is a dream, and no I'm not actually here. But yet, yes I am. You were always too smart for your own good Ry-Ry." She smirked as she began circling him.

"You don't know me." Rylen stated with a slight growl. "Oh I know you better than you know yourself Ry-Ry." She smirked as she rubbed his cheek at the same spot Aura did before. Rylen forcibly grabbed her arm, and glared at her. "Mm, you know how I like it." She smirked with a satisfied smile. Rylen rolled his eyes as he shooved her hand back to her. "So am I to assume Guards are on their way here then?" Rylen asked. "Oh I have no idea."

"I'm not the original. Let's call me a.....back-up plan. I'm a shred of the original's consciousness. I'm a fail-safe incase something were to happen to the curse that keeps you rascals in line." She explained. "What curse? He asked with renewed interest in talking with her. "Now that would be telling. I'm not.....what's the word for it, programed to tell you. Even if I wanted to, which I don't. It's more fun watching you squirm." She continued to gloat.

"Then we are done here." Rylen stated in his usual cold tone. "Oh, we are far from done Ry-Ry. I'm not just the woman of your dreams, I'm in your head." She stated with a sinister grin. "What are you going on about witch?" He asked with an annoyed roll of his eyes. "I'm more than just in your dreams, I'm in that little messed up melon of yours." She said as she playfully poked him on the forehead. "I have more control over you than you know. Of course I can't control your actions entirely because of that whore, but there are moments when your defenses are down, when I can....push you in the right direction."

"I won't be controlled! Not by you, not by anyone." He growled in response. "Oh don't believe me? That's a shame. I'd never lie to you Ry-Ry." She said as she got uncomfortably close to him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and leaned in closer to his face, and forcibly planted a kiss on his lips. His eyes shot open, and he was standing behind Aura, sword in hand, prepared to stab her. He backed away, and turned around to see the Midnight Lady. His mark pained his chest, and the Midnight Lady disappeared in a puff of smoke, though only Rylen could see her.


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Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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Aura found herself training with her staff for a short period time before exhaustion suddenly kicked in. It weighed down on her heart and sadness once again replaced her determination that had just filled her, suffocating her fire inside.

There were so many things to think of, so much they had to do. He was right, this was probably their last chance to rest. After this they had to make fantastic time to that healer to make sure something could be done for him. She had to be able to help him.

Aura wished there was something she could do for him right now. She wished she had the answers to all of the questions they both had, and the solution to their problem. She had lost her best friend and mentor today, but she felt that he had lost a lot more in the revelation of the Midnight Lady and the control she had over his fellow guard.

It was all she could do to not cry again, as she planted herself on the boulder he had been sitting on earlier, staring at the now dark sky and the fresh stars in the sky. It was a beautiful night out, far away from any city or source of light polution and noise, just the comforting noises of the crickets chirping and frogs doing there thing.

She had always enjoyed nature more than people, which was why she found herself getting lost in her surroundings; taking notice of the slow quiet breeze ruffling nearby trees, the way small critters scurried around their nightly routines. She was so intent on paying attention to what was out there, trying to pick out anything that sounded off or suspicious. She knew if anyone was going to approach the animals around would silent and go still.

However... she didn't expect anything to come from behind her until one moment she heard a vague noise and just glanced up to make sure Rylen was okay, only to see him standing right behind her with his sword raised. "Ry-Rylen?!" She stood up suddenly and faced him just as he turned around, seeming like he saw something she couldn't see. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

The... sudden development had her pulling out her staff to guard herself. What the hell was going on? "Rylen? What are you doing?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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#, as written by CutUp
When Aura was understandably upset Rylen didn't turn to face her. He wondered what was wrong with him as well. "I...I'm sorry. I had....a nightmare." He stated with a deep sigh. "What? Not going to tell the little Mrs about us?" The vision of the Midnight Lady asked as she appeared behind Aura. "Mmm so naughty." She cooed at him. He turned around to face her. Though he was looking in the direction of Aura, he was actually looking at the shadow he could only see. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He said as he took a deep gulp in.

"Oh come on Ry-Ry. Admit it, it'd feel good cutting this little skank's throat. Watching the blood drip from her neck, and the life seep from her eyes." She then held her long, sharp finger nail against Aura's neck, and sliced it open. Not really of course, this was just what Rylen saw. "No!" He called out, forgetting she wasn't real. He used his sword, and stabbed at the vision's head, being mere inches away from Aura. The Midnight Lady disappeared in a puff of smoke, and crackling laughter. Rylen backed away from Aura, and his eyes darted around.

He held up his sword, and started turning around in a circle. "Smooth. You're not looking the sanest." She smirked as she leaned against a ruined stone wall. "She thinks you're crazy!" She sung. "I'm not crazy!" He growled at her. "Right, yell louder at the figment of your imagination. It'll show them that you aren't crazy!" She chuckled. Anger swelled up inside him, and he charged forward at the wall, and punched a rather large hole through the stone, showing his great strength. He pulled his fist out of the rock, and looked around. He could only imagine what Aura thought of him.

"Sure, attack the imaginarie woman. That'll go over well. With thinking like that it's no wonder why you're one of the greatest minds of your generation." She smirked as she appeared in front of Aura. Rylen glared at her, and snarled. He rushed foward with sword in hand. He slid on the ground slightly when he stopped, realizing Aura was behind her. "Ah, too bad. That would have been hilarious."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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"R-Rylen?!" Aura was in shock. He seemed to just be raging around aimlessly, yelling into the night about not being crazy. What was going on? Where had this suddenly come from? Was this all just a dream in his fogged up head?

"Rylen!" She squeaked when he hit the wall, leaving a large crater in the stone that caused the wall to crumble a bit more in it's already sad state. Aura backed up a few steps, trying to follow him with her eyes and scared for what this meant. He was obviously losing his mind. His sword came too close to her face for comfort and she stumbled back, nearly falling over.

Or was being controlled by something.

"RYLEN STOP!" Aura cried out as he came charging towards her, watching him slide to a halt as he realized how close she was.

"Rylen whatever you're seeing, I'm not seeing! You need to calm down! PLEASE!" she begged, fear in her voice as she decided to carefully put a few obstacles in between them. Whatever was in his head, it had come close to killing her twice now, and she wasn't sure what to do. "Please, Ry, let me help you... What are you seeing? Who are you seeing?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
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#, as written by CutUp
Rylen tossed his sword aside, and took in several deep breaths, trying to calm himself. "I'm. Fine." He huffed as he continued to calm himself. "Sure you are Ry-Ry, because people are fine see shadows of others." The Midnight Lady cooed as she leaned against a broken down wall. Rylen ignored her the best he could, and turned away from the wall she was leaning against. She frowned at this, and sighed. "Ignoring me won't make me go away Ry-Ry. Go ahead, tell her. Tell her that you are crazy, tell her that you see me even though I'm not here."

"I'm. Not. Crazy." He growled lowly at her. "Keep saying that, it might eventually be true." She smirked at him as she poked his forehead, now being directly in front of him. "Face the facts Ry-Ry, I'm your new roommate in that crazy little melon of yours." She smirked. "I'm fine. I'll......go take watch over there." He then moved past Aura, and the shadow towards the trees. He gave no explaination to Aura, and refused to. This was his problem, his demon and he was going to deal with it himself. Like he always does. "Oh where we going?"

Rylen leaped up into the trees, and sat upon the highest branch. He sat there, and closed his eyes to enter a meditative state. "Oh? What cha doing Ry-Ry?" She asked with curiousity as she sat next to him. Her body then began moving, and shifting about, as if she was phasing out of existence. "Oh you naughty little boy. You're trying to fight me aren't you?" She said with slight pride in him. "Fine, but I'll be back. You can't fight me forever." She then disappeared into thin air. Rylen let out an exhausted sigh, and rubbed his eyes.

Morning soon came before them. Rylen leaped down to the ground and returned to Aura. Without saying a word he picked up his sword, and sheathed it. He wished to just forget about last night, about everything he did. "We best get moving. We have quite the trek to Veneficas Den." He stated. "I'm.....sorry about last night. It won't happen again." He stated, once again not telling her what was going on.

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Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana
Character Portrait: Xerxes


Character Portrait: Xerxes

The Hawk Sidekick of Aura

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana
Aura Testament Alessana

"Sometimes I wish it was easy just to turn people into toads..."

Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
Rylen Wintergreen

"I will not fail."


Character Portrait: Xerxes

The Hawk Sidekick of Aura

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana
Aura Testament Alessana

"Sometimes I wish it was easy just to turn people into toads..."

Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
Rylen Wintergreen

"I will not fail."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Xerxes

The Hawk Sidekick of Aura

Character Portrait: Rylen Wintergreen
Rylen Wintergreen

"I will not fail."

Character Portrait: Aura Testament Alessana
Aura Testament Alessana

"Sometimes I wish it was easy just to turn people into toads..."

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